Red Moscow

Chapter 1671 Lubyanka Military Hospital (Part 2)

Since Asiya was transferred to work in the weapons and equipment department, she was quickly promoted from an assistant military doctor to a military doctor. But her workload did not increase but decreased. Instead of facing bloody soldiers every day, she only needed to prescribe some common medicines to some workers or technicians who were not feeling well.

Asiya, who had long been used to being busy on the front line, was tired of such an ordinary life, and she thought of returning to the front line. In order to achieve this goal smoothly, she tried to call the 27th Army Command, hoping to get Sukov's support.

But for some reason, after finally getting through the phone call, the staff officer who answered the phone said politely: "Women comrades, I'm really sorry, Comrade Commander has gone to inspect the frontline troops. I don't know when I can get in touch with him. If you If you need to find him urgently, please leave your name and phone number, and I will tell him when he comes back."

Asiya was very disappointed that Sokov was not found, but in order to get in touch with Sokov as soon as possible, she still said truthfully: "My name is Asiya, and I am Sokov's wife. If you can contact him , Ask him to call me, I am working in the weapons and equipment department now."

When the staff officer learned that the call was from Asiya, he panicked. He hurriedly covered the receiver with his hands, and turned to ask the commander standing behind him: "Comrade Captain, the call is from the commander's wife. How should I reply?" What about her?"

In order to prevent fluctuations in the morale of the army, the news of Sokov's injury was strictly blocked in the 27th Army. But these personnel in the headquarters happen to belong to the range of insiders. After the officer on duty had finished speaking, he made a gesture to him, stepped forward to take the microphone, and said politely in his ear: "Hello, Comrade Asiya, I am the officer on duty at the headquarters. Comrade Commander I am not at the headquarters now, and I will ask him to contact you immediately after he returns."

Assia didn't have the slightest doubt about what the officer on duty said. After all, when she was working in the frontier hospital, she knew that Sokov would run to the frontier all day when he had nothing to do, and he rarely stayed in his headquarters obediently. When she was disappointed, she politely said to the officer on duty: "I have something urgent to find him. If you see him, please ask him to call me as soon as possible."

Not long after Asiya finished calling, a major officer walked into the infirmary from outside. Assya recognized that this was the officer protecting Ustinov, and asked politely, "Hello, Comrade Major! What's wrong with you, what medicine do you need?"

"Comrade Assia, I am in good health and do not need to prescribe medicine."

Assia looked at the other party and thought a little puzzled: Since you didn't come to prescribe medicine, why did you come to your own infirmary?

The major saw Assia's question and said proactively, "Comrade Assia, Comrade Comrade People's Commissar is looking for you, but your phone here is still unavailable, so he ordered me to come and find you directly."

Hearing what the major said, Asiya explained apologetically, "I'm sorry, Comrade Major, I just called Frontier, that's why I can't get through."

"It doesn't matter." The major said magnanimously: "Please come with me to the People's Commissar's office now, I think he may be waiting impatiently."

Asya is just a small military doctor in the weapons and equipment department. How dare Ustinov wait for a long time, she hurriedly picked up the medicine box on the table, slung it on her shoulder, and said, "Let's go, Comrade Major." , we are going to see Comrade Ustinov now."

"You don't need to carry the medicine kit, Comrade Ustinov is not sick." Seeing that Asya was carrying the medicine kit, the major realized that she might have misunderstood, and quickly stopped him and said, "He just wants to see you and have a good chat with you." Let's talk."

"Look for a chat with me?" Assia put the medicine box back on the table, looked at the major and asked in surprise, "Comrade major, do you know what he wants from me?"

"I don't know." The major shook his head and said, "I was just ordered to invite you."

Assia followed the major out of the infirmary and walked towards Ustinov's office.

Ustinov's office is on the top floor of the building. At the top of the stairs, there are officers sitting behind the desk, and soldiers in full armor standing on guard. When the officer saw the major leading Assia upstairs, he immediately got up and came out from behind the table, and greeted the major with a smile: "Comrade major, you are back!"

