Red Heart Survey

Chapter 964 The Immortal of Ten Thousand Immortals

Regarding the sudden addition of an acquaintance of Jiang Wang in the cabin, who was still talking about something secret, Li Longchuan had no intention of asking.

But Jiang Wang still walked behind him, and took the initiative to say: "Brother Li, I have something to do at the moment, so I can't go to Ice Phoenix Island. You should return this ice sinking ring on your behalf. Please help me to make up for it to Sister Ling." No. When I go back to Linzi, I will come to the door to make amends."

At that time, Li Longchuan was standing on the bow of the boat, facing the vast blue sea.

It is no exaggeration to say that a man is like a jade tree in a vigorous outfit, hunting in the wind.

Hearing the sound, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Wang.

The jade belt on his forehead added a touch of warmth to his heroic temperament, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the vigor of the general family naturally burst forth.

"Is this man in trouble?"

He smiled and said: "As long as you are not hunted down by Diaohailou or Yanggu, you will have no problem hiding in Ice Phoenix Island."

Based on what he knew about Jiang Wang, this was the only possibility—that woman came with trouble, and Jiang Wang didn't want to drag his friend down.

Jiang Wang smiled: "A little personal matter."

If Li Longchuan really wanted to explore something, few people could escape his eyes.

So Jiang Wang didn't deny that Fan Qingqing was in trouble, but just brought it up in a light tone.

If it really got involved and Ice Phoenix Island and Hell had nowhere to fight, he wouldn't be able to pass his own test.

Li Longchuan fixed a glance at him before saying, "Since you want to handle it yourself and you have the ability, then handle it yourself. But..."

He smiled: "The scenery of Ice Phoenix Island is really good, if you are not having fun, just come and visit anytime. Your friend is there."

Jiang Wang smiled brightly: "Of course."

"Then... goodbye?" Li Longchuan waved his hand, seeing off the guests.

"Goodbye." Jiang Wang smiled brighter: "I've requisitioned the boat, brother Li, fly slowly when you go back, and enjoy the scenery along the way."

Li Longchuan was a little speechless, but after staying with Xu Xianggan for a long time, he was quite used to the feeling of being rubbed against.

Standing on the bow of the boat, he shouted loudly: "Let's go, Li Yin! The boat belongs to someone else!"

"Hey!" Jiang Wang stopped again: "The boatman will use it too."

Li Longchuan froze for a moment, and said, "When you laugh, you should really squint your eyes!"

Of course Jiang Wang understood his ridicule-this is more like Chong Xuansheng,

He also smiled back: "By the way, lift up your hair and make the hairpin higher. I'm afraid you are more used to it!"

In fact, this group of friends has always had a question in private. When Xu Xiangqian and Chong Xuansheng get along alone, who will suffer and who will take advantage of the two of them?

It's a pity that this question seems to never have an answer, because the chicken thief Xu Xianggan and Chong Xuansheng both know who is the most difficult bone to crack. Basically, they never get along alone, and they don't make decisions on each other, which kind of means "the king doesn't see the king".

Li Longchuan laughed a few times, took the ice sinking ring from Jiang Wang's hand, and strode away.

Li Yin, the boatman, was a soldier, so orders were strictly prohibited. Li Longchuan told him to leave as soon as he asked him to stay, and he didn't talk nonsense at all. Although his expression was clearly dazed, he couldn't figure out why he was suddenly "requisitioned" even with his crew and boat.

Jiang Wang didn't want to ask for trouble, and didn't want to hand over the newly obtained inheritance of Wanxian Palace to Hell Wumen, so he decided to return to Qi State first instead of staying overseas.

After all, staying for one more day is risky for one more day.

It's definitely not okay to take Fan Qingqing directly across the sea. In that case, it will be difficult for Hell Nowhere to notice them.

So Jiang Wang needed a boat and a boatman to cover Fan Qingqing's whereabouts. In the name of practicing, he meditated in the cabin all the way, and those who wanted to notice him could understand the reason for his low profile.

The keel boat of Diaohailou is almost a common offshore vessel.

The ship used by Ice Phoenix Island is no exception. Of course, there are some modifications of its own, but the appearance has not changed much.

From then on, they turned around and handed over to the boatman Li Yin to negotiate any problems encountered along the way.

