When I returned to Qiuyang County. It is already afternoon.

Chongxuan Laifu was walking anxiously outside the clan grounds, saw Jiang Wang from a distance, and rushed to meet him.

"Young Master Jiang, you are back! I thought you were practicing in the morning, so I didn't dare to disturb you. In the afternoon, I didn't see anyone. This old slave was dying of anxiety. I thought I was ignorant, so I drove you away!"

His anxiety was not entirely exaggerated.

It was indeed because he was afraid that he would touch a certain untouchable string in Jiang Wang's heart. I am afraid that my kindness will offend the nobleman.

"Go out and walk around by yourself." Jiang Wang didn't say anything else, but waved his hand: "Take me to your ancestral hall, and I will burn incense for you, Mr. Sheng."

Chongxuan Laifu knew it well, or he didn't know it before, but after being taught by Chongxuanxin, he already knew Jiang Wang's weight, and this weight was getting heavier and heavier.

"Young master, please come this way. The incense sticks have already been prepared, and the incense burner has been cleaned for you." He respectfully led the way, and did not ask any more questions.

Jiang Wang came to Qiuyang County here in the name of offering sacrifices to the ancestral shrine for Chongxuansheng, so of course Chongxuanlaifu was not unprepared.

The entire Chongxuan family's clan is like a small city.

Although there is no towering and solid city wall, the glory of resting with the country and the heritage of a thousand-year-old family are themselves a high wall.

Chongxuan Laifu is bestowed on the family with the surname Chongxuan as a son, who has a higher status than ordinary servants. Moreover, servants are more expensive than masters, Chongxuanxin is doing well overseas now, relying on Chongxuan Sheng is doing well, even with Chongxuan Laifu in the family land, his waist is much straighter.

Following Chongxuan Laifu all the way was unimpeded, few people spoke on the face, they just turned sideways to say hello. Jiang Wang, who has improved hearing ability, heard the whispers of many Chongxuan people.

"Is that man Jiang Qingyang? It doesn't look very murderous, but he is gentle."

"He is an arrogant person, and he is famous overseas. You didn't see him when he killed him!"

"I see you together?"

"I didn't see it, but my cousin did!"

There are many discussions like this, which shows Jiang Wang's current reputation. Of course, it is also possible that because of his relationship with Chongxuan Sheng, people in Chongxuan's family are more concerned about his news.

Contrary to imagination, the ancestral hall of Chongxuan's family is not magnificent at all, and it can't even be called "big".

A few clumps of green bamboo form a small bamboo forest.

A small ancient ancestral hall is hidden in the bamboo forest.

Blue bricks and gray tiles, nothing surprising.

Chongxuan Laifu explained thoughtfully: "The Chongxuan family has a larger ancestral hall, but they are all for ordinary people to worship. And this ancestral hall is the real ancestral hall of the Chongxuan family. On behalf of Sheng When the son comes back, he will naturally be here."

There is a wooden plaque hanging above the gate of the ancestral hall. On the plaque is the four characters "Chongxuanzu Ancestral Hall", which is written with the hidden front inside, thick and majestic,

On the gateposts on both sides of the gate, there are two couplets engraved.

Zuolian said:

The world is the most important thing, and there is nothing more important than taking responsibility.

Youlian said:

How difficult is life, how hard is it to kill your life and kill your enemies?

Those who have really experienced it can appreciate the weight of this couplet.

The word "person" is to carry a heavy burden, which means growth. Fang is "big", and the "big" of adults.

Responsibility is indeed the heaviest in the world, heavier than mountains and seas.

And in a long life, sometimes the most embarrassing thing is the word "frivolous".

It is falsehood, arrogance, delusion, and unreasonable thinking.

Because the enemy is on the opposite side, it can be cut with a sword. Even if it is fighting against fate, there are traces to follow. But the word "arrogant" comes from one's own body, let alone beheading "arrogant", many people die without realizing it. Either they are arrogant and do not know the enemy or us, or they fall into illusory and cannot extricate themselves.

