Red Moscow

Chapter 1651 Capture the Warehouse

"No!" The third company commander only thought for a few seconds before replying with a blushing face, "If we carry heavy weapons and set up an ambush in advance, we shouldn't have much problem in annihilating this convoy."

"That's right." Mikhaiev interjected: "This time we went deep into the enemy's rear to carry out missions. In order not to affect the mobility of the troops, we did not carry any heavy weapons at all. If we really want to attack the convoy, just The first few armored vehicles will cause a lot of casualties to our troops."

"Captain Yegor," Mikhaiev said briefly, then turned around and told Yegor, "Order your subordinates to closely monitor the movement on the road, and report to me immediately after the German convoy passes. "

"Comrade Battalion Commander, I'll go and watch it myself." Yegor knew that this matter was related to the success or failure of the operation, so he took the initiative to say: "If there is any new movement, I will report to you in time."

When Yegor came to the entrance of the village, a platoon leader who was guarding here immediately greeted him. After a brief report on the information, he tentatively asked, "Comrade company commander, what shall we do next?"

"Continue to monitor!"

"Continue to monitor?!"

"That's right, continue to monitor, don't take any action."

Regarding Yegor's statement, the platoon leader asked a little incomprehensibly: "Comrade company commander, judging from the vehicle configuration of the convoy, there must be some big Germans in it. If we attack them at this moment, we may get good results." Results."

"Eighth platoon leader," Yegor said with a frown, "have you forgotten that we went deep behind the enemy this time, so as not to affect the marching speed, we didn't bring any heavy weapons at all. Tell me, once we fight, what will we use?" To deal with German armored vehicles?"

The eighth platoon leader turned his head and glanced at the German armored vehicle in the distance, the corner of his mouth twitched violently a few times, then shook his head and said: "Comrade company commander, unless we send soldiers to risk their lives to approach the armored vehicle and blow it up with cluster grenades, Otherwise, there is really no way to deal with this damn armored vehicle."

"Comrade Eighth Platoon Commander," Yegor continued, seeing that his subordinates understood what he meant, "the mission of our battalion to go deep behind the enemy lines this time is to occupy the material transfer warehouse in Pavlish City. Big loss."

Speaking of this, Yegor turned his head and looked in the direction of the city, and continued: "I guess there must be weapons and ammunition we need in the warehouse, and we can use these weapons and ammunition to teach the Germans a lesson. "

After the convoy passed, several three-wheeled motorcycles passed by one after another, and then the road became silent, with no people or cars in sight. Although all signs indicated that all the German troops transferred to the new combat area should have left the city, but just to be on the safe side, Yegor still waited for another five or six minutes. After seeing that there were indeed no people or vehicles appearing, he turned around and entered the village , reported to Mikhaiev.

"Comrade Battalion Commander," Egor reappeared in front of Mikhaiev, reporting to him: "Any enemy vehicles have been seen on the road, and the troops who are supposed to be transferred have left the city. I think we can Off to the city."

"Captain Yegor, are you sure?"

"It is absolutely certain, Comrade Battalion Commander."

Mikhaiev knew that Yegor was a cautious commander. Hearing his answer so affirmatively, he felt that all the enemies to be transferred should have left Pavlish, so there were only two pitiful battalions in the city, responsible for the city. He ordered decisively: "Then let's go. Let the second company be the leader, the first company is in the middle, and after the third company is broken, advance to Pavlish."

"Yes!" The three company commanders replied loudly.

The troops quickly set off again, and the soldiers of the Second Company who were walking in the front had recovered their physical strength to a certain extent after some rest, and they arrived at the edge of the city in less than half an hour.

According to the account of the captured German army, there is a river more than 20 meters wide outside the city, and it enters the city after crossing the bridge. There is a checkpoint on the bridge, guarded by a squad of soldiers.

Egor, who was at the front of the team, quickly saw the outline of the bridge and a figure moving back and forth on the bridge. He knew very well that this should be the soldier guarding the checkpoint at the bridgehead. It seemed that the soldiers guarding the bridge were being lazy, otherwise there would not be only one sentry on duty for such an important checkpoint.

"Stop!" When the team was more than ten meters away from the bridge, a voice suddenly came from the front: "Which part are you from?"

