Red Moscow

Chapter 2160

Henrik, who had been hiding in the room, couldn't help feeling secretly happy when Daniel said that he would go to the Germans when he was desperate. This time he sneaked back to the village with his brother-in-law, Odzhansky's son Dobzhaski, and the task he accepted was to find out the situation of the Soviet army's defense. The Russian outside seemed to be dissatisfied with the reality. If he could be turned against him, he would be able to complete this task.

When his hand grabbed the doorknob, he stopped. He felt that it was not appropriate for him to go out rashly. What if the other party saw a stranger breaking in and shot him directly? If you beat yourself to death, no matter how great the credit is, it has nothing to do with you.

Just when he was in a dilemma, he suddenly heard footsteps coming towards the door. He was startled, and quickly retreated into the room, hiding next to the closet.

The door opened, and in came his father, Jamon, who said in a low voice, "Henrik, you can come out when we get the Russian drunk."

Unexpectedly, Henrik grabbed Jamon and said in a low voice: "I want to talk to him, can you arrange it?"

Knowing that his son wanted to see Daniel, Germon was frightened into a cold sweat. You know, Henrik's current identity is a spy, the kind that can be shot directly if caught, let him meet with Daniel, isn't it to let him die?

"No, no." Jamon shook his head desperately and said, "I can't let you die."

"Didn't you hear him just say that he wants to go to the Germans?" Henrik said, "I think we can make a fuss about this matter."

"He said that after killing your brother-in-law, if you can't get along in the army, you can go to the Germans."

"Don't you hate my brother-in-law the most?" Henrik asked back: "If there is someone who can kill him, you can't just ask for it."

Henrik's words hit Jamon's mind. When the other party wanted to marry his daughter, he firmly opposed it. However, because the opponent was backed by Germans, he dared not speak out. Today I went to Odzanski's house to pay New Year's greetings with the cheek, but I didn't even enter the door, and the things I brought were thrown out, which made Gemeng lose face. If anyone wants to kill the Odzanski family, he will definitely support it with all his strength.

"Then I want to talk to this Russian." Jamon said hesitantly, "See what he means."

"Then hurry up." Henrik urged Jamon, "I'll wait for news at home."

Jamon returned to the table and sat down, poured Daniel a glass of wine, and asked tentatively: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, I want to ask, if I create an opportunity for you, can you kill the entire Odzanski family?" dead?"

Jamon's words not only shocked Daniel, but even Jamon's wife was stunned. After hesitating for a moment, she yelled at Jamon, "Do you know what you're talking about? You know Odzanski is our in-laws, how can you do that to them?"

Daniel quickly returned to normal. He looked at Jamon and asked, "Major Jamon, why would you think of attacking your in-laws?"

"Mr. Second Lieutenant, don't think that our two families are relatives, but in fact we don't have many contacts." Hearing Daniel's question, Jamon began to complain to him: "If they didn't rely on the support of the Germans, they would It can threaten our safety, and it is impossible for me to agree to this marriage."

When Daniel heard that there was still such a conflict between the Germon family and the Odzanski family, he wanted to agree to the other party directly, but he was worried that the promise would be too straightforward, which would arouse the other party's suspicion. So he shook his head and said, "Major Jemon, even if your two families have conflicts, I can't take any actions casually. You know, I am a soldier after all. If something happens, I will be sent to the police station." Court-martialed."

"Didn't you just say that if the situation is not good for you, you will go to the Germans?"

As soon as Jamon said those words, the room fell silent.

After a long while, Daniel sneered and said, "Major Jemon, do you really think it is easy to go to the Germans? Believe it or not, if I run to the German defense zone right now, what is waiting for me is definitely The dense machine gun bullets, I can't put my life on it for the enmity between your two families."

Daniel's words are watertight, and he helped you out of trouble, but I got into trouble myself, and I don't do such stupid things.

