Red Heart Survey

Chapter 980 ? A life on paper

Chapter 980: A Life on Paper

Lin Youxie didn't come to the door in person, but a neatly dressed middle-aged man who came here, even his hair was meticulously tied.

Judging from the sharp eyes that habitually explore the surroundings, it should also be a blue card, but there is no card hanging around his waist, so he doesn't know what grade it is.

He came with a brocade box in his hand, and only said that his surname was Lin, without any other introduction.

Jiang Wang didn't get to the bottom of it either.

He didn't care how much inheritance Lin Youxie left to Lin Youxie, a famous arrester of his generation.

It's just that the completeness of the information in the brocade box still surprised Jiang Wang.

There are three booklets in the brocade box.

The first volume records the history of Liang Shanglou, starting from the patriarch who founded the sect, to today in the year 3919 of the Dao calendar. Any important node here has detailed records. What exactly happened and what impact it had... There is a lot of information, even Liang Shanglou's current landlord may not be able to know. And in this booklet, it's not a secret at all.

The degree of control of Daqi royal court over the big and small sects in the country is simply beyond Jiang Wang's imagination!

It's no wonder that he can instigate and recruit at will.

It's no wonder that the grievances and grievances between the major sects are often resolved through reporting to officials, and there are few private fights.

From this point of view, although these sects in Qi territory have the name of sects, they are just another form of yamen. It is different from forces like Dongwanggu and Diaohailou.

The second volume in the brocade box is Chu Mi's information. This volume of information should have been recently sorted out, unlike the stale atmosphere of the first volume, this volume still has the scent of fresh ink.

The information is very detailed, including Chu Mi's master, his apprentice, and his family——

His master died in the Lost Realm before him, at the hands of the Sea Clan. His disciples died earlier, before they even went to Lost World. As for his family... Chu Mi has always presented himself as a cunning and cunning image. No one in the whole Liangshang upstairs knew that he had a family, maybe even his master didn't know. But there are relevant records on Qingpai's side.

Chu Mi has a wife and son, all ordinary people, living in an ordinary town in Baolong County. It is far away from Qingtou County, where Liang Shanglou's main activities are. (Liang Shanglou does not have a fixed sect residence, and because of his bad reputation, the organization is relatively loose.)

This record made Jiang Wang secretly startled. An unknown Chu Mi, the inspection office has such detailed information, and the foundation has been dug so deep. And what about other people with names? Even... What about myself?

The third booklet is about the detailed case of Chu Mi being sent to the Lost Realm to cleanse his crimes.

These three booklets are piled up in a thick stack, recording a person's life.

It can be seen that Lin Youxie really put his heart into Jiang Wang's casual "request" just to avoid it. I don't want to take advantage of anything - anyway, I have put in a lot of effort, and I am earnestly paying back. As for whether you need such detailed information, it is your own business.

Jiang Wang did not make any comments on this, but put away the brocade box, and said to the middle-aged man surnamed Lin: "I have received the information, please convey my thanks to Catcher Lin for me."

The man looked at him calmly: "Is there anything lacking or incomplete? I can help you to make up for it at any time."

Jiang Wang shook his head: "No. I'm very satisfied."

"That's good." The man walked out as he said that, without delay: "Please stay."

It seems that the two sides have reached an agreement on keeping a distance.

Jiang Wang then stopped and did not see him off.

The steward of this Befu came forward, and Xiaoyi asked: "Young master, who is this? Such arrogance."

Everyone in the house knew that Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng were as good as close brothers. Especially after Chong Xuansheng gained the upper hand in the competition for the position of Patriarch, he often lived in Bowanghou Mansion to strengthen his position as heir. In this Beppu, Jiang Wang can almost be said to be another master.

Jiang Wang smiled: "It's not a big shot. It's just a background of a fourth-rank green card or above. Why, you want to teach others a lesson?"

"How can a young one have such abilities?" The steward shrank his neck, and walked aside in despair.

