Red Heart Survey

Chapter 958 Friends

The name of Chongxuan Futu has always been a taboo in the Chongxuan family.

Block the news from top to bottom, as if this person has never appeared, of course this is to avoid disaster.

The elders of the Chongxuan family concealed the details of Chongxuan Futu's death from Chongxuan Sheng, only saying that he died heroically on the battlefield. This is actually a kind of love for Chong Xuansheng.

After all, Chongxuan Futu hated Emperor Qi, and the words before his death were suspected of resentment.

Chongxuansheng didn't have the ability to seek the truth when he was a child, but when he grew up, because of his complicated feelings for Chongxuan Futu, he didn't want to take the initiative to touch it.

Perhaps only when he advanced to the outer building and went to the lost world in person, would he discover Chongxuan Futu's past.

But no matter what Chong Xuansheng himself thinks, as a friend, Jiang Wang thinks that he should tell Chong Xuansheng what he discovered in the Lost Realm.

His father may not be responsible enough for him, but he still has greatness and glory.

As a friend, Jiang Wang hoped that Chong Xuansheng would be relieved.

Even if you can't. Even if Chong Xuansheng can never forgive, at least he should know that he is not ashamed to have such a father who has made great contributions to the human race.

In detail, these friends that Jiang Wang has made, each has a different personality, but they are all reliable.

Making friends is a process of mutual selection. For example, Jiang Wang met Yan Fu and Gao Zhe at the same time at the beginning, but after getting along with him, his contact with Gao Zhe gradually became less and less. It doesn't necessarily mean that his character is bad, after all, the two people don't get along very well in character.

Gao Zhe is too fussy about some things, and puts his own interests first in everything.

Now we are just friends of wine and meat, eat and drink together, and entertain each other occasionally, so there is no need to expect anything else. Of course, what happens in the future depends on how we get along with each other in the future.

Jiang Wang didn't dare to say that he could see through anyone, after all, people's hearts were beyond his belly. He just treats people with sincerity and exchanges sincerity with sincerity. If you can't change it, that's all.

As for Yan Fu, he is a person with a sense of propriety, extravagant and extravagant, spending money like water, anyone will not feel uncomfortable getting along with him. But the more this kind of seemingly easy-going and careless person, the harder it is to communicate with others.

Being chased and beaten by Jiang Wuyou was a rare moment that made him emotionally fluctuate, and maybe he also felt guilty towards Liu Xiuzhang... Anyway, when he was in trouble, the first thing he thought of was to drink with Jiang Wang.

A group of bad friends deliberately watched him get beaten up, but at the same time they sincerely helped him solve his troubles.

On Tianyatai, the support he gave on behalf of himself was the response to the word "friend".

Toss it with a peach, and return it with Qiongyao. That's how friendship develops.

In the early morning after a hangover, Jiang Wang sat on a stone chair in the courtyard, worrying silently.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Xu Xianggan appeared out of nowhere, and said with a playful smile, "Still reminiscing about yesterday's majesty?"

He knew that the matter of Zhu Biqiong was difficult, so he purposely made jokes here,

Sadness is unavoidable, but during the five days when Ji Shaoqing died, Jiang Wang also slowly accepted it.

What he was worried about now was another matter entirely.

Glancing at the smooth and shiny forehead, although he knew that this guy was not very reliable, he felt a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, he said to Xu Xianggan, "If... I mean if."

Jiang Wang asked very formally: "If you owe a lot of money, a lot, and you still can't pay it for the time being, what will you do?"

Xu Xianggan said quickly and vigilantly, "I have no money."

"Ah?" Jiang Wang was a little dazed.

Perhaps realizing that Jiang Wang would not ask him to borrow money, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "For things like owed money, no matter how much you owe..."

He thought about it seriously, and then said, "I don't have any money."

Jiang Wang didn't understand: "This solves the problem?"

Xu Xiang said without hesitation: "Either beat me to death, or wait until I have money. Of course, if I beat me, I will run away."

"..." Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, then asked again: "Then when will you pay it back?"

Xu Xiang looked like you were talking nonsense: "Of course it's when you're rich."

Jiang Wang was ashamed: "Then when did you get rich?"

Xu Xianggan spread his hands and said as a matter of course: "I don't know about that."

Now I understand!

Just rely on it!

