The core of "Five Immortals Like a Dream" is "like a dream".

The core of "Rumengling" is "dream".

The essence of its practice is to explore the non-existing thing that is needed in the "Shengwen Xiandian". Practitioners visualize the various qualities they need in their dreams, and then realize them with secret techniques. Of course, the effect achieved is not as good as in case.

The Patriarch of the Five Immortals did not know that the key part missing from the "Shengwen Xiandian" was the introduction, but she summed up the missing needs of the "Shengwen Xiandian", and named it "Ling". It means the core part of secret art, the key to all Taoism.

Jiang Wang was able to confirm that the greatest value of the Five Immortals Sect may not be the legacy of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, but the "Dream of Dreams" when he actually started to practice the voice part of "The Order of the Five Immortals Like a Dream".

This secret technique of dreaming through visualization and then realizing it has infinite room for imagination.

The legendary "Shenzutong" means "what the heart thinks, what the feet reach."

What is explored is the power of the "heart", which is close to the mighty power of fantasy come true.

This "Like a Dream Order" is also similar to it!

Of course, if the "Shenzutong" is compared to a ten thousand zhang peak, the "Rumeng Ling" of the Five Immortals Sect has only reached the foot of the mountain.

But if it is purely based on the imagination of the future, the limit of supernatural powers is close to the horizon, and the limit of Rumeng Ling only depends on the ability of the caster himself!

Of course, the greater the imagination, the greater the mystery. Unrealistic imagination is just a bubble. There are so many crazy and delusional thoughts in the history of practice, how many times have they been seen by others?

Just like "Five Immortals Rumengling" has been passed down for so many years, the Five Immortals are still not worth mentioning, and Rumengling is still unknown. "Shenzutong" is the supreme supernatural power of Buddhism.

Compared with the directness of "Shenzutong", Rumengling also passed through the dream once. This is indeed a roundabout choice beyond our power, but it also shows the genius of the founder of the Five Immortals Sect!

With his creative genius, he crossed the barriers of cultivation and knowledge. It's admirable.

The more Jiang Wang practiced, the more grateful he became.

There are so many geniuses in this world, and how few can achieve something in the end!

A genius like the Patriarch of the Five Immortals is unknown. The foundation established by one hand was destroyed overnight.

If Fan Qingqing hadn't escaped, at this moment, no one in the world would have known about it.

The wind is always blown away by the rain!

The more knowledge you have, the more you need to be in awe.

Rumengling's practice process is not easy, but compared to the practice process of the five immortals' seniors recorded in the jade book, it is much simpler and easier!

Menghun Menghun, always depend on each other.

With Jiang Wangyuan's mind and soul ability surpassing that of monks of the same level, falling into dreams is easy, and it is not difficult to construct dreams.

It is at this step from "like a dream" to "order", which requires careful consideration.

This process is very cumbersome, and Rumeng Ling used a total of 372 seals to manifest the characteristics of a part of the visualized dream. Only then can Rumeng's "Ling" get a little closer to Shujie itself.

This is already the result of revisions and reductions by the successive masters and elders of the Five Immortals Sect. Those seals had a maximum of 417 seals.

It can be said that Rumeng Token is completely impossible to apply in battle, it is too cumbersome, and its power is extremely weak.

But there is no problem in using it in practice. It can be used as a substitute technique to complete the cultivation of immortal arts.

If Jiang Wang obtained more fairy arts from Yunding Immortal Palace in the future, but no other techniques were introduced, then Rumeng Token might also be an option.

Compared with the previous sect masters of Wuxianmen, Jiang Wang has one of the biggest advantages, that is, he really masters immortal arts and has a steady stream of referrals!

He is better able to understand the "Shengwen Xiandian". Moreover, he can objectively explore the gap between the Rumeng Ling and the real art by trying to replace the Shanfu Qingyun with the Rumeng Ling, so as to push the Rumeng Ling further. complete.

No matter how talented the Patriarch of the Five Immortals Sect is, her knowledge of Shujie only exists in her imagination. She only knew that she needed something, but she didn't know what it was. Nothing else, this is a natural moat in knowledge.

Confucianism says that reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles is also to accumulate the peak of knowledge and insight, so as to go further on the road of practice.

With the existence of Yunding Fairy Palace, Jiang Wang is confident that he can make further progress in Rumengling's replacement of Shujie.

Of course, using the Dao Dao platform to deduce and put in the information of Ru Meng Ling and Ping Qingyun, the final product will definitely be more perfect, and the process will be more convenient. As long as there is enough work, it can infinitely approach the stage limit.

But Jiang Wang didn't intend to deduce it in the illusory realm.

This Rumeng Ling is so unique, it is not an ordinary thing that can be seen everywhere. The Illusory Realm is so mysterious, and it is obvious that there is a need for exercises.

Before he had no choice, now he has. Before finding out the details, he does not intend to share his unique power with the people or forces behind the illusion.

This kind of caution is consistent, even his humane sword style has never been contributed to the podium.

The five senses of practitioners are naturally far superior to ordinary people.

But that is the natural refinement of Dao Yuan, the natural progress of the physical body.

There are also various secret methods, with various targeted enhancements.

There is no shortage of the world-renowned pupil technique, which is often decisively better than invisible. Some people can distinguish thousands of mixed flavors with a single sniff...

But all those related secret arts, the main body is the practitioner himself. People use ears to eyes, and use these parts of the body as "vessels" to play various functions and release various Taoism.

For, "organs". The use of the device is also.

"Five immortals are like a dream to make the voice part", or "Shengwen Xiandian" is different. The main body is the "ear".

The ear is not an organ, the ear is another person. It is a "spirit" that is one with you, completely surrendered to you, but independent.

Treat the ears as a practitioner, and help them become immortals in the end.

This is not something that can be accomplished overnight. One's own practice is still long, and it is certainly not easy to cultivate ears and become a fairy.

However, Jiang Wang has never lacked in his persistence.

During practice, the feeling of time is very vague.

I only know that the boat moves with the water and goes away to the sky.

In the haze, he suddenly became alert.

Jiang Wang suddenly opened his eyes!

"Jiang Botou, don't be nervous." A familiar female voice said.

At this time, there were already two more people in the cabin.

One of them, wearing a blue square scarf, has a slightly messy hair on his forehead, a slightly disordered breath, but his eyes are still clear and energetic.

If it wasn't Lin Youxie, who else?

The other one has silver hair, only on both side temples, and has two symmetrical strands of black hair.

But Fan Qingqing had a hand on his shoulder and did not dare to move.

Presumably this old man was what Fan Qingqing said, the old man who stood alone against Yin Guan and the other two Yamas.

Jiang Wang was surprised at first, then baffled.

Is Li Longchuan's boat a treasure suitable for Tibetans? Why are they drilling in one by one!

They didn't even say hello to the boatman!

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