Red Heart Survey

Chapter 970 ?

Chapter 970 Why is Huaibi innocent

Looking at Uriel at this moment, Jiang Wangcai noticed that the old man's eyes were deep and distant, and the black pupils seemed to be able to attract people's minds.

This person is probably proficient in pupil art.

Thinking about it, Jiang Wang took the initiative to look away.

What Uriel said just now is really shocking. And shockingly, more than one.

Regardless of the Da Zetian family or the Qingpai veteran, they all have a common identity, they are all Qi people.

More importantly, to some extent, the green card was enforcing the law on behalf of Qi Ting. Even if Uriel has retired, his past honors, feats, and fame have made him closely connected with the green card system, which cannot be easily separated.

So, why did Tian Huanwen kill Uriel? Or by means of assassination!

Is Osawada really all lunatics? They don't care like Tian Anping? Kill whoever you want?

And Uriel, why didn't he ask for help from Cassia Island?

Even if he has retired, strictly speaking, he cannot be regarded as a god catcher with a blue card hanging around his waist. But when he went to Cassia Island to file a complaint, Qi Xiao could still watch him die?

To explain this matter, there must be something else hidden.

In fact, by this time, Jiang Wang had already regretted it.

regret asking.

He has a lot of self-doubt...

Are you really a smart person?

The things Uriel said...he shouldn't have listened!

Chong Xuansheng is the representative of the smart people in his heart. Before that, he felt that if it was Chong Xuansheng, he would be able to tell at a glance that there was someone else chasing and killing Uriel. But now he felt that if it was Chong Xuansheng, he would simply pretend not to know and turn a blind eye to it.

Because that's the best choice, and you can avoid many troublesome choices.

And he thought he had seen through the hiding behind Ulie and Lin Youxie, but who knew that it wasn't a flaw that deliberately attracted him into the game?

But having heard this, it was impossible for him to pretend that he didn't know anything.

"It won't be long before we can go back to Qi." Jiang Wang changed the topic clumsily.

Uriel seemed to be interested, looked at him and said, "You don't seem to be curious why Tian Huanwen attacked me."

Jiang Wang said casually: "Who in this world has no grievances? I also offended Diaohailou a few days ago."

"It's not a personal grievance." Uriel's expression became serious: "It's justice. I'm checking them. I've been checking them."

It is obvious that Ulie and Lin Youxie just wanted to take advantage of Jiang Wang, who was well-known at this time, to survive the period of serious injury and escape from hunting.

But now, when he said the word "justice", since Chen he has been checking Da Zetian...

It means that he wants Rajan Wang to enter the game.

Otherwise he wouldn't have said so.

The Dazetian family is a top family in Qi country, what a big deal it is to investigate them. How can it be said at will?

With the listener, it is necessary to make a statement!

Jiang Wang asked himself, what kind of role could he play in the contest between Ulie and Tian Huanwen, or to an extent, in the contest between Qingpai and Da Zetian?

The only thing he could think of was his current reputation. The so-called prestige of number one in the inner government of the offshore islands and number one in the sub-list of the Sea Honor List.

He didn't know that in Uriel's eyes, he was already sure that God would come, and that it would become a mountain in the Qingpai system in the future.

But knowing or not knowing, it doesn't affect Jiang Wang's retreat.

He doesn't want to touch it!

So he just nodded and said he knew.

Then, no then.

Uriel waited for a while, but did not wait for him to continue to say anything,

So he sighed, turned to Fan Qingqing, and asked Jiang Wang, "Do you know why the Five Immortals Sect was destroyed?"

Jiang Wang's eyes turned cold.

Of course he knew the reason why the Five Immortals Sect was destroyed, and he had it in his hands.

But if Uriel wants to use this as a bargaining chip to offer conditions, then Jiang Wang will be underestimated!

You come to me for help, and I promise to help you cover it up. Turn around and threaten me?

If the other party really acted like this, maybe Jiang Wang would leave some clues for Yin to watch.

But a generation of famous arresters does have the bearing of a famous arrester. Uriel didn't mean to threaten Jiang Wang.

He didn't worry about Jiang Wang's harvest, nor did he think it had anything to do with him, but said: "Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty. I don't know what the Five Immortals have, but the whole world is like this."

"Jiang Butou. You have a famous sword hanging from your waist, you have extraordinary skills, and you have mastered the long-lost fairy art." He asked slowly: "Have you ever wondered why no one has ever thought of robbing you from me?" You? Are those people who don't care about face, not as strong as you? Why didn't the disaster of the Five Immortals ever happen to you? Are you invincible?"

