Red Heart Survey

Chapter 969 Surprised

Jiang Wang actually knew that a paranoid person like Lin Youxie would not think that she was wrong in investigating Jiang Wang, so she didn't apologize for it. What she apologized for was her uninvited rudeness today - this time she didn't come to investigate the case, but to ask for help.

It may not be easy for ordinary people to understand this emotion.

For what she considers "justice", she will not feel sorry for anything she does. And outside of "justice," her pride would prevail.

Reaching a wall by asking for help hastily will actually hurt her self-esteem.

But... what does this have to do with Jiang Wang?

His reason for staying with the other party is simple.

That sentence "for the sake of being a blue card" may seem like a cliché, but it is actually what he really thinks.

He has Qi Jue, enjoys Qi Lu, and is protected by Qi, and is willing to pay accordingly.

He will not receive rewards for nothing, and he will not have a vegetarian meal.

The identity of the fourth-rank green card brought him a lot of convenience and hidden protection. It is also a due duty to protect colleagues as much as possible.

Besides... one cow is also freed, and two cows are also freed. Hiding one Fan Qingqing is also hiding, and hiding two more people is also hiding.

So he finally nodded.

Gentlemen don't get what comes at you, and Yilin has evil intentions, so she still wants to leave in a huff.

But after glancing at the frost-haired old man, she couldn't obey the pride in her heart.

The old man took care of her, sheltered her, and gave her the warmth of a family member.

Although she looked normal at the moment, she knew the injuries on her body.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang... for your helping hand!" she said.

"You also said that everyone is green. But..." Jiang Wang said: "I think I should know what danger you are facing. Who is chasing you."

He took a few glances at the cramped cabin due to the crowds here and there: "After all, we are all in the same boat."

This word is used at this time, so appropriate to the situation, it is really helping each other!

Lin Youxie and Uriel looked at each other, but didn't speak immediately.

Jiang Wang was not in a hurry, and waited silently.

In fact, he should have thought of it a long time ago. If it was Chong Xuansheng, he must have thought of it immediately—Lin Youxie clearly suspected that he had some kind of connection with Hell Wumen, so how could he be hunted down by Hell Wumen? Time to come to him for help in sheltering and hiding? Isn't this putting yourself at risk?

Moreover, in their identities, how could they be so shameless as to come to Jiang Wang?

Although the offshore islands are not in Qi territory, Jueming Island is also one of the three major powers in the sea, second only to Diaohailou!

If you really want to mobilize, what is a hell without a door?

A single Qi Xiao is enough to blow up the door to hell!


It was inconvenient for Uriel to ask Qi Ting for help.

The reasons for this can be elaborated in many complex ways. Jiang Wang couldn't guess.

But when he calmed down, he immediately thought that the person who chased and killed Uriel was very likely... not Hell without Door.

This is where things get a bit confusing.

Sort out the timeline.

Hell Wumen slaughtered the Five Immortals Sect, Ulie and Lin Youxie suddenly appeared for unknown reasons, carrying several Yamas with their strength, Fan Qingqing took the opportunity to escape. Afterwards, Uriel himself was also inexplicably injured, and was chased and killed by unknown people...

Jiang Wang, a person who originally planned to go to Ice Phoenix Island to thank Li Fengyao in person, but later decided to return directly to Qi State, was thrown into this muddy water for no reason.

What kind of person would force Uriel, who is so important in the green card system, to have nowhere to go?

Unless, the opponent is also in the Qi system. It's not safe for them to rush to Cassia Island!

Thinking of this, Jiang Wang suddenly felt a headache.

The two uninvited guests were silent for a while, and finally it was Uriel who said: "My little friend can care about the friendship of colleagues, and the old man should also show his sincerity."

He turned his head and glanced at Fan Qingqing: "If I remember correctly, this is a member of the Five Immortals?"

It seems that during the battle with Xia Dao, he also noticed the fleeing Fan Qingqing.

Naturally, Jiang Wang should not answer this question.

Fan Qingqing said in a voice: "I am a lonely person, fortunately, the Lord has mercy and sheltered me under his command, so that I will not be lost in the end of the world."

