Red Heart Survey

Chapter 971 Rules

Lin Youxie has always believed in a saying, "Good people can do bad things."

So even if Jiang Wang's character is recognized again, it will not reduce Jiang Wang's doubts about her.

The principle she adheres to in handling cases is that the handling of the case itself will not be disturbed by any factors other than evidence.

What Jiang Wang did during this overseas trip really moved her. But these things can't change the doubts Jiang Wang left earlier.

However, since she said that she would not investigate privately, that was enough.

For Jiang Wang, the matter of "doubt" is not a big deal.

Certainly not everyone thinks that Jiang Wang is a good person, at least most of the disciples of Diaohailou must have a bad opinion of him. Arrogant, domineering, cruel and vicious, maybe they are all slightly better evaluations.

Standing sometimes determines everything, as the saying goes, "the other's hero is my enemy".

Jiang Wang's reasoning is very simple, it's okay to treat me as an enemy. Find me to "seek revenge", no.

You can hate and resent hard in your heart, but if you really put it into action, what harm do you want to do to Jiang Wang. Well, Sauvignon Blanc is unrecognizable.

For Lin Youxie, Jiang Wang's attitude was to keep him at a respectful distance.

As for Uriel...he even had to stay away from him.

He didn't want to find out about the dangerous secrets of a powerful man. He has undertaken and suffered enough.

Therefore, even though Ulie had clearly stated that Tian Huanwen of Dazetian clan was a cancerous tumor, Jiang Wang, who was a fourth-rank green brand, did not express anything special.

He just said: "Senior Wu is concerned about the country and the people, which is admirable."

"I used to receive a salary, but I still remember to share the country's worries." Uriel responded casually, and asked: "Jiang Catcher hangs a green card on his head and waist, has he never thought about eliminating harm for the country?"

This question is a bit serious, and Jiang Wang can't talk about it anymore.

He finally knew where Lin Youxie's stubborn character came from, and it was exactly the same as this previous generation's famous black arrester!

For the people and things you are interested in, you must get to the bottom of it, and you will never let it go lightly.

This is for investigation. Maybe it's an excellent quality. But for those who are "targeted", it is inevitable that it is not good.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and then asked directly: "Dare to ask Senior Wu, if Wu Yiyu, the traitor of the Golden Needle Gate, was captured by me personally? Does that count as eliminating harm for the country?"

Uriel looked at him: "You want to say how much strength you have and how much you can do? I have heard a saying, 'I dare not forget the country's worries when I am young'. It is righteousness to eliminate harm for the people. To serve the country Elimination of troubles is what loyalty does. Is weakness an excuse?

"No, senior, you misunderstood."

Jiang Wang shook his head and said, "What I mean is that the Jinzhenmen case was recorded as a file and recorded in the inspection office of the capital. The witnesses and material evidence are all available. The facts of the case are clear at a glance, and the crime is clear. I took it over at the inspection office. This case, and then go to sea to arrest the murderer. This is what I understand as Qingpai's duty, and what I think is to eliminate harm for the country."

"You said that Tian Huanwen was a cancer, and that the Osawatian family had a big problem. Dare to ask, is there any evidence? You said you have been investigating them. Dare to ask, has the court asked Qingpai to investigate the official documents of the Osawatian family?"

At this point, Jiang Wang spread his hands: "If there is none, how can I say that the Osawatian family is a 'harm'? No matter who the other party is, is it possible to convict such a case based on the words of the seniors?"

None of these of course.

If Uriel was investigating the case according to the order, how would Tian Huanwen dare to touch him? Even if it is an assassination after concealment, it is courting death. One move is a catastrophe.

If Qi Ting really wanted to investigate a top-notch family, it would not be as simple as a Wu Lie action.

The Kurongyuan, which was famous all over the world back then, was destroyed overnight. The influence has continued to this day, until now, all the sects in Qi territory have been suppressed below a certain level, and it will never be possible for another Kurongyuan to emerge.