Strictly speaking, someone thought of taking it by force. For example, when Jiang Wuyong coveted Chang Acacia, he was pushed back by Chong Xuansheng. For example, Hai Zongming coveted the red makeup mirror, and he ran for thousands of miles, and ended up being killed in the end.

But if you look around, there are indeed not many people who dare to swagger over and snatch the treasures and exercises.

There are countless villains stronger than Jiang Wang.

But the reason why he was not "criminalized" because of Huai Bi was naturally because of his identity.

He is a male from Qingyang Town, Qi State, and a fourth-rank Qingpai headhunter. Qi State is his backing and reliance, and Qi State's prestige and status as the overlord of the Eastern Region protects him.

This is an intangible but tangible benefit that is easily overlooked.

Of course, Jiang Wang, an outsider, can have the status he has today in Qi State, and can get the current level of protection, and he has made real contributions. Enough rewards to pay off.

On the Qiyang battlefield, he fought bloody battles, and the emperor Qi personally bestowed purple clothes, which is the epitome of this "exchange".

If he didn't have the ability to fight against Ji Shaoqing, or even crush his opponent, Jiang Mengxiong would be full to hold fair for him?

People's military gods go out to sea, don't you want to lose face?

Jiang Wang said frankly: "Because I am accepted by Qi Jue and hold the same position."

He acknowledged Qi State's asylum to him.

"Jiang Baotou, you are a person with responsibility and a bottom line. But not everyone is like you."

Uriel said slowly: "The Tian family has a problem, a big one. I have been investigating them all these years. This time I went to sea, in the name of protecting Youxie, but in fact I was investigating my own case. Many people know that there are After Xie is my best friend, I will go to sea with her, so I won't be suspected."

Lin Youxie also bowed his head again at this time: "Brother Jiang, I checked you earlier to cover up Grandpa Wu, especially to catch rats who have nowhere in hell. I apologize to you again here. However, I cannot deny it." Yes, I do have doubts about you."

"So what now?" Jiang Wang asked.

He was eager to skip the topic of the Tian family, so he actively showed an attitude of reconciliation with Lin Youxie.

"Doubtful." Lin Youxie was very frank: "But I will not investigate you in private again."

That is to say, if you get an order from the Metropolitan Inspection Office, you will still come out to investigate.

However, if he really waited until the day when he was explicitly ordered to investigate by the Metropolitan Inspection Office, he might not be able to investigate, and the meaning would be meaningless.

Jiang Wang was very satisfied with this: "I believe in the integrity of Catcher Lin."

He should be satisfied that he changed the subject and resolved the trouble.

"The honest ones hide in the unknown, and the fake ones climb up the stairs. Not everyone can maintain integrity."

But Uriel turned the topic back calmly: "Tian Huanwen is a cancer."

Jiang Wang: ...




(I communicated with the editor today and wanted a bigger recommendation, but the editor said that the grades were not enough, so I still didn’t.

I don't know what kind of grades are enough for the threshold, and the average subscription of 1,700 is indeed not confident.

But... I want to compete for the monthly ticket list this month.

I have never asked for tickets, but last month we had 3,500 monthly tickets, and the highest number was 150.

I'm going for it this month.

Let's take 2,000 monthly tickets as the base. On the basis of 2,000 monthly tickets, one change will be added for every 500 monthly tickets. There is no cap on the top.

In other words, even if it is only the same as last month, I will add three more.

Everyone knows my writing speed, I'm fighting with my hair.

There is no big recommendation, and there is no possibility of skyrocketing average subscription.

I want to try, if the top 100 on the monthly ticket list is enough.

Most of the readers of this book are spontaneously diffused by readers, so most of them are pirated. I know that the popularity of piracy is very high, and there are many books whose subscriptions are much higher than Chixin.

Even so, I never opened the anti-theft chapter.

Because there are many readers who have switched from pirated copies to genuine ones to support me. Because there was once a really penniless reader who encouraged me. I remember them well. I feel that as long as you support me, no matter in what way, you are my readers.

Now I request that friends who watch pirated versions can also come to support my monthly pass this month.

I want to make a big recommendation.

It has been written for more than a year, with 2.3 million words. There is only one big recommendation, and there is only one exemption.

I couldn't bear it any longer.

I want to rush.

Either be like Yin Guan, who will become a god in one battle. Either be like Yang Jiande, do everything possible, and perish with the country. )

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