Red Moscow

Chapter 1717

While several people were talking, a student hurried in from the door. After entering the door, he looked around and saw Sokov, who was chatting with Victor and Sukharev, with a shocked expression on his face, and then he walked quickly to the room where Kryzhiuv was. Location.

"Vadim," Kryzhuv asked with a straight face when he saw the students walking towards him, "Where did you go and why did you come back so late?"

"Student comrades," the student known as Vadim was Kryzhuv's deputy when he was in the army, but he did not answer Kryzhuv immediately at this moment, but squeezed into the circle, The face said mysteriously: "Guess who I just saw?"

"Who did you see?" Kryzhouf said displeasedly, "There are quite a few generals in the academy every day. Even if a higher-ranking commander comes, it's not worth making a fuss about."

"Comrade Major, you are right. We can see a lot of senior commanders in the academy. Even if it is a general, there is nothing to make a fuss about." Vadim said to Kryzhiuf: " But today it is Marshal Zhukov."

"What, Marshal Zhukov has come to the academy?" Kryzhov said with his eyes widened in surprise, "Where is he now?" He, Kryzhiuf is no exception.

"left already."

"What, left?" Kryzhuv's face was full of disappointment when he heard the news, and he said with a heartbroken look: "Vadim, why didn't you come back and tell me earlier."

"Vadim," Milesyev considered the question much more carefully than Kryzhuv. He asked Vadim, "Where did Comrade Marshal go after he arrived at the academy?" He tried to track down Zhukov's whereabouts. , to infer the other party's intention.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just stayed in the dean's room."

"Staying in the dean's room all the time?" Milesyev raised his eyebrows, "Could it be that Marshal Zhukov came here specially to see the dean?"

"Marshal Zhukov came to the academy to meet someone, but that person is not the dean." Vadim said in a low voice: "After the man entered the dean's room, the dean and others came out. Only the man and the Comrade Marshal were in the house."

"Who is that man?" Kryzhuv and Milesyev asked in unison.

"Here," Vadim pouted at Sokov in the distance, and said, "It's that Captain Sokov."

"Captain Sokov?" Kryzhov looked at Sokov and said with a look of shock: "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible. When the marshal arrives at the academy, he will drive the dean out of the office and leave alone Meet a little captain. Vadim, are you secretly drinking and talking nonsense here?"

"No, Comrade Major." Seeing that Kryzhuv didn't trust him, Vadim was a little anxious, and quickly explained, "I saw it with my own eyes."

"How is this possible?" Kryzhov frowned and began to think: "What is the background of Captain Sokov? Even Marshal Zhukov called him to the dean's office to meet alone after he arrived at the academy."

"I think what Vadim said is true." Milesyev said: "Have you forgotten that just after class, a teacher came and pushed Captain Sokov away in a wheelchair? Maybe he was ordered to take Captain Sokov to see the marshal."

After being reminded by Milesyev, everyone immediately remembered that there was indeed such a thing. At that time, Kryzhuv thought gloatingly that maybe Sokov had made some mistake and was called to be scolded by the teacher. But unexpectedly, he actually went to meet Marshal Zhukov secretly.

Kryzhiuf began to think in his heart that if he wanted to develop better in the future, he needed some network resources. He stayed in the training class for two months, and the people around him were all commanders who were at the same level as him. It's just the few teachers in the training class, which won't help him much in his future.

And Captain Sokov obviously has such resources, as long as they are developed and utilized reasonably, a road leading to a higher level can be paved. In order to achieve this goal, it seems that I should get close to Sokov and ease the relationship between each other. tense relationship.

Just when Kryzhouf got up after a fierce ideological struggle and was about to show his favor to Sokov, he saw a teacher walking in from the outside. After the teacher entered the door, he only paused for a moment, and walked towards Sokov's position.

Kryzhuv recognized at a glance that it was the teacher who was extremely dissatisfied with Sokov in the theory class of street warfare. He muttered to himself, what is the teacher doing here? Could it be because of Sokov's attitude in class yesterday that he came to ask him to ask for a crime?

But what happened next surprised Kryzhouf. The instructor walked up to Sokov and greeted him with a nod and bow. It was not so much a dialogue between the instructor and the students as it was more like a subordinate reporting to a superior commander.

"What's going on here?" Kryzhov pondered in his heart: "It seems that Sokov does have a great background, otherwise this teacher who was cold-hearted to him yesterday is now groveling to please him. The other party. This shows that Sokov's background is so great that even the teachers dare not offend him." Thinking of this, Kryzhov's desire to have a good relationship with Sokov became more determined.

And Milesiev, who was standing beside Kryzhuv, was also thinking about a problem: the teacher had unabashedly expressed his dislike for Sokov yesterday, but overnight, he felt so disgusted with Sokov. Then the husband's attitude took a 180-degree turn, and something unknown must have happened.

There were conflicts between Kryzhov and Sokov, but the relationship between Milesiev and Sokov was good. He walked towards Sokov, wanting to listen closely to what the teacher and Sokov were talking about.

But when there were still seven or eight steps away, the teacher had finished talking with Sokov and was about to leave, but what he said inadvertently at the end shocked Milesyev.

I only heard the teacher say: "Comrade General, I will come to ask you again if I don't understand anything in the future. Allow me to leave?" Seeing Sokov nodding, the teacher turned and walked outside the classroom.

The teacher's words were like a thunderbolt in Milesyev's ears. He instinctively connected the general's title with Sokov's surname, "My God." He thought to himself: "This Captain Sokov is actually General Sokov with great military exploits?"