A generation of famous generals and real people in the world who respected Xuanfutu had no choice but to go to the battlefield of the lost world to show their ambitions with death.

If Qi Ting really wants to do something, there is no room for Tian Huanwen to play raids overseas!

Jiang Wang could easily infer that Uriel's pursuit of the Tian family was a spontaneous act of his own. Maybe his retirement back then was also related to this matter.

Then it is even more impossible for him to get involved in this muddy water.

Jiang Wang's attitude is already very clear, if he needs his help to investigate the Osawatian family, just show the official document of the Metropolitan Inspection Office. However, the official documents of the top famous families must be affixed with the seal of Emperor Qi, so that they can count.

Holding up the righteous name, and guiding him with a few words in private, he wanted to lure him into the gang to take risks, which was absolutely impossible.

He didn't have that kind of trust in Uriel, nor did he have that kind of friendship with Uriel.

Of course Uriel understood, he was silent for a while, and then said: "For Qi, some grievances can be tolerated, and some hardships can be tolerated. Indeed, my investigation is nameless, and I don't have any support from the court. Conscience and integrity. One day, if he dies unfortunately, it may not cause any disturbance. This time when he was discovered, Tian Huanwen immediately acted, maybe it was a wake-up call for me, telling me to turn around."

He said slowly: "But I won't look back. I will definitely look into it."

These words are indeed admirable. Uriel's persistence is moving.

A Daze County almost surnamed Tian, ​​the jurisdiction of a secret place of Qixinglou, two overseas islands, the presence of two gods Tian Xili and Tian Huanwen, a terrifying genius Tian Anping who is about to expire in ten years... Dazetian Just this part of the muscles that are exposed on the bright side is scary enough.

How much courage and determination does it take to investigate a top family alone without the support of the imperial court?

Ordinary people can't imagine it at all.

A monk who broke the lifespan of a mortal body and whose golden body and chalcedony will not be destroyed until death can completely enjoy life leisurely in the retired life full of honors, or devote himself to practicing and bravely climbing the peak.

But Uriel chose such a difficult thing, risking his own death, to walk alone!

Jiang Wang's heart was not completely free of fluctuations, but he just said: "You said that you are thinking of the country of Qi. If I ask Tian Huanwen what he is doing, he will definitely say that he is thinking of the country of Qi. Then who Is it really for the sake of Qi?"

He shook his head: "I don't know."

"I will not convict with words. If one day I can really see the key evidence, if I am still a green card at that time, then I am willing to fulfill the responsibility of the green card, 'Whoever commits evil must be punished'. Until then, forgive me silence."

Strictly speaking, the speech was neither gentle nor respectful.

But Uriel didn't seem to feel offended, instead he smiled: "That's very good. The word 'rule' is the meaning of the green card. Many people are not as clear-headed as you after a lifetime. The surname Yue leads you Entering the green card is the most sensible choice."

He leaned back and half leaned on the cabin: "I didn't say anything about the Tian family today."

Jiang Wang initially took up the post of Qingpai, following the path of Zheng Shi, the captain of the Northern Yamen. But it was Yue Leng's operation that really entered the green card system. So Ulie said that it was Yue Leng who lured him into Qingpai.

Jiang Wang nodded, and made a serious promise: "Don't worry, I haven't heard anything."

He was actually very curious about what the Tian family did at sea, why Tian Huanwen went out to sea, and what Uriel found out... The scaly claw revealed by Tian Chang and Tian He had already aroused his curiosity.

But he didn't ask anything.

The strength is not enough, and I don't want to court death.

Thanks to the book friend Braised Egg 1.9 meters for becoming the leader of this book! Thanks to book friend 20181004211950939 for becoming the leader of this book! (Brother Alliance Leader, you should choose a nickname, this digital nickname is too lacking in your demeanor.)

There will be more changes tonight, and more changes tomorrow night.

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