Red Moscow

Chapter 1672

The jeep soon arrived outside the hospital. For the sake of confidentiality, no vehicles were parked here. But this didn't bother Yakov, he parked his car near the entrance, and left before sending Assia off.

Seeing a car parked at the entrance of the hospital, an officer on duty immediately came over. He came out of the car and rushed to Yakov who was sitting inside, saying: "Comrade colonel, parking is not allowed here, please put the car away immediately." Drive away."

"Comrade Second Lieutenant," Yakov took out his special pass after seeing the other party's rank clearly, handed it over, and said politely: "I just sent a friend here to report, and I will leave soon, please accommodate me Bar."

Although the second lieutenant didn't know Yakov, he saw that the other party had the highest-level pass and knew that the other party had a lot of background, so he asked cautiously: "Comrade Colonel, how long is your car going to stay here?"

"It's hard to say, Comrade Second Lieutenant." Yakov didn't know how long he would come out after entering the hospital, so he could only explain to the other party: "I not only want to send the lesbian next to me to report, but also to visit a My friend, I really don't know how long I will stay in there."

The second lieutenant raised his hand and looked at his watch, then discussed with Yakov and said: "Comrade Colonel, if your vehicle is parked near the entrance for too long, it may expose the location of the hospital. But considering your specific situation, I can You are given one hour, and when the time is up, you have to drive away."

Seeing that the Second Lieutenant was so reasonable, Yakov naturally would not make things difficult for him: "Okay, Comrade Second Lieutenant, I will come out as soon as possible. But before that, you'd better find something to disguise my car, so as not to be broken into the city Spotted by the German reconnaissance plane above."

After the second lieutenant let Yakov and Asiya enter the hospital, he immediately called the two soldiers and told them: "You two immediately find a camouflage net and camouflage the colonel's car so that it will not be caught by the enemy. Spotted by the reconnaissance plane."

There was a camouflage net in the duty room. Hearing the second lieutenant's order, the two soldiers immediately entered the duty room, took out one from the inside, and then came out again to cover Yakov's jeep with a camouflage net.

After finishing all this, the two returned to the second lieutenant, and asked curiously: "Comrade second lieutenant, what is the background of this colonel, dare to stop at the entrance of the hospital?"

"I don't know who he is," the second lieutenant said to his two subordinates, "but the pass he took out is of the highest rank, and it should be the one issued directly by the Supreme Command. You all go back and continue to stand guard. Don't meddle in things that you shouldn't ask about."

Yakov brought Asiya to the dean's office familiarly.

Seeing Yakov's appearance, the dean who had just finished the phone call quickly stood up from behind the desk, walked around the table to shake hands with Yakov, and asked in a friendly tone: "Hello, Colonel Yakov, today Are you coming to see General Sokov again?"

"Yes, I'm here today. Apart from visiting Sokov, I have another important mission." After Yakov finished speaking, he pulled Asiya in front of the dean and introduced him: "Comrade President, let me introduce you. This is Asiya military doctor, Sokov's wife. Starting today, she will be temporarily seconded to your hospital to take care of Sokov until he recovers." .”

"Hello, Comrade Dean." Asya waited for Yakov to finish speaking, then raised her hand to salute the dean, and took out a letter of introduction written by Ustinov: "I am military doctor Asiya, This is the letter of introduction issued by Ustinov, please have a look. From today on, I will be a member of your hospital."

The dean took the letter of introduction from Asiya's hand, browsed through it quickly, stretched out his hand to Asiya, and said with a smile on his face: "Military doctor Asiya, on behalf of all the medical staff of the Lubyanka Military Hospital, You are welcome to be one of us."

Seeing that the dean agreed to stay, Assia also showed a smile on her face. Although she was eager to see Sokov, out of politeness, she still asked the dean tentatively: "Comrade dean, what is my job?"

"Military Doctor Assia," the dean didn't know how capable Assia was, so he would not rush to arrange any important work for her, lest there would be any mistakes. But considering that the other party is Sokov's wife, she said smoothly: "General Sokov just woke up yesterday, and his body is still very weak. Although we arranged for a special nurse to take care of him, no one can compare to you taking care of him personally." more suitable."