The Chongxuan family regards the mystical technique as the basis of their foothold, and the burden of mountains and seas is far away, but the couplet said that the most important thing in the world is responsibility.

Chongxuan's family was once very prosperous, shared the prosperity of the country, and belonged to the world's top famous family. It can be linked to write that the most difficult thing in life is to beheaded.

Commitment and sobriety.

There is nothing more suitable for the Chongxuan family than this couplet.

This couplet shows the family tradition.

It's no wonder that Chongxuan Futu chose to fight to the death in the world of confusion, disintegrate the Tao body, and open up the pure land of Futu.

It's no wonder that when his family was in crisis, Chong Xuanyunbo put on his armor again with his old body and went to the battlefield.

No wonder Chongxuan Chuliang was able to become famous in bloody battles, killed his former friends on the battlefield in Qiyang, and fought against the military god in Linzi city.

No wonder so...

There are two bluestone piers in front of the gate. The stone pier on the left is empty, but on the right stone pier sits a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged.

The man was dressed in ordinary gray cloth clothes, his eyes were closed, he didn't even breathe, like a sculpture.

The approach of Zhongxuan Laifu and Jiang Wang seemed to have no effect on him.

He is like a part of this ancestral hall, rather than a specific person.

Chongxuan Laifu saluted him respectfully, without saying hello, and directly pushed open the gate of the ancestral hall.

Jiang Wang saluted in the same way. He came to sacrifice on behalf of Chong Xuansheng, and of course he would not offend anyone for Chong Xuansheng. Where you can be polite, you will never be rude.

Accompanied by a slight squeak, a gust of wind swirled and swept across the courtyard.

When he got here, Chongxuan Laifu stopped talking, and even his footsteps were as silent as possible, as if he was afraid of disturbing his ancestors.

Jiang Wang acted calmly, but the practice of the five immortals Rumeng Ling's vocal department allowed him to completely annihilate the voice.

The two walked into the Chongxuan Ancestor Temple.

"What are you doing!"

An energetic voice sounded behind him, breaking the solemnity and cleanliness of the ancestral hall.

Jiang Wang looked back and saw an old man with short beard glaring at him.

He looked at him calmly, but didn't say anything.

Still the same sentence, this is Chongxuan's family, he doesn't want to offend others for Chongxuan Sheng.

Hearing the voice, Chongxuan Laifu turned around and trotted, approached him, nodded and bowed his head and said: "Old man, this is Young Master Jiang Wang. He came to worship the ancestral temple for Young Master Sheng."

The short-bearded Chongxuan family elder heard Chongxuan Laifu's explanation, but ignored him, but continued to stare at Jiang Wang: "Who are you? Why do you come to worship the ancestral temple for Mr. Sheng? I Chongxuan The Xuan family's ancestral hall, can any kind of chicken and dog thief come to worship?"

No matter how much Chongxuan Laifu's status is raised, he is still just a servant of the Chongxuan family, and will never be higher than the master's family. Not to mention comparing with the elders.

So even if he was completely ignored, he wasn't even half annoyed.

He was only afraid that Mr. Jiang would be wronged, and that Mr. Xin would not be able to explain to Mr. Sheng when he turned around.

So even though he was afraid in his heart, he gritted his teeth, and stopped him with an apologetic smile on his face: "Master, you have been in seclusion all year round, so you may not know something. Mr. Jiang is a close friend of Mr. Sheng, a man from Qingyang Town, a fourth-rank Qingpai headhunter, The second-ranked sea guards, we Daqi's younger generation are the pride of heaven!"

The old man was obviously looking for trouble.

Up to now, if there is anyone in Chongxuan's family who doesn't know Jiang Wang's name, unless he doesn't worry about the ownership of the future patriarch at all. But which Chongxuan clansman would not care who is the head of the family?

Jiang Wang knew this, but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so he kept silent.

Chongxuan Laifu was also aware of this, but he hoped that the elder would be more sober. So it is called an explanation, but it is actually a momentum.

"It was a baron!"

The old man with the short beard sneered: "When did my Chongxuan family's threshold get so low?"

