Red Moscow

Chapter 2141

With Bogolyubov's tip-off, Sokov and others found a way to replenish their troops, and they immediately arranged for them to stay in the field hospital. Once the wounded were found to be discharged from the hospital, they immediately found the leader of the hospital to issue a discharge certificate for them, and then drove them to the defense area of ​​the 48th Army.

At the beginning, the wounded were somewhat resistant when they saw that they would not return to their original unit. When they knew that they were going to Sokov's 48th Army, their attitude changed drastically. Even some wounded who were not up to the discharge standard went to torture the attending military doctors, hoping that the discharge certificate issued to them would allow them to go to the 48th Army.

A military doctor was very curious about the behavior of the wounded. One day he asked those wounded who came to the office to pester him to issue a certificate: "If you want to be discharged from the hospital, the first choice must be the original army. Why did you choose the 48th Army? Is this team any different?"

An elderly veteran said: "Comrade military doctor, don't you know that the commander of the 48th Army is General Sokov?"

"I don't know." The military doctor was from Estonia, which had just been liberated, and since the 48th Army had just been incorporated into the Second Front Army, it was no surprise that he didn't know Sokov. Seeing that the wounded admired Sokov so much, he couldn't help asking curiously: "What kind of person is he, it seems that you all admire him?"

"How should I put it?" The veteran hesitated for a while, and then said: "Although he is very young, he is only in his 20s this year, but he has been promoted to general because of his repeated achievements on the battlefield. As far as I know , It seems that the battle he commanded has never been defeated. The Germans who fought against him will tremble as long as they hear his name."

The veteran’s story made the military doctor sneer: “Not necessarily?! No matter how powerful the general is, if the troops under his command encounter the German SS, I’m afraid the chances of winning are not very high. For example, the German Banner Guard Division, Imperial Division, Skeleton Division, and Viking Division, if you encounter General Sokov, you may have to ask for reinforcements from your superiors."

Hearing what the military doctor said, the wounded were stunned for a moment, and then they all burst into laughter. Their laughter made the military doctor Monk Zhang Er puzzled, he asked in puzzlement, "What are you laughing at?"

Another wounded second lieutenant said to the military doctor with a smile: "Comrade military doctor, the SS divisions you mentioned have all fought against General Sokov's troops. Among them, the Imperial Division was wiped out twice. The Skeleton Division It was also wiped out once."

"No way?!" The military doctor's eyes widened in surprise: "How did I hear that during the Battle of Kursk, the German SS divisions, one division can deal with our army group, and even beat our troops to the ground?" I have no strength to fight back."

"Comrade military doctor, your statement is not wrong." The second lieutenant said: "Before General Sokov's troops came out, our army was indeed beaten by the German SS division, but with Sokov With the arrival of the general, the situation on the battlefield immediately reversed, and our troops not only held the line of defense, but even launched a counterattack, defeating the German Banner Guard Division."

"Is this true?" Although the second lieutenant said in detail, the military doctor from Estonia was still skeptical: "Is he really so powerful?"

"Yes." The second lieutenant nodded, and then said to the wounded soldiers behind him, "Do you think so, brothers?"

"Yes, that is indeed the case."

"The second lieutenant is right. General Sokov is indeed remarkable."

As soon as the second lieutenant finished speaking, the wounded soldiers behind him all echoed.

Just at this time, the dean came in from the outside, and seeing so many wounded in the room, he couldn't help frowning: "Comrades wounded, what's the matter with you, why are you all crowded into the doctor's office? Don't you know that this will affect our normal work?"

Seeing that the dean had spoken, the wounded did not dare to stay any longer, and immediately filed out of the doctor's office.

"Comrade Tam," the dean asked the military doctor curiously after all the wounded had left, "what's going on, why are there so many wounded coming to your office?"

