Red Moscow

Chapter 1718 Announcing Identity

Time flies quickly, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

With the start of the exam, it means that the training of the intermediate commander training class has come to an end.

On the afternoon of the day after the exam, the teacher Captain Christonia walked into the classroom with the transcript, and the dean, Lieutenant General Velyovkin, entered the door with him.

"Student comrades," Christonia raised the report card in his hand after receiving the dean's instruction, and said to the students in the classroom: "I am announcing the test results now. Based on the results of each student, we will Make arrangements for everyone's whereabouts."

The test scores and rankings are random. Hearing Christonia begin to read the names of the students and their achievements, Sukharev turned his head and asked Sokov in a low voice: "Misha, if our results are not satisfactory, Will it embarrass you?"

Facing Sukharev's worries, Sokov comforted him and said: "Sukharev, don't worry, I still know what your level is. Even if the results of this final exam are not satisfactory, I am very grateful to you. Arrangements will not be adjusted."

Sokov's words reassured Sukharev. He sat up straight again, looked at the teacher who was announcing the results, and waited patiently for the announcement of his own results.

After several minutes of waiting, Sukharev finally heard his results and his ranking, which was actually ranked 15th. Hearing that his ranking was so high, he couldn't help but waved his fist excitedly.

Victor's results were announced next, and he ranked 11th this time. Victor is naturally very satisfied with such a result.

Seeing that Viktor and Sukharev were ranked 11th and 15th respectively, Milesyev's heart beat faster. In the training class, only the three of them knew Sokov's true identity. If he was ranked behind the other two, he would be much less important in Sokov's eyes in the future.

When he heard Christonia read his name, Milesyev almost stopped breathing. He was afraid that his grades would be at the bottom and he would feel ashamed in front of Sokov.

But after a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, and it turned out that his score was ranked third. Hearing such a result, he breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Sokov's position, thinking that with such a result, he would be able to stand up straighter in front of Sokov in the future. But then he concentrated on listening to the teacher's name, trying to hear Sokov's grades and rankings clearly.

But the teacher read the names of the students one after another, but never read Sokov's name. Milesyev couldn't help frowning, wondering if the teacher had missed the name of General Sokov, why did he come to the school? Haven't read it yet?

When all the students' names had been read, the teacher finally read Sokov's name. Sokov scored full marks in almost every subject, undisputedly becoming the first in the class.

Kryzhuv, who was sitting below, suddenly changed his face when he heard that Sokov was ranked first. He originally thought that his results would at least be in the top three, but who knew that he didn't even make it into the top ten, and he was actually ranked 19th, which made him feel ashamed.

Captain Vadim, who was sitting next to him, saw Kryzhov's face livid, and knew that Sokov's ranking was No. 1. Kryzhov was stimulated, so he approached him and whispered: "Comrade Major, I think there is something wrong with this score. Even if Captain Sokov is capable, how could he get almost full marks in every subject? There must be something wrong with it.”

Kryzhouf nodded, gritted his molars and said, "That's right, I think so too."

"It just so happens that the principal is also here. We reported this problem to him and asked him to check Captain Sokov's grades again." Vadim continued to fan the flames: "I don't believe that the problem can't be found."

However, before the two of Kryzhuv could make any moves, the teacher had already given up the middle position of the podium to Dean Velyovkin.

"Student comrades, the grades and rankings have been announced. Next, we will assign you new jobs based on your grades." Velyovkin said: "But before that, I would like to introduce you to an important character."

Hearing what Velyovkin said, almost everyone's eyes turned to the door, wanting to see who the important person the dean said was. But to everyone's surprise, the door was empty, and no one could be seen.

"Wait a minute, Vadim." Kryzhuv heard that an important person was about to appear, and even stopped Vadim who was about to make an attack: "Wait until the important person arrives, I will ruin Captain Sokov's reputation." .”

At this time, the dean standing on the podium looked at where Sokov was, and said kindly: "Comrade Sokov, please come to me!"

One week after the cast was removed, Sokov stopped using a wheelchair. After a period of exercise, he was able to walk independently with only a cane. At this moment, when the dean called him, he stood up with the edge of the table. Sukharev wanted to help him, but he stopped him. He limped towards the podium alone with a cane.

Seeing that Sukov's walking was still a bit inconvenient, the dean helped him with the teacher before he went to the podium. The actions of the two surprised the teachers below: What is going on here, Captain Sokov came to the podium, and the dean and the teachers personally helped him?

"Comrades students," the dean said emotionally to the students present after Sokov stood up for the lecture, "I will now formally introduce to you the hero who stood firm on Mamayev Post and fought in Kursk. Lieutenant General Sokov who once served as the commander of the 21st and 27th Army Group successively served as the commander of the 21st and 27th Army Groups.”

There was silence in the classroom. Except for Milesyev, Victor and Sukharev who already knew the inside story, the rest of the students were in a silent shock. They even wondered if their ears something went wrong

When the dean announced Sokov's identity to everyone, Victor almost wanted to laugh wildly! He had waited for this moment today for too long. Many times, when faced with provocation from Kryzhulv, he could hardly bear to reveal Sokov's identity.

Many times, he could hardly bear the desire to point at Kryzhiuf's nose and yell: You blind fellow!

Soon, the originally quiet classroom boiled up: "No way, he is General Sokov? But why has he been wearing the rank of captain for these three months?"

"Student comrades, be quiet, please be quiet!" The dean tried to quiet the classroom, but his voice was covered by the shouts of the students. He could only raise his hands and press down desperately to signal everyone keep quiet.

