Red Moscow

Chapter 1652 Seizing the Warehouse (Part 2)

As the troops walked along the street towards the warehouse, Egor walked shoulder to shoulder with the sentinel who acted as a guide. The sentinel didn't know that the garrison squad at the bridgehead had been wiped out. He was the only survivor, and he was still chattering to Yegor: "Mr. Captain, when you arrive at the warehouse later, you'd better ask a soldier to accompany me back to the warehouse." , lest I not explain clearly."

"Don't worry." Yegor said carelessly: "When we arrive at the warehouse, I will send someone to take you back immediately, and help you to testify that you did not leave your post without authorization, but acted as a guide for us."

Seeing that "Captain Conrad" beside him agreed to send someone to go back with him, the stone that the sentinel was hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground. He began to introduce the situation in the warehouse to the other party: "There used to be two companies guarding the warehouse. Later, someone raised an objection. It would be a waste to put so many troops in a place that would not be attacked by the Russians. So The defenders in the warehouse were reduced from two companies to one platoon."

"What, there is only one row of defenders in the warehouse?" Hearing what the sentinel said, Yegor couldn't help but burst into ecstasy, but on the surface, he frowned and said displeasedly: "There are so many jobs in the warehouse. Can you be busy?"

"Mr. Captain, you don't know. The people who are usually responsible for moving supplies in and out of the warehouse are Russians. The defenders in the warehouse only need to supervise the work of the Russians."

"They are all Russians?!" Yegor asked back: "Aren't you worried that they will cause damage?"

"You don't worry too much, Mr. Captain." The sentinel said complacently: "Our army has occupied this city for two full years. Anyone who has bad intentions against Germany has already been killed in the previous purges. Seeing that the situation is not good, the rest of them can only work obediently and honestly for us. Besides, the Russians who work in the warehouse have their families living near the warehouse. If they want to cause any damage, they must think carefully. Missing their families."

Yegor agreed with the sentinel's statement in his heart. He felt that even if he worked in the warehouse, if his family members were placed near the warehouse, he would not dare to act rashly, so as not to implicate his family.

"Then do you know where the defenders of the warehouse usually live?"

"I don't know." The sentinel shook his head and replied, "I've never been to the warehouse, so I don't know how the security situation inside is."

Yegor couldn't help but feel disappointed when he heard the sentry say that he didn't understand the defense situation in the warehouse. But he changed his mind, there was only one platoon of defenders in the warehouse, presumably they should be deployed very scatteredly, as long as he dispatched the corresponding manpower, he should be able to find them quickly.

Led by the sentries, Yegor and his company finally arrived at the warehouse.

Seeing the entrance to the warehouse, there were only two German soldiers in military coats guarding them, and there was no one in the sandbag fortifications beside them. Seeing this situation, Yegor couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the Germans only placed two sentries in such a large material transfer warehouse, and the commander in charge of guarding the warehouse was too careless.

Seeing one of them approaching his position, a sentry took off the rifle on his shoulder and walked towards him: "Which part are you from? What are you doing here?"

"We belong to the 198th Infantry Division, and we were ordered to take over the defense here." Yegor looked at the other side and asked, "Where is your officer?"

When the sentinel learned that the other party was here to take over the defense, he had a surprised expression on his face: "Are you here to take over the defense? That's really great, we can have a good rest next time."

"Soldier, you haven't answered my question yet." Seeing that the other party didn't answer his own question, Yegor turned his face straight and asked in a stern tone, "Where is the officer in command?"

"He should be sleeping in the warehouse office at the moment." Seeing Yegor getting angry, the sentry quickly replied respectfully: "Not only the second lieutenant lives there, but other soldiers who are not on duty are also resting there." He flattered him He asked quietly, "Mr. Captain, you should know that although it has just entered October, it is extremely cold at night, so everyone sleeps indoors to avoid getting sick from the cold."

"Come here." After Yegor figured out where the warehouse defenders were, he turned around and called a soldier, and told him, "Send the guide back and report to his commander that he didn't He didn't leave his post without authorization, but acted as a guide for us and guided us to the warehouse."