"Great, this is really great." In fact, even if the yard didn't say anything, Assia wanted to make the same request to the dean. Since the other party took the initiative to arrange for her to take care of Sokov, she naturally wanted to thank him: "Thank you, Comrade Dean. I thank you on behalf of my husband."

Seeing that the dean had arranged work for Asya, Yakov, who was eager to return to the weapons and equipment department, urged the dean to say: "Comrade dean, since the work has been arranged, let's go to see Sokov now." .” After finishing speaking, before the dean could speak, he raised his legs and walked outside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yakov walked out of the office, he collided with two workers carrying printing plates in the corridor, and the black ink on the printing plates immediately stuck to Yakov.

Seeing that they had caused trouble, the two workers quickly apologized to Yakov: "I'm sorry, Comrade Colonel, please forgive me. We were in a hurry to send things to the printing room and didn't notice you."

Yakov didn't argue with the other party, but said kindly: "It's okay, you didn't mean it either, hurry up and continue working."

"My God, it's ink." After the workers left, Asiya found that Yakov's military uniform was splattered with black ink. "This thing is not easy to wash."

The dean also apologized to Yakov for the recklessness of his subordinates: "Colonel Yakov, I'm really sorry for making your uniform dirty. I happen to have a ready-made military uniform here, or you can wear mine first. ?”

Seeing that the Dean's figure was different from his own, Yakov shook his head, then took off his military uniform, held it in his hand, and said to him: "It's okay, Comrade Dean, I still have extra military uniforms at home. Return it later. For now, let’s take us to visit Sokov first.”

The three of them came to the ward. Vera, who was sitting by the bed chatting with Sokov, saw the dean appeared, and immediately stood up and reported: "Comrade dean, General Sokov's condition is normal, there is no fever or Signs of wound infection."

The dean nodded after hearing this, turned around and said to Asiya behind him, "Military doctor Asiya, let me introduce you. This is Nurse Vera. I arranged for her to take care of General Sokov..."

Since Assia entered the ward, her gaze has been on Sokov. When she saw Sokov wrapped up like a mummy in bandages, her eye circles were red, so that she didn't hear the dean talking to him at all. what to say.

Seeing Asiya's absent-minded look, the dean knew that she was worried about Sokov's condition. However, he did not immediately introduce Sokov's condition, but continued to say to Vera: "Vera, the lieutenant is the military doctor Asia, and she is General Sokov's wife. From today onwards, the two of you will take turns Take care of General Sokov."

When Vera was about to say hello to Asiya, she saw that Asiya had already rushed to the bed, bent down, grabbed Sokov's hand, pressed it tightly to her cheek, and asked with a sob: "Misha, didn't I tell you not to go to the front line casually? Why can't you remember?"

Seeing Asiya's appearance, Sokov was also very excited. Hearing the other party's concern and blame, he felt warm in his heart. He tried his best to squeeze a smile on his face, and said softly, "Asiya, it's great to see you here!"

Yakov, who didn't want to see the two throwing dog food, stepped forward, wrapped up the ink-spattered military uniform, put it on the chair next to him, turned his head and said to the dean: "I said, Comrade Dean, you are in the ward. Can’t we put two more chairs? There’s only one chair here, and if a few people come to visit, there’s not even a place to sit.”

The dean wanted to tell Yakov that this is a secret hospital, and visits are usually not allowed, but thinking of the identity of the other party, he still laughed and said: "You are right, Colonel Yakov. I will arrange more people immediately." Put a few chairs here so that visitors will have a place to sit."

Yakov didn't want to disturb Sokov and Asiya's reminiscing about the old days. After chatting for a few words, he got up and left the ward with the dean. When the two came to the corridor, Yakov asked with some concern, "Comrade Dean, although Misha is awake, there will be no postoperative wound infection, right?"

"Comrade Colonel, postoperative wound infection has always been a headache." The dean said with a wry smile: "Many of our wounded did not die on the battlefield, but lost their lives in vain due to postoperative wound infection." .But I think General Sokov probably won't be in that situation."

The dean's words aroused Yakov's curiosity: "Why?"

