Red Heart Survey

Chapter 982 Wayao (add more stars for the lord!)

Baolong County appears narrow and long on the map of Daqi. It is a county mansion shaped like an arm.

Wayao Town is an extremely ordinary town among many towns. This ordinary town is ordinary from head to toe, from the inside out.

As the town's name suggests, the livelihood of the people here is to burn bricks and tiles.

However, the general in Qi country is different from the common in other small countries.

Working hard to live a good life is already the dream life of many people.

According to the information given by Lin Youxie, Jiang Wang found a medium-sized kiln in the west of Wayao Town.

In front of the neat pile of gray tiles, there is a group of people moving tiles back and forth. These people are both male and female, and most of them are men. The men are basically topless, and their muscles are stained black and gray. The women were all dressed in wear-resistant coarse clothes, and their hair was wrapped in scarves that couldn't see their original color. A few of them looked stronger than men.

Jiang Wang looked carefully for a while, and then relied on the extraordinary eyesight of an extraordinary monk to find Zhang Cuihua——

This is a very ordinary village woman, she is also slightly thinner than the other women who work together, and relatively less bloated. The face is also cleaner...but still not good-looking.

Extraordinary monks, understood only in the literal sense, are beyond the ordinary.

Any extraordinary monk, even if he is as delusional as Zhang Hai or depraved as Ge Heng, can easily live a life of luxury far exceeding that of ordinary people.

Chu Mi is already a monk in the Outer Building Realm, and has already stepped into the threshold of the qualification of a prefect.

As he himself said, to be able to practice in a place like Liangshanglou, with such skills and resources, to the Outer Building Realm, he is already very remarkable, he is a very talented monk!

How could he fall in love with such an ordinary village woman?

Neither cultivation nor beauty.

"Hey, boy, what are you doing? You've been watching it for a long time!" a particularly strong man suddenly shouted.

Jiang Wang looked around and realized that he was talking about himself.

"This big brother." Jiang Wang said with a warm smile, "I'm looking for someone."

The strong man walked forward with a large stack of tiles in his arms, glaring at Jiang as he walked.

His face was smeared with gray, but the warning in his eyes was very strong: "Don't think about it, or my fist won't recognize you!"

"Brother, please rest assured, I am a good person."

Stretching out his hand not to hit the smiling man, the strong man walked forward with a cold face, but his mouth was still unforgiving: "Thin skin and tender flesh, how can there be a good man?"

"They didn't recruit you or provoke you. Why do you talk so much? You can't do enough work!" A female voice shouted, very imposing.

The strong man moved his head and moved the tiles, and stopped talking.

Coincidentally, it was Zhang Cuihua who made a sound to make a rescue.

She had just unloaded tiles, slapped the dust on her sleeves, and walked outside.

Helping a strange young man out of a siege is a trivial matter, and she didn't even take a second look at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang rushed a few steps, and greeted politely: "Excuse me... are you Chu Haoxue's family?"

Yes, the pseudonym Chu Mi used in Wayao Town was Chu Haoxue.

What to learn! The name is also ridiculous. A guy who is proficient in cheating and abducting is still "eager to learn"? Is this worth it?

"That's my man." Zhang Cuihua stopped and looked at him with complicated eyes: "What's the matter with you?"

"That's it." Jiang Wang looked around: "Is it convenient to take a step to talk?"

The woman looked distressed: "I'm doing work here."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "So, how much is your daily salary? I'll pay you, and you don't have to work today."

It stands to reason that not having to work is a good thing for everyone, but the woman shook her head: "There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, my man said it, you must not believe this. Even if it is true, what at this time? No need, sooner or later I will find it elsewhere.”

Jiang Wang was speechless for a moment.

Chu Mi is worthy of being an expert in deceit and abduction, and he has cultivated a strong sense of anti-fraud in his daughter-in-law.

"You..." In Jiang Wang's silence, Zhang Cuihua sized him up: "Do you know my man?"

Only then did Jiang Wang recognize the vigilance and expectation hidden in the woman's eyes.

After all, her husband "Chu Haoxue" has not come back for five years.

"We... are friends." Jiang Wang said.

"How is he?" Zhang Cuihua grabbed his sleeve, but quickly let go, and hurriedly wiped the dust on his sleeve: "Yes... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay." Jiang Wangwen said, "Shall we find a place to chat?"

"What do you mean?" The burly man bumped back from nowhere, and cursed from a long distance: "Sister Hua, what's going on? Is this little boy bullying someone?"

"None of your business!" Zhang Cuihua turned around and cursed back: "I'm talking to my little brother, is it in your eyes? Get out of here!"

The menacing strong man rushed halfway, but was scolded back again.

Only then did Zhang Cuihua turn back and persuade: "Don't be angry, country people don't speak well, but they have no bad intentions."

This strong man is a warm-hearted person, but a little reckless.

Jiang Wang would not be angry because of this. Mainly because it was the first time I was scolded as a bad boy, and the experience was quite novel. In the past, there were only...

He sighed.

Over there, Zhang Cuihua stretched out his hand to seduce again: "It's sweltering in the kiln, let's talk outside."

It seems that the status of "Chu's studious friend" is very effective for her. Let her forget about the nine points of attention and the eight points of vigilance that Chu Mi instilled in her daily life.

Just as Jiang Wang was thinking, Zhang Cuihua turned around and shouted again: "Dog, Shanzi! I'm going out, you help me watch Yao'er, don't let him run around!"

There were two echoes from the crowd.

"Okay Sister Hua!", "Hey!"

It seems that she is very popular in this tile kiln.

Jiang Wang also retracted his previous conclusions, Zhang Cuihua did not fully trust him, he was "brightening his muscles". It's nothing more than an expression - have you seen these guys? If you dare to have any bad intentions, my old lady will call a few people to tear you apart casually.

"Yao'er..." Jiang Wang asked, "Is it you and my brother's child?"

Zhang Cuihua grinned: "Then I can still have babies with other people? Those eyebrows, those eyes, can't be other people's seeds!"

Jiang Wang touched his nose, not too able to resist such a straightforward language style.

Zhang Cuihua walked out while explaining: "Burning tiles is a hard work, and I can't leave people for a moment. My son also couldn't leave people when he was young, so he always worked with him. Slowly, he grew up in this tile kiln. "

Walking out of the tile kiln, she took off the turban that couldn't see the original color, dusted off the black ash, and spoke proudly: "Don't look at him as young, he can burn tiles himself!"

She smiled and said, "Just don't tell him to do it."

Her husband never came back, and she took her children to work in the tile kiln alone, doing manual labor like a man. Bricks and tiles are fired, and tiles are moved to carry weight.

But her tone, her state, did not have the slightest bit of resentment.

There is only the tenacity in the face of life, and the simple and plain satisfaction.

Looking at this smile, Jiang Wang already knew why Chu Mi fell in love with this woman.




I have read a book, and there is a sentence in the book, "Opening a restaurant is a hard work."

I don't remember what was written in that book, but I only remember this sentence.

This sentence is so lifelike.

It's what people say every day.

I hope that when I write about my daily life, I can write about the real breath of life. It's not just the transition of the plot, the buffer of the climax.

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