"Mr. Sheng asked Mr. Jiang to sacrifice on his behalf..." Chongxuan Laifu wanted to persuade him again, trying to use Chongxuan Sheng's name to overwhelm others.

But the old man with the short beard slapped him back with his backhand: "You have the right to speak here?!"

Chongxuan Laifu didn't even dare to dodge, he was ready to have half of his teeth knocked out.

But the slap did not fall.

While still in the air, it was caught by a young and powerful hand.

The old man with short beard only had a blur in front of his eyes, and the young man in the ancestral hall had already appeared in front of him.

And his wrist... seemed to be cast in iron!

Jiang Wang looked at him peacefully, and said slowly: "You are angry in your heart, why do you bully the subordinates? It just ruined the reputation of the Chongxuan family."

He turned half of his body, and with his free left hand, he pointed to the couplet engraved in front of the ancestral hall: "You should know that there is the word Zhan Huang on the couplet of the ancestral hall!"

"You...let me go!" The short-bearded old man tried secretly, but he couldn't get rid of the iron fist no matter what.

No matter what he is, he is also a cultivator in the Outer Building Realm. In front of this young man, he is as powerless as a child!

He was so annoyed and anxious that he couldn't choose what to say: "You crazy rebellious person, you just cling to my Chongxuan family to survive, eat my Chongxuan family, drink my Chongxuan family, use my Chongxuan family, now How dare you touch me!?"

Not only was Jiang Wang not angry, he smiled instead, and loosened his five fingers. The short-bearded old man was caught off guard and nearly fell, and took a few steps back before he stood still.

"So you know me."

Jiang Wang looked at him with a smile, and asked leisurely: "But I don't know who you are, and what is your name?"

You have to know me, but I have no idea who you are.

So the question is, who is more important, and who is mad?

There was not a word of contempt in Jiang Wang's words, but he couldn't be more contemptuous.

"I'm afraid that you won't know if you want to promote Xuan Hengsheng?" The short-bearded old man glared, "You're a country kid, what can you do with me!"

He deliberately muddied the water, trying to provoke the other party. It would be best if this young man couldn't hold back his temper and came up to beat him.

"I'm too lazy to do anything to you." Jiang Wang smiled.

If you can't, you are lazy.

"It is Ah Sheng's wish to offer a stick of incense to the ancestral temple on a regular basis. He is currently working overseas and will not be able to come back for a while, so please let me do it for you. I just came this time, that's all. I don't mind Come."

He didn't continue to argue, and walked out directly: "Then let Chong Xuansheng come by himself."

The implication is obvious—wait for Xuan Sheng to come to you.

No matter what Chongxuan Hengsheng said, he was also the elder of the Chongxuan family, a member of the Chongxuan clan whose surname was Chongxuan.

No matter how Jiang Wang dealt with him, it was not very suitable. It's meaningless to be light, and it's easy to embarrass Chong Xuansheng if it's heavy.

It is the best way to leave it to Chong Xuansheng to handle it himself.

And that fat man with a kind face and a cruel heart will never save face for Chong Xuan Hengsheng just because he is old.

Chongxuan Laifu quickly closed the gate of the ancestral hall, and Baba followed Jiang Wang and left.

There was a beating in my heart, and I felt very happy. Chong Xuanhengsheng is a dignified old man, his slap was raised in the air, but he couldn't slap him down!

At this time, Mr. Jiang's back as he left gracefully was so heroic.

What is momentum? This is called momentum!

"Madman!" Zhong Xuanhengsheng gritted his teeth and reprimanded Jiang Wang's casual words, but couldn't hide his sternness.

From the beginning to the end, the middle-aged man sitting on the stone pier did not respond at all.

Even if Zhong Xuanhengsheng almost got into a fight with Jiang Wang, he didn't raise his eyelids.

Neither Chongxuan Hengsheng nor Chongxuan Laifu thought about having any communication with him.

A falling bamboo leaf was blown towards him by the wind, and the moment it landed in front of him, it fell silently and plunged into the ground like a sharp knife.

A leaf is as heavy as cast iron.