The major nodded to his subordinates, and then pointed at Assia with his hand: "This is Dr. Assia. I brought her here under the order of Comrade Ustinov."

As the major's subordinates, the officer naturally knew about this. At this moment, after listening to the major repeating the matter, he said politely: "Comrade major, please go over. Comrade People's Commissars must be waiting impatiently." Asiya's visit was carefully recorded in the memo.

When the two came to the door of a room, the major turned to Assia and said, "Comrade Assia, please wait here for a while, I will go in and report to Comrade People's Commissar."

After finishing speaking, the major pushed open the closed wooden door and stepped into the room. After entering, he closed the door smoothly.

Assia, who was standing outside the door, began to mutter in her heart, she had nothing to do with Ustinov at all, why did he send someone to find her today?

Before she could figure out what was going on, the door was opened from the inside, and then the major appeared at the door. He nodded slightly at Assia, and then said: "Comrade Assia, the people's commissar is waiting for you inside." , please come in quickly."

Asya walked into the room, and unexpectedly found that Ustinov was not sitting behind the desk, but was standing in the middle of the room. She quickly walked two steps, came to Ustinov, raised her hand to The other party saluted: "Hello, Comrade Ustinov! Military doctor Assia is on your order..."

"All right, all right, Assia, this is not an army, so you don't have to be so restrained." Before Assia could finish speaking, Ustinov interrupted her and extended his hand to her, saying friendly : "Welcome to my office as a guest."

The major standing at the door quietly retreated when the two shook hands, and closed the door behind him.

Ustinov asked Assia to sit down on the bench, poured a cup of hot tea himself, handed it to Assia, and asked with concern: "Comrade Assia, you come to the weapons and equipment department. It’s been more than a month, are you used to the environment here?”

Since Ustinov was asking questions, Assia naturally couldn't sit down and answer. She quickly stood up and replied in a loud voice: "Report to Comrade People's Commissar, I'm used to the working environment here."

"Sit down, sit down quickly." Ustinov raised his right hand and pressed down twice: "This is not an army, you don't have to be too restrained, it's better to be casual."

After Assia sat down again, Ustinov asked habitually: "Working here, have you encountered any difficulties? If so, please feel free to ask, I will definitely find a way to solve it for you .”

Hearing what Ustinov said, Assia immediately thought of her desire to return to the front, and felt that this was the best time, so she said cautiously: "Comrade People's Commissar, the working environment here is very good, but it's too leisurely." a bit."

"Comrade Assia, the place where you work is the infirmary of the agency, and the workload is definitely not as good as that on the front line." Ustinov said with a smile: "You just need to do your own job well."

Assia put the teacup in her hand on the small tea table beside her, stood up and said to Ustinov, "Comrade People's Commissar, I still like the busy life in the front-line field hospital. Allow me to return to the front line."

"What, do you want to return to the front line?" Ustinov was very surprised by Assia's request. He had only seen people trying to get back from the front line to the rear city, but he had never seen anyone who was unwilling to stay in comfort. He asked in puzzlement, "Comrade Asiya, why did you have such a strange idea?"

"Comrade People's Commissar," Assia knew in her heart that if she wanted to return to the front line smoothly, she might need to bring out Sokov to make an argument: "My husband is on the front line commanding troops to fight against the enemy, but I am in the rear Nothing to do, thinking of this, I feel very ashamed in my heart, so I want to return to him as soon as possible and fight side by side with him."

Ustinov called Asya to his office just to tell her the news of Sokov's injury. But Asiya's request made him feel embarrassed. How should he tell her the bad news about Sokov?

When he was in a dilemma, the phone on the table rang suddenly, and Ustinov quickly picked up the receiver: "I am Ustinov, where are you? ... Oh, it turned out to be Colonel Yakov Ah!... Well, I'm in the office, and Assia is here too, so hurry up and come here."

After putting down the microphone, Ustinov got up and walked in front of Assia, looked at her seriously and said, "Comrade Assia, I called you here today because I have some bad news to tell you, I hope you Be mentally prepared."

