Red Moscow

Chapter 2159 layout

"Comrade Commander, I suddenly have a bold idea." Koshkin looked at Sokov and said, "Maybe we can set up a trap for the Germans and let them get into the trap we set up."

Koshkin's words aroused Sokov's great interest, and he asked with great interest: "Comrade Captain, tell me, how do you plan to lay out for the Germans?"

"Didn't we bring a patrol captain to the village yesterday, and we were going to hand him over to Odzansky." Koshkin said: "But after learning about the situation, you changed your mind and stopped dealing with this man." second lieutenant."

"Koshkin, does the trick you want to talk about have something to do with this patrol captain?"

"That's right." Koshkin nodded, affirming Sokov's guess: "Didn't the village chief Gemon and the son of Odzanski come back from the German-occupied area? We can let this patrol Captain, find a way to get close to the son of the chief of Jermon's village, and provide him with some false information prepared in advance."

Hearing what Koshkin said, Ponegelin also came over, frowning and asked: "The patrol captain was almost punished by us, is he willing to help us with this?"

"Explore his tone first." Sokov said, "If he doesn't want to, let's think of another way."

"Comrade commander, you can rest assured about this." Koshkin said confidently: "When I took him to the village yesterday, he thought he would be shot, but in the end you only criticized him a few words, and even punished him." He didn't give it to him. He can't thank you enough in his heart now."

Sokov was skeptical about Koshkin's statement, but at the moment when he was hiring, he decided to talk to the patrol captain in person, and said to Koshkin: "Koshkin, You call the patrol captain and ask him to come to my place."

"Comrade Commander, there is no way to make a phone call where he is," said Koshkin. "I'll go find him myself and bring him here."

"Well, then you go."

After Koshkin left, Sidolin came over and said to Sokov: "Comrade commander, is it appropriate for a commander who made a mistake to perform such an important task?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff, I don't know." Sokov shook his head and said with a wry smile, "But we have to try."

"I think Comrade Commander is right." Pornegelin said from the side: "Now the Germans have repeatedly sent reconnaissance personnel to our defense zone, trying to figure out our strength and defense situation. We can defend once or twice. times, but we cannot effectively guard against the enemy every time. So we have to find a way to mislead the Germans by providing them with false information that they can believe."

Ten minutes later, Koshkin walked in with the patrol captain from the outside.

Seeing so many senior commanders in the room, the patrol captain's legs couldn't help trembling slightly, thinking that he was going to hold himself accountable.

"Comrade Second Lieutenant," Sokov saw the flustered look on the other side's face, and said first, "What's your name? You seemed to have said it once yesterday, but I didn't remember it."

"Daniel, Second Lieutenant Daniel." After the patrol captain stammered out his name, he added deliberately: "Comrade Commander, you already said yesterday that you will not pursue that matter any more. Do you want to go back on your word?"

"Second Lieutenant Daniel," Sokov said with a smile, "Since I said I won't pursue that matter, I definitely won't pursue that matter."

"Then you called me, what's the matter?"

Hearing what the other party said, Sokov couldn't help frowning. He turned to look at Koshkin and asked displeasedly, "Captain Koshkin, didn't you explain why you called him here?"

"No, Comrade Commander." Koshkin replied with some embarrassment: "I sent a subordinate to call him, and I waited for him at the door. As soon as he came, I brought him to see you, and it was too late." Tell him what it is."

After figuring out what happened, Sokov turned his attention to Daniel again, and said to him with a smile: "Second Lieutenant Daniel, don't worry. I called you here this time because I have a task for you. If you can do it Well, you might even get a medal."

For honor-loving Russians, getting awards is even more important than their lives. Daniel, who was still apprehensive at first, became interested when he heard that Sokov said that he had a chance to win a medal for the task he had arranged for him. He straightened his back, raised his chin slightly, and said to Sokov, "Comrade Commander, please give me an order. I assure you, I will do my best to complete the task you entrusted to me."

