Red Heart Survey

Chapter 957: Only Me

Coming to Neverwinter Island again, Chong Xuanxin's enthusiasm was almost flattering.

Even Chongxuanminghe, who was busy with business affairs, personally came forward to receive Jiang Wang and his party. Although he left after only saying a few words on the occasion, it could be seen that he paid attention to it.

There are factors of Jiang Wuyou and Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang tortured and killed Diaohailou Tianjiao Ji Shaoqing on Tianyatai. Tens of thousands of people watched this battle, and it was impossible to block the news. Haixun's first place is his record in the Lost Realm. Strongly defeating Ji Shaoqing, who possesses the supernatural powers of Tianmen, is a record in the offshore islands. The external war is also strong, and the internal war is also strong. Some people even think that he is already number one in the offshore islands.

Diaohailou did not try to block the news, but emphasized the fairness of this battle and the reason for the duel between the two sides, which was due to differences in paths and had nothing to do with anything else. In addition, the conversation between Chen Zhitao and Jiang Wang was also widely known. Although Jiang Wang is strong, he can be considered to be on the same level as the Diaohai Tower, but he just happened to be in time, and there are no heroes in time to become famous. Compared with Chen Zhitao, the gap is still huge. In addition, the demeanor of Chen Zhitao, the disciple of Diaohailou, is even more heart-wrenching.

Of course, the ancient swords Shendu and Fujun Zhihu hanging in the sky have been hidden. Including Gu Huaixin, who rarely appeared in the rumors. The whole duel just happened between Jiang Wang and Ji Shaoqing.

Undoubtedly, this publicity strategy minimized the negative impact of this battle on Diaohailou. Compared with forcibly suppressing the news, I don't know how much higher it is.

It's just that Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wuyou had a dispute over who wrote it.

Jiang Wuyou thought it was Chen Zhitao, but Chong Xuansheng felt that it was very similar to Gu Huaixin's style. After having a conflict with Ji Shaoqing, he studied Gu Huaixin a lot, and thought he knew something about it—as for why the fat man studied Gu Huaixin at that time, anyone who knows understands.

Naturally, this debate ended in vain.

It doesn't matter anymore.

When the group arrived at Neverwinter Island, they went to drink with great interest. Only Xu Xianggan didn't get along well with the group, so he stood alone at the ferry, waiting for several hours. After Zhao Wuyan and Zishu came belatedly, he joined the banquet with a happy face.

On the first day of Neverwinter Island, a group of friends drank heavily all night, restraining Dao Yuan, letting go of their minds, just to get drunk.

Jiang Wang struggled on the Tianyatai, went on an adventure in the Lost Realm, and came back to avenge Zhu Biqiong... Along the way, as friends, they were always worried.

Both need to be released.

Except Xu Xiangqian. He gave up drinking for no reason, and he would not open his mouth to persuade anyone. But looking at him looking like a dog in front of Wuyan, it is obvious that he has released enough... There is really no need to adjust his mood.

And Jiang Wang himself... no matter how great his might was on Tianyatai, Zhu Biqiong left after all.

It's hard to tell people what's on your mind when there's a lot of wine.

After the Yuye Qiongye dispersed, they left the field separately.

After all, Jiang Wang had something on his mind, so he failed to get drunk, but instead grabbed Chong Xuansheng reeking of alcohol.

He originally wanted to have a good chat with Chong Xuansheng after leaving the Lost Realm, but he has been delayed until now, so he has time.

Fourteen Zilai is inseparable, standing not far from Chongxuansheng, like a sculpture.

There was no one else around at this time, Jiang Wang thought about his words, and said directly: "I want to talk to you about your father."

Ever since Jiang Wang won the Tianyatai battle, the smile that had always been on Chong Xuansheng's face disappeared.

"Oh." He moved his body, as if he was not sitting very comfortably, then raised his eyes and asked, "Where did he die in battle, in the Lost Realm?"

As expected of Chong Xuan Sheng.

