Red Heart Survey

Chapter 968 ?

Chapter 968

Jiang Wang sat on the left side of the cabin, and Lin Youxie sat opposite him.

Fan Qingqing huddled in the corner, and the old man squatted beside her, pressing her shoulder with one hand.

Pat, clack, clack.

I don't know what time it is, but it is raining outside.

Quickly and forcefully knocked on the roof of the cabin.

Lin Youxie's voice was very soft, it could be said that it was delivered directly to his ears, obviously he didn't want to make too much noise.

Jiang Wang turned around from the state of practice and quickly sorted out the situation.

Although he has been practicing the voice part of the Five Immortals Rumeng Order, he has not completely relaxed his vigilance. As long as Fan Qingqing made a slight change, he would be able to react.

Therefore, it only took a moment for the old man to restrain Fan Qingqing.

Jiang Wang didn't respond to Lin Youxie immediately, as if he didn't care about everything in front of him, he listened to the rain a few times, and raised his voice, "Brother Li, it's raining heavily outside, come in to avoid the rain!"

Li Yin's voice sounded from the outside at the right time: "No need, my lord, what is this little rain?"

For practitioners, there is indeed no need to avoid the wind and rain.

In fact, Jiang Wang just wanted to confirm Li Yin's status. If something happened to him, he really didn't know how to explain it to Li Longchuan.

After receiving Li Yin's response, he casually pinched a seal to isolate the sound in the cabin. There is no need to involve Li Yin in the next matter.

This secret art of suppressing sound is obtained from the practice just now, not as proficient as Fan Qingqing, but it is enough.

Unclamping his five fingers, Jiang Wang sat back in a very relaxed posture, still ignoring Lin Youxie, turned half of his face to the side, and looked at the frost-haired old man, with neither sadness nor joy in his eyes: "She is my subordinate. , never offended Qi Lu. Please let her go."

His voice was flat, without threat or temper.

But serious.

The old man was surprisingly kind, so he let go of his hand and said with a light smile, "I'm sorry, Jiang Botou."

Fan Qingqing felt relieved, and subconsciously moved to the side of Jiang Wang. She was too aware of the terror of this old man, so even if the other party didn't do anything to her, she didn't dare to move.

At this moment, seeing the old man give Jiang Wang face like this, she realized more clearly what weight Jiang Wang has in Qi State now.

The contemporary arrogance who overwhelms the monks in the same situation in Diaohailou, even if it is a strong man of the gods, he is not willing to offend easily!

Lin Youxie introduced at the opposite time at the right time: "This is Lord Ulieu, the famous arrester of the past generation. He is our old senior. He is highly respected."

Jiang Wang, however, did not say hello to this supposedly famous catcher. Of course, he has only joined Qingpai for a short time, so he really doesn't know who Uriel is.

He just turned his head, turned his eyes back to Lin Youxie, and asked very rudely, "Are you still watching me?"

It's not that he has no manners and is disrespectful to his seniors.

It was these two people who broke into his cabin uninvited and restrained his subordinates, which was rude first.

The clay figurine was still angry, and Jiang Wang was never made of clay.

As the leading figure of Qi State's inner government, he represents the future of Qi State and wins glory for Qi State abroad. How famous was the Tianyatai battle? Let Qi Ting sit still to harvest reputation.

Also under the Qi State system, a monk who has retired from God may not necessarily have a higher status than him now. This weight refers to the value of both parties in the Qi system.

He is fully qualified to express dissatisfaction.

Especially dissatisfied with Lin Youxie's lingering ghost.

He remembered that the two sides should have reached an agreement last time, but this time, they came here unexpectedly for no reason.

Lin Youxie said quickly: "It's not surveillance, it's a mark left by me earlier. If you mind, I will take it back now and apologize to you."

"No need." Jiang Wang said coldly: "'Nianchen', right?"

At the next moment, the sun, the moon and the stars came out from the sky above the Wufu Sea, and the light of supernatural powers illuminated the Wufu Sea. Three thousand divine soul hidden snakes shot out quickly, swimming all over the body in a very short time.

found it!

On the heel of the left foot, there is a mark that is different from his own body, and the powerful power of the soul directly sweeps over and destroys it!

Lin Youxie opened his eyes wide, full of disbelief!

This is a family secret technique that she is proud of, and it is the first time that it has been deciphered by a monk below God's presence! And in such a reckless and direct way. Body wash!

"Never forget, like the heart is attached to the dust." This is the unique secret technique of a generation of famous catcher Lin Kuang, and it is the exquisite use of the power of the soul.

The previous Jiang Wang had nothing to do with it.

But after returning from the Lost Realm, the power of the soul has been strengthened again, and he has seen Wang Ao smash the blood king's gaze with his own eyes, so he has a superficial understanding of the use of power at this level. At the same time, the third mansion has been opened up now, and the cultivation base has greatly improved. After the newly obtained supernatural power Buzhou Feng was integrated into the killing nail, he had the cruel power to kill the body and soul at the same time.

Combining all these, he almost "cleaned" his whole body with powerful spiritual power, and thus discovered the "dust" that Lin Youxie was tied to.

Although Lin Youxie was inexplicably shocked, Ulie couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He is more aware of the power of Nian Chen's secret technique, and Jiang Wang's response just now, although he successfully cleared Nian Chen. But there is no sophistication at all. If it was said that Lin Youxie was a little stronger and could have an inner palace realm, Jiang Wang's method might not be able to detect Nianchen.

But at the same time, he had to admit that Jiang Wang was still in the realm of the inner palace, so he was able to use the power of the soul so extravagantly. This almost means... the possibility of his person achieving God's presence is far beyond that of ordinary people!

"Captain Jiang, I apologize to you again."

Uriel didn't speak, but Lin Youxie came back to his senses, bowed his head seriously and said, "This time I came here uninvited, there is a reason for it. Senior Uriel, he was injured in the process of chasing down the villains. We are now avoiding hunting. This time we took the liberty to board the ship because we wanted to use your reputation to cover it up. We are all blue cards, I hope you will not refuse to save us."

Hurt after chasing villains? Although it wasn't obvious, Lin Youxie didn't need to lie.

In the battle on Xiadao, did they lose to Yin Guan and Yan Luo in the end?

Like Fan Qingqing, he is being hunted down by hell now?

What, I am here to accommodate the assassination target of Hell without Door? Am I dedicated to saving people in the hands of Nowhere in Hell?

With all kinds of thoughts in his mind, Jiang Wang's voice was still cold: "I reminded you, Catcher Lin. You and I have no conflicts at all. I obey the law, and at the same time, I have a blue card. You have repeatedly targeted me. After asking and checking, after checking and asking again, I don't know why I put the secret technique to deal with prisoners on me. Could it be that I, Jiang, have endured it again and again, and you regard it as weak and deceitful?"

"I understand." Lin Youxie put his hands on his knees, bowed his head again to apologize: "I'm sorry."

She didn't say anything like 'I'm leaving, please let Ulao stay on the boat'. So at this time, this apology with bowed head is somewhat real.

Uriel was free and easy, he just chuckled: "Let's go girl."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pull Lin Youxie.

"This half of the cabin is for you to use."

Before they left the cabin, Jiang Wang stretched out his hand and slid across the air, and said in a low voice, "For the sake of being both blue cards."

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