"Comrade Chief," replied the military doctor known as Tham, "they came to make an appointment for a discharge certificate, and strangely enough, they didn't want to go back to their unit, but scrambled to introduce them to the 48th Army. "

During this period of time, the dean has also issued a lot of discharge certificates, all of which are to send the wounded to the 48th Army, so he naturally knows what's going on. Hearing what Military Doctor Tam said, he nodded and said, "Military Doctor Tam, whichever unit the wounded want to go to, give them a discharge certificate for that unit."

Seeing that the dean was about to leave after finishing speaking, Tam quickly stopped him and asked curiously: "Comrade dean, I would like to ask, is this commander of the 48th Army really amazing, otherwise why would there be such a thing?" Why do so many wounded people want to go to his army?"

"You're right, Doctor Tam." The dean nodded and said, "The current commander of the 48th Army is Admiral Sokov. Although he is young, he has great military commanding skills. As far as I know, there has never been any defeat. In time, he will surely grow into a great military commander like Marshal Zhukov and Marshal Rokossovsky."

Hearing that the dean actually added "great" in front of the word "military commander", Military Doctor Tam was stunned: "Comrade dean, is he really that powerful?"

"Whether he is powerful or not, you can tell by the reactions of the wounded. If it was just an ordinary army commander, do you think there would be so many wounded, scrambling to join his army?" Dean He raised his hand and patted Tam's shoulder, and said with a smile: "You joined our army not long ago, and after you stay for a long time, you will naturally understand what kind of person General Sokov is."

"Okay, I still have something to do, you can continue to work." The dean waved at Tam, then turned and left the doctor's office.

Looking at the dean's back, Military Doctor Tam thought to himself: "Is this General Sokov really as powerful as the dean said? If I have a chance in the future, I must go and have a look."

Sokov didn't know what happened in the field hospital directly under the front army. At the moment, he is working with Bonejelin and Sidolin on the field hospital of the Army Group.

Sidolin said: "Comrade Commander, Director Olega of the Group Army Field Hospital told me that the hospital is in urgent need of competent military doctors. I hope we can help him solve this problem as soon as possible."

Sokov attaches great importance to what Sidolin said, and he knows very well that if there is no effective military doctor in the field hospital, it means that the wounded will not receive the best treatment, so the current task is to find a way Solve the problem of the medic. He looked at Sidolin and asked, "Did Dean Oriega mention where you can find a suitable military doctor?"

"He said that there are usually two ways." Sidolin said: "One is to recruit qualified doctors from local hospitals, and the second is to apply to higher-level units."

"Now we are fighting on the territory of Poland." Sokov said: "Due to various objective reasons, not all Poles are friendly to us, so recruiting doctors from local hospitals and adding them to the army to serve as military doctors is obvious. It's impossible."

"That's right." Ponegerin agreed with Sokov's statement: "We are newcomers and don't know the local situation. How do we know whether the doctors recruited into the field hospital are reliable? What if What they did to our wounded in the hospital was unimaginable."

"In that case, there is only the second method left." Sidolin frowned and said, "After repeated battles, not to mention that the field hospitals of the various armies are full, even the field hospitals of the front army are also overcrowded. We lack Military doctors, they also lack military doctors, under such circumstances, it may not be an easy task to apply to them for dispatching military doctors to assist us."

"Comrade Deputy Commander." Hearing that Sidolin said that this was not an easy task, Sokov could only ask Ponejielin for help: "I think we need your contacts for this matter." He could handle the matter through Rokossovsky, but after thinking about it, he decided not to bother Rokossovsky for such a trivial matter, so he handed over the matter to Ponejielin To deal with it, he believed that with the ability of the other party, he would be able to solve this matter.

Ponejielin is also a smart person. Hearing Sokov say that he wanted to borrow his contacts, he immediately understood that the other party wanted him to go through Bogolyubov's line to find a group of capable military doctors to strengthen the strength of the medical staff in the field hospital. strength. "Don't worry, Comrade Commander, I will try my best to handle this matter well."

