Red Heart Survey

Chapter 959 Floating Life for Half a Day

Jiang Wuyou didn't spend the night in Neverwinter Island at all, and left after drinking.

This is a responsible attitude.

Regardless of Chong Xuansheng, Li Longchuan or Yan Fu, their identities are not suitable for being too close to Jiang Wuyou.

Unless it is like the Lei family where Lei Zhanqian belongs to, it has already been bound to Jiang Wuqi, and it cannot be separated.

Jiang Wuyou took the initiative to leave, it was good to everyone.

Before she left, Jiang Wang returned the fingers.

She didn't mention the agreement with Jiang Wang, so there is no need to mention it again.

Jiang Wangzi will remember.

In the future, if Jiang Wuyou asks for something, Jiang Wang will definitely do his best.

Even... to help him fight for the dragon!

The dust of the trip to the Lost Realm was settled, and Jiang Wang did not have such a tough skin as Xu Xianggan, so he began to prepare to pay off the debts one by one.

Jiang Wang has already figured out how to repay the box of talismans owed to Yan Fu.

When he hunted and killed the Hai Clan, he got a few bone spurs that could restrain the five elements' energy, which was extremely mysterious. Later, I asked Lian Que to make it into a set of magic tools, which is equivalent to unlimited use of forbidden water, forbidden fire... the talisman seals that prohibit all kinds of vitality should be worth the value of these hundred talisman seals.

The next step is to pull the finger in the ice, and just return the original treasure. It's just that one has to go to Ice Phoenix Island and return it to Li Fengyao in person. Although Li Longchuan was by his side, there was no reason to ask Li Longchuan to do things for him. This was not how things were done. You should always express your gratitude in person and keep this favor in your heart.

In addition, Li Longchuan obtained the Mirage King Orb from Master Nanshu, which he threw on the battlefield of the Lost Realm during the battle, and it is unknown whose hands it fell into.

The value of this thing is difficult to estimate accurately, and it is a very rare treasure of illusion.

However, Jiang Wang has also accumulated some good things on his body, and after searching through them, some of them can still be offset.

"Brother Longchuan." Jiang Wang said with some embarrassment: "The Mirage King Pearl you lent me was lost in the Lost Realm during the battle. I will use this Prison Dragon from Hai Zongming to claim it back. What do you think? "

It's easy to make friends feel bad about borrowing money. In many cases, it is because the balance between "borrowing" and "repaying" is difficult to grasp.

The best way to deal with it is for both parties to be open and honest, without having to twitch, just do what should be done, without suspicion, and naturally there will be no grudges.

The appearance of the prisoner dragon rope is ordinary, just a piece of dusty rope, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to find something extraordinary. The faint dragon shadow and the fine lines are all expounding the value.

This treasure is known as touching and binding, but its limitations are extremely large. The most difficult thing is how to "touch" the opponent. In a real battle, no one would be rash to try your talisman.

However, despite this limitation. Its value is still higher than that of Mirage King Pearl. After all, the effect is indeed very strong, and it is not in vain to deal with monks at the outer building level. Once touched by it, it can only be caught without a fight. That time in the Lost Realm, Jiang Wang had almost no spare energy, and the prisoner dragon rope that had been arranged in advance still left him with an opponent who fled in a hurry.

As for treasures such as Mirage Pearl, only in the hands of illusion masters can they display their greatest value, and their limitations are even greater. Moreover, truly powerful illusions often have the ability to kill. But the illusion created by Mirage King Orb is just illusion. This shaved another layer of value. It's hard to say that the master cheated by relying on it, and it can be regarded as playing a new trick.

Li Longchuan did not reject Jiang Wang's attempt to repay the debt, but he said seriously: "The value is beyond the limit. And the reason why the Mirage King Pearl was able to be obtained is also due to your contribution..."

"It's endless to talk about it." Jiang Wang waved his hand and smiled deliberately: "In short, I lost your mirage bead, so I must pay it back. I learned the prison chain from Catcher, so I can practice Going on, it may not be worse than Prisoner Longsuo. So this thing is not that important to me. If you feel that you are taking advantage, you can add a few hundred primordial stones to me!"