While Jiang Wang was in the cabin, studying the inheritance of Wanxian Palace with peace of mind.

It is really a blessing to sail a boat on the blue sea and explore the secrets of practice.

This scroll, when unfolded, is a picture called "The Coming of Ten Thousand Immortals", which is magnificent!

At the beginning of the left side, there is a paragraph written in a font that is very close to Daoist, but definitely not Jingwen.

Jiang Wang perceives it with his heart and illuminates it with the light of supernatural powers, so that he can get a glimpse of its meaning from the angle of its approach to Taoism. But probably only 80% of it can be understood, and the remaining 20% ​​is guesswork, association and speculation.

And this passage stunned him on the spot——

"All things have spirits, and human beings are the primates of all things."

"Eyes have spirit, you can become a fairy!"

"The ear has a spirit, and you can become a fairy!"

"The nose has spirit, and the mouth has spirit. Liver, gall, spleen, hair, blood and bones, all have spirits, you can be a fairy!"

"The whole body, veins and muscles are all towards the sect."

"Man is the universe, man is the universe, and man is the immortal of all immortals!"

What a fantastic and magnificent idea this is!

Cultivate the whole body, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, veins, muscles, liver, gall, spleen, hair, blood and bones...all into "immortals"!

It's an almost endless road.

But it is completely conceivable how powerful a practitioner who can succeed in the end must be!

Man is the universe, man is the universe, man is the immortal of all immortals!

People are space, people are time, and people are immortals who gather thousands of immortals!

If we talk about the ruins of Yunding Immortal Palace, Jiang Wang can barely imagine the glory of the Nine Great Immortal Palace in its previous life, and imagine how majestic and majestic Yunding Immortal Palace was when it was at its peak.

Then this volume of pictures representing the inheritance of Wanxian Palace made Jiang Wang realize why the Nine Great Immortal Palaces had such a glorious era, and how they were able to "exist"!

In the inheritance of Yunding Immortal Palace, Jiang Wang has only mastered one immortal art that has been steadily rising, although he has become more and more comfortable in using it. But for his entire practice system, he is still in the fog.

However, the ideas shown in this volume of "Ten Thousand Immortals Come to Dynasty" are enough for Jiang Wang to spy on the glory of that era.

From Jiang Wang's current feelings, those who created the fairy art system can be said to be pioneers in practice, great explorers, and a historical monument!

Why... would such a Nine Great Immortal Palace be annihilated in the end?

His mind sank into the Sea of ​​Five Houses, and his soul manifested into Yunxiao Pavilion. Jiang Wang summoned Baiyun Boy and asked directly, "Do you know Wanxian Palace?"

Baiyun Boy blinked his round eyes with a dazed look on his face.

What else would this unlucky kid order besides flattering? Sometimes flattery is not authentic!

The Ten Thousand Immortals Palace is so majestic, the Immortal of Ten Thousand Immortals! Where is the confidence of our Genting Asgard? How can it be called together with it in modern times?

It's useless to ask...

Jiang Wang sighed in his heart, and directly condensed a sword manual with the power of his soul, and handed it to Baiyun Boy: "This purple Qi Donglai sword code, you should practice it well, and I will test and teach you later."

Naturally, Boy Baiyun couldn't refuse the request of the Immortal Master, so he took over the sword code without hesitation, and was about to ask why, but the Immortal Master had already left.

I'm just a child! I just want to eat, drink, sleep and sleep every day, so why do you suddenly ask me to practice swords?

Are you going to send me out for fights in the future?

In the tall and majestic Yunxiao Pavilion, the boy Baiyun became more and more confused as he thought about it, and his fat face slowly collapsed.

Life and death are naturally carefree, and when Yunding Xiangong is there, he is there. But it hurts!

The chubby little guy is trembling here.

But the reason of Lord Immortal Master is actually very simple. If you pass the exam, you have to pass, and if you pass, you will be beaten.

Jiang was just looking for a legitimate reason to beat up the child, that's all.




(When I think about the plot, I think about brain explosion, when I think about supernatural powers, I think about brain explosion, the practice system, the world structure... In short, my head keeps exploding.

In the midst of my pain I thought of——

That's how the universe was born. )

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