The shouting here quickly alarmed the students in other classrooms, and everyone rushed out of the classroom and came to the door or window of the intermediate commander training class, trying to figure out what happened here and why such shouting Big move?

Vadim wanted to wait for Kryzhuv to attack Sokov, and he would make a beautiful assist from the side. But what happened in front of him completely stunned him: "What, Captain Sokov turned out to be the famous General Sokov?" Thinking that he was still instigating Kryzhow to deal with Sokov just now, he couldn't help but start shivering.

"General Sokov, he is actually General Sokov with great military exploits?" Shocked, Kryzhiuf thought to himself, "I've been fighting against General Sokov, whom I admire the most?" At that moment, he wished he could slap himself a few times to punish himself for his misbehavior.

After an unknown amount of time, the classroom finally became quiet again.

Everyone is looking forward to what General Sokov will say next.

Dean Velyovkin certainly understood the expectations of the students. He smiled at Sokov and said, "General Sokov, I think it's up to you to explain this to everyone."

"Students of the intermediate commander training class, I'm sorry for hiding my identity from you for so long." Sokov faced the crowd and said calmly: "Before entering the training class, considering that the students in the class are all Major or captain, if I am a general sitting among you, it will definitely bring invisible pressure to you, which will affect your studies. Therefore, after consultation with the hospital, I decided to enter the class as a captain Participate in the study. In order to avoid being recognized by others, they even temporarily changed my name for me."

Hearing Sokov's explanation, the students sitting below immediately understood that Sokov was worried about affecting his studies, so he got along with him as an ordinary student. Those students who have a close relationship with Sokov can't help but secretly rejoice in their hearts. They are classmates with Sokov, and they will be able to look good when they talk about it in front of their colleagues in the future.

The teacher saw that there were students from other classes who were watching the excitement outside the door and window, and hurried over to evacuate the crowd: "Student comrades, there is nothing to see here, let's all go back to our respective classes."

If Christonia was the only one, these students would definitely not pay attention to him, and would stay and continue to watch the excitement. But everyone saw that Dean Velyovkin was also in the classroom. Although they were unwilling, they could only disperse slowly and return to their respective classrooms to continue the class.

"General Sokov," after the students watching outside the window and the door dispersed, a voice suddenly came from a corner of the classroom: "I want to go to your army in the future and fight the invaders with you. I wonder if you agree?"

Sokov looked in the direction where the voice came from and recognized the speaker as Glushko, a major and battalion commander from the 99th Division of the Sixth Army Infantry. He happened to be on Sokov's recruitment list. superior.

"Major Grushiko," Sokov said with a smile, "During the three months of study, I was not only studying the knowledge taught to me by the teachers, but also observing the students in the class, preparing for Recruit talented commanders into my new army. And you happen to be one of them who will be recruited."

Hearing this good news, Gelushko couldn't help being overjoyed. He quickly got up, stood at attention and saluted Sokov, and said respectfully: "General Sokov, it is my honor to fight under your command." Please rest assured that I will not disappoint the trust you have given me."

Since the students in the class knew Sokov's true identity, they were all proud to be able to join Sokov's command. Seeing that Glushiko had become a member of Sokov's future subordinates, the other students couldn't sit still. Except for those students who had a prejudice against Sokov and had little contact with him, the rest of the students were clamoring and wanting to become Sokov's subordinates.

Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Sokov couldn't hide the upturn of the corner of his mouth. During these three months, he selected sixteen capable commanders from the squad. Except for Milesyev, Victor, and Sukharev, he felt that it would be difficult to convince others.

But seeing that his identity was announced at this moment, most of the students in the class fell into excitement. In this case, there is no need to worry about being rejected by the other party when persuading a certain student. As long as you have your own reasons, it may not be a problem even if you recruit most people in the class.

"Comrade teacher," Sokov turned his head and said to Christonia, "Please read the list I gave you. It contains all the commanders I have selected."

The teacher nodded, took out the list Sokov gave him from his pocket, opened it, and read it aloud. When the remaining twelve students heard the teacher pronounce their names, they immediately shouted "Ula", because they all understood that as long as they became Sukov's subordinates, they would have many opportunities to make contributions. This is an irresistible temptation for honor-loving Russians.

The students whose names were read were of course ecstatic; but the unnamed students on the list were anxious. They refused to give up the opportunity in front of them, and once again made noise, trying to get Sokov to recruit them into his command.

Seeing the intense reactions of the students, the dean leaned close to Sokov's ear and said loudly: "General Sokov, I strongly suggest that you select some candidates from these students, otherwise..."

Otherwise, because it was too noisy, Sokov couldn't hear clearly at all, but he also knew in his heart that if he didn't add some quotas, these students would come to pester him later. Instead of being difficult to get out at that time, it is better to solve all the problems at once now.

Thinking of this, he raised his hands, pressed down hard, and shouted suddenly: "Quiet, students, please be quiet!"

Although his shout was drowned out by the loud noise in the classroom, the students immediately shut their mouths when they saw Sokov's action. In a moment, the whole classroom became audible again.

"Students," Sokov said after seeing that everyone was silent, "Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I will choose fifteen more people from them."

Hearing Sokov say that only fifteen more people will be added, some students immediately wanted to speak, but Sokov discovered their intentions and stopped them in time: "You are all excellent commanders from all fronts , if possible, I would like to incorporate all of you into my army. But no, students, there are only 60 people in this mid-level commander training class, and I selected half of the outstanding commanders in one go. The commanders of the small front are dissatisfied with me. If I recruit you all away, I am afraid they will directly sue me to the Supreme Command. By then, I am afraid that everyone will have to return to the original unit. "

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