"The situation is like this, Second Lieutenant Daniel." Sokov explained to Daniel in detail what had been discussed in advance, and finally asked: "How is it? Do you have the confidence to complete this task?"

"Comrade Commander, if I understand correctly, you want me to get close to the son of the village head of Jermon, and try to provide him with false information?" Daniel waited for Sukov to finish speaking, and asked tentatively: "Yes Do you mean that?"

"That's right, that's what it means."

"Understood." After receiving Sokov's affirmative answer, Daniel nodded and said, "I am willing to accept this task."

Seeing that Daniel took over the task, Sokov nodded with a smile, and then told Koshkin: "Koshkin, send a few more people to protect Second Lieutenant Daniel, and ensure his safety. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander, I will definitely ensure the safety of Second Lieutenant Daniel."

"Wait a minute, Comrade Commander." Unexpectedly, as soon as Koshkin finished speaking, Daniel waved his hands desperately: "I don't need anyone to protect me."

"You don't need anyone to protect you?" Sokov asked in surprise, "What if you are in danger?"

"I don't think there should be any danger." Daniel explained to Sokov: "Yesterday you took me to the village, I believe many people have seen it. In their eyes, I am a person who violated military discipline. If At such a time, if I show up at the house of the village headman of Jermon to drink away my worries, it shouldn't be suspicious, right?"

Sokov thought about it, the other party's statement was correct. Most of the people in the village probably saw what happened yesterday. If Daniel reappeared in the village, the villagers would not have any doubts about him, and even if he went to Jamon's house, it seemed logical.

At noon that day, Second Lieutenant Daniel appeared in the village.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, for Daniel who suddenly appeared in the village, the villagers did not arouse too much vigilance. At most, they pointed to his back and muttered a few words in a low voice, saying that he robbed Odzanski's house. some things, and then being held by the superiors to return the things.

Daniel came directly to Jemon's house, and unexpectedly found that the door was closed tightly. He stepped forward, knocked on the door vigorously, and kept shouting: "Major Jemon, village chief Jemon !Are you at home?"

At the moment in Jamon's house, Jemon and his wife are having dinner with their son Henrik, asking him how his life in the German-occupied area is going. The sudden knock on the door scared the people in the room out of their wits.

Henrik saw through the window that the person knocking on the door was actually a Soviet officer. He thought he was here to arrest him, so he quickly pulled out the pistol at his waist and aimed at Daniel through the window. Just when he was about to pull the trigger, he was stopped by Jamon: "Don't shoot, you will be exposed as soon as the gun sounds."

Henrik gritted his teeth and said, "The Russians outside are here to catch me, and I can't just catch it without a fight."

"No, no." Germon saw clearly that the person who was knocking on the door was Second Lieutenant Daniel who was brought to the village yesterday to admit his mistake, and quickly said to his son: "This person caught up with the German scouts a few days ago. At that time, he broke into Odzansky's house and took away some clothes and some food. As a result, he was taken to the village yesterday by his superiors and returned the things to Oddzanski. In his situation, You will definitely be punished, how could they come to arrest you."

"But what did he come to my house for?"

"I don't know, I'll go out and ask." Gemon pushed his son aside and said, "You hide first, I'll go out and ask what's going on."

After Henrik hid, Jamon opened the door, opened his arms to Daniel and said, "Aha, my friend, why don't you have time to visit the humble house today?"

"Hello, Mr. Germon." Daniel noticed the movement in the room when he knocked on the door, and guessed that Germon's son must be in the room. He deliberately said loudly: "Today is the New Year, I'm here to ask for a drink, do you welcome me?"

"Welcome, welcome, of course welcome." Jemon said with a haha: "We usually can't invite a distinguished guest like you. It is our honor to come to the door today. Don't stand at the door, hurry up Come in, please."

Daniel stepped into the room and followed the Jamon couple to the restaurant. Seeing the knives and forks on the table, he smiled and asked, "Why, do you have guests at home?"

"No, no." Hearing what Daniel said, Jamon quickly waved his hands and denied, "Except for your distinguished guest, we have no other guests here at all."

