Red Moscow

Chapter 1719

Sokov's words made those students who were worried that they would not be selected shut up. They knew very well in their hearts that what Sokov said was the truth. The middle-level commander training class trains regiment-level cadres. If all of them are recruited by Sokov, there must be other commanders who are dissatisfied and will try their best to sabotage the matter. .

Seeing that the students were all quiet, Sokov began to call out the names of the students he remembered in his heart. Originally, he thought that recruiting these students would be a very difficult task, but he did not expect that after Velyovkin announced his identity in public, all the students volunteered to become his subordinates.

All the students named by Sokov were ecstatic. The students whose names were not called out looked frustrated. In particular, the few students who entered the top 20 in this ranking were annoyed because they were not selected by Sokov. They felt that if they had a good relationship with Sokov earlier, they might be selected this time.

The monitor of the training class, Kryzhulf, also unfortunately became one of the failed students. He looked at Sokov standing on the podium, his old face was flushed, and his intestines were green with regret. It is said that Sokov's performance in normal times is outstanding, and he is not an ordinary person at first glance. In addition, he is picked up by officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs every day, so it is obvious that he has a background. But as for himself, he was against him everywhere, so the loss this time became inevitable.

Vadim on the side came over and asked in a low voice: "Comrade Major, why didn't your name be called?"

"Isn't this normal?" Kryzhouf replied with a wry smile, "Think about how I usually treat him? If you were him, would you choose me in this situation?" Thinking Not long ago, Vadim was still instigating himself to attack Sokov. If he did so, it is estimated that his future would come to an end.

"Oh, that's not going to happen." Vadim also thought that not long ago, he was still instigating Kryzhuv to attack Sokov. At this moment, thinking of it, he couldn't help feeling scared, and he was so scared that his back hurt. I broke out in a cold sweat.

"Comrades, the students whose names are called please stay!" The dean said to the students present: "Students who have not been called can leave. Come here at the same time tomorrow to receive their certificates of completion."

When the students who were not selected by Sokov were gone, the remaining students all turned their attention to Sokov, wanting to hear what arrangements he would make next.

But before Sokov could speak, Dean Velyovkin said again: "Comrades students, I congratulate you on becoming General Sokov's subordinates. Many feats."

As soon as the dean's words fell, there was warm applause in the classroom. The students present knew that what the dean said was not a routine blessing, but a fact. According to the series of victories achieved by General Sokov, everyone will have many opportunities to make meritorious service in the future.

After the classroom became quiet, the dean said politely to Sokov: "Comrade General, can you come to my office first? I have something to do and I want to talk to you alone."

"Yes." Sokov readily agreed to the dean's invitation, and before leaving, he said to the students sitting in the classroom: "Students, please wait for me here for a while until I finish talking with the dean , I’ll be back to see you.”

The dean brought Sokov to his office, arranged for him to sit down, poured a cup of hot tea himself, put it in front of him, and said: "Comrade General, you know why I called you here ?"

Sokov shook his head, picked up the teacup on the table: "I don't know, please tell me, Comrade Dean."

"That's right, Comrade General." The dean said politely: "Among the 30 students you selected, why is there no training class leader Kryzhiuf?"

"Major Kryzhuv?" Sokov repeated the name, saw the dean nodding, and continued, "He doesn't meet my requirements."

"Why?" The dean asked puzzledly: "You know, he has been in the army for twenty years, but he is still a commander with rich combat experience. It's too great that such a person has not been favored by you." It surprised me."

Sokov saw that the dean actually said good things for Kryzhov, so he asked tentatively: "Comrade dean, what is the relationship between you and Major Kryzhov?"

"He is my old subordinate." The dean explained to Sokov: "When I graduated from the military academy and was assigned to Budyonny's 1st Cavalry Corps as a platoon leader, Kryzhouf was in my platoon. soldiers. We fought side by side for three years, and once I was wounded on the battlefield, he carried me off the battlefield..."

