Red Heart Survey

Chapter 960 ?

Chapter 960

Jiang Wang on the road. They didn't know that the creditor had chased him to Neverwinter Island. He didn't mean to renege on the debt, but he really didn't think about it for a while.

Since returning from the Lost Realm, his attention has been on Tianyatai. Debts also only think of those debts that occurred on Tianyatai for the first time.

Ice Phoenix Island is to the north of the entire offshore archipelago. There is snow all year round and the glaciers do not melt.

To be honest, that place is a place of bitter cold. Some distance from the bustling area of ​​the offshore islands. Resources are also relatively scarce. Shimen Li's time to open up overseas is a bit late.

Unlike the Osawatian family, it was almost the first to respond to Qi Ting's call to expand overseas, and it also developed the best compared to other aristocratic families.

As a latecomer, Shimen Li chose to find another way and start from the corner when other forces were fighting in the middle game.

But only the families who forged in a difficult place like Shimen County have the resilience to calmly face the bitter cold. And the courage to open up barren land.

On the rock-solid glacier, dig the future of a top family.

Now Ice Phoenix Island has been well developed. Moreover, the environment is very suitable for Li Fengyao's supernatural power, which is convenient for her to practice. Therefore, she would spend a while on Ice Phoenix Island almost every year, and this island is basically run by her now.

The keelboat went all the way north.

The fate of Jiang Wang and Li Longchuan originated from that bow of hills and mountains. In fact, the two of them didn't spend much time alone in private, and they were accompanied by other friends every time. This trip on the same boat is a rare experience.

Jiang Wang has experienced many battles, and Li Longchuan's family has a long history. And it comes from him who is the general. There will never be less experience.

The two of them sat cross-legged on the deck, facing the sea breeze and skylight, whether it was practice or battle, there were many topics to talk about.

"Speaking of which, Elder Qin Zhen of Diaohai Tower was also very murderous when he was young..." Li Longchuan was talking as usual, but his eyes glanced into the cabin.

Jiang Wang immediately received the message—there was something wrong in the cabin!

Li Longchuan has Zhuwei supernatural powers, and Jiang Wang has no doubts about his sensitivity.

"Even from a general like you, it is said that murder is heavy, so it seems that it is really serious..."

While talking, Jiang Wang responded to Li Longchuan with his eyes, expressing that he was ready. He continued: "Is she the second elder among Jinghai elders?"

The last word just fell, clang!

With the sword out of its sheath, Jiang Wang pulled himself out and slammed into the cabin!

Because he was concerned about the boatman on the other side of the cabin, he didn't start using a large-scale Taoism.

And a translucent arrow shadow was in front of Jiang Wang, and Li Longchuan shot the arrow with one arrow!

However, the moment the hatch was broken open.

A panicked voice sounded: "Master Jiang, it's me!"

The middle-aged woman with a haggard face shrank into a ball, trembling. But he was an acquaintance. The elder of Five Immortals, Fan Qingqing!

Jiang Wang stopped and stopped his sword,

Li Longchuan's arrow of thought was also hanging in front of her - if she breathed out at night just now, she would be gone.

Fan Qingqing at the inner government level could be regarded as a character in Youxia Island, but it was absolutely impossible for him to withstand the attacks of Jiang Wang or Li Longchuan, let alone face the combination of the two.

What's surprising could she sneak into the cabin quietly, without Jiang Wang's perception?

Although Jiang Wang is not as perceptive as Li Longchuan, he is still the strongest inner palace recognized by the most people overseas, much stronger than Fan Qingqing!

"Why are you?" Jiang Wang asked with a frown.

Fan Qingqing's eyes turned red immediately, and she wanted to cry.

Before she could cry, Jiang Wang hurriedly asked, "Elder Fan, what happened?".

The boatman operating the keel boat at the other end of the cabin realized that something had happened, hurriedly raised an iron oar, and crashed into the cabin. Looking at Li Longchuan: "Master?"

If there is no special reason and you cannot fly directly across domains, it will take a while to take a boat from Neverwinter Island to Ice Phoenix Island. So Li Longchuan specially dispatched a boat, and the boatman was also from Ice Phoenix Island.

Seeing that Jiang Wang really knew this middle-aged woman who appeared suddenly, Li Longchuan dismissed the arrow of Nian and waved his hand: "It's okay. Go and maneuver the boat."

The boatman turned and left the cabin without hesitation, following orders and prohibitions, as if in the army. Shimen Li's family management style can be seen.

However, after such an interruption, Jiang Wang had roughly guessed what happened.

The Five Immortals testified for Jiang Wang on Tianyatai, and stood on the side of Neverwinter Island. They wanted to use the relationship of Neverwinter Island to get closer to Qi State, so as to get rid of the exploitation of Granny Bizhu and the forces behind her. But now... obviously something happened.

Don't even think about it, this matter is probably related to the revenge of Gu Huaixin's forces.

On the Tianyatai, he and Ji Shaoqing had a life-and-death duel, but the others were not idle, and the world was still moving forward according to the previous inertia.

And the asylum promised by Neverwinter Island... obviously didn't take effect.

Either Neverwinter Island didn't care much about the Five Immortals Sect from the very beginning, or Neverwinter Island was powerless, or even though it had the heart and strength, it didn't have time to do anything at all.

No matter what, Fan Qingqing was already so old, and she was used to storms. As long as you can't hold back your emotions, in front of a young man, your eyes will turn red as soon as you meet. You just want to ask for some sympathy in exchange for more help. Jiang Wang stopped it in time, but it was hard for her to continue brewing tears.

But he didn't answer the question immediately, but took a look at the heroic Li Longchuan.

Jiang Wang said directly: "This is my friend Li Longchuan, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"It's okay. You chat slowly." Li Longchuan simply turned around and walked out of the deck again.

Jiang Wang trusts him, but he doesn't feel that he should have insight into all his friends' secrets. It's just a mediocre woman in the inner palace, since it's rare to keep it secret, it's her wish.

After Li Longchuan walked out of the cabin, Fan Qingqing pinched Fa Jue again to isolate the sound inside and outside the cabin.

Wuxianmen focuses on "shape, sound, smell, taste, and touch."

Research on these aspects naturally has its unique features.

All outside voices were cut off, and there was a trance like being in the silent beheading order again.

"If he wants to know something, even if your spells are ten times more subtle, they won't be able to stop him." Jiang Wang shook his head and asked, "What do you have that needs to be kept so secret?"


Fan Qingqing knelt directly in the cabin: "Master Jiang, please save me!"

This kneeling was so sudden!

When she met Jiang Wang for the first time earlier, she was still a little brother. But now, he only dares to call him "Master Jiang".

First, it shows that her current situation is indeed difficult, and second, it also proves Jiang Wang's reputation after the battle of Tianyatai.

Jiang Wang turned sideways in time and did not accept her kneeling.

No matter what the reason is, after all, the other party stood up and testified for him on Tianyatai before, and he was so much older than him, he really couldn't accept his kneeling down calmly, so he just raised his hand and said: "Tell me what happened first things. I know what to do."

He made no promises to help.

Believers are not light on promises.

Fan Qingqing didn't get up either, but said with red eyes: "Five Immortals are finished!"

"The main hall of the sect is also destroyed,"

"The elders are all dead!"

"The door master is also dead!"

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