After agreeing to Sokov, Ponedelin called Bogolyubov. Since the two were old friends, he didn't go around in circles, but said directly: "Alexander Nikolayevich, I need your help with something."

"Old man, if you have anything to do, just ask." Bogolyubov said enthusiastically, "As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely help you."

"It's like this. After repeated battles in our group army, the casualties of our troops are very serious." Pornejelin said into the microphone: "Not to mention the field hospitals at the division level, even the field hospitals of the group army also have medical strength. Insufficient situation. So, I would like to ask you to help us to add some medical staff."

Bogolyubov disapproved of Ponedelin's request: "Aren't you medical staff? It's a trivial matter. I will immediately arrange twenty health workers for you. The wounded should be enough."

"What, there are only twenty people, and all of them are health workers?" Ponedelin seemed a little unhappy when he heard Bogolyubov's statement: "The medical staff I'm talking about should be mainly military doctors. If only To recruit health workers, we only need to recruit some people from the grassroots troops, and they can be qualified after simple training. What I need is a military doctor, the kind of military doctor who can perform operations and save the wounded from the brink of death. You understand me mean?"

"Oh, you need a military doctor with excellent skills?" After figuring out what Ponedelin needed, Bogolyubov began to be embarrassed: "I said old man, aren't you embarrassing me? You know, after several times After the battle, which army did not suffer heavy casualties? Didn’t a large number of wounded need to be treated? Nowadays, the field hospitals of each army have insufficient medical staff to varying degrees. Which army do you want me to draw for you? "

"Old buddy!" Seeing that Bogolyubov seemed to be evasive, Ponejielin quickly said again: "I didn't ask you to draw military doctors from the field hospitals of other armies, but from the field hospitals of the front army. .”

"No, it's even worse." Bogolyubov rejected Ponedelin's request without thinking: "You know, soldiers wounded on the battlefield are usually sent to the health camp first, and when the injuries cannot be treated, they will He was sent to a field hospital at the division level. If his injuries were still unable to be treated, he would be sent to the field hospital of the group army. The field hospital of the front army was designed to treat those wounded that even the field hospital of the group army could not treat. Therefore, The technical requirements for military doctors are very high. If I transfer people from them to support you, it will definitely affect the normal work of the front army field hospital."

Seeing that his request was rejected by Bogolyubov, Ponejielin still did not give up, and continued to plead with the other party, saying: "Old man, I admit that if military doctors are drawn from the front army's field hospital to strengthen our medical strength, it will definitely be difficult. It will have a certain impact on the normal work of higher-level hospitals. However, they can directly recruit medical staff from the country to strengthen their own strength.

If we are still fighting in the country at this moment and encounter a shortage of medical staff, we can go directly to the local hospital to recruit suitable doctors. But now we are fighting on Polish territory, and not all Poles will support us. If we take the risk of recruiting personnel from local hospitals, in case there are some doctors who are not friendly to our army, secretly treat us If the wounded do something, the consequences will be very serious. "

Perhaps it was Ponedelin's last words that convinced Bogolyubov. He was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Old man, what you said is very reasonable. Now we are fighting on Polish territory. Among the residents here, Many of them are full of hostility towards us. It is obviously inappropriate to recruit doctors from local hospitals to enrich the medical strength of our field hospital. Let me discuss it with Comrade Marshal to see if we can come up with a good solution. solution."

Ponedelin put down the phone, smiled and said to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, fortunately, my old buddy Bogolyubov promised to discuss with Comrade Marshal to see how to add a batch of military doctors to us, so as to strengthen our military strength." The medical strength of the field hospital."

"Comrade Deputy Commander." Sidolin asked with some anxiety in his heart: "General Bogolyubov will not be perfunctory to us. After two days, he will tell you directly that he can't help us with the medical staff. question, what should I do then?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff, you don't have to worry about this." Ponedelin said: "Based on what I know about Bogolyubov, since he has already said this, he will definitely support us with all his strength."

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