From the dean's narration, Sokov figured out that Kryzhuv had saved the dean's life on the battlefield. No wonder, this elderly major was directly appointed as a The monitor of the training class, it turned out that he had a good personal relationship with the dean.

"Comrade dean," Sokov thought for a while, and decided to tell the dean the truth: "You may think that the reason why I didn't choose him today is because he often targets me in everything on weekdays, and even cheats behind my back. Some little tricks."

The dean didn't expect Sokov to say it so directly, so he nodded and admitted his statement: "Yes, I was just worried about your daily conflicts, which made you give up and choose him."

"Comrade dean, your guess is wrong." Sokov shook his head and said, "Although Major Kryzhouf targets me everywhere on weekdays, opposes me, and even makes small moves behind, I can pretend Unseen. But the reason I didn't pick him wasn't because of those things."

"What is that for?"

"Comrade dean, I want to ask you." Sokov did not immediately answer the dean's question, but asked instead: "What do you think is my criteria for selecting subordinates?"

"It should be based on the students' usual performance and their ranking in this exam." The dean asked cautiously, "Am I guessing correctly?"

"It's not just the two points you mentioned." Sokov explained to the dean: "I also use various channels to learn about the performance of these students in the army in order to decide whether to recruit him or not. subordinate."

"Oh, so you have also investigated Kryzhouf?"

"Yes, Comrade Dean, I did investigate Kryzhov through my own sources." Sokov said solemnly: "It was through this investigation that I decided to abandon Major Kryzhov. .”

The dean sat down opposite Sokov, and asked curiously: "Comrade General, can you tell me what made you abandon Kryzhiuf?"

"During the Battle of Kursk, Kryzhov was still a deputy battalion commander." Sokov began to describe what he had investigated: "They were ordered to carry out reconnaissance on an enemy position, but Kryzhov After receiving the report from the scouts, the information was sent back to the division without verification. As a result, the division, based on this erroneous information, believed that the German troops in front were weak, and chose that place as an offensive breakthrough.”

"Then what happened next?"

"When the offensive battle started, the division commander discovered that there were several times more German troops standing on the ground than he had expected. But at this time, there was no retreat at all, and he had to bite the bullet and attack the enemy." Soko Fu said: "After a battle, the German positions were not captured, but the two elite regiments were disabled and completely lost their combat effectiveness, so that in the following battles, the division could not participate in the new battle fighting."

"Comrade General, it is unavoidable that the intelligence of the scouts is wrong. After all, the enemy is not a fool. Sometimes they deliberately spread some false news to confuse our scouts."

"It was later proved that the scouts who provided information to Kryzhouf had defected after being captured by the German army and deliberately provided false information to let our army fall into the enemy's trap." Sokov specially emphasized: "I think that the division The huge price paid in this battle cannot be escaped from the responsibility of Major Kryzhow. If he had verified the information provided by the scouts according to the regulations, such losses could have been avoided."

"Comrade General, I think that after going through this incident, Major Kryzhov will definitely learn a lesson and avoid similar things from happening again." The idea is to incorporate Kryzhouf into the new unit: "I think you should accept him?"

"Comrade dean, it stands to reason that I should give you face and accept the person you recommended to me." Sokov shook his head and said, "But Kryzhov is not good, his commanding ability is not good, The tactics used on the battlefield are too rigid. If it is just a battalion-level commander, the impact is not too big. Once he becomes a regiment-level commander, or even a division-level commander, if he uses his ability to command operations, there will definitely be big problems. "

The dean was taken aback, and then asked back: "Comrade General, can you tell me why you said that?"

"There was another important battle. Kryzhouf and the commander of the second battalion each led troops to attack the enemy's defensive area. Before the battle started, Kryzhouf and the commander of the second battalion had differences of opinion.

The commander of the second battalion felt that the powerful enemy should be attacked first, and the weaker enemy would not be able to spare any strength to support when they saw their friendly troops being attacked. But Kryzhulf insisted on his own opinion, thinking that the weak enemy should be attacked first, and after defeating it, he should attack the strong enemy.

