Chongxuan Yuanhu watched the two of them chatting, and did not take the initiative to intervene.

Xu Yuanzhi, the founder of the Taixu School, is the true king of the world, an existence standing on the top of the extraordinary.

At that time, Chongxuan Mingtu was still there, even if Chongxuanzun was born with Dao veins, there was absolutely no possibility of inheriting the title. (Natural Taoism is naturally a genius among geniuses. In ancient times, it was one of the hopes of the human race. But in the present world, it is nothing more than the effect of a Tianyuan Great Pill.) Of course, Chongxuan Mingguang would like to send his child to Taiyuan. imaginary school.

But this moment, that moment. Now that Chongxuanzun has the possibility to inherit the position of Patriarch, he has even been regarded as the only candidate for the future Patriarch for a long time, and it is difficult to say that Chongxuan Mingguang is allowed to make a choice.

On the contrary, Chongxuan Mingtu at that time gave the nephew who was still in his infancy a choice.

Chongxuan Yuanhu sighed in his heart.

I can't remember clearly, how many years have passed since the day Mingtu turned and left.

Hearing Xu Zefu's words, Chongxuan Hengsheng said in astonishment: "Aren't you looking for Brother Zun?"

He really couldn't figure out what else could be the reason why the monks from the Taixu Sect visited Chongxuan's family. The state of Qi will not allow anything other than accepting apprentices. Could it be for Zhong Xuansheng? But Brother Sheng is still overseas.

Xu Zefu shook his head lightly: "You misunderstood."

Seeing that Chongxuan Yuanhu didn't take the initiative to say anything more, he continued to talk to Chongxuan Hengsheng, still gentle and polite: "Excuse me, Mr. Jiang Wang, are you resting here?"

Looking for Jiang Wang!

What was said at the beginning, people from the countryside are not ignorant of the imaginary school, but now it is like a slap in the face, slapped back in the face.

The Taixu sect came here just for Jiang Wang!

And what disturbed him most was, could it be that Taixu sect patriarch who wanted to accept disciples and fell in love with Jiang Wang?

He didn't know much about the Taixu Sect, he only knew that it was a hidden sect with a very deep foundation.

I can't help but think, with such a resource blessing, what impact will it have on the dispute between Chongxuan Sheng and Chongxuan Zun?

He was so anxious that he forgot to answer for a while.

It was Jiang Wang who walked out of the crowd by himself: "I am Jiang Wang."

Xu Zefu followed the prestige, and saw a young man who was tall and straight with a long sword hanging from his waist. His facial features were delicate but firm, especially his eyes, which were clear, bright and clean.

The first time I saw him, it wasn't surprising, but when he stood up now, he held his head straight, neither humble nor overbearing, with his own outstanding bearing. But it overwhelmed the young people behind him.

"Xu Zefu is under Taixu's sect." Xu Zefu introduced himself again seriously: "I am here to look for Mr. Jiang under the order of my master, may I take the time to talk in detail?"

"These listed are my elders. If you have anything to do, just talk about it here." In contrast, Jiang Wang's attitude was a little cold.

From his point of view, you are coming to see me, but you are sending a letter of greeting to the Chongxuan family in a serious manner. Let so many elders of the Chongxuan family welcome you with great enthusiasm.

Is this praising me, or digging a hole to bury me?

He was unhappy, so naturally he was unwilling to cooperate.

In fact, Jiang Wang misunderstood.

The Taixu faction seldom gets involved in mundane affairs, and doesn't care about disputes between parties at all. It's just a matter of etiquette to post it before coming to the door. It's just that Jiang Wang is in Chongxuan's house. If Jiang Wang was at Zhang Cuihua's house, the Taixu Sect would also send Zhang Cuihua a greeting card first, although he might not dare to accept it.

"It's a very important matter, I really want to talk to you alone. I came from a long way..." Xu Zefu said this, and bowed to Chongxuan Yuanhu: "Zefu is rude."

Chongxuan Yuanhu smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay."

