Red Heart Survey

Chapter 983 Seven Swords

The conversation with Zhang Cuihua started on a bare hillside—near the extremely hot tile kiln, there are few bright blue colors.

In May, although the hillside is bald, it is not difficult to bear. Occasionally there is a wind blowing, which is refreshing.

"The child's name is Chu Yao?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Yes. My sister-in-law and sister-in-law were all born earlier than me. When the baby was born, the man said, it's good to be called Yao'er. 'The emperor loves the eldest son, and the people love Yao'er.' It seems to be so." Zhang Cuihua said with a face. With a smile on his face: "He is a learned man."

"Uh..." Jiang Wang echoed without conscience: "My studious brother is indeed a learned man."

Zhang Cuihua couldn't hear his reluctance at all, and was a little proud: "Isn't it? I used to be called Zhang Cuihua. My man said that the Chinese characters are vulgar, so I was called Cuihua. I don't know the difference, but it sounds nice! Listen! rejoice!"

From Jiang Wang's point of view, Zhang Cuihua didn't sound much better than Zhang Cuihua.

But the satisfaction in Zhang Cuihua's eyes and all joy.

Those things, those beautiful things she cherished, are the biggest force supporting her life, right?

Regardless of Chu Mi's reputation outside, no matter what people think of him. At least in Wayao Town, there is someone who worships him, recognizes him, and loves him sincerely.

"It's really good." Jiang Wang thought for a while and asked, "Sister Hua, I don't think your complexion is particularly good. I know a little bit of medical skills, so can I help you take a pulse?"

After thinking about it, he didn't know how to help Chu Mi's widow. So he thought about checking the other person's physical condition first, to see if he could help him transcend.

"What's the inconvenience? I'm a mother!" Zhang Cuihua wiped her hands vigorously with the untied scarf before stretching forward: "You!"

Jiang Wang stretched out three fingers, seeming to catch the pulse, but in fact he had called Dao Yuan to observe.

In Zhang Cuihua's body, he found the undissipated medicinal power—the medicinal power of Kaimai Pill.

Asked in a very casual state: "Did Brother Haoxue give you anything special?"

"No." Zhang Cuihua shook her head.

After a while, he said again: "I was sick once, and he ran a long way to ask for medicine for me. It was a pill, and I asked the gods to ask for it! I took it and it was fine. After all these years, I have never been sick again. Mile."

It seems that Chu Mi has already tried to make her extraordinary, but she obviously lacks talent, and her body has not been adjusted to a suitable state. Even if she uses Kaimai Pill, she cannot succeed.

So what else can I do to help this woman?

Just as Jiang Wang was thinking, he suddenly met Zhang Cuihua's eyes.

The plainness and tenacity in those eyes had disappeared at some point.

She looked at Jiang Wang: "Big brother, tell me the truth. My family is studious, is something wrong? Don't hide it from me!"

The gray-stained lips moved, not knowing whether to cry or to laugh: "If he's gone, can't you lie to me and wait for him? It's not like I'm not wanted."

Jiang Wang thought he was acting normal, but he couldn't hide it from a woman who missed her husband.

five years.

She took the child alone and waited for Chu Mi for five years.

Of course she is not unwanted. At least the strong man from before was obviously interested in her.

But the meaning of "don't lie to me to wait in vain" means that if it is not in vain, if I can wait, I will wait no matter how long.

Jiang Wang originally thought of several reasons in his mind, but at this moment, facing these eyes—these are powerless and most powerful eyes.

Suddenly, none of them could speak.

"He walked very honorably and honorably." Jiang Wang finally said.

Zhang Cuihua was stunned for a while, then slowly, slowly squatted down.

He covered his face with those rough hands stained with brick and tile dust.

No cry came out.

Jiang Wang stood beside him and accompanied him silently.

The wind in May comes and goes. On the bare and unobstructed hillside, whimpering back and forth.

After a long time, Zhang Cuihua rubbed her eyes vigorously with her sleeve, then raised her head and said, "When he left, he said he would come back."

There were no tears in her eyes, but her face was black and white, and she tried hard to calm down: "At least he didn't lie to me, he won't come back. It's not that he won't come back..."

Jiang Wang squatted down, stretched out his hand and brushed it in front of her face, and the gentle water brushed her face, wiping away the "pattern" made of tears and brick dust.

That warm and gentle power didn't make her feel a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Cuihua was obviously shocked by this miraculous scene, and forgot to speak for a while.

Jiang Wang said softly: "Your husband is the same person as me. I and your husband are friends. If you want, I can help you live a different life."

There shouldn't be any ordinary person who can refuse the temptation of the extraordinary.

Jiang Wang always thought so. When he was very young, he longed for the extraordinary. For this reason, they are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and they work tirelessly.

Zhang Cuihua was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "Is it dangerous? People like you are dangerous, right?"

Jiang Wang wanted to say that if you don't reach the realm of the Outer Building, you don't have to go to the Lost Realm to fight.

But if you don't go to the outer building, don't go to the lost world, is there no danger?