"Before General Sokov was sent to our hospital, the military doctors who rescued him gave him a new type of anti-inflammatory drug." The dean explained to Yakov: "The effect of this antibiotic anti-inflammatory drug is better than ours. Any kind of medicine used today is good. Otherwise, they would not have dared to send General Sokov to our hospital directly after the operation and before he was awake."

"The effect of this anti-inflammatory drug is so good, have you continued to use it for Misha?"


Hearing the dean gave a negative answer, Yakov couldn't help but frowned: "Since you said that the effect is better than all the medicines we use today, why don't you continue to use it for him?"

"So, Comrade Colonel." The dean said in embarrassment: "This new type of antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drug was given to us by the Allied Forces. As far as I know, their troops have not yet used it on a large scale, but they have given priority to providing it to us in large quantities." , I think there may be some conspiracy in it."

"Conspiracy, what conspiracy?" Yakov asked puzzled.

"The reason is very simple," explained the dean. "This drug is still being tested, and the Allied Forces have not signed any custom contracts with the manufacturer. I even suspect that they provide us with this drug just to take advantage of our commanders and fighters." Do human tests for them to see if there are any toxic side effects."

Originally, Yakov heard that there was a drug that could effectively suppress postoperative infection, and wanted the director to give it to Sokov so that the other party could effectively avoid postoperative infection. But when I heard that this drug might be the Allied forces wanting to use Soviet commanders and fighters for human experiments, I immediately dismissed this year.

Yakov walked out of the hospital alone, and greeted the second lieutenant on duty at the door: "Comrade second lieutenant, I'm out."

Seeing Yakov coming out, the second lieutenant quickly ordered his subordinates to take off the camouflage net covered on the jeep, and explained to Yakov: "Comrade Colonel, I am worried that the enemy's reconnaissance plane may happen to pass by. , Once your vehicle is found, the location of the hospital will be exposed, so order someone to cover your car with a camouflage net."

"You are right, Comrade Second Lieutenant." Yakov agreed with the second lieutenant's approach: "I was worried that the car might be parked outside for a long time, and the target might be exposed, but I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful, really Thank you so much."

Seeing that the soldiers had removed the camouflage net covering the jeep, Yakov thanked the second lieutenant again, opened the door and got into the car, started it directly and drove back, wanting to return to the weapons and equipment department as soon as possible.

But not long after driving, Yakov was stopped by a temporary checkpoint.

Seeing that the soldiers at the checkpoint were all wearing blue caps, he knew that these people belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he parked his car steadily five or six meters away from the checkpoint, and opened the Leaning out of the car door, he asked a captain who was walking over: "Comrade captain, when did you set up the checkpoint? It didn't exist when I just passed by here."

The captain did not answer Yakov's question, but walked to the car, looked Yakov up and down carefully, and then said blankly: "Please show your ID!"

Hearing that the documents need to be checked, Yakov immediately reached out to take out the documents. But as soon as his hand touched the clothes, he groaned inwardly. The military uniform that he had stained with ink should be on the chair next to Sokov's bed at this moment.

He grinned at the captain, and said with some embarrassment: "Comrade captain, I'm really sorry, I forgot my ID in the hospital. If you are willing to wait for me, I can go there right away to get it."

The vicinity of Lubyanka was originally a sensitive area, and the person in front of him showed up here regardless of driving, and he couldn't show a valid certificate on his body. The captain immediately became suspicious of Yakov. He took a step back, and then waved his hand towards the checkpoint. Following the signal he sent, seven or eight soldiers with live ammunition rushed over. They surrounded the jeep in a fan shape and pointed their muzzles at the black hole. Yakov.

Seeing the black gun muzzles around him, Yakov immediately realized that the other party had misunderstood him, and quickly explained: "Comrade Captain, I am Colonel Yakov from the Armament Department. I just went to the Lubyanka Hospital to visit patients. If you If you don’t believe me, you can go to the hospital with me again in person, and I will show you the documents.”

Unexpectedly, the captain didn't listen to Yakov's explanation at all, but directly issued an order that he regretted: "Arrest him and take him back for interrogation to see how he got into Lubyanka's place." .”

Seeing several wolf-like fighters rushing up, Yakov did not resist, but obediently let the opponent cut his hands behind his back, put on handcuffs, and escorted him to the checkpoint.

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