Red Heart Survey

Chapter 988 ? Taixu Corner Tower (adding 1/6 for the lord Chen Zeqing)

Chapter 988 Taixu Corner Tower (16 more for the leader Chen Zeqing)

The so-called absolute fairness, absolute justice, and absolute security.

As far as Jiang Wang could think, the only possibility to realize the first two was to never interfere.

The sun is absolutely fair.

The light and heat given to everyone are equal, and will not change because of poverty, humbleness, virtuousness and ignorance.

And not even just everyone.

A person, an ant, and a stone all bathe in the same sunlight.

Absolute fairness, but also absolute ruthlessness.

It is this piece of sunshine that warms you, even if it kills you, it is still this piece of sunshine.

So probably this is the reason why the Taixu faction can only exist as a "supervisor".

But the so-called "supervision", where is the standard of supervision?

The illusory world lays down the world, and the scale of supervision is slightly higher or lower, which is a huge space for power.

It is also conceivable that the forces that jointly participated in the creation of the illusory world will supervise this.

However, the Taixu Illusory Realm has only been applied on a small scale so far, probably because this kind of supervision is difficult to implement, and no force can be completely relieved.

Just like in the Qiyang battlefield, when the war started, the illusionary realm was immediately cut off.

How can it be absolutely assured? Unless the Illusory Realm is built by Qi State itself, Qi State may allow it to exist on the battlefield. But in that case, it is impossible for other forces to agree.

On the contrary, "absolute security" sounds the most difficult to achieve. With the witness of the forces listed by Xu Zefu just now, in the sense of the world, it can indeed be guaranteed to a certain extent.

"It's absolutely safe, doesn't it include my personal intelligence security?" Jiang Wang asked.

This is also the question he wants to know the most.

How much does Taixu Party know about him? Did you know that his Moon Key was inherited from Zuo Guanglie? Did you know that he was not qualified at first?

Xu Zefu was stunned for a moment, and then said seriously: "I assure you on my personal honor that your information in the Illusory Realm will not be leaked out to anyone. Unless you take the initiative to disclose it yourself."

"In fact, I can only know your battle ranking on the Sword Discourse Arena, and know that you have won the title of Taixu Liuhe monk and Taixu No. 1 Tenglong. And even this information, I came out to meet you this time Before, I was authorized to know."

"How do you know that Dugu Wudi is me?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Every battle of each person will leave relevant information in the Illusory Realm. But these information are top secret. The Illusory Realm is constantly deduced and evolving. Our Supreme Elder, Xu Yuanzhi, is the one who proposed The great idea of ​​the illusory realm, and spent a long time convincing the major forces, and finally realized it. In the torrent of evolution, he has the power to glimpse a little bit. This time I came out, he was the old man who gave a list , The only information about you is your ranking in the Sword Discourse Arena. I found out about your real identity through another investigation."

"It's not that I doubt you." Jiang Wang asked earnestly without pretentiousness or cover-up: "How do you guarantee what you said?"

"This is what it should be." Xu Zefu's attitude was very frank.

When he mentioned Taixu School, he had a strong sense of pride.

You can feel his pride and glory when he said the words "Under Taixu's sect".

At this moment, he faced Jiang Wang with the cultivation base of a strong man of the gods, and his attitude was equal: "Since the completion of the Taixu illusion, we will no longer intervene in it, but let it grow and evolve on its own." .The powerful countries in the world and the top powers I mentioned to you earlier have powerful people who are sent by Taixu to monitor us. Therefore, I am not saying how to guarantee these, but Taixu itself. That's guaranteed."

The information that Xu Zefu said, if you don't know it, you don't know it. After you know it, you will always have a way to verify it.

So Jiang Wang has already believed it 80%.

He thought for a while, and asked tentatively: "I heard that there will be changes in the illusory world?"

"Chongxuansheng told you, right?" Xu Zefu obviously understood the true meaning of his question, and said directly: "All our adjustments to the Illusory Realm must be carried out under the supervision of major forces. Moreover, Without the corresponding authority given by the major forces, we can't adjust the illusory realm at all. With your wisdom, it is not difficult to understand this matter."

"I am willing to trust you." Jiang Wang nodded: "Then we can talk about the purpose of your trip."

Xu Zefu said softly: "The Illusory Realm of Taixu will expand."

"Isn't it already huge?" Jiang Wang didn't quite understand.

From the western region to the eastern region for tens of thousands of miles, you can connect with the illusory realm everywhere. Want to expand?

Is it going to expand to the lost world, to the sea? Or... a place similar to Senhai Yuanjie, Floating Land and the like?

Xu Zefu shook his head: "It's not about laying further. It's about getting more people involved."

In the current too illusory realm, there are indeed not many participants.

"How?" Jiang Wang asked.

Xu Zefu took out a jade stick from his sleeve and put it in front of Jiang Wang.

"Taixu turret." He said.

Jiang Wang picked up the jade stick, sank into his mind for a while, and then perceived complex pictures. Each picture had a text introduction, all of which were written by the Taoist text of "seeing is proud".

This is……

Architectural drawings called Taixu Corner Tower.

Including what materials to use, how to build, how to engrave the formation, and all the construction process is exhaustive.

It can be said that as long as the information on this jade stick is followed, anyone can build a Taixu turret.

Jiang Wang held up the jade lottery: "Is it the key to expand the illusory world?"

"Yes, it can receive more power from the Illusory Realm, and it can also become a support point for the Illusory Realm." Xu Zefu explained: "All monks can enter the Illusory Realm in the turret of the Illusory Realm .”

All monks can enter the illusory realm in the turret of taixu!

As a personal experiencer, Jiang Wangtai knows the greatness of the illusory world.

The moon key is very rare, Chong Xuansheng is the only one he has seen in this world who owns the moon key. Of course, just like no one knows that he is Dugu Invincible, it may also be that other people have hidden their identities in the illusory world very well.

A Taixu turret can accommodate up to ninety-nine people at the same time. That is to say, at the same time, ninety-nine monks can pass through the turret of the emptiness and get promoted in the illusory realm of emptiness. And it is not like a monthly key, which can only be bound to one person.

The Taixu turret is equivalent to more places in the Taixu Illusory Realm, and its unimaginable.

Jiang Wang suppressed the waves and tried his best to look at the problem more clearly: "I still don't quite understand what you mean by looking for me."

Xu Zefu took out another black and white rectangular jade tablet from his sleeve: "I wonder if you are willing to become an emissary of Taixu, participate in this great cause, and help us build a Taixu turret?"

This jade tablet is evenly divided by black and white. It doesn't seem to be smeared with paint, it seems to be like this by nature. On the side of the black jade, the character "Tai" is engraved in white, and on the other side of the white jade, the character "Xu" is engraved in black.

The word Taixu is like the two points in the yin and yang fish.

On the back of the jade plaque is a galaxy.

Vast, great, mysterious.

Seeing this jade tablet, any smart person can imagine its meaning.

"Anyone can rely on this jade stick to build a Taixu turret. Then." Jiang Wang asked: "Why me?"

"The state of Qi has opened up the authority and allowed us to build Taixu turrets in Qi territory. But the builders of the turrets must be approved by the state of Qi. The turret itself must also be under the control of the state of Qi."

Xu Zefu said: "The prerequisite for us to find the Taixu messenger is to obtain the honor of the Taixu Illusionary Realm. You are a Taixu Liuhe cultivator, which meets our requirements. Then you have obtained the Taixu No. 1 Tenglong Combining these, within Qi territory, there is no one more suitable than you."

Ask for a monthly ticket to repair the Taixu turret!

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