Seeing clearly that the questioner was the soldier on the bridge, Yegor quickly raised his hand to signal the troops to stop, then walked towards the soldiers with two soldiers, and said, "I am Captain Conrad of the 198th Infantry Division." , was ordered to come here to take over the defense."

An ordinary soldier was on duty, how could he know where the 198th Infantry Division was stationed. Hearing what Yegor said, he immediately believed it was true, and quickly put the gun in his hand on his shoulder again, walked towards Yegor, and muttered: "Mr. Captain, why did you arrive so late?" ?”

"No way," Yegor spread his hands and said with a helpless look: "The truck we were riding in was requisitioned by the troops who left the city halfway, so we can only march on foot."

Yegor originally wanted to say that the car broke down, but after thinking about it, even if the car broke down, it is impossible for hundreds of people to ride in a car that broke down, right? So he shifted the responsibility to the transferred troops, saying that they were requisitioned by those people.

This reason easily convinced the sentinel. Looking at the troops parked not far away, he tentatively asked Yegor, "Mr. Captain, are you all this?"

"We are the vanguard, and the main force is still behind." When Yegor came with two soldiers, he wanted to kill the sentry while he was not paying attention. But at this time, he changed his mind. Since the other party didn't suspect his identity at all, why bother.

Yegor raised his hand to stop the two soldiers behind him who were about to attack, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and handed it to the sentinel: "Smoking?"

The sentinel never dreamed that he had already walked through the gate of hell. When he saw the cigarette that Yegor handed over, he was a little hesitant, not knowing whether to take it or not.

Yegor smiled and said to him: "Don't be restrained, take it!"

Hearing what Yegor said, the sentinel tremblingly took a cigarette out of the cigarette case. But Yegor said generously: "Take two more."

Now that the cigarettes have been taken out of the pack, there is not much difference between taking one and taking three. The sentry took courage, took out two more cigarettes from the cigarette case, and put them on his ears respectively. Seeing Yegor pull out a cigarette from the cigarette box and put it in his mouth, the sentry hurriedly struck a match and lit the cigarette for him.

After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, Yegor asked the sentry: "Why are you the only one on duty? Are you the only one at this checkpoint?"

"Of course not, Mr. Captain." The sentry said with a smile: "We have a squad at this checkpoint, but now that the main force has been transferred from the city, there must be no officers coming to check the post, and they all ran to the nearby house to sleep. "

Following the direction pointed by the sentinel, Yegor saw a simple wooden house by the bridge, presumably the other soldiers were sleeping soundly in the house at the moment, so he asked casually: "They are all sleeping, how can we arrange for you?" On duty?"

"Mr. Captain, you don't know." Hearing Yegor's question, the sentinel said aggrievedly: "I'm new here, so this kind of drudgery always falls on my head. Unless I come later A recruit, I can escape this fate."

Yegor pretended to be understated and asked: "In such an important place, you are the only one on duty. Don't you worry about accidents?"

"An accident, what can happen?" The sentinel replied with a wry smile: "The Russians on the opposite side were suppressed and beaten by us, hiding in their fortifications and dare not come out. Besides, even if they want to attack, the Russians a few kilometers ahead of us Isn’t there still a line of defense, even if they really break through the line of defense, when they arrive at our place, we have already made all preparations for fighting.”

"We're going to the warehouse in the city." Although the Soviet army conducted reconnaissance on Pavlish's defense, due to the tight defense of the German army, the scouts could not sneak into the city at all, so Yegor didn't know it yet. Where is the transshipment warehouse that I want to occupy? Seeing that the sentinel in front of him had already relaxed his vigilance, he tentatively asked, "Do you know where it is?"

"Are you going to the warehouse to take over the defense?" the sentinel asked curiously.

"Yes, our task is to go to the warehouse to take over the defense." Yegor pretended to be embarrassed and said: "The guide who led us hurt his ankle when he got off the car, and now he is far behind. I I am worrying about where to find the warehouse after I enter the city later."

As the saying goes, the sentinel who eats people with short mouths and short hands, who is smoking Yegor's cigarettes, heard that Yegor and others were going to the transfer warehouse, and quickly said enthusiastically: "Mr. Captain, after you cross the bridge, go along Go straight down the street. Turn right after two crossings..."