Chongxuan Laifu followed Jiang Wang out, and asked anxiously, "Young Master Jiang, are you really not going to sacrifice?"

Jiang Wang came to Qiuyang County, although the most important thing was Chu Mi's funeral. But offering sacrifices to Chongxuan Sheng's shrine is actually not a trivial matter. Being able to replace Chongxuansheng in the temple is a declaration of power in itself.

Chongxuansheng wants to use this method to tell Chongxuan's up and down, and Jiang Wang can represent him with full authority in the future. Seeing Jiang Wang is like seeing him. This is to enhance Jiang Wang's influence, and at the same time use Jiang Wang's current reputation to further consolidate his influence.

Chongxuan Laifu knew this meaning, that's why he received him so attentively this time. Of course, Zhong Xuan Hengsheng also knew this, perhaps this was the reason why he came to obstruct him.

In Chongxuan Laifu's view, Jiang Wang's inability to continue to replace Chongxuan Sheng's shrine is a huge loss. That's why I asked this question.

He carefully suggested: "We can wait for the old Hengsheng to leave before going..."

"Hide and seek?" Jiang Wang chuckled softly: "I'm not interested in playing this with the old man."

For Yu Chongxuan Laifu, the great event of the collapse of the sky and the collapse of the earth is not worth mentioning to Jiang Wang.

After returning from Tianyatai, he has already achieved fame, so he doesn't need to rely on the power of the Xuan family. When Qi people talked about him, they would not say that he was Chong Xuansheng's friend first. On the contrary, when people mentioned Chong Xuansheng, they would often mention Jiang Qingyang first.

Who doesn't know that he suppressed the monks in the inner palace of Diaohai Tower into silence!

"Then you go back to the house and rest first." Chongxuan Laifu's heart is not dead: "I'll ask someone to give you a shoulder squeeze, I'm sure you'll be top-notch!"

Jiang Wang glanced at him and thought, you are really persistent. No wonder Chong Xuanxin's eye circles were black all day long.

Shaking his head, he said, "It's just a shoulder pinch. What happened to Chong Xuan Hengsheng?"

Chongxuan Laifu looked left and right, and whispered, "His heart is for Mr. Zun."

In this way, Jiang Wang understood.

Chongxuansheng made several big moves before, driving Wang Yiwu out of Linzi, and silenced the clan. Not only is it difficult for his peers to beat him, but even the elders in the clan are not as important as his words.

His status is becoming more and more important, but there is always a critical point that he cannot pass.

He had the advantage of being the heir, but he couldn't make a final decision and completely determine the right of succession.

It's not because he wasn't good enough, or didn't try hard enough.

It's because there's someone else who's—

Emphasis on Xuan Zun.

Although that person has not moved or even made a sound for a long time.

But no one can ignore him.

In August of the 3918th year of the Dao calendar, Chongxuan Shengshen made a fortune and arranged to send Chongxuanzun to Jixia Academy for a one-year confinement study.

Before I knew it, it was already May of 3919, and the expiration date was only three months away...

It's no wonder that within Chongxuan's family, some people started to make trouble again.

The rain is about to come, and the wind is full of the building.

We are about to meet Chong Xuan Zun head-on, Chong Xuan Sheng, are you ready?

Jiang Wang looked down at his palm, and asked in his heart, Jiang Wang, are you ready?

That supreme arrogance who has taken away the elegance of his peers, that legendary Chongxuan Zun who is most likely to achieve Tianfu!

Are you really ready to meet him?

With five fingers slowly brought together, Jiang Wang clenched his fist.

Might as well... give it a try!





1. This chapter is two updates and one update.

2. I forgot to tell everyone that the couplets and ballads that appear in this book are all written by the author if the source is not indicated. If you can't find the source, don't look for it. Hope everyone knows. O, O.


I am very proud of the couplet "unhook for the moon".

"Carrying the mountains and seas is more important than taking responsibility", I also like it.

3. The fourteenth place was not kept, so ask for a monthly ticket to keep the fifteenth place!

4. There are still at night. Let Slow West burn incense and wish to go!

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