It was only then that Jiang Wang remembered that this guy had advanced his salary for an unknown number of years in that academy in Linzi. Every time the old dean saw him, he went to look for a broom, but he didn't beat him to death, and let him run into the sea...

Donate an iron broom next time. After all, there is some accumulated soil and gravel, which is not easy to sweep.

I didn't mention what I thought in my heart, Jiang Wang still couldn't learn the shameless method Xu Xiang did: "This..."

"Brother Jiang, this is your fault!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Xianggan suddenly changed the subject, and his attitude turned upside down: "I owe the money and don't pay it? How can I not pay the money?!"

He was indignant, he was excited, he was filled with righteous indignation: "My generation of men, stand upright, spit on a nail! You must pay back the money you owe others! If you can't pay it, brother will help you! You will pay it back! Don't worry!" It is impossible to make a mistake and be a person who has no faith!"

Jiang Wang was stunned by this set of "Voice of Justice" that came out of nowhere, and was about to knock open the extremely high forehead in front of him to see what the hell was growing inside...but when he glanced at it, he saw it. Zhao Wuyan and Zishu were standing outside the courtyard gate.

The two girls came to the gate of the courtyard at some unknown time.

Instantly understood...

That's it!

This fellow is simply insane. In order to "get on good terms", he did not hesitate to paint his friends into black charcoal and wash himself like snow.

Jiang Wang was so angry that he wanted to hit this guy's high forehead three points higher.

But in front of Wuyan's face, it is really inconvenient to hurt his face.

I had to squeeze through the teeth: "Brother has learned. We chat more when we have free time. Let me learn more about your uprightness and correct my despicable soul."

Of course Xu Xiangqian knew that the "chat" Jiang Wang was talking about now was not as simple as chatting.

But he doesn't care.

Fighting is impossible. But so what?

As long as you don't get beaten in front of Zhao Wuyan, you can do whatever you want.

Immediately he nodded his head heavily, and said in a big bag: "No problem, talk more! Good brother, with me here, I will definitely not lead you astray!"

Jiang Wang was about to say a few harsh words, when the other side ran over in a comfortable manner, twisted the hem of his clothes, and asked a little coyly, "How much do you owe?"

Xu Xianggan patted his forehead, suddenly remembered something, and said to Wuyan: "By the way, Senior Sister Zhao, I happen to have something to ask you, come here, let's talk over here!"

Zhao Wuyan didn't want to talk to him at first, but he couldn't help winking, so he had no choice but to follow him out.

Xu Xiang hastily led Zhao Wuyan out of the yard, and winked at Jiang Wang before stepping away from the gate.

Jiang Wang was completely bewildered.

Sick, Xu Gao!

Eyes sore or what?

Jiang Wang was in a daze here, Zishu asked again: "How much do you owe?"

Only then did he realize that this little girl wanted to help him pay off his debts...

But why? He couldn't quite figure it out.

It seems that I haven't met this little girl from Longmen Academy a few times, right? Are all the students of Longmen Academy so generous?

Jiang Wang didn't know how much "effort" Xu Gaole secretly put into it. He only met a few times here, and Xu Xiangqian had already described it in a thousand turns.

What "unforgettable at first sight", "referred to many times", "asked about you last time", "he thinks you are cute"...

But no matter what the little girl thinks, it is impossible for Jiang Wang to ask her to help repay the debt. What's the point of the debt owed by the owner to the west?

"Nothing!" Jiang Wang smiled and said, "Xu Gao'e was just kidding me! He asked me if I could buy his hair with money."

"Ah?" After all, hair is very important, and Zishu was distracted: "Is that possible?"

"So. He became angry and asked me to pay back the money."

"Did he pay you?"

"No! But he said he spent his feelings and expectations!"

"Yeah, isn't this cheating?"

"Yeah, this person is used to blackmail." Jiang Wang sighed: "I still say the same thing, you have to keep a distance from him."

"Yeah." Zi Shu nodded again and again: "Last time you told me... After that, I kept talking to him far away."

"Very good, keep it up!" Jiang Wang encouraged.

Although I don't really have the heart to fool such a naive little girl, but it's not a problem for Xu Xiangqian to take advantage of her and mess with the mandarin ducks.

Let's stay away from Xu Xiang.

After all, those who are close are bald!

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