After the sentinel introduced the route to Egor in detail, he said with regret: "Mr. Captain, it's a pity that I have to stay here on duty, otherwise I can act as your guide and take you to the warehouse."

"It's easy." Hearing what the sentry said, Yegor couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. He really wanted to doze off and someone gave him a pillow. storehouse."

"This... this..." The sentry said hesitantly to Yegor's proposal, "If the guard who changes later comes out and finds that I am not on duty outside, I will be punished."

"Don't worry, it's me." Yegor said broadly, "If someone pursues the responsibility, I will explain it to you. What do you think?"

"Okay, I can take you to the warehouse." After weighing the pros and cons, the sentinel decided to act as a guide for Yegor's troops and take them to the warehouse. But he still asked worriedly: "But Mr. Captain, can you really send someone to stand guard for me?"

"Naturally." After Yegor finished speaking, he ordered the two soldiers behind him: "The two of you stay here and stand guard instead of this sentry, and casually meet the troops behind, do you understand?"


After Yegor arranged for the soldiers to stand guard instead of the sentries, he sent a signal to the troops stopped not far away, and then headed towards the warehouse under the leadership of the sentries.

As soon as Erlian crossed the bridge and entered the city, Mikhaiev and Narva brought Yilian over.

Seeing the two shadows on the bridge, the two were still secretly surprised. Why didn't Yegor and the others clear out the sentries on the bridge when they passed by? When he was about to send someone to clean it up, he saw a black shadow running towards his direction, and at the same time, he yelled in a low voice: "Battalion Commander, Comrade Battalion Commander."

Mikhaiev heard that the other party was yelling in Russian, and guessed that it was one of his own, so he quickly stopped the soldier next to him who had drawn out his dagger: "Don't do it, it's one of our own."

When the black shadow came to him, Mikhaiev asked in a low voice, "Is it from Erlian?" He used standard Russian.

"Yes, Comrade Battalion Commander." The other party replied, "I am a soldier of the Second Company."

Seeing that there was no one near the bridge, he asked curiously, "Where is your company commander?"

"He took his troops into the city."

"He brought troops into the city, why didn't he bring you two with him?"

"It's like this, Comrade Battalion Commander." The soldier replied: "The company commander asked the German sentry to take them to the warehouse, and let us stay here to perform duties for the German sentry and take care of the troops behind."

Hearing what the soldier said, Mikhaiev couldn't help shaking his head, and said to Narva: "Comrade Captain, Yegor has a lot of tricks. He can actually persuade the enemy to be his guide and take them to the warehouse. What a shame!" It's not easy."

"Yes, yes." Narva laughed twice, and echoed: "Comrade Commander once warned us that we can't just rely on bravery and not being afraid of death in war, but also need to use our brains. I think Captain Yegor is Thinking of this, I thought of using the German sentry to guide him, while leaving my own people here to meet us."

Mikhaiev nodded, then continued to ask the soldier, "Are there any other enemies nearby?"

"Yes, Comrade Battalion Commander." The soldier pointed to the wooden house not far away, and said, "There is a squad of enemies sleeping inside."

"Captain Narva," Mikhaiev turned his head and said to Narva after listening to the soldier's report, "Send someone to clean up all the enemies in the wooden house, so as not to cause any accidents when we cross the bridge later. .”

Just when Narva promised to take people to carry out the mission, Mikhaiev added later: "Remember, don't shoot."

Narva knew very well that the inconspicuous gunshots during the day would become earth-shattering in such a quiet night, so he nodded vigorously and replied in a low voice: "Don't worry, Comrade Battalion Commander, we won't shoot Yes." After finishing speaking, he will walk into the queue and start to arrange manpower to carry out this task of destroying the enemy.

The eight fighters sent by Narva are all experienced veterans. After they entered the wooden house, it took less than two minutes for them to come out again and report to Narva that all the enemies in the wooden house had been wiped out.

Seeing that the task had been completed, Narva returned to Mikhaiev and asked him for instructions on the next move: "Comrade battalion commander, what should we do next?"

"We are not familiar with the terrain of the city, and we have limited visibility at night. If we accidentally enter the German camp, we will be in trouble." Mikhaiev said with a normal expression: "Let's stay here, One is to wait for the third company in the future, and the other is to wait for Captain Yegor to send someone to be our guide."

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