Raindrops were still beating on the roof.

Of course, hitting the roof of the cabin and hitting the sea are two completely different sounds. The former is crisper, the latter duller.

At this time, Fan Qingqing had been freed from the state of silence, watching his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, waiting obediently. He remained motionless, as if he had settled down, but he hadn't settled down yet. Judging from the beating sound of the heart, it was a little nervous.

Uriel was half leaning against the bulkhead, as if he was resting with his eyes closed, and he could hear his long and slow breathing. Even with injuries, he still has the confidence and calmness of a strong man.

Lin Youxie was meditating and adjusting his breath. But his breathing was a little disturbed, obviously preoccupied.

All sounds are so clear in Jiang Wang's ears.

Different voices have different emotions. It's not a whole new world for three-year-old urchins to judge emotions from their mother's voice. But because of the cultivation of the voice of the Five Immortals Rumeng Ling, the world has indeed become more concrete.

Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking that if he could find a matching technique, he could truly reproduce the "Shengwen Xiandian", and even cultivate into an "ear fairy"...

What will this sound world look like?

If one cultivates to become an "immortal eye", it must not be difficult to perceive the weight of the sight, and it may not be impossible to break the sight.

The inheritance of Wanxian Palace is really yearning. What should the original picture of Ten Thousand Immortals Coming to Court look like?

The rain came and went, the tide came and went.

In Jiang Wang's practice, the rest of the journey passed peacefully without any waves.

The keel boats of Ice Phoenix Island can be considered to have a bit of face in the offshore islands. Although they are not as famous as Shimen Li's in Qi, it is not easy for anyone to come across them.

And Jiang Wang, who was sitting on the boat, had already been famous in the islands. People who know don't want to mess with it. Those who don't know can't even pass Li Yin's test.

Whether it is Hell Without Door or the Tian family, there is no other movement.

Linhai County four days later.

Li Yin drove the keel boat back alone, while Jiang Wang took Fan Qingqing to bid farewell to Ulie and Lin Youxie.

In what ways is the power of a country reflected?

One of them is the great sense of security of the people.

From the moment they got down to earth, everyone who got off the boat was relieved.

Everyone clearly knows that this is already Qi State. The law and the law draw the bottom line for all behaviors, and no one can ignore it.

Needless to say, Fan Qingqing, Ulie, and Lin Youxie, who escaped for their lives, Jiang Wang, who covered the whole process, was actually relieved.

"I owe you a favor for this matter," Uriel said.

Jiang Wang didn't know if his injury was healed. But his voice has become more stable and powerful, which is the embodiment of confidence.

After entering Qi Realm, the power that a veteran Shen Linqing Pai can use is terrifying.

Lin Youxie followed suit and said, "There must be a reward."

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "I really have one thing, I want to ask you for a favor."

In the state of Qi, the favor of Uriel, a generation of famous arresters, has a lot of room for imagination.

Jiang Wang was so eager to cash in, it seemed to be too shallow.

But people like Ulie and Lin Youxie can naturally know that this is a manifestation of Jiang Wang not wanting to have too much entanglement with them.

"Just tell me." Lin Youxie said.

At this time, it is different from the previous investigation of Jiang Wang. With his pride and heart beyond handling cases, of course he doesn't want to stalk him, so he must become a fellow traveler.

So if Jiang Wang wanted to make people clear, she would not stop her.

"That's it." Regardless of what they thought, Jiang Wangke said directly: "I met a friend in the Lost Realm, named Chu Mi. During our breakout process, he died unfortunately, and he didn't say anything before he died. Stay. I want to know his previous situation, and what I can do... He was punished to the Lost Realm for a crime, with slender eyes, and he was born upstairs."

"Just know the name." Lin Youxie said bluntly, "I'll send you the news within three days."

It's not too difficult for Jiang Wang to investigate this matter by himself, it's just a matter of saying hello to Zheng Shangming. For Lin Youxie, it was even simpler.

The simpler the matter, the more obvious the intention of keeping a respectful distance.

So Lin Youxie's response was also very brief.

"Then I'll trouble you." Jiang Wang said politely, "Just send it to Chongxuansheng's Xiashan Beppu at that time."

Lin Youxie didn't ask where Jiang Wang's foothold was, so he was sure to find Jiang Wang three days later, no matter where Jiang Wang was at that time. It has no other meaning.

And Jiang Wang reported the address directly, but he didn't want Lin Youxie to find him. It's like hiding from the plague god, things belong to business, human feelings belong to human feelings, and they are clearly distinguished.

Lin Youxie took a deep look at him and said, "Okay."

Then he turned around and left with Uriel.



Chong Xuansheng, whose name was mentioned, was currently gnashing his teeth on Neverwinter Island.

The newly established Zhenhai League has intricate internal relationships, and it is difficult for anyone who is not a senior island monk to sort out the context. Chong Xuansheng has only been overseas for a short time, so it stands to reason that he should go through the early stages honestly and act in a low-key manner, so as not to run into the bad luck of Diaohailou's expansion.

But as soon as Jiang Wang's matter was resolved, he turned his energy back to business, and soon felt like a fish in water.

Because he doesn't plan to stay overseas for too long, he keeps busy with his work.

This day he finally returned to Neverwinter Island, but what awaited him was Yanggu monk Fu Yanqing who had been lingering on Neverwinter Island for several days, and a terrifying debt...

A total of four thousand primordial stones!

What is this concept?

A primordial stone is equal to a first-class opening pill, which is equivalent to an ordinary storage box.

The excellent squirrel case sold by the Mo family last year was only sold for three primordial stones.

Did Jiang Qingyang invent some Taoist technique of hitting people with primordial stones? In fact, his hidden identity is the successor of the merchant?

Or is it that his record in the maze world was bought with money? Otherwise, how could you owe so much debt!

Annoyed and annoyed, Chong Xuansheng had no choice but to pay the money obediently.

Others don't know about Jiang Wang's family background, how can he not know? That kid was so focused on his cultivation that he didn't have the energy to make money at all, and he didn't even have any business talent. Desheng Commercial Bank is mainly operated by him, and Jiang's daily life is based on his salary.

When he went back to Zhuangguo, he had to find a reason to sponsor a lot of travel expenses.

Four thousand primordial stones, I'm afraid I'm going to sell this guy!

He is also very skeptical about the price, who can say what is going on in the maze world? You can’t say what it’s worth, and you can owe it as much as you owe it, right?

But Jiang Wang himself recognized it, so he could only pinch his nose to admit it. When all the primordial stones were sent out, it seemed as if someone had cut their flesh with a knife... It hurt!

After sending away Fu Yanqing who was smiling brightly, Chong Xuansheng said angrily, "Where's that guy from the Tian family? Please come in!"

Chongxuanxin left with downcast eyebrows.

This guy didn't show off his wealth earlier, but it's very embarrassing these days.

Taking advantage of the time when Chongxuanxin left, Chongxuansheng said fiercely: "Just wait and see, I have to let the surnamed Jiang be my cow and horse!"

Fourteen, who was standing beside him, tilted his helmet and did not speak.



(There will be updates at night.

In addition, it is now the 30th in the monthly ticket list, and the Xianxia category is fourth.

I can feel everyone's enthusiasm!

Because it was the beginning of the month, many books did not work hard, so the results were only temporary.

Our readers are not as many as others, and we dare not have too high expectations. At the end of the month, if I can still keep the top ten in the Xianxia category, I will be satisfied.

Our goal this month is to keep the top ten!

Brothers and sisters, go! )

Thank you book friend Lin Youxue for being the leader of this book!

Yes, it will be updated the night after tomorrow.

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