Red Moscow

Chapter 2142

As analyzed by Ponedelin, Bogolyubov was a man of his word. After finishing the call with Ponedelin, he connected directly to the office of the field hospital. The person who answered the phone said: "I am Bogolyubov, chief of staff of the Front Army, and I am looking for your dean Kirill."

Soon, Dean Kirill's voice came from the receiver: "Dear Alexander Nikolaevich, what do you want from me?"

"Kirill, we have been old friends for many years, and I want to ask you for help with something." Bogolyubov said, "I don't know if you are willing to help me with this."

"Look at what you said, Alexander Nikolaevich, you and I have been old friends for decades, if you have anything to do, please feel free to ask." Dean Kirill said carelessly: "As long as I Anything within my ability, I will definitely promise you."

"That's good." Hearing Kirill's promise, Bogolyubov directly explained his intentions: "I just received a call from an old friend who said that the medical staff in their army field hospital is insufficient. , I hope I can help them find a way to solve part of it.

Old friend, you also know that I am not from the medical system, where can I find some doctors and nurses for him. After thinking about it for a long time, I feel that to solve this problem, I can only turn to you for help. How about it, can you support a group of medical staff? "

When Kirill heard the call from Bogolyubov, he was secretly delighted, planning to ask the other party for medicine and medical staff. Unexpectedly, before he could say his words, the other party asked him for medical staff first. He said in a hurry: "No, no, this is absolutely not possible. You should know that the wounded in our field hospital are overcrowded. If it’s not enough, where can we transfer manpower to support other troops.”

Bogolyubov had already expected what kind of reaction Kirill would have. After the other party finished speaking, he said with a smile: "Old friend, don't you want to know who is the person who wants to ask for your help?"

"Who is it?" Kirill asked angrily.

"Ponedelin, deputy commander of the 48th Army," said Bogolyubov, "he is an old friend of the two of us. Our friend needs help, so we can't just sit idly by."

Hearing what Bogolyubov said, Kirill couldn't help but feel a little moved, because during this period of time he saw the wounded who were discharged from the hospital, and when they received their discharge certificates, they almost all asked to go to the 48th Army. Now that the field personnel of the group army need medical personnel, it seems a bit logical.

"Since it is a request from an old friend, Ponegerin, I naturally cannot ignore it." Kirill thought for a while, and then said a number that he could accept: "Even if I don't have enough people here, I can't ignore it." I will find a way. Well, I will send 30 people to support them, including ten experienced military doctors and twenty senior nurses."

Bogolyubov knew that the number Kirill said should be the limit he could provide, so he no longer forced it, but said straightforwardly: "Okay then, when you have assembled the people, call me , I arranged for a car to take them to the 48th Army."

As soon as the phone call was over here, Lieutenant General Subbotin, the military commissar, came over and said to Bogolyubov: "Comrade Chief of Staff, the Supreme Commander has sent us a company of friendly troops. You see how to arrange them."

"A company of the friendly army?" Bogolyubov asked, "from which front?"

"None of the front troops." Subbotin replied: "They are guerrillas from Yugoslavia, and they were sent to our troops to study and exercise."

After hearing this, Bogolyubov couldn't help being confused: "How could the Yugoslav guerrillas be sent to us for training? You know, the most suitable unit is Tolbukhin's Ukrainian Third Front Army. They are now in Yugoslavia. Fight the enemy on the frontier."

"I'm not too sure about the specific situation." Su Bojing shook his head and said, "The Supreme Command sent people here, and now Comrade Commander is not here, so I can only discuss with you to see how to arrange them." This company from Yugoslavia."

Bogolyubov also felt very troubled by this small Yugoslav army that appeared out of nowhere. Since the superior said that they were sent to the army to study and exercise, they obviously couldn't stay in the troops directly under the front army, because these troops didn't have many opportunities to fight and were not suitable for them.

"Comrade Chief of Staff," seeing Bogolyubov frowning in thought, Subbotin suggested to him: "How about we arrange them to General Sokov's 48th Army?"

"That's a good idea."

Bogolyubov moved as he said, picked up the phone and connected to the headquarters of the 48th Army.

