Red Heart Survey

Chapter 973 Seats

Chong Xuansheng really doesn't know enough about Tian Chang.

All he knew was that he was a young talent who had risen from the Tian family in recent years, and that Jiang Wang had some interactions with him in the Seven Star Valley.

However, Jiang Wang had hinted that this person had something in his hands.

Knowing this is enough, and Chong Xuansheng naturally knows how to use it.

As far as the situation of the entire offshore islands is concerned, this fat man already has his own layout. He has always done business by communicating with all parties, taking advantage of the trend, and rarely taking everything by himself. The same is true in the offshore islands.

This time, Neverwinter Island has some seafood business and plans to join hands with Bajiao Island.

Unexpectedly, the Tian family was also very active, and Tian Chang actually came to talk about it in person.

Chong Xuansheng naturally would not refuse to communicate.

The two sides take their seats in order of priority.

Chong Xuansheng has at least two Tian Chang's figures, squeezed on the big chair, which naturally gives people a sense of oppression. But Fat's face was full of smiles, and he seemed easy to get close to.

He opened his mouth and said: "Mr. Tian Chang is really a good-looking talent. I think the future of the Tian family will depend on you!"

Tian Chang has been blown by the sea breeze for a while, but now he looks lean and capable. During this period of time, the power is in hand, and a bit of majesty is naturally accompanied.

But when he heard Chongxuansheng's words, he sat on half of his buttocks and almost fell to the ground: "Mr. Chongxuan, don't be joking. The future of the Tian family depends on Mr. Anping! I just follow Mr. Anping and do my best." It’s all about assisting.”

Chong Xuansheng was not surprised by Tian Chang's attitude.

Although young people are born with arrogance, Tian Anping's name is heavy enough to crush all arrogance.

Not to mention Tian Chang, who just made his mark, Tian Antai is still Tian Anping's elder brother, seventeen years older than him, and already a majestic sheriff of a county, isn't he afraid of him like a tiger?

However, no one else was present at this time. Tian Chang's posture is still so upright, it can be seen that this is a very deep generation in the city, and should not be underestimated.

He was a little curious, how did Jiang Wang get the handle on this guy

"Assist, assist." Chong Xuansheng said with a casual smile, "Mr. Anping's ambition is astonishing."

Tian Chang turned pale with shock, and said seriously: "Young Master Sheng, don't talk nonsense!"

"I drank too much yesterday! It's some nonsense!"

Chong Xuansheng laughed, and lightly covered the topic, and then changed the subject: "The Zhenhai League was newly established to unify all forces in the offshore islands. What is the difference between the independent offshore islands and the integrated offshore islands? I don't need to say more, Mr. Tian Chang knows it naturally. Many rules have changed, and many businesses have a new situation."

Even he was unwilling to provoke that lunatic. So it was just a joke, and I skipped it.

As for what he thinks in his heart, only he himself knows.

"This is the reason why I came to visit Mr. Sheng." If you can't talk about Tian Anping, it's better not to talk about it. Tian Chang hurriedly said: "In the battle of Qiyang, Mr. Sheng's performance can be described as amazing. Patriarch Ren, don't think of yourself as a second person!"

"That's natural!" Compared with the panic shown by Tian Chang, Chong Xuansheng only grinned when he was also facing the other party's "expectation". , who else but me?"

"Yes, yes." Tian Chang echoed: "Young Master Sheng is a talent of heaven, Mr. Tian came to ask for advice today!"

When they met for the first time, neither of them was eager to judge each other, but flattered and tested each other.

Chong Xuansheng waved his big hand, and said bluntly: "Since my brother thinks highly of it, and I do have some skills. Then this time the sea goods business, let me charge ahead!"

Shopping malls are like battlefields, but they are not completely equal to battlefields. This so-called "charge into battle" sounds like taking on more responsibilities, but in fact it is occupying more shares.

People are going with the flow, but this fat man is going with the flow!

