Red Heart Survey

Chapter 974 Don't care about everything, people and ghosts don't avoid it

Linhai County.

After saying goodbye to Jiang Wang, Lin Youxie remained expressionless.

Qingpai has its own secret channels, and places to rest can be found everywhere. But Uriel has not used the resources of Qingpai for a long time,

The two walked in the crowd, like any pair of ordinary grandparents, close and natural.

"In a bad mood?" Uriel asked casually, "Because of Jiang Qingyang's attitude?"

He didn't think that Lin Youxie had any special feelings for Jiang Wang. With such little contact, it will not be enough.

But Jiang Wang, a young man who can be called excellent no matter how he looks at it, his attitude of avoiding snakes and scorpions will inevitably make people doubt himself.

Lin Youxie didn't deny it, but just asked a question: "If he is a good person and he hates me, does that mean I am a bad person?"

Uriel smiled: "The world's standards for judging good and bad people are not always the same as the right and wrong of our Qingpai."

"You are not a good person, and I am not a good person. But we are not a bad person either. The law is a rule and a law. A real green card must first strip away the definitions of good people and bad people, and only obey the 'law'."

"It's normal for Jiang Qingyang to shy away from us. Anyone who is stared at by us will hate us. But this is not a reason for us to doubt ourselves, and we don't need to change for this."

"An excellent blue card must be hated by people and ghosts. The better the better, the more so. Because it only talks about rules, not human relationships."

Uriel spread out his palms and counted the palm prints, as if counting the stories in those times: "But when people evaluate good and bad, they only care about 'good for me' or 'bad for me', not good or bad. Itself. This is human nature. However, the law does not show mercy."

"Grandpa Wu." Lin Youxie thought for a while, and said, "You said that we want to distinguish between right and wrong, and only obey the 'law' and the rules. But you have tracked down the Tian family for so many years, and you have not obtained any permission, nor any laws. I support you. Isn't this against the rules, not following the 'law', and going against your way?"

"It's good that you can think this far." Uriel withdrew his palm and said softly: "The 'permission' and 'support' you mentioned are not 'laws'. Any order from a big man, or an oral instruction, is not It is not "law". "Fa" is fair like water, tends to balance everywhere, and treats everyone equally. "Fa" is a Xiezhi, who touches evil when he sees it, regardless of others. Nothing to do, if there are evil deeds, they will be brought to justice by the law.

Those people you said should support me but did not support me, what they follow is not the 'law', but power, pros and cons, and considerations. In their world, the value of a person or a family is above the 'law'.

I am different from them.

I follow my 'law', I walk my way. Regardless of everything, people and ghosts do not avoid. "

"Don't care about everything, people and ghosts don't shy away." Lin Youxie muttered these eight words, feeling a particularly resolute force.

She seemed to gain something, but also seemed to lose something.

After she digested it for a while, Uriel suddenly asked, "Do you want to go to the Sanxing Palace?"

"Ah?" Lin Youxie was stunned.

She was brought up by Uriel since she was a child, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is her own grandparent. How could she not know that in Ulie's heart, the weight of Qi State was far higher than that of San Xing Gong.

He has the qualification to go to the Sanxing Palace to practice at any time, but even after Qingpai retired, he never thought of that. Going to the country to seek the Tao is not something to be ashamed of, and the country itself will not hinder it. But for some people, the heart of protecting the country is where the Tao lies.

Uriel's question at this moment inevitably has a glimmer of gloom.

After thinking for a while, Lin Youxie said, "My parents are both from Qi, and I am also from Qi."

Uriel didn't force it, he just said, "That's fine."

The two were speechless. The figures of the grandfather and grandson slowly disappeared into the crowd.



Every drop of "water" surging in the crowd has its own magnificent life,

Some jumped out of the water and made the world see, while some disappeared into the sea of ​​people, silent and nameless.

But no matter young or old, virtuous or foolish, prominent or poor, all people are included in it. When all the people gather together, it is the crowd.

"Master, where are we going?" Fan Qingqing asked.

Although she is a monk in the inner palace, she has been staying in the offshore islands. So far, this is the first time she has come to Qi country. She is very curious about everything here, and her eyes never stop along the way.

"I'll write you a letter. You take the letter and go to Qingyang Town, Yangdi, to find a girl named Dugu Xiao. She is my confidant and helps me manage the fief. If there is anything that is not thoughtful, you can teach me more. Teach her."

Jiang Wang had already made plans in his mind: "Qi State is very safe. Those who chase you will not dare to come here for at least five years. You will rest in Qingyang Town and help me build Zhengsheng Hall at the same time. I am done with Linzi. things, we will go back.”

Even leaving aside his cultivation, Fan Qingqing's vision and skills as an elder were far from being comparable to Dugu's.

But in terms of trust, Fan Qingqing is naturally far inferior to Duguxiao.

Part of the reason for sending Fan Qingqing to Qingyang Town was that his role in Linzi was limited. Jiang Wang himself lived in Chongxuansheng's mansion all the year round, so he didn't need Fan Qingqing for anything. Sending a monk from the Inner Palace to Qingyang Town will definitely have the effect of overwhelming everything.

With the rapid development of Desheng Commercial Bank, Qingyang Town, as the hub of the commercial firm in Yangdi, is becoming more and more important. In fact, Dugu Xiao can't hold back the market, it is purely relying on the tiger skin of the Xuan family. However, no matter how long the tiger skin is worn, it is not a real tiger.

Letting Fan Qingqing go to Qingyang Town can also teach Dugu Xiao so that she can grow faster.

And the most important reason is actually the Hall of Zhengsheng.

This time, he had a great reputation in the offshore islands, not entirely because he, Jiang, was outstanding and unrivaled. Qi State's extremely important support cannot be ignored.

A person with a clear understanding must know where his achievements come from. If you are so arrogant that you attribute everything to yourself, then it is time to kill yourself.

Similar records are not uncommon in history books.

Jiang Wang's large-scale construction in the fief is part of his loyalty. This means that he has a deeper sense of belonging to Qiguo and wants to take root here.

Compared with it, Zhengsheng Hall's help to the five immortals Rumeng Ling's vocal part practice is second to none.

Of course, Fan Qingqing would not have any objections to Jiang Wang's decision, and left after receiving the letter.

A dignified inner mansion cultivator, of course, can't find a place if he has a clear address. Qi State is not the kind of precarious area, even ordinary people can go out for picnics.

Jiang Wang rented a carriage and, as usual, did not want to waste any time, intending to return to Linzi during his practice.

Of course, the car and horse dealership under Bao's name is determined not to do business with him. He paid double the price to rent a carriage from a small local carriage and horse dealer.

However, not long after the carriage was on the road, it was stopped by someone.

"Dare to ask, is Lord Jiang Wangjiang in the car?"

Thanks to the leader, Chen Zeqing, for becoming the Silver League of this book! (O, O I let you rest wow!)

Thank you book friend Tan Shanchang for becoming the leader of this book!

Thank you book friends for living in the fantasy world and becoming the leader of this book!

(Thanks to the master of Bingkejian for bringing in the big guy!)

Thank you book friend Jinzhe Forty-Nine for becoming the leader of this book!

Thank you book friend newpaker for becoming the leader of this book!

Man Xi and Di Meng did the math for me, I owe fourteen more now! And the monthly pass will be added later...

Jiang Qingyang turned out to be me, I'm already in debt!

Come on, come on, fight me!

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