The person who answered the phone was Ponedelin. He heard Bogolyubov's voice and thought that the other party was recruiting medical staff, so he gave him a practical answer. Then he took the initiative to say: "Old man, if the matter I entrust to you is embarrassing you, take your time and don't worry."

"The matter of the medical staff has been resolved. Kirill, the yard of the field hospital of the front army, promised to send you 30 medical staff, including 10 military doctors with rich clinical experience and 20 senior nurses."

"Great, this is really great." After hearing this, Pornejelin said gratefully, "I really don't know how to thank you for everything you have done for us."

"I'll talk about gratitude later." Bogolyubov said, "I'm calling you for another matter."

"whats the matter?"

"The superior sent us a guerrilla unit to study and exercise in our army." Bogolyubov continued: "After research, the military commissioner and I decided to send them to your army."

Knowing that Bogolyubov planned to send a guerrilla team over, although Ponedelin felt very strange, he readily agreed: "Old man, send them here as soon as possible, we will settle them down. "

Sokov, who was talking to Sidolin, vaguely overheard the conversation between Ponedelin and Bogolyubov. After Ponedelin put down the phone, he tentatively asked, "Comrade Deputy Commander, what did General Bogolyubov say about guerrillas on the phone?"

What Ponedelin is most concerned about now is when the medical staff supporting the field hospital will arrive, so he didn't ask Bogolyubov about the origin of this guerrilla. Hearing Sokov's question at this moment, he could only say vaguely: "Maybe the guerrillas who were active in some place were sent to our army to study and exercise not long after they were rebuilt."

"I don't know how many people there are in this guerrilla team, and what battles they have participated in." Sukov saw that Ponejielin was vague, and he also didn't pay attention to it. Instead, Sokov said: "When they come, they can be arranged in any division." Just go inside."

A few hours later, a staff officer came in from the outside and reported to Sokov and others: "Comrade Commander, a unit has arrived from the Front Army Command, and it is now at the door."

Sokov guessed that it might be the guerrilla detachment Bogolyubov was talking about, and said to Ponedelin and Sidolin: "Deputy commander, chief of staff, let's go out and see what kind of guerrilla detachment this is." .”

The three of them came outside, and after seeing the neatly lined troops, they couldn't help being stunned.

These commanders and fighters who came wore boat-shaped caps inlaid with five-pointed stars on their heads, and their military uniforms were neither the style of the Soviet army nor the style of the Polish army. Sokov couldn't help being stunned. He turned to Ponejielin beside him: "Comrade Deputy Commander, where did this army come from? Why is the uniform on his body neither from the Soviet Army nor from the Polish Army?" ?”

"I don't know either." Ponedelin shook his head and said, "Bogolyubov just told me that there is a friendly guerrilla unit assigned to us."

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward and asked loudly at the team in front, "Who is the commander of you?!"

A man with the appearance of an officer came out, raised his hand to salute Ponejielin, and said respectfully: "Hello, Comrade General, I am Captain Velimir, from the Yugoslav partisans."

"I said buddy!" Ponejelin couldn't help being secretly surprised when he heard that the other party was from Yugoslavia, but he still pretended to be calm and asked, "Why did you come to us?"

"We were ordered to study and exercise in the Soviet Army." Velimir replied, "And my company is honored to be assigned to your heroic team."

Sokov asked Sidolin to arrange these guerrillas in military uniforms, and then said to Velimir: "Captain Velimir, please come to my headquarters and sit down, I want to chat with you."

Among the three people that Velimir had just seen coming out, Ponegerin was the oldest, thinking that he was the commander with the highest position, so he came out to salute him specially. At this moment, seeing a young officer with a higher rank than Pornegelin appear, Velimir couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face, not knowing who is the supreme commander here.

Fortunately, Ponegerin saw his doubts and explained to him: "Captain Velimir, let me introduce you. This is Colonel Sokov, the commander of the 48th Army. I am the deputy commander. Lieutenant General Bornejelin, next to him is Major General Sidolin, chief of staff."