Another piece of information that Jiang Wang captured was that Fan Qingqing had already fallen into Ulie's sight at that time, so at the same time, he must have fallen into Yin Guan's sight as well.

In such a situation, he could still run far away and lurk outside Neverwinter Island. He couldn't just use Uriel's obstruction to explain it. Fan Qingqing must have some secrets!

However, everyone has their own secrets, and Jiang Wang would not say that any of his subordinates should be completely exposed. Such a person is unlikely to receive any spontaneous loyalty.

Ulie looked at Jiang Wang: "What I want to tell you is an internal matter of our Qingpai, and it is a secret of Qi State."

He didn't say anything explicitly, but his attitude was very clear that Fan Qingqing was not suitable for listening.

Fan Qingqing didn't move, and didn't intend to leave.

She is a very sober person, she knows who she is relying on now, and whose orders she should obey. If Jiang Wang doesn't speak, she will stay until the end of time. No matter how scary the old man in front of her was, she couldn't be shaken.

Jiang Wang was very satisfied with Fan Qingqing's performance, and the five fingers on his right hand bloomed and closed like flowers.

Then he said, "Now we can talk."

The voices around Fan Qingqing were cut off.

Fan Qingqing's mood was frightened!

It is not difficult to isolate the sound in the cabin so that people outside cannot hear the movement. Anyone who has a rough grasp of the voice of the Five Immortals Rumeng Ling can do it.

But who is she?

She is the elder of the Five Immortals Sect, and she has also practiced the Five Immortals Rumeng Order, and she thinks she has profound attainments.

To isolate her sense of hearing, to what extent does it have to be mastered?

Although judging from the strength of the isolation, as long as she deals with it with her heart, she can break it relatively easily. But how long has she practiced the Order of the Five Immortals Like a Dream? How long has Jiang Wang been in contact?

Is there a day for real practice?

Could this be the talent of the supreme genius?

She didn't know that Jiang Wang's soul power was far stronger than that of monks of the same rank, and he had experience in practicing fairy arts. He exaggerated Jiang Wang's talent infinitely in his heart, and imprinted his imprint on Yangzhi Migao.

Not to mention that Fan Qingqing was scaring himself over there, Ulie had already said: "I accompanied Youxie to Youxia Island to follow the traces of Wuguan Wang. But it happened that Hell Wumen was massacring at the Five Immortals Gate. As a green card, it is my bounden duty to arrest evil. Although the old man has retired, he has not forgotten his integrity. Therefore, he shot in a fit of anger."

Regarding No Door to Hell, Uriel spoke of his vocation and integrity, which seemed to mean something. It seems to be blaming Jiang Wang for not being ambiguous about having nowhere to go to hell.

But Jiang Wang's face was calm, and he always had only a listening attitude.

Uriel continued: "Their leader is really extraordinary. It was clear that he had just entered the trance not long ago, but I couldn't easily suppress it. The two helpers, Yan Luo, also had strange skills and amazing killing power. I tried to kill one of them by force. , failed, but Qin Guangwang seized the opportunity to exchange injuries with me. Because Xie was by my side, I couldn't do my best, so after a big battle, I had to let them go."

"To avoid trouble, Youxie and I left the scene immediately. But not far from Youxia Island, we were attacked."

The wrinkles around Uriel's eyes are very deep, which may be the reason for his obvious aging: "The incident happened suddenly, the attackers were powerful, and I had just experienced a big battle, so I suffered a bit. I had to use some means to be able to Flee with evil."

"The attackers were well-covered and deliberately avoided common exercises. But I know..."

Ulie looked straight into Jiang Wang's eyes: "That man is Tian Huanwen! He can't escape my eyes."

Da Zetian, Tian Huanwen!

The Dazetian Clan, the top famous family in the Qi Kingdom, has two godly masters, one is the current patriarch Tian Xili, who is also the father of Tian Anping.

The other is Tian Huanwen from the generation of Uncle Tian Xili. The relationship with Tian Huanzhang, who guarded the Seven Star Valley last time, is exactly the relationship of cousins.

As the elder of the Dazetian family, Tian Huanwen also went out to sea, and attacked the retired famous arrester Ulie?

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