Red Heart Survey

Chapter 963 I will live up to those who live up to me

This scroll is not authentic.

Jiang Wang had such a judgment when he saw it for the first time.

The things that have been handed down from the ancient times, especially the creations of the fairy palace, have their own unique temperament. The ancient time that has settled down, and the special system of fairy arts independent of Taoism, make it difficult for the creations of the fairy palace to imitate.

Especially in Jiang Wang's hands, he has mastered the entire building complex of Yunding Fairy Palace, although it is only in a state of ruins that are slowly being restored-at the current speed, it will take at least ten thousand years to fully recover only with the vitality absorbed by the Lingkong Temple time count.

But he could tell at a glance that this scroll was not authentic, at least not the authentic one handed down from the Immortal Palace in the ancient times.

However, it is not a fake. The traces of time on this scroll are true, it has indeed traveled through a long time and has been handed down to this day.

Jiang Wang speculated that this scroll should be a copy made by someone in the late ancient times.

By chance, it was obtained by the founder of Wuxianmen.

It also has an ancient history, and ordinary people may not be so easy to detect the authenticity, and even Fan Qingqing should not know that the inheritance handed down by their sect is not genuine.

But for Jiang Wang, who found the Lingkong Temple and Qingyun Pavilion by himself, the difference can be seen at a glance.

Although not authentic, the value is still inestimable. Jiang Wang has already benefited a lot from a fairy art that has been on the rise. What kind of magnificent landscape is the inheritance of another fairy palace recorded on this scroll?

So... do you want it?

This doesn't look like a problem. Is there any reason not to have the benefits of being delivered to your door? But in the world, is there any benefit of being delivered to your door without any price?

Jiang Wang didn't pick up the scroll, but looked at Fan Qingqing seriously: "Elder Fan, what is your request?"

Fan Qingqing realized that now is not the time to play tricks. Her next answer will directly affect Jiang Wang's decision - drive her off the ship directly, or agree to shelter her.

"First of all, I hope to get your asylum. I hope you can protect me, leave the offshore islands, and go to Qi. Help me solve the problem of identity so that I can settle down."

When she spoke, she also looked at Jiang Wang honestly.

The previous trick made her lose points. After realizing that Jiang Wang is definitely not easy to fool, now she needs to let Jiang Wang see her sincerity.

Jiang Wang told her with his eyes, continue.

It is not difficult to protect Fan Qingqing to go to Qi country. Jiang Wang's current state couldn't be safer. Diaohailou won't provoke him now, he is his own person on Cassia Island, and it's the time when his reputation is becoming famous, and he handles Yanggu's relationship well. It can be said that during this period of time in the offshore islands, as long as he does not cause trouble, there will be no trouble.

The most important thing is... the person who chased and killed Fan Qingqing was Yin Guan.

Just like the reason why Diaohailou won't provoke Jiang Wang in the short term, Yin Guan and his hell have nowhere to go, so anyone who is a bit sane doesn't dare to approach Jiang Wang now. Because no one knows whether Jiang Mengxiong is watching him now.

Hell has no door has been hopping for a long time, if he is accidentally seen by the Great Qi Army God... the time to destroy the door is just a matter of moving a finger.

Therefore, it was a very wise choice for Fan Qingqing to hide next to Jiang Wang.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if Yin Guan is daring, and it just so happens that the God of War did not keep paying attention to Jiang Wang... can we still talk about it!

Jiang Wang thought to himself that he and Yin Guan could still have a chat. If he handed over the scroll, Yin Guan probably wouldn't care if he wanted to save Fan Qingqing's life.

For a mediocre inner court with exhausted talent like Fan Qingqing, Yin Guan would never be able to regard her as a threat.

As for helping Fan Qingqing settle down in Qi State... There is no need to ask friends for help in this matter, the dignified four-pin green card just needs to say hello inside the inspection mansion.

Fan Qingqing continued: "Secondly, I want to be by your side and follow you. A peerless genius like you, even if you don't have the need to form a power, you must have someone to help you with chores. Your future fiefdom, the various affiliated to you This kind of business needs someone to help. The foundation of the Five Immortals Gate has been destroyed, and I am a rootless person from now on. I want to have a foothold under your shade. Didn’t you say that you like the Hall of Zhengsheng? I know how to build, and I can help you build one..."

She wanted to sell Zhengshengdian for a high price earlier, and slaughtered Jiang Wang with a knife. Now they are all used as bargaining chips, just looking for a chance to follow.

She could see very clearly that the Haixun list was established, and Jiang Wang was ranked first in the sub-list, and after a battle at Tianyatai, he tried his best to kill the Tianjiao of Diaohailou, suppressing the same rank silently. After this battle, Jiang Wang has soared into the sky, unstoppable!

As short as three to five years, as long as ten or eight years, Jiang Wang must have a place in Qi! It is the kind of place that has foundation, weight, and can stand up to other families.

After so many years of practice, she knows too well that the rise or fall of a genius often represents the rise and fall of a power.

Joining Jiang Wang's side now is from the beginning. Then when it was popular for nine days, she might not be able to rise with the wind.

Of course, this decision was made only after Jiang Wang saw through her tricks and didn't let her use them in vain.

If Jiang Wang was fooled by her with just a few words, he would help her escape from the sea directly. Then she will take the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace inheritance alone and go far away.

In addition to natural strength, there is no lack of mental means. This is the reason why Fan Qingqing decided to follow.

Jiang Wang was noncommittal and only asked, "Is there any more?"

Fan Qingqing held up the scroll and said humbly: "Besides, if you can research something on this scroll in the future, I hope to get your advice."

Fan Qingqing's words showed that Wuxianmen's research on this scroll is not deep, and the progress has been slow after so many years. Probably this is also the reason why the Five Immortals Sect holds part of the inheritance, but from the sect master to the elders, no one really knows the magic of immortality.

But the most important thing is...

If she dedicates this inheritance, those who hunted down her will naturally shift their targets.

And Jiang Wang's reputation as a promise of gold is well known, so she kept a secret button for herself, and she still has the opportunity to learn new fairy arts in the future. And don't have to worry about it anymore.

Perhaps, she did not fail to recognize Hell Without Door. Just because he was afraid of scaring Jiang Wang off, he purposely said he didn't know. Anyway, she also truthfully described the clues she saw, whether Jiang Wang knew it was Jiang Wang's own business. As long as she bites her to death and says she doesn't know her, no one can prove the truth on this point.

Jiang Wang smiled but said, "You have confidence in me."

I don't know if it refers to the confidence to study immortal arts, or the confidence to carry the hell without a door.

Fan Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, but his face became more respectful: "If you don't want to take me in, just send me to Qi State. This inheritance is still yours."

She is indeed a person with great means, and she has been an elder of the sect for many years, and she definitely does not lack in ability.

So far, Jiang Wang's subordinates really don't have such a role. Of course, this is also related to his not focusing on power management.

Jiang Wang looked at the woman for a while, then stretched out his hand, and took the scroll decorated with star patterns, declaring his attitude.

Fan Qingqing showed joy, bowed and said: "See my lord!"

From then on, she was Jiang Wang's retainer.

Jiang Wang stretched out his hand to help her up, and said in a wide voice: "My foundation is very shallow, maybe there is nothing for you to develop. But you can rest assured on one thing - I will not blame me if I don't blame me."

Although it was just such a simple sentence, although there was such a young boy in front of him.

But Fan Qingqing suddenly relaxed and felt a huge sense of security.

Who knows the offshore islands at this time? This boy is the most committed. As long as you promise, you will definitely do it.

A word from Jiang Qingyang is worth a thousand words!

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