Red Heart Survey

Chapter 986 Xu Zefu

Among the great sects in the world, Jiang Wang had never heard of the name of the Taixu Sect.

But those who deserve to be greeted by Chong Xuan Yuanhu in person are definitely not from small families.

Moreover, the name of "Taixu" is not acceptable if people want to not associate it.

Jiang Wang didn't understand, so he asked: "This is Taixu sect. What's the origin?"

"This is too imaginary, uh..." Chongxuan Laifu got stuck for a while, obviously not very clear. He probably only heard of the name Taixu Sect today.

"The Taixu Sect is a hermit sect, so it's not easy to come out of the world." Chong Xuanhengsheng snorted abruptly: "People from the countryside don't know it!"

He has good hearing.

He could also hear Jiang Wang and Chongxuan Laifu's whispered conversation clearly.

"You've said it all, they don't come out easily. I'm young like me, so it's normal not to know." Jiang Wang smiled indifferently: "You are old and highly respected, so take care of me."

In his heart, the family elder's situation had already been predetermined. He hasn't seen anyone who can please Chong Xuanpang, so there is really nothing to worry about.

Another one, in front of all the elders of the Chongxuan family, especially Chongxuan Yuanhu, it is unreasonable to contradict one of the elders, no matter how reasonable it is. He may not care about it himself, but he cannot ignore the impact on Chong Xuansheng.

On the contrary, he took it back so lightly, showing his own bearing, but made the other party pale by comparison.

Chong Xuanhengsheng was also very upset, he would rather the other party come to a round with sharp tongues, than accept such soft knives.

Obviously you are the one who is ignorant and rude, why does it look like I'm messing around?

He couldn't stab Jiang Wang any more, turned around and said to the elder next to him: "The master of the Taixu Sect must have come here for Brother Zun. It's a pity that Brother Zun is still studying at Jixia Academy. , I have no choice but to tell them to return without success.”

The voice was loud, and I was afraid that people—especially Jiang Wang—wouldn't know about Chongxuanzun's glory.

But Jiang Wang didn't quite understand. Chong Xuanzun entered the Jixia Academy to practice. This was clearly a move of Chong Xuan's victory, so he was put in confinement before he could react in time. Why are you so proud of Xuan Hengsheng's tone?

Of course, entering the Jixia Academy to cultivate is indeed something to be proud of. But is that difficult for Zhong Xuanzun? He really wanted to go, why should Xuan Sheng "help"?

"Return without success?" Chongxuan Yuanhu reprimanded: "The Taixu Sect is a hidden sect, although it is not visible in front of others, it will not lose to anyone. Put away the one whose eyes are higher than the top. One set. The relationship between them and Brother Zun is based on fate. Whether there is fate or not, it's not your turn to talk!"

This is a bit serious, Chong Xuanhengsheng didn't dare to talk stubbornly, and he didn't want to appear too cowardly. He lost all face in front of Jiang Wang, so he had to say embarrassingly: "It's not that Brother Zun will finish his retreat in three months. I'm afraid they're going to be in vain."

The elders of the family were talking, and the younger generation of the Chongxuan family had no room to intervene. Just stand behind, you look at me, I look at you.

Of course, Jiang Wang was the one who watched the most.

After all, as a member of the Chongxuan clan, he has the deepest understanding of Wang Yiwu's strength. Jiang Wangtong defeated Wang Yiwu, which shocked them even more.

As for the later offshore fame, it was just icing on the cake.

The pride of Qi country is naturally the pride of heaven overseas.

However, not everyone knows that Jiang Wang has no noble background.

Chong Xuanhengsheng said so in public today.

People's hearts changed.

Some people are proud of their famous families, and have always looked down upon those from small families.

Some people admire Jiang Wang even more because of this. At the same height, people with a lower starting point actually walk farther.

Jiang Wang has no possibility of cultivating into an immortal for the time being, and is not sensitive to these scattered gazes, but those whispered words cannot escape his ears.

But he doesn't care.

It's really too far...

It's not that he intends to be arrogant, but where he stands now is really too far away from them. Even these people were all from the Chongxuan clan, a top-notch family.

Although he does not have a noble background, all the way to the present, among the young people in the Chongxuan family, only Chongxuan Sheng and Chongxuan Zun can talk to him on an equal footing.

This is still in Chongxuan's house!

The visitors of the Taixu Sect don't have any way of appearing in a mysterious manner.

A middle-aged man in a black and white yin and yang Taoist robe slowly walked from the other side of the official road.

His steps are calm, with fluttering sleeves, without fireworks or pressure.

When he got closer, he bowed his hands and said: "Xu Zefu, a member of Taixu's sect, has met you all."

There was a kind of calmness in his voice.

Chongxuan Yuanhu, who was waiting outside the clan's place, also bowed his hands and returned the salute: "Zefu came from a trek, and the old man was far away to welcome him, which is really rude."

No matter how deep the background of the Taixu sect is, Chongxuan Yuanhu greeted him outside the clan, and he has already given enough courtesy. Of course, it will not be ten miles ahead.

In this sentence, Jiang Wang got two pieces of information.

One is that the Taixu Sect is in a place that is far away, or it is not easy to come to Qi, and the other is that this Xu Zefu is younger than Xuan Yuanhu, but he is also a monk of God. Because Chongxuan Yuanhu held the gift of the same generation. Indicates that both parties are equal in status.

"Don't dare to ask you to go far away." Xu Zefu didn't seem to like to go round and round, he said politely, and said directly: "The younger generation will come to the door with a teacher's mission..."

"Brother Zefu doesn't know something, my brother Zun is still in retreat at Jixia Academy." Chong Xuanhengsheng smiled very affectionately: "There is still three months to go!"

Relying on the status of the Chongxuan family, he was able to rely on his old man to sell his old man, and call a monk of God's Landing as a brother.

Xu Zefu didn't mind how he called him, but he just gave him a strange look when he heard the words: "I'm not here this time to find Mr. Chongxuan."

He did come to Chongxuanzun on behalf of the Taixu faction many years ago, but it was ordered by the elder Taishang, because of an earlier fate——

Chongxuanzun was born with Dao veins, not long after he was born, Xu Yuanzhi, the grand elder of the Taixu sect, came to Chongxuan's family in person, wanting to accept disciples.

Chongxuan Zun's father, Chongxuan Mingguang, was very happy, and he sent out Chong Xuanzun, who was a baby.

However, Chongxuan Futu, the legendary figure of the Chongxuan family, was still there at that time, and he said, let the child decide for himself. The matter was shelved.

A few years later, the Supreme Elder was busy with a major event and couldn't leave him alone. With the will of the Supreme Elder, he came to Chongxuan's house again to communicate with Chongxuan Zun face to face.

But Chong Xuanzun refused...

He brought with him magical skills and secret techniques, famous treasures, and the solid background of the entire Taixu sect, but was rejected by a small child with a childish voice.

He still remembers the amazement he felt when he saw the child, and the shock that shook his body and mind when the child said "This is not my way".

At that time, he thought that no matter what the child achieved in the future, he would not be surprised.

However, he did not come to find Chong Xuanzun this time.

Since there is no fate, the Taixu faction will not force it.

Thanks to the lord Gua Gu for another alliance!

I was so crazy yesterday...

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