And Jamon was confused by Daniel's performance, thinking that the other party was worried that he would not be able to defect to the Germans, so he was unwilling to help him get rid of the Odzanski family. He weighed it in his heart for a long time, finally gritted his teeth, and said: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, if I can help you reach the Germans safely, would you help me get rid of the Odzanski family?"

After Daniel waited for Germon to finish speaking, he sneered and said, "What can you do to let me reach the German defense zone safely."

"Mr. Second Lieutenant, I want you to meet someone." Jamon was also desperate at this time: "After meeting, you will understand that it is not as difficult as you imagined to go to the Germans."

"Who are you going to let me meet?" Daniel asked alertly.

"My son Henryk."

"Your son Henrik?" Daniel put his hand on the holster: "Where is he?"

Seeing that Daniel was ready to draw his gun at any time, Jamon worried that his son might be shot down by the other party if he showed up at this moment, and he couldn't help feeling flustered. Just when he was thinking about how to prevent Daniel from shooting, Henrik's voice sounded in the room: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, I am Henrik, Jamon's son."

The next moment, everyone saw Daniel pull out his pistol, point it at Henrik who had just walked out of the room, and shouted, "Don't move, raise your hands!"

Hearing Daniel's shout, Henrik raised his hands very cooperatively, and at the same time said: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, you must be nervous, I will not move. I want to have a good chat with you, can you put down the gun first?" "

Daniel stared at Henrik hesitantly, then put the pistol on the table.

Seeing Daniel put down his pistol, Henrik lowered his hands, walked slowly to sit opposite Daniel, and said with a smile, "Mr. Second Lieutenant, I think we can sit down and have a good talk."

"If you have anything to say, speak quickly." Daniel picked up the glass of wine in front of him, raised his head, and poured it all down his throat.

Seeing that Daniel let go of his hostility towards him, Henrik breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to persuade Daniel: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, if you really want to defect to the Germans, I can make an introduction and take you to the Germans safely. defense zone."

"What are you?" Daniel said coldly, "Can you take me safely into the German defense zone?"

"I am from the Craiov Army," Henrik said. "Although we are hostile to the Germans in name, we have a lot of cooperation in private. For example, this time I returned to the village to bring Came back with a mission."

"What mission?"

Henrik felt that if he wanted to convince Daniel, he had to be honest and honest first: "I was ordered to come here to find out the situation of the Russian army's defense and force distribution."

When Daniel heard it, he immediately understood what the other party wanted him to do, curled his lips, and said, "So, you want to get the information you need through me?"

"That's right, that's what it means." Henrik continued: "Some time ago, the Germans sent three scouts over to carry out reconnaissance on the Russian defense zone. Unexpectedly, an accident happened later, and the reconnaissance team was wiped out. .”

"That's right." Daniel picked up the wine bottle on the table, poured some wine into his glass, and said quite proudly, "I led the patrol team to kill them."

Knowing that the scouting team who came to scout last time was actually killed by the person in front of him, the muscles on Henrik's face couldn't help twitching a few times. Before he could say anything more, Daniel continued: "At that time, a scout fled into Odzanski's house, and after we shot him to death, we confiscated some trophies. Who would have thought that these trophies would be brought back Then, it got me into trouble."

"What trouble did you cause?" Henryk asked curiously.

"What trouble can there be?!" Daniel said with a sneer, "They said I robbed the villagers, and even planned to shoot me."

Jamon didn't tell Henrik about this, and he naturally knew nothing about it. He turned his head and asked Germon, "Whose property did Mr. Second Lieutenant steal?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's the Odzanski family." Jamon said angrily, "But I just took a few clothes and some food, and the second lieutenant's superiors wanted to punish him. Fortunately, I found out later that The matter is not serious, so I didn't pursue it, otherwise the second lieutenant would have been sent to a military court long ago."

"That's right, that's true." Daniel gritted his teeth and said, "I just took a few clothes from Odzanski's house, and almost sent me to a military court. The more I think about this, the more aggrieved I feel. If it wasn't Odzhansky's son who let German scouts live in his home, we wouldn't have entered his home. If we didn't enter his home, we wouldn't have taken his stuff, and our superiors wouldn't have punished him I."