One's practice at the Soaring Dragon Realm will be lost in the mist of ignorance at any time, isn't that dangerous?

How many practitioners have been driven crazy by the pain of wandering in front of the gate of heaven and earth, unable to advance an inch?

Once the Zhou Tian built by the Zhou Tianjing collapsed, who would dare to imagine the consequences of the explosion of the Taoist spin?

Moreover, those who really set foot on the road of practice. Who is willing to stay at the foot of the mountain forever, always wandering?

How can he say that transcendence is not a dangerous path?

"It must be very dangerous." Zhang Cuihua shook his head, asked himself and answered: "My man is the most careful, if I draw water from the well, I will drag him behind. It's not particularly dangerous...he will be safe."

Jiang Wang sighed: "I can't guarantee that there will be no danger in the extraordinary world. I can only say that if you embark on this road, you will have the opportunity to control your own destiny."

He stretched out his finger, tapped Zhang Cuihua's brow lightly, and used the power of his soul to transmit the information of Qingyang Town into her mind: "If you ever figure it out, you can ask Chu Yao to find me in this place, Just ask Jiang Qingyang."

He retracted his fingers: "Besides, don't let anyone know about it. I have a lot of trouble, and so does your husband."

This method of conveying information into his mind is obviously far beyond Zhang Cuihua's imagination. Chu Mi had never performed extraordinary in front of her.

But she was surprisingly calm.

After thinking about it seriously, she said: "The baby is still young, when he grows up, I will let him decide for himself."

"Okay." Jiang Wang didn't force it, and said instead: "Then let's talk about the next thing. Is there any problem in your life?"

Before Chu Mi surrendered, it was impossible not to leave protection for his wife and children. People like him, of course, know that they can't leave too much wealth, but there is definitely no problem in ensuring their basic life.

Why is Zhang Cuihua moving tiles in the tile kiln now, working hard like men?

Zhang Cuihua thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "We're fine."

Jiang Wang was afraid that she didn't understand what he meant, so he said more bluntly: "Now you should know what kind of person I am and what kind of abilities I have. If you encounter any grievances, difficulties, or hurdles that you can't get over. Just tell me. I’ve opened up mountains every time, and I’ve cut off water every time, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Zhang Cuihua's eyelids drooped slightly: "I grew up here since I was a child, and Wayao Town is my home. Who can wrong me? You don't have to worry about it."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and didn't ask any more questions.

Zhang Cuihua was able to raise the child by herself, and he was definitely not a soft character when he shouted and shouted at the men in the kiln just now. She didn't want to say it, and there must be a reason for not wanting to say it.

It is not difficult to guess the reason for the fact that he has a sister-in-law and a sister-in-law.

Housework is difficult for outsiders to decide.

It is understandable that Zhang Cuihua is afraid that he is an extraordinary monk who does not care about the lives of ordinary people.

"That's it." Jiang Wang took out a bag of broken silver, not because he couldn't give more, but for the safety of their mother and child: "You take these silver..."

As soon as Zhang Cuihua backed away, her tone was very firm: "I can't have it!"

Jiang Wang continued: "I borrowed it from Brother Haoxue earlier, and now I have nowhere to return it..."

Zhang Cuihua stepped back again: "Did you really borrow it?"

Jiang Wang said: "How can there be a fake? We extraordinary monks can't lie to people, and if we lie to people, we can't cultivate. I rushed to pay back the money, just to fulfill my wish!"

Only then did Zhang Cuihua put away the cloth bag: "The debt should be paid back."

"Of course it should." Jiang Wang said with a smile, he looked up at the sky: "It's getting late, I should go."

He pointed his forehead and said, "Remember what I told you. Chu Yao always has a choice. You don't have to be burdened, it's what his father earned for him."

Zhang Cuihua didn't speak, but hugged the bag of broken silver tightly, suddenly bent down, and bowed deeply to Jiang Wang.

When she straightened up, the handsome young man had disappeared.

Everything was like a dream, except for the money in my pocket and the wind blowing in my ears, everything seemed unreal.

"Mother, mother!"

The shrewd and witty Chu Yao didn't let Shanzi and the others watch him after all, and ran over quickly.

When Zhang Cuihua turned around, there was already a smile on her face: "Come on, baby, tell mother, how much money did you earn in total?"

"Hey." Chu Yao raised his fingers, counted carefully, and grinned with a missing front tooth, "Seven knives!"

Zhang Cuihua bent down and patted his head: "Yaoer, you have money to study!"

"Really?" Chu Yao's eyes are the same as his father's, slender and long, cunning and cunning, and they are shining brightly at the moment. He doesn't like reading, but being with other children in school is definitely more fun than moving tiles .

"Yeah, my doll is great." Zhang Cuihua hugged her son in her arms and said softly, "I've already earned enough!"




(This chapter is counted as an update, because there are two updates and one update at night. If the remarks are added for the leader, it is very imprecise. Half of the remarks are added for the leader, which is very strange. So this chapter counts as an update! )

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