Red Heart Survey

Chapter 979 Mirror Flower (addition for leader Lin Youxue)

The woman in the water mirror spoke, her voice was gentle, but there was a lingering resentment hidden in it: "Sister, what am I telling you? Men should be damned! I can't wait to beg for mercy and lick the soles of your shoes. When I don't like you, I throw it away like a shoe, and I want to trample you into the mud!"

Zhu Biqiong's eyelids drooped slightly: "But he... doesn't like me."

"If you don't like you, you'll be damned!" The woman in the water mirror said viciously, "You are so nice, why doesn't he like you? He has to pay for it!"

"No." Zhu Biqiong shook his head very lightly but resolutely: "I won't hurt him."

"Look at him, he is like sending away the plague god, wishing to drive you away immediately. Even so, do you still think he is good?"

"No, he's worried about me. He's afraid that I'll be in trouble if I stay."

"Come on! He has so many friends and such a strong network, what trouble can he have if he keeps you in Qi? You want to help him, and you still want to help him now. But he despises you! He despises you for your lack of talent and cultivation. Not enough, lack of wisdom, can’t help him! Men are always like this, there is no woman in their eyes, only value. It only depends on how many Dao Yuan stones you are worth! What is emotion? Men don’t know!”

"No, it's not." Zhu Biqiong said weakly. In front of Zhu Suyao, she couldn't even speak loudly, but she objected stubbornly: "In this world, there are bad people and good people. Jiang hoped that he would ...He thought of me, he never hurt me."

"Thinking for you? Hahahaha..." The woman in the mirror laughed wildly for a while, then suddenly stopped talking, and said viciously: "I really thought about you, you sent a message to save him desperately, why didn't he send someone to pick you up and leave the fishing sea immediately Lou? Let you suffer like that in the sea prison!"

Zhu Biqiong pursed her lips and said, "He's still very young, he can't think everything through. It's inevitable that there will be times when he doesn't think about it. It's only my own fault. I was in Diaohailou, and I didn't think about it clearly. The consequences of the incident, did not escape first..."

"Ha! Didn't think it through? I went out to sea once. It was difficult and dangerous, but I made a lot of money. Why did I suffer a little loss? Look at the flattering look of the Tianfu city lord! Kill Ji Shaoqing and get out of the body , This kind of person seems to be inconsiderate?"

Zhu Suyao raised her brows upside down: "When you were struggling on Tianyatai, did his friends really have no way to save you? Did they really try their best and make every effort? Or did they not Don't think, are you worth paying so much? Your position in Jiang Wang's heart determines what step Jiang Wang's friends will take!"

In the water mirror, she stared into Zhu Biqiong's eyes, as if piercing her heart: "My sister, you know it yourself, don't you?"

Zhu Biqiong bit her lower lip and said: "He said long ago that he regarded me as a friend. He never lied to me. As for his friends... I have never met them before, and they have no responsibility to do anything for them. What I do. I'm already grateful for what's been done for me."

"This world is very dangerous. You can't always be so naive and always think of the good of others. When something happens to you, who cares about you? Even mother-in-law... mother-in-law, she only looks at the value, Isn't it? If I can win resources for her, she will love you in every possible way. If I am gone, she will drain all your value and abandon you."

"Not everyone is like this." Zhu Biqiong didn't know how to argue, but could only repeat: "Not everyone is like this. At least Jiang Wang is not..."

Zhu Suyao in the water mirror softened her voice: "My silly sister, you are always like this, always thinking of others. But besides me, who else in this world would really think of you?"

"Sister..." Zhu Biqiong looked at her with tears in her eyes.

In the water mirror, Zhu Suyao wiped her tears with her hand, as if she wanted to wipe away her tears: "Have a good rest, my sister. With my sister here, no one can bully you in the future."

The waves are gentle, and the boat shakes slowly.

Seabirds fly freely at low altitude.

There are songs in the distance, I don't know who is singing——

"It is said that Chaofan is good, every step of the way, life and death are at your fingertips.

Fight the raging sea, fight fiercely and stubbornly, be poor, wise and brave, and decide the top one.

It is said that Chaofan is good, there is no peace in the whole life, the wind and the sea are calm... I can't see it. "



The magnificent April has passed.

It is worth mentioning that until the end, Jiang Wang was still number one on the Haixun list in April. The second place on the vice list was only a hundred points short of Hai Xun, who could squeeze Jiang Wang down, but in the end it was a hundred points short.

The progress on the Haixun list depends not only on one's own strength, but also on whether the opponent gives a chance. Obviously this person owed some luck, and of course it might be his luck. Because while the Sea Honor List mobilized the enthusiasm of the monks to participate in the war, many monks died because of it.

It is of course a great honor to keep your name on the first sea honor list and occupy the first place in the sub-list. The benefits given by Diaohai Tower are also quite a lot.

There was a bounty of one hundred primordial stones... Of course, it was all pocketed by Chong Xuansheng, who was on behalf of him.

In addition, another benefit was only announced in the last few days.

The Zhenhai League has established a "guardian" system specifically targeting Haixun.

Every human cultivator who participates in the war in the maze world and obtains the corresponding Hai Xun can automatically become a member of the sea guards.

With the change of Haixun, he will get different levels of treatment and benefits. There is even a salary for each level of guards.

There are a total of nine ranks of Wei Haishi, which will be recognized by the Zhenhai League, but not completely belong to the special class of the Zhenhai League. Take one thousand points of honor as the threshold for a first-order sea guard.

Any monk, no matter which faction he belongs to, can be listed on the Shanghai Honor List and become a guardian. Just kill the Sea Clan!

That's a lot of money.

For the Zhenhai League, this is investing resources to buy influence, and at the same time, it is bringing closer the relationship between the Zhenhai League and all the monks participating in the Lost World War.

For Jiang Wang, this is a real benefit, real influence and honor.

Because he had obtained 11,300 sea honors, he had just crossed the threshold of a second-tier marine guard, and became one of the only second-tier marine guards among the monks at the combat level of the outer building in the entire offshore islands.

The other one is the second in the sub-list of the Sea Honor List.

From then on, Jiang Wang's titles, in addition to Daqi Qingyang Town Male and Fourth Rank Qing Brand Headhunter, can also be added to the second rank of Guard Haishi. In a sense, the last honor is an honor that goes beyond the scope of Qi and faces the human race.

If it weren't for the conflict with Diaohailou, he would have been able to run rampant in the Zhenhai League's sphere of influence just by virtue of the last title.

Of course, it may be bigger in significance, and the Zhenhai League has raised a big banner. But in actual effect, Daqi's MG is more deterrent.

At this time, Jiang Wang was already in Linzi.

In Xiashan Biefu, he received the information from Lin Youxie.



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