When they returned to the headquarters, Sidolin poured Velimir a cup of tea and asked curiously, "Captain Velimir, what part of the Yugoslav guerrillas do you belong to?"

Hearing Sidolin's question, Velimir hastily put down the teacup in his hand, stood up and replied, "Report to Comrade General, I turned out to be affiliated with the 3rd Assault Division."

Everyone knows that although the resistance organization in Yugoslavia has been crowned with the title of guerrilla, their organization is no different from that of the regular army. The 3rd Assault Division is considered to be a unit with relatively strong combat effectiveness among the guerrillas. ,

"I remember that during the Battle of Kursk, you launched the Battle of Sutjeska in order to break the fifth encirclement by the German army." Sokov also remembered some information about the Yugoslav guerrillas at this time, so he tentatively asked : "Am I right?"

"No, Comrade Commander, you are right." Velimir nodded and said: "When the Battle of Kursk broke out, the German army was launching the fifth encirclement and suppression of our guerrillas. We have gone through untold hardships and finally Jumped out of the encirclement of the German army and won the final victory."

"As far as I know, the 3rd Assault Division is the most powerful unit in the battle of the guerrillas." Ponejelin added on the side: "However, it was also the unit with the heaviest casualties in the Battle of Sutjeska. Captain Velimere, can you tell me what the hell is going on here?"

Hearing this question from Bornegelin, Velimir fell silent. After a long time, he finally opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice: "Comrade General, you are right. Our 3rd Assault Division is indeed the most effective unit among the guerrillas. The reason why the captain died in the Battle of Sujeska , mainly because we took on a difficult task."

"A difficult task?" Sidolin couldn't help interjecting and asked: "Captain, can you tell us what a difficult task it is?"

"Yes." Velimir nodded, and said with a serious expression: "At that time, our division received the task of carrying four thousand wounded to transfer safely."

As soon as Velimir said that the 3rd Assault Division had received the task of covering the transfer of the wounded, Sokov realized that the problem was not simple. When Liu Bei escaped from Xinye and retreated to Jiangxia, if he hadn't brought hundreds of thousands of people with him, the few thousand troops under his command would have left Cao Jun without a trace. As a result, the presence of the common people slowed down the marching speed of the troops, causing him to be overtaken by Cao Jun in Changbanpo.

No matter how elite the troops are, if they are transferred with thousands of wounded, they will become constrained and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. If you want to successfully jump out of the enemy's encirclement, you will inevitably pay a more painful lesson.

"Four thousand wounded?!" Bornegelin was also surprised by the number of wounded that Velimir said: "Moving with so many wounded will not only slow down the marching speed of the troops, but also require the deployment of sufficient manpower. , to protect the safety of the wounded. In this way, the combat effectiveness of the troops will be weakened virtually, and I believe that you will suffer huge losses in the next breakout operation."

"You are right, Comrade General." Velimir nodded and said: "At that time, the troops of the 1st Division had already opened a breakthrough in the enemy's encirclement, but in order to wait for our 3rd Assault Division with the wounded, we had to Standing on the breach with another unit to prevent the German army from closing the breach. Facing the crazy attack of the enemy, they paid a lot of casualties, but they never let the German army close the breach.

This move by the friendly forces gave the Germans an illusion. They thought that the troops breaking through the encirclement were just a small and insignificant force, and that the 3rd Assault Division carrying the wounded was the main force of the guerrillas. Not to mention our encirclement and suppression, we also dispatched a large number of planes to bombard us indiscriminately. So much so that when we reached the breakthrough point, more than half of the troops had been casualties, and even the division commander had unfortunately died in the battle. "

"You finally broke through the encirclement of the Germans and successfully jumped to a safe place, which is really remarkable." Pornejerin gave the other party a thumbs up: "The comrades in the Yugoslav partisans are all doing a good job. "

"Captain Velimir," Sokov said to Velimir, "you must be very tired after driving such a long distance. You should go back and have a good rest. We will talk to you again after you recover enough energy. Next arrangements."

After hearing this, Velimir agreed, raised his hand to salute Sokov and others, then turned and walked out of the headquarters.

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