This is of course a joke. Whether Prison Dragon Cable is worth so many yuan stones is a question. The main point is that before friends, there are some things to be clear, but there is no need to be too clear about everything. If you really want to calculate it, although Bingchen's finger is not lost, should you pay the rent?

Li Longchuan didn't hesitate any longer, immediately put away the prisoner dragon rope, and said very straightforwardly: "Okay. The high amount owes me eight hundred yuan stones, if not one thousand, I will transfer the debt to you right now!"

Jiang Wang rolled his eyes: "Who can get the debt from Xu Xianggan!"

Both of them laughed.

Not all of his friends are busy, except for Xu Xianggan, it can be said that everyone has their own things to be busy. It was for his business before that he stayed on Crescent Moon Island.

Ruzhong Xuansheng didn't show his face all day, he was busy dealing with overseas affairs, and finally took a trip to sea, this fat man would not let go of the opportunity to consolidate his influence.

Yan Fu had rushed back to Beijun ahead of schedule, probably related to the daughter of the court councilor.

Therefore, when they went to Ice Phoenix Island, only Jiang Wang and Li Longchuan were left.

After inviting Zhao Wuyan and Zishu to drink with the excuse of celebrating Jiang Wang, Xu Xianggan turned his head and began to dislike Jiang Wang and them as an eyesore, wishing to kick them away, of course he would not follow.

Li Longchuan was a little upset. After all, Xu Xianggan tricked him out of the sea by selling misery, and dragged him every day to help him not to let him go. Now that the relationship with Zhao Wuyan has progressed, I don't recognize anyone when I turn around...

What a bastard!

On the other hand, Zishu seemed to be interested in Ice Phoenix Island, and expressed a lot of yearning in his words, but in the end, he could only follow his senior sister—it was impossible for Zhao Wuyan to allow Zishu to go to Ice Phoenix Island, and coming to Neverwinter Island could be regarded as making friends Friends, what's the matter with a little girl running around with others?

On board a keel boat, there is no one else but the boatman.

Jiang Wang stood on the deck, facing the sea breeze, feeling a long-lost freedom.

Li Longchuan said with a smile: "Pay back the Bingchen finger, and then wait for that friend from the Lian family to finish the magic weapon... Pay off the debt, and relax. Right?"

"Yes. Finally, I can sleep well!" Jiang Wang also smiled.

But for some reason, he always felt like he had forgotten something...



Almost as soon as the keel boat carrying Jiang Wang and Li Longchuan left, a figure walked out from the shadow of a big tree at the back.

"This kid has a great reputation now." The visitor looked at the map in his hand, "Neverwinter Island... is it here?"


The alert on Neverwinter Island was triggered almost immediately, and a group of guards quickly approached.

Of course, it was also because the visitor did not deliberately hide.

"Under the Yanggu Fu Yanqing."

The visitor said with a smile, "I'm here to ask Jiang Wang for a debt. This is his territory, right? Hey, he won't kill people to silence his debts, will he?"

Obviously, after leaving a place like the Lost Realm, even a character like Fu Yanqing has escaped a lot. Even joked about it.

Not very funny though.

The guards were skeptical, seeing that the visitor had a good temperament, he didn't take him for a liar.

"Please wait here for a while, I will report."

Fu Yanqing smiled: "Please go ahead."

He enjoys the atmosphere of this world, the freedom, tranquility, and peace of this world...everything in this world!

Not long after, Chongxuan Xin who got the news hurried over, patted his chest from a long distance and said: "My brother Wang's business is my business! Tell me, how much brother Wang owes you, I will pay it back for him! "

His voice was loud, as if he was afraid that anyone would not know his friendship with Jiang Wang.

The Qi people are really rich, and anyone who comes out is so bold...

Fu Yanqing thought about it, and said with a smile: "Twelve taels of maze crystals can be counted as a thousand primordial stones. A scorching sun flying boat can be exchanged for a thorny boat, or three thousand primordial stones are also fine."

Young Master Xin waved his hand, commanding his subordinates with pride: "Give it to him! Isn't it just four thousand..."


He reacted, his eyes widened in horror: "Yuanshi?"

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