"Since there are no other guests, why are there three sets of knives and forks?"

Jemon looked at the knives and forks used by Henrik on the table, and couldn't help crying inwardly, fearing that if Daniel continued to question, he would reveal the truth about his son's presence at home.

Fortunately, Daniel didn't pursue it. Instead, he sat directly at the dining table and said to Germon, "Mr. Germon, please bring me a pair of knives and forks."

"Yes, yes, I should bring you a pair of knives and forks. How could I have forgotten about this?" Jamon turned to his wife and said loudly, "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and give this gentleman Get a knife and fork."

Daniel picked up the wine bottle on the table while Jamon's wife went to get the knife and fork, poured half a glass into an empty wine glass, then raised his head, and poured all the spirits in the glass down his throat.

"Mr. Second Lieutenant." Germon asked respectfully, "How does this wine taste?"

"Good wine, it really is good wine." After putting down his glass, Daniel looked at Germon and said, "I heard that there is a kind of vodka made in Poland with a purity of 96 degrees, and it can even be poured directly into tanks as fuel. No Do you know if you have this kind of wine at home?"

"No, no," replied Germon, shaking his head like a rattle. "I don't have this kind of wine at home, and I have neither seen nor drank it."

"It's a shame you haven't seen and drank it."

"This kind of high-concentration wine is not something everyone can drink." Jamon said: "I heard from people who have drank this kind of wine before, after taking a sip, I suddenly feel as if someone is hitting me in the stomach A punch. If a person with a poor physique takes one or two bites, he may lose his life. Therefore, many people who drink this kind of wine drink it after blending it with low-alcohol wine, so that the wine will not be so strong. fierce."

While the two were chatting, Jamon's wife came in from outside, put a set of tableware in front of Daniel, and said politely: "Sir, this is your tableware, please use it slowly!"

After Daniel thanked Jermon's wife, he looked at Jermon and asked, "Major Jermon, do you know if Odzanski's son is back?"

Jamon just picked up his wine glass and was about to clink glasses with Daniel, when he heard his question, his hands trembled, and a lot of wine spilled out of the glass. He hastily put the glass on the table, wiped the wine on the table with his sleeve, and said insincerely: "I have nothing to do with him, I don't know if his son is back or not."

After hearing this, Daniel slapped the table hard, pretending to be annoyed and said, "It's all his damn son's fault. He wanted to do things for the Germans, and even let the Germans who crossed the border reconnaissance live in his house. I have to be punished. If I see his son, I will definitely kill him." In order to increase the deterrent effect, he even pulled out a pistol and slapped it directly on the table, scaring the Jemon couple. I shivered all over.

"Mr. Officer." Jamon's wife clasped her hands together and said to Daniel, "We don't know anything, so don't make things difficult for us."

"Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you." Daniel put away his pistol and said to the two of them, "It's because of his family that I was punished, and it may even affect my future promotion. After I go back, the more The more I think about it, the more I am going to come over and teach them a lesson. If I see Odzhanski’s son, I will shoot him. He is cunning and didn’t come back during the New Year, otherwise he will come here, but No life to go back."

Daniel's words made the Jamon couple terrified. But Jamon still had the courage to ask: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, if you really kill Odzanski's son, I'm afraid you won't be able to stay in your army any longer. Do you have any plans then?"

Hearing Jamon's question, Daniel didn't answer immediately, but poured himself another glass of wine, raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass. Then he put the cup on the table and said, "If I can't stay longer, I won't be able to stay longer. I will go to the Germans at worst. Based on the information I have, I believe the Germans will welcome me."

Henrik, who was hiding in the house, was worried that Daniel was coming to catch him, so he hid behind the door with a pistol in his hand, quietly listening to the movement outside, and if he found something wrong, he would shoot decisively. But after he heard what Daniel said clearly, he couldn't help but have a bold idea in his heart. If he could instigate the Russian, wouldn't he be able to get the information the Germans wanted? If I return to the German-occupied area with information, I am afraid that the Germans will look at me differently.

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