Attached to the Chongxuan family, these people are inevitably a little bit blind. But no matter what, he didn't dare to say that arresting a head with a blue card above the fourth rank was not a serious matter.

Jiang Wang knocked casually, and then said: "Prepare a carriage, I'm going to Qiuyang County."

The manager is still very quick to handle things, so I'll go down and make arrangements immediately. In less than a moment, a luxuriously decorated carriage stopped in front of the gate of Beppu.

Jiang Wang actually didn't like such a flamboyant carriage, but he didn't say anything, got into the carriage and left the house straight away.

Naturally, he went out this time to deal with Chu Mi's funeral. Meet Chu Mi's wife and children and see what can be done.

Chu Mi's wife and children are all in Baolong County, which happens to be adjacent to Qiuyang County.

And Qiuyang County is where the Chongxuan family's clan is located.

Jiang Wang chose to go to Qiuyang County, in the name of helping Chong Xuansheng to go to the ancestral temple of the clan to set up a foothold. After arriving at Chongxuan's house, he planned to find an opportunity to secretly go to Baolong County.

The reason for this trouble is that Chu Mi must not want anyone to know about his wife and children. Chu Mi kept it a secret all his life and let his wife and children live an ordinary life, so he naturally had his considerations. Now that he is dead, Jiang Wang will never allow himself to leak the news in the name of goodwill.

I don't know what day it is.

Jiang Wang stayed in Xiashan Biefu for several days to practice, but no one visited him, and there were no waves.

Today it finally moved once, but after the carriage left Xiashan Befu, it was stopped again before it could drive out of Linzi.

"My lord, someone wants to see you." The coachman's voice sounded outside the curtain.

Jiang Wang stopped practicing for a while, raised his finger slightly, and the curtain was blown up by a breeze.

After gaining the supernatural power of Bu Zhou Feng, he also began to devote part of his energy to practicing Feng Xing Taoism, and used it when he had time. It's not because of greed, but to make better use of supernatural powers.

After all, the inadvertent wind integrated into the killing nail is already stronger than the real fire of samadhi.

Half bowed and waiting cautiously beside the carriage was a tall man.

Jiang Wang didn't have much impression of this person anymore, until he saw the pair of unusually thick-framed hands, he remembered in a daze that this person was Yan Er, who was known as the number one Tenglong in Linhai.

When Jiang Wang was in the Tenglong Realm, this person, together with Na Laoshizi Pingxi Shuangsha, was still qualified to fight Jiang Wang.

As for now...

Just look at the posture of the person bowing and waiting.

Jiang Wang didn't mean to be contemptuous, and asked directly: "What's the matter with you?"

Yan Er clasped his fists in both hands and said respectfully: "My son is hosting a banquet at Wenyu Water Pavilion. I would like to invite Mr. Jiang to meet you."

Bao Mazi?

Jiang Wang frowned, and said softly, "I'm going out for a while. If there's anything, I'll talk about it when I return to Linzi."

After all, the car curtain hangs down naturally.

As soon as the coachman lifts the reins, the well-trained horse will walk forward in small steps.

Yan Erli stood beside him, so he was unwilling to invite anyone. But he dared not stop the car again.

Today's Jiang Wang is beyond his ability to offend.

Bao Zhongqing came to the door, what's the matter?

Jiang Wang in the carriage just thought about it casually, but he didn't have a clue, so he left it behind.

If Bao Zhongqing really wanted to ask him for something, he would come to see him in a polite manner, and he might still be willing to have a chat. As for randomly ordering a servant to invite him, to put it bluntly, he does not have such qualifications now.

In addition, Chong Xuansheng also said that this Bao Mazi is not simple.

People who can be feared by Chong Xuansheng are definitely not easy to deal with.

Whatever he thinks!

It's hard for these people with deep city background and quick brains to figure it out anyway. Simply wait for Chongxuansheng to come back, and then fight with him.

Jiang Wang closed his eyes, let the carriage move forward, and sank into his daily practice.

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