After figuring out the grievances between Daniel and Odzanski's family, Henrik thought about it, and felt that if he wanted to get ahead, he needed to get rid of his brother-in-law who had been overpowering him. Thinking of this, he said to Daniel: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, to tell you the truth, I didn't come alone this time. I came with me, and my brother-in-law, Odzansky's son Dobza Skye. Now he's hiding in his house, and if you want to do something, now is the best time."

"Oh, that kid is back too?"

"Yes, Mr. Second Lieutenant." Henrik felt that his brother-in-law was a stumbling block on his way forward, and if he got rid of him, it would be very helpful for his future promotion. It just so happened that the second lieutenant of the Soviet Army in front of him had conflicts with Odzansky, so why not use his hand to get rid of his brother-in-law's family: "This time we two came back together. After entering the village, we first went to his house , and then I came back alone."

From the moment Henrik and Dobzharski entered the village, they were under strict surveillance. Sokov explained this to Daniel when he accepted the task. But acting requires a complete set, so he pretended to be surprised and said, "What, he's in his own home." After speaking, he picked up the pistol on the table and prepared to go outside.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Second Lieutenant." But Henrik stopped him and said, "You don't want to rush into his house and kill everyone in his house, do you?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Of course not." Henrik explained to Daniel: "Shooting in broad daylight will definitely alarm the villagers. After you finish their family, you will definitely be seen by the villagers when you run away. Then your identity It's exposed."

Daniel sat down at the table again, put the pistol back on the table, looked at Henrik and asked, "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"Don't be impatient, Mr. Second Lieutenant." Henrik leaned closer to Daniel and whispered: "I will trick Dobzharski out of the village tomorrow, and then you will shoot him to kill him, so that no one will know who he is. Got it."

"That's a good idea." Daniel nodded, and then asked: "If we get rid of him, can we go directly to the Germans?"

"Not yet, Mr. Ensign."

"Why?" Daniel deliberately pretended to be dissatisfied: "I killed Dobzharski, why can't I go to the Germans?"

"Mr. Second Lieutenant, don't worry, wait for me to explain to you slowly." Henrik said with a smile: "I just said that my mission this time is to find out the Russian fortifications and the distribution of troops. The situation. If you go back empty-handed, it will not be easy to do business with the Germans."

"Speaking of which, you just want me to help you with intelligence." Daniel patted the table with his hands, pretending to be angry and said, "I will help you kill people, and then help you with intelligence. By the way, you get all the benefits, but I get nothing. I don't want to be such a fool. "

Seeing that Daniel had seen through his intentions, Henrik couldn't help but blushed, and then said: "I will send a report to the Germans at night to see what rewards they can offer you."

"Send the report now." Daniel urged: "If there is no benefit, there are certain things that I will never do."

"I hid the radio station outside the village." Henrik explained to Daniel: "My identity is sensitive, and I cannot be seen by the village. So I can only sneak out of the village after dark, and take out the The radio broadcasts to the Germans."

"Well, what's the matter, we can talk about it at night." Daniel stood up, put the pistol in the holster, and said to Jamon: "Major Jamon, thank you for the food and drink. I will come again in the evening. I hope to come At that time, we can reach a cooperation agreement.”

"Mr. Second Lieutenant, please rest assured." Henryk assured Daniel, "I will give you a satisfactory answer when you come over at night."

"I hope so." Daniel nodded, but before leaving, in order to make things more realistic, he deliberately threatened Germon and Henrik: "If I come at night, if I find that my wish cannot be obtained Satisfied, the people in this room don’t even want to live. You know, you know too many of my secrets, and I can’t let you live in this world at the risk of being told.”

Daniel's threat immediately frightened Jamon out of his wits, and he quickly assured Daniel, "Mr. Second Lieutenant, don't worry. When you come over at night, I believe my son will give you a satisfactory answer."

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