"But why does he have the rank of captain?" As soon as this idea came to him, he thought of a new possibility: "This is a training class for intermediate commanders. If there is a general sitting among the crowd, he will definitely be given Everyone brings invisible pressure, which affects the effect of learning. But if he wears a military rank similar to everyone, he will not attract special attention from others. This will not only not affect everyone's studies, but also effectively conceal his own identity."

Just after thinking this way, he saw the calm expressions of Victor and Sukharev, and he couldn't help having a new idea: These two commanders have been staying by Sokov's side, and after hearing the title of teacher , nor the slightest surprise. It seems that they have known Sokov's identity for a long time.

Milesiev came to Sokov and asked in a low voice with a smile: "Comrade Sokov, should I call you Captain or General?"

Hearing Milesyev's question, Sokov realized that his identity might be seen through by the other party. He neither admitted nor denied, but said with a smile: "Alexey, it's not convenient to talk here, we Let’s go outside and talk.” Without waiting for Sokov to speak, Sukharev pushed his wheelchair and walked out, Victor followed closely behind, and Milesyev froze for a moment, then quickly followed go up.

The four of them came to a deserted place, and Sokov said, "Alexey, you should see that I am wearing the rank of captain, so you should definitely call me Captain Sokov. As for titles like general, I’m afraid it will be a long time to wait.”

When Milesyev heard this, he realized that Sokov had tactfully admitted his true identity, but he hoped that he would not reveal this secret. Milesyev nodded vigorously and said understandingly: "That's right, that's right, you are Captain Sokov, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that."

Next, he reminded Sokov: "Captain Sokov, the meeting between you and Marshal Zhukov today was seen by a student in the class and told Major Kryzhov."

"Oh, someone saw me meeting Marshal Zhukov?" This time it was Sokov's turn to be surprised: "Who is it?"

"It's Captain Vadim, Major Kryzhuv's deputy." Milesyev said truthfully: "He saw you and Marshal Zhukov come out of the dean's office with his own eyes."

Sokov originally had some doubts about Milesyev's statement, but when he heard that Vadim saw himself and Zhukov coming out of the dean's room with his own eyes, his doubts disappeared immediately. After all, when Zhukov left, he did not deliberately hide his whereabouts, and it is inevitable to be seen.

Sokov smiled faintly, and asked back, "How did Major Kryzhow react after hearing this?"

"He didn't believe it at first." Milesyev continued: "But when he saw the teacher who gave the lecture yesterday came in and talked to you with a humble attitude, he believed that the relationship between you and Marshal Zhukov was extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible. Even the teachers are so respectful to you."

"Then how did you confirm my identity?"

"It's very simple," Milesyev explained: "When I just approached you, I happened to hear the instructor call you Comrade General, but you didn't make any sense of this title. The awesome General Sokov got in touch to guess your identity."

After saying this in one breath, Milesyev looked at Victor and Sukharev and said, "If my guess is correct, you should have known the identity of the general a long time ago."

"That's right." Sokov answered for the two of them: "Victor is a battalion commander from the 182nd Division. I used to go to the 182nd Army many times when I was the commander of the 27th Army. Teacher, so he recognized me on the first day of school." After saying this, he tilted his head and looked at Sukharev, "As for Captain Sukharev, he is a good friend with Victor. It was also at the same time that I knew my identity."

Although Milesiev had already guessed the answer to Sokov's concealment of his identity, he still asked curiously for the sake of safety: "Comrade General, why do you wear the rank of captain when you study at the Military Academy?"

"The reason is very simple, Alexei." Sokov explained to Milesyev: "I am now attending an intermediate training class, and the class is full of captains or majors. Suddenly a general appears and sits with them. Studying together will bring them a great psychological burden, so after discussing with the academy, I decided to participate in the intermediate training class as a captain."

"It turns out to be like this." Milesyev confirmed from Sokov that his guess was correct, and then asked: "Then when you attend the senior commander training course next time, will you replace the new one?" What about senior ranks?"

"That's for sure, Alexei." Sokov said: "The advanced training class trains division commanders. If I still wear the rank of captain, I will look out of place among them. By then , I will change to the rank of lieutenant colonel."

"Comrade General, I have a request, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Sokov said to Milesiev in an encouraging tone: "As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely promise you."

"Comrade General, after this training is over, I may be adjusted and may be transferred to a new command post when I return to the army." Milesyev said with some hesitation: "I want to be your subordinate." , I wonder if you agree?"

Sokov heard what Milesyev said, turned his head to look at Victor and Sukharev, and couldn't help laughing. Sokov smiled, and Victor and Sukharev also laughed.

The laughter of the three confused Milesyev. He looked at Sukov and asked in confusion, "Comrade General, is there something I said wrong?"

"Major Milesyev," Victor explained to him with a smile: "Do you think that Comrade General is doing nothing in class every day? In fact, he has selected some students from the class long ago, and is going to use them to enrich them." And you happen to be one of them." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and said friendlyly, "You are welcome to join us."

Knowing that Sokov had already included himself in the list of commanders of the new unit, Milesyev was overjoyed. However, he was only happy for a few seconds, and his expression became serious again: "Comrade General, we still face a problem now."

"what is the problem?"

"There is still one month left, and our junior cadet class will be finished." Milesyev said to Sokov: "After graduation, most of the cadets will return to the original unit, and the rest will be sent to the army. Assigned to a new unit. And you have to participate in advanced training courses and higher-level training courses, the hospital can't make us wait a few more months, right?"

"I have already considered what you are worried about." Seeing Milesyev's worried expression, Sokov prepared to give him a reassurance in order to reassure him: "When I met Marshal Zhukov today, I specifically mentioned that some of the students in the intermediate training class will be enriched into the new army. Now Comrade Marshal has agreed to my request. You can stay in the academy and come with me after I finish all my studies. New troops."

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