Then he said to Jiang Wang: "Xiao Wang, the Taixu sect is aloof, not involved in disputes, and Zefu is not a person with bad intentions, so it's okay for you to chat with him."

Jiang Wang then nodded: "The boy knows."

Xu Zefu also rejoiced: "Thank you, Mr. Chongxuan."

Chongxuan Yuanhu was also very satisfied, thinking that Jiang Wang was indeed sensible. Brother Sheng made a good friend.

He waved his hand and ordered: "Laifu, find a quiet place and let the distinguished guests of Taixu Sect and Xiao Wang have a good chat."

He looked at Jiang Wang very pleasing to the eye at the moment, and took care of Jiang Wang's mood, so he named Chongxuan Laifu. Otherwise, it's not his turn to entertain distinguished guests.

On the contrary, Jiang Wang has a strange expression on his face—are you afraid that he will arrange for me to pinch my feet with an expert from the Taixu sect?

Chongxuan Laifu suppressed the ecstasy in his heart: "The villain will definitely do it well."

Quickly squeezed out of the crowd, respectfully said: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Jiang, please come this way."

Jiang Wang and Xu Zefu each saluted Chongxuan Yuan before leaving with Chongxuan Laifu.

All that was left was the discussions and thoughts scattered all over the place.

Chongxuan's family has a big business, so it is not difficult to find a place that is suitable for communication and meets the specifications.

In addition, it was arranged by Chongxuan Yuanhu himself, so it can be said that wherever you want, you can vacate it.

So Chongxuan Laifu was soon arranged. Of course, there is nothing "special" about it.

Chongxuan Laifu closed the door, and walked away with clear and audible footsteps.

The conversation in the room just started.

"Hello, Taixu Liuhe monk, Taixu's number one Tenglong... Dugu is invincible!" Xu Zefu said with a smile.

This first sentence can be described as straight to the point.

A faction called the Taixu faction sent people to find him.

Jiang Wang was naturally mentally prepared for the topic of the illusory world.

But what he wants to figure out first is the relationship between the other party and the Illusory Realm, and how much he knows about his situation in the Illusory Realm. This is very important.

So he asked, "Who are you?"

Xu Zefu said seriously: "I will introduce myself to you again, Xu Zefu, a member of Taixu sect. And our Taixu faction is the initiator and supervisor of Taixu illusion."

"Supervision?" Jiang Wang grasped the point.

Initiated, indicating that the construction of the Taixu illusory realm was first conceived by the Taixu School. Supervision, explain the power that the Taixu sect now has over the Taixu illusion. And Xu Zefu only mentioned these two, which means that the establishment of the Taixu illusion is not the work of the Taixu faction.

This is a reasonable possibility.

Jiang Wang felt a long time ago that no single force can lay the illusion of great influence, great distance, and vastness.

Even if it is Jingguo, which is known as the strongest in the world, sitting in the central region, can it still set up its own big formation on the territory of Qiguo?

And traveling tens of thousands of miles from east to west, Jiang Wang was able to enter the illusory realm in most of the places he had visited in this world.

How can this be something that a force can do?

Therefore, the construction of the Illusory Realm must be the joint efforts of many forces. Jing Qi, Qin Chu, Jing Mu... and even those great masters in the world must have participated.

Otherwise, who would feel relieved to let the illusory realm pass?

"Yes, monitor." Xu Zefu said with a smile: "I think you already have a clear feeling of what the Illusory Realm is like and what value it has. What I want to tell you is that the Illusory Realm is absolutely fair, absolutely just, Absolutely safe. No one can exert any influence on you through the illusory realm. You can participate in it with confidence and show your talents to the fullest. The only thing we have to do is to maintain the absolute fairness of the illusory realm. Absolute justice, absolute security."

His face was full of ideal brilliance, and he opened his hands, as if he was embracing the world: "This statement, from Jing, Qi, Qin, Chu, Jing...Daluo Mountain, Yujing Mountain, Penglai Island, Sumeru Mountain, Xuankong Temple, Sanxing Palace... the world's powerful countries and all the top forces, witness together!"

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