As early as when the major brought Asya to Ustinov, she wondered if there was something wrong with Sokov. Hearing what Ustinov said now, she couldn't wait to ask, "Did something happen to Misha?"

Ustinov nodded slowly, indicating that Assia's guess was correct, and something happened to Sokov.

After confirming that something happened to Sokov, Asiya's body shook twice. If Ustinov hadn't held her up in time, she might have fallen to the ground. She asked nervously, "He... Did he sacrifice himself?" Although he asked this question, he desperately hoped that Ustinov would give himself a negative answer.

"He didn't die." Ustinov shook his head and said, "He was just injured."

Hearing that Sokov did not sacrifice himself, Assia's heart suddenly became more at ease, and she continued to ask, "How is his injury?"

Ustinov shook his head and said, "I didn't go to the hospital, so I don't know the specific situation. You should ask Colonel Yakov after he arrives."

The door opened and Yakov came in from the outside.

As soon as she saw Yakov, Asiya rushed in front of him, grabbed his arms, and asked nervously: "Yasha, tell me quickly, how is Misha doing now?"

"Assia, don't worry." Yakov said in order not to worry Assia, "Although Misha was seriously injured, he is now awake. I asked the doctor and he is in good health. I believe it will not be long before he recovers."

If someone else said this, Assia would probably not believe it, but it was a different matter if the person who said it was Yakov. You know, Sokov once saved Yakov's life. The two are good friends who love each other like brothers, and the other party will definitely not lie to him.

Assia, who had calmed down a little, asked Yakov tentatively: "Yasha, I don't know which military hospital Misha is staying in now. I want to visit him?"

"Asya, Misha is currently staying at the military hospital in Lubyanka. I'm here today to take you there to see him." After saying this, Yakov turned to Ustinov and said, "People Comrade Commissioner, I called my father last night and talked about Misha."

Hearing that Yakov called Stalin about Sokov, Ustinov immediately became interested: "Colonel Yakov, what does the Supreme Commander himself mean?"

"I told him that Sokov's injury is relatively serious. If he wants to fully recover, it may take a long time." When Yakov said this, his eyes fell on Asiya who was beside him: "And he His wife, Asiya, also happens to be a military doctor, so why not temporarily second her to the military hospital in Lubyanka to take care of Misha there.”

"That's a good idea." Ustinov's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Then what's the final answer?"

"My father agreed."

Knowing that Stalin had agreed to Yakov's request, Ustinov couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and then said to Assia: "Comrade Assia, since the Supreme Commander himself has agreed to this matter, from now on From the beginning, you will be temporarily seconded to the military hospital in Lubyanka until General Sokov recovers and is discharged from the hospital!"

Assia was overjoyed by Ustinov's arrangement, and quickly replied loudly: "Yes!"

Ustinov turned around and walked back to the desk, picked up the pencil on the desk, and started writing quickly in the notebook. After finishing writing, he tore off the paper full of words, took it and walked up to Asiya: "Asiya, this is my letter of introduction for you, you will follow Yakov later When you are in the Lubyanka Military Hospital, remember to take this letter of introduction to the director, and let him handle the corresponding secondment procedures for you."

After receiving the letter of introduction, Asya thanked Ustinov repeatedly, and took the jeep driven by Yakov to the military hospital in Lubyanka, where she was going to take care of the injured Sokov.

On the way, Asya kept asking Yakov: "Yasha, how serious is Misha's injury? Will it be life-threatening?"

"Assia, it's hard to say. After all, I'm not a military doctor, so I can't figure out how his injury is." After Yakov finished speaking, he saw Assia's face turn livid, and knew that she was trying to save him. Kefu was worried about his safety, so he quickly added: "But I asked the director of the hospital, and he said that Misha is completely out of danger, and he can be discharged from the hospital as long as he stays in the hospital for a few months." Assia worried that he had not told her that Sokov might be left disabled after his injury.

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