Tian Chang's thoughts turned sharply, and he said with a smile on his face: "Actually, whoever will charge and who will be in the battle is not the most important thing. Our two families want to have a long-term friendship. Since the Qiyang battlefield, we have cooperated all the way. There are still many years left for Chongjia Island, which is left for you to develop and manage!"

Chongjia Island has been lost, and now it is in the hands of Gu Huaixin's family, of course the Tian family will not be unaware.

The Tian family is actually not in a hurry. Because the division of the ownership of the offshore islands is somewhat complicated, there are management rights and ownership rights.

This is due to the fact that during the chaotic period, the power on the island rose and fell, and the transactions between the islands were very frequent.

Today I will lend you this island for three years, and tomorrow you will lend me that island for five years. It is a common thing. However, the management rights of the transactions between the parties will not affect the ownership rights.

Taking Chongjia Island as an example, although Chongxuansheng has obtained ten years of operating rights, the ownership is still owned by the Tian family.

No matter what happens during this process, it doesn't matter if Chongxuan's family doesn't want to return it, or Chongjia Island is lost. Once the ten-year period expires, the Tian family is eligible to take back Chongjia Island with ownership. Wars can be launched legitimately without fear of being interfered with.

This is the rule of the offshore islands, and all the islands recognize it. After the Zhenhai League was established, there was no change.

If the management rights and ownership of the islands had not been so clearly divided, the Chongxuan family could have sang double songs and let the islands be "taken away" by someone in the ninth year. Who will the Tian family cry to?

It is purely a joke that Chongjia Island was attacked by pirates and broke through the defense. But Jiuxuanzong followed closely and expelled the pirate forces, but also justifiably obtained the management right of Chongjia Island—the nine-year management right for the Chongxuan family to exchange benefits.

This is undoubtedly a huge fortune.

One must know that the Chongxuan family paid for the ten-year management right of Chongjia Island for the position of governor of Qi State.

Tian Chang mentioned this on purpose, in fact, he was reminding Chongxuan Sheng, once the ten-year period expires, what will your Chongxuan family get for delivery?

At that time, the Tian family can naturally use the right to force Jiuxuanzong to leave the island. It also has the power to wage war. But after all, what the Tian family delivered to the Chongxuan family was a complete and undefended Chongjia Island. Now that he wants to take it back, he still has to struggle with Jiuxuanzong.

This matter, the Chongxuan family is unreasonable. So in this cooperation, should we make appropriate concessions?

Chong Xuansheng smiled, and then said: "The entire Zhenhai League, the parliament has ninety-nine votes, except five votes for Diaohailou, six votes for Yanggu and Cassia Island combined, and the remaining eighty-eight votes , belonging to eighty-eight families. Among the eighty-eight families, our Neverwinter Island and your Bajiao Island have only one vote."

The person seemed to be talking about him, but Tian Chang didn't seem to mind at all, and then sighed: "Yes, Diaohailou has been rooted in the offshore islands for too long, and the water is bigger than the water. Daqi, but every time I gnaw a piece of meat, I have to work hard myself."

The old god Chongxuansheng looked at Tian Chang from the ground, and suddenly said: "Our Chongxuan family is willing to return Chongjia Island to the Dazetian family unconditionally! For the remaining nine years, we will not want a single day."

He said meaningfully: "But Chongjia Island is not in our hands now, you have to get it yourself."

The previous ten-year agreement was signed between the Chongxuan family and the Tian family.

If the Chongxuan family gives up the possibility of regaining the management rights, it means... the Tian family can directly take back the ownership rights!

Even if Chongxuan's family doesn't plan to try to grab Jiuxuanzong's management rights for these nine years, they can still sell them to Yanggu's faction.

Give up now unconditionally.

What is Chongxuan Shengtu?

Thank you book friend Cancancanxingxing for becoming the leader of this book! Thanks to the leader Chen Zeqing, another alliance! (Chen Meng, take a break!)

The day after tomorrow will continue to add more. above!

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