The soldier understood what Yegor meant. It was false to send the guide back, and it was true to return to the bridge to meet the troops behind. After thinking about the reason, he quickly and loudly replied: "Understood, Mr. Captain. I will definitely send this soldier back to the bridge safely and explain the whole thing to his commander."

After the soldiers took the guide away, Yegor turned to the sentry and said, "Sentry, take me to meet your platoon leader, and I will personally hand over the defense in the warehouse to him."

"Okay, Mr. Captain." The sentinel quickly opened the closed warehouse door, respectfully invited Jaeger and his subordinates in, and said with a smile, "I'll take you to see our second lieutenant."

Knowing the importance of this warehouse, Yegor quickly arranged for several soldiers to guard the door together with the remaining sentinel. The sentinel, who didn't know the inside story, saw that the new captain had arranged so many people to be on duty with him, and he couldn't help secretly delighting: Since there are so many people guarding the door, I can find a place to sleep well later . It's not too late to come out when the shift changes at dawn.

After arranging the supporting soldiers and guarding the door, Yegor took the rest of his tactics and rushed directly to the office of the warehouse under the leadership of the sentry who didn't know the truth.

The location of the warehouse office is an independent two-story building. The defense work here is obviously much stricter than that at the gate. No matter there are two sentries on duty, there are still sandbags on the side of the gate. One MG42 machine gun.

Seeing a group of people approaching, the two sentries at the door quickly took off the rifles on their shoulders and aimed at the soldiers of the second company who were walking. He asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"

The sound of the sentinel woke up the machine gunner who was sleeping in the fortification. He quickly stood up, saw clearly that a group of people were approaching not far away, and hurriedly aimed his machine gun in that direction.

"Hey!" The sentinel who was leading the way for Yegor and the others quickly shouted, "Don't shoot, I'm Ralph!"

A corporal among the sentries obviously knew Ralph. He lowered his gun and asked Ralph who was beside Yegor, "Ralph, why don't you stand guard at the door and come here?" do what?"

"Corporal," Ralph said to the other party, "the captain next to me was ordered to take over the defense of the warehouse. I was worried that he would not find a place, so I brought him here."

Hearing what Ralph said, the corporal came over, first looked Yegor up and down, then raised his hand to salute, and then asked politely: "Mr. documents?"

"Corporal!" Yegor couldn't easily show his ID to the other party, he said with a straight face, "Where is your second lieutenant, call him out!"

The German corporal replied with some embarrassment: "Mr. Captain, the second lieutenant has already fallen asleep..."

"Wake him up!" Yegor said in a stern tone: "You go and wake him up immediately, I want to hand over the defense to him face to face. Do you hear me?"

The corporal didn't dare to neglect, turned around and ran towards the building.

Yegor turned to his soldiers and gestured to them. Immediately, several strong fighters quickly rushed to another sentry and the machine gunner behind the sandbags.

Before the sentry recovered his senses, a sharp dagger was resting on his neck. Seeing that the situation was not good, the machine gunner was about to grab the machine gun, but it was still a step too late. A soldier rushed in front of him and wiped his neck with the dagger in his hand. The machine gunner stopped grabbing the machine gun, covered his neck with his hands, trying to stop the blood from flowing out of the wound, and made a sound that didn't sound like a human voice. But after a while, he fell limply to the ground and left this world with a face full of unwillingness.

Everything in front of him happened too fast, and before Ralph could recover, it was over. Seeing the machine gunner lying in a pool of blood, he hurriedly took off the rifle on his shoulder, but before he could take it off, a pistol was put on his forehead: "Ralph, if you don't want to die, don't die!" mess around."

From the voice of the other party, Ralph heard that it was the captain he had brought in. He hurriedly raised his hands above his head and said nervously, "Captain, Mr. Captain, don't, don't shoot, I surrender!"

After finishing off the German soldiers at the door, Yegor waved his hand, and the soldiers rushed into the building again to deal with the remaining enemies.

The place where the second lieutenant of the German Army slept was on the second floor of the building. After he was woken up by the corporal, he asked unhappily, "Corporal, what did you wake me up for? Did something happen outside?"

"Mr. Second Lieutenant." The corporal reported to the second lieutenant: "A captain came outside and brought a lot of people with him, saying that he came to take over our defense."