Jiang Wang only needs to start with one sentence, and he can guess the matter with certainty.

"The Lost Realm is a very dangerous place. The rules there are different from those of the present world. If you stay in the wild for a long time, you will have the risk of alienation. There are countless strong sea and human races fighting there, killing each other's strong , At the same time compete for the maze, use the maze to build a site that conforms to the rules of your own world.

That place was divided into many areas by broken rules and disorderly. Some areas are dominated by sea races, and some areas are dominated by human races. No one can guarantee their own safety. Whether it's the amazing killing power or the clever escape method, it is possible to die in the next moment. "

Jiang Wang looked at Chongxuan Sheng, and wanted to let the other party know the cruelty of the lost world as much as possible, so as to highlight the greatness of Chongxuan Futu.

He said slowly: "But in that extremely cruel battlefield, I found a peaceful place. That area is no different from the present world. There is no risk of alienation, and there is no sea clan. Because the sea clan is there, just like the sea clan." Just like in this world, it will be suppressed by the rules. People call that place—Futu Pure Land.”

"Sounds very grand." There was no fluctuation in Chong Xuansheng's eyes.

Jiang Wang knew that his mood must be complicated, but after all, it was impossible to pretend not to know something.

So he continued: "Your father...killed the two true kings of the sea clan, and then disintegrated the Taoist body, creating the pure land of Futu. Before he died, he left a passage—"The death of Futu is not important." The surname Xuan is not for Daqi and one country, but for the human race in the world. My Buddha is merciful, and I hope that all living beings can be saved. This place will be shared by the human race. It will never be alone.'”

"Like something that kind of person would say." Chong Xuansheng said.

"I think..." Jiang Wang said, "He is a great person."

"Yes, he is great." Chong Xuansheng raised his eyelids: "As a strong human race, he is great. As a good friend of the deposed prince, he is great."

The fat man grinned: "Even for the surname Chongxuan, he saved the family with his death, no loss or debt."

Jiang Wang noticed that the fat on his face was trembling slightly, which was an emotion that he tried to suppress but couldn't completely suppress.

"Only for me..."

His voice finally couldn't be so calm: "He is selfish."

If Chongxuan Futu survived, with his ability to kill two True Kings of the Sea Clan in a row, Chongxuan would definitely not be second person to the position of Patriarch.

Then Chong Xuansheng, as his son, will not lack for anything, and will not need to fight for anything. It is easy to claim the title of Marquis of Bowang.

No matter how much Chongxuanzun seized the elegance of his peers, he could only start another mansion.

Then maybe the relationship between their cousins ​​will not be like it is now.

Chong Xuansheng would never have spent that kind of childhood...

So can Zhongxuan Futu not die?

As a real person in the world, a generation of famous generals who personally taught Ji Tu, how could he have no choice?

He can choose to lead the army to conquer Xia first, and then he can choose to ignore Jiang Wuliang... Even after Emperor Qi was furious, as long as he shows his attitude and cuts in time, he may not be able to retreat unscathed.

But he finally chose to die.

What Chongxuansheng said was right, Chongxuanfutu did not disappoint people, friends, family and country, and human race, but he failed him.

Even in the last passage left by the man before his death, there was no mention of Chong Xuansheng.

When he went out to sea alone to die, did he ever think about what kind of life his still young son would usher in?

He has both loyalty and righteousness, but what about his son?

The carefree and happy time that should have been walking the dog with an eagle, was shattered because of his departure.

The son of a dignified real person, the direct line of the Chongxuan family, but at a very young age, he learned to read people's faces.

Jiang Wang didn't say anything more.

The little fat man who tripped and lay down on the ground, and waited for others to make a fuss had had enough before getting up, has grown into the present Chong Xuansheng in countless days and nights. Who is qualified to forgive him?

Fourteen remained silent, silently putting his hand on Chong Xuansheng's shoulder.

Chong Xuansheng also seemed to have gained strength from this hand.

So he pressed the armrest, got up and said, "That's it. You are tired too, go to bed earlier."

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