After the battle started, the first battalion commanded by Kryzhouf took the lead in launching an attack, attacking the weaker German defense positions. But as the second battalion commander expected, the powerful German army sent troops to support the friendly army, and carried out a front and back attack on the Kryzhouf Battalion.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Kryzhouf, ignoring the need to ask his superiors for instructions, led the troops out of the battle without authorization, and retreated to a relatively safe area to regroup the troops.

The second battalion commander led his troops to attack the powerful enemy. Since the German troops on the flanks were relatively weak, he had to adopt a wait-and-see attitude when seeing friendly troops being attacked by our army. The second battalion, without any worries, launched two consecutive attacks on the enemy, and finally succeeded in breaking through the enemy's defense. "

After listening to Sokov's narration, the dean was silent. He thought in his heart that the reason why he repeatedly tried to persuade Sokov to let the other party take Kryzhov under his command was not because he was interested in Kryzhouf's ability, but because he was not only his own An old subordinate, and he even saved his own life on the battlefield, so it is considered a favor to do so.

But seeing Sokov's resolute attitude, the dean knew that it was useless to say anything else. He was racking his brains to find a reason to step down the steps when the phone on the desk rang.

The dean grabbed the phone and whispered to his ear, "I'm Velyovkin. What's the matter?"

A strange voice came from the receiver: "Comrade Dean, I am the guard at the gate. Three officers came outside. They wanted to enter the academy, but they didn't have a pass."

"What's wrong with you?" The dean said displeasedly after hearing what the guard said, "Didn't I say hello, as long as there is no pass, no one is allowed to enter the academy?"

"Comrade Dean," Sokov vaguely heard the other side of the dean, and quickly asked, "Are there three officers outside?"

"Yes, Comrade General." Hearing what Sokov was asking himself, the dean quickly covered the microphone with his hand, and replied, "They plan to enter the academy, but they don't have a pass."

"Comrade President, I think I may know these three officers."

"Do you know these three officers?"

"Yes, Comrade Dean." Sokov nodded and said, "I asked three commanders to come to the academy, and they may have arrived."

"What are their names?"

"The leader is called Ponedelin, and the other two are Muzichenko and Kirillov."

"What, Bonejelin?" Hearing Sukov's three names, the dean exclaimed in surprise: "Comrade General, the person you are talking about is Bone, the commander of the 12th Army at the beginning of the war." General Jaylin?"

"That's right, it's him." Sokov was a little surprised by the dean's performance, and he asked curiously, "Comrade dean, do you know General Pornegerin?"

"Yes, I know him." The dean nodded and said with affirmative tone: "Before the war broke out, I invited Ponegerin to give lectures in the college. Later, it was rumored that he sent German People surrendered and became shameful traitors, but when I heard the news, I felt extremely regretful."

"Comrade Dean, General Ponegerin is not a traitor. These are all rumors spread by the Germans." Sokov felt that this was a good opportunity to justify the names of Pornegerin and others, so he said to the dean : "He was captured by the Germans only after he was seriously wounded in battle. During the two years he was imprisoned in a German prisoner-of-war camp, he never surrendered to the Germans."

The dean hummed lightly, then let go of his hand covering the microphone, and asked, "Comrade Guard, ask the three officers if there is one named Ponegelin?"

"Okay, Comrade Dean, I'll ask right away." After the guard finished speaking, he poked his head out of the duty room and asked the three people standing outside the door: "Is there any one of you called Poneje?" Lin's?"

Hearing the guard's question, a major came out and replied loudly, "I am Pornie Gelin."

"Comrade Dean, there is indeed an officer named Ponegerin." After confirming Ponegerin's identity, the guard asked into the microphone: "What should we do next?"

"What else can I do? Let them in, of course." The dean was worried that Bornejelin and the others could not find their office, so he specially ordered the guards to say, "You send someone to be a guide and take them to my office." .”

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