"Come here to take over the defense?" The second lieutenant said a little puzzled, "I haven't been notified?" After a pause, he asked the corporal again, "Have you checked the other party's ID?"


"Why not check?"

The corporal replied honestly: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, I dare not. That captain is too fierce."

"All right, all right, I'll check it out myself." The second lieutenant muttered while putting on his clothes, "It's not a good time to switch defenses, but I have to come here at night, so I can't sleep even if I want to sleep peacefully."

The second lieutenant put on his military overcoat and walked downstairs with the corporal.

As soon as he walked out of the stairs, the second lieutenant saw many people standing in the corridor. The one standing in the front was a captain, probably the captain who the corporal said was to take over the defense.

"Mr. Captain," the second lieutenant hurried forward and said with a smile on his face, "You brought someone to the warehouse to take over our defense?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step forward, he saw the soldiers behind the captain raised their guns in unison. Facing the black muzzle of the gun, the second lieutenant hastily raised his hands parallel to his shoulders, and asked puzzledly, "Mr. Captain, can you explain what's going on?"

"It's very simple, Mr. Second Lieutenant." Egor said with a sneer, "Now you are my prisoner."

"Mr. Captain, did you make a mistake?" Yegor's words confused the German second lieutenant: "Aren't we our own people?"

"Who is your own person." Before Yegor could speak, an officer beside him said sharply, "We are the Soviet Red Army, and you are our prisoner now."

The other party's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the German second lieutenant's heart hard. He didn't expect that there would be a group of Russians wearing the same uniform as himself in the place where the enemy was least likely to appear. He knew very well in his heart that his subordinates were probably finished before he went downstairs.

He lowered his head slowly, and replied with difficulty: "We surrender!"

After controlling all the Germans in the warehouse, Yegor began to interrogate the prisoners.

The first to be interrogated was naturally the second lieutenant of the German army.

Facing Yegor's inquiry, the second lieutenant of the German army knew that there was no point in concealing it any more, so he replied truthfully: "Mr. Captain, if you want to know the storage situation of the materials in the warehouse, I can give you the account book for entering and leaving the warehouse." , find someone to watch slowly."

Seeing the second lieutenant's cooperation, Yegor didn't make things difficult for him. After asking a few questions casually, he ordered someone to take him down.

After the second lieutenant of the German Army was taken away, Yegor stared at the stack of ledgers in front of him and worried. Although he speaks German well now, he has been stuck at the level of speaking. If you want him to read these documents, he really reads them. don't know.

Fortunately, his embarrassment didn't last long, and he was interrupted by Mikhaiev who walked in from the outside: "Comrade Captain, what are you in a daze for?"

Seeing Mikhaiev, Narva and others entering the door, Yegor stood up quickly from his seat, straightened his back and reported: "Comrade battalion commander, I seized the warehouse entry and exit ledger, but the content on it is I don't understand."

"Egor, don't worry." Narva rushed to say, "Isn't there a special German translator in the battalion? You can ask him to translate the contents of the ledger."

"Narva, our interpreter fell ill when we set off. I left him at the station to rest and didn't let him follow us deep into the enemy's rear." Mikhaiev frowned and said, "We can only think of other ways." , let’s figure out the ledgers for the in and out of the warehouse.”

"Comrade Battalion Commander." Yegor originally pinned his hopes on the interpreter in the battalion, but he did not expect that the interpreter did not follow the troops at all. In this way, I can only think of other ways to find out the inventory in the warehouse. He quickly remembered that the sentinel who was the guide told himself that the staff in the warehouse were all Russians. He thought that he could make a fuss about it, so he said to Mikhaiev: "I heard that the daily work in the warehouse, They are all in charge of workers from our country, and I think I can ask them to find out about the stock situation of various materials in some warehouses."

"Yeah, that's a good way." Mikhaiev nodded and said, "But where can we find them?"

"I asked the captives, and they said that in order to prevent the workers in the warehouse from destroying at night, they were sent home before dark." Yegor said: "It is estimated that those workers will not come to work until after dawn. "

Mikhaiev raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said reasonably: "There are only two hours left until dawn, so let's wait for the workers to go to work. But before that, we must first make defensive preparations to prevent the Germans from attacking us." A possible raid."

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