Red Moscow

Chapter 2161

Daniel returned to the headquarters and gave a detailed report to Sokov, Bonejelin and Sidolin about what happened at Jamon's house.

After listening, Ponegerin looked at Sokov and said, "Comrade Commander, the enemy has taken the bait. It seems that we can let Second Lieutenant Daniel provide false information to the enemy, so that they will misjudge our defense situation."

"Comrade Deputy Commander, I don't think things are that simple." But Sokov shook his head after hearing this and said, "Although Daniel succeeded in gaining Henrik's trust, if he hastily handed out a piece of information, I'm afraid the other party will also I won’t believe it completely. If they see through our scheme, I’m worried that Second Lieutenant Daniel will be in danger.”

Hearing Sokov's words, Daniel was very grateful. He quickly stated: "Comrade Commander, I am not afraid of danger. As long as I can complete the mission, it is worth sacrificing my life."

"Second Lieutenant Daniel," Sokov looked at Daniel seriously and said, "Although the task I assigned to you is dangerous, I hope you can complete the task alive and get the honor you deserve. Do you understand? ?”

"Understood, Comrade Commander." Although it was an understatement, it still made Daniel feel his nose sore, and tears almost came out of his eyes, "Thank you for your kindness!"

"Comrade Commander," Seeing that Sokov disagreed with providing false information to Henrik and the others at this moment, Sidolin asked tentatively, "Do you really not provide false information to the other party?"

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff, the time to provide false information is not yet ripe." Sokov said to Sidolin: "Although Henrik and Daniel have reached a consensus, he must still have doubts in his heart. If we had rushed him with false information, we would have been in danger."

Ponegerin heard the implication of Sokov's words: "Could you provide them with real information?"

"I think I can provide them with a piece of real information." Sokov said to Sidolin: "Later, you can give Lieutenant Daniel a copy of the defense map of the 334th Regiment of the 120th Guards Division, and ask him to take this Pass information to Henrik."

Sidolin quickly found out the deployment map of the 334th Regiment, and before handing it to Sokov, he asked, "Don't you need to modify it?"

"No need." Sokov shook his head and said, "We just need a real map so that we can deceive the enemy." In order to let the other party understand what he meant, he also specially emphasized, "The defense zone of the 334 regiment is not far from the village. According to my judgment, after Henrik gets the information, he will definitely find a way to verify it. If we modify the defense drawings, once he finds something wrong, he will understand that this is our strategy."

"I understand, Comrade Commander." After Sokov's explanation, Sidolin immediately understood his intention: "Henrik will definitely verify the information after he gets it. Once he finds out that Second Lieutenant Daniel gave him If the deployment map is true, then no matter how much false information is given to him in the future, he will believe it."

"Yes, yes, Comrade Chief of Staff, that's what it means." Sokov nodded, affirming Sidolin's statement, but he then expressed his worries: "But this time the Germans sent There are two people spying on the information, although Henrik has connected with us, but if the person who is telling the truth is not him, but Odzhanski's son Dobzhaski, what should we do?"

"Comrade Commander, you don't have to worry about this." Daniel interjected, "According to my observations of Henrik, he seems to be dissatisfied with his brother-in-law, and even wants to climb on top of him in his dreams. This time he He took the initiative to contact me because he wanted to get rid of the shadow of his brother-in-law and become a person valued by the Germans. Therefore, he also reached an agreement with me that he would lead his brother-in-law out of the village at the right time and let me send him It's resolved."

"Without further delay, this matter needs to be acted on immediately." Sokov asked Daniel: "Second Lieutenant Daniel, did you say when you will go to Jamon's house again?"

Daniel nodded and replied, "I said I would go again tonight, but I haven't decided on the time."

"It's winter now, it gets dark early, I think you can go to his house at six o'clock, and you can have a meal by the way." Sokov said jokingly: "The food at the village chief's house is pretty good."

Pornejelin also had dinner at Jamon's house, and he immediately laughed when he heard Sokov say that.

In this way, just after six o'clock, Daniel reappeared at Germon's house.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Jie Meng's family was having dinner, so he was not polite and found a seat to sit down. Looking at Henrik across the way, he asked carelessly, "Henrik, what do your superiors say, what conditions are they willing to offer me?"

Henryk sneaked out of the village in the afternoon, sent a telegram to the Germans by radio, and reported to the Germans about Daniel's plans to provide information. In the end, he also reported to the other party that Second Lieutenant Daniel needed benefits before he would provide useful information.

At the beginning, the Germans who received the telegram had doubts about Daniel, but when they heard that he actually put forward a condition and needed benefits in exchange for information, they immediately felt at ease. You know, as long as the other party is willing to make a condition, it proves that the information he can provide is true. Therefore, after some discussions, the Germans gave several countermeasures.

Hearing Daniel's question at this moment, Henrik smiled and said, "Mr. Second Lieutenant, if you provide us with information, we can pay you a certain amount."

"I don't know what you used to pay for the remuneration you mentioned?" Daniel asked.

"We can pay you in marks or zlotys..."

Unexpectedly, before Henryk finished speaking, he was interrupted by Daniel: "Wait a minute, Henryk. Now that the Germans are retreating on the battlefield, how long do you think their Mark can be used? I'm worried that it won't happen." How long will the mark become a pile of waste paper. There is also the Polish currency zloty, which means 'gold' in Polish, but do you think it is really worth gold? You know, the Polish parliament The government was established in Lublin a few months ago, and I believe that after they take control of the overall situation, the zloty used today will also become a pile of waste paper."

Seeing that Daniel was not interested in marks or zlotys, Henrik couldn't help having a headache: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, please tell me, what currency do you want?"

"Today's hard currencies, other than gold, are dollars and pounds." Daniel leaned back, leaned his head against the back of the chair, raised his legs, and said coldly: "Unless I use these to pay me, otherwise you Don't expect to get any information from me."

Don't look at the harsh conditions Daniel proposed, but it was already in the calculations of the Germans. After organizing the vocabulary in his mind, Henrik said: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, it is not realistic to give you gold, that thing is too heavy. And it's not easy to circulate. I think it's more appropriate to pay you in dollars or pounds. I don't know what you like?"

Daniel pretended to think about it, then nodded, pretending to be helpless and said, "Okay, then pay in dollars or pounds."

Henrik held out a finger and said, "The exchange rate between the British pound and the US dollar is 4:1, that is to say, the information you provided is 1,000 US dollars or 250 British pounds each."

After listening to Henrik's offer, Daniel nodded and said, "The price is very reasonable. If I provide you with information now, when will I get the money?"

"It will take two days at the earliest."

"No, two days is too long." Daniel shook his head and said, "I want to pay for it and deliver it."

In order to increase his persuasiveness, he took out the defense map that was folded squarely, patted it directly on the table, and said to Henrik: "Here is the defense map of a regiment under the 120th Guards Division. I think Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand.”

Henrik had just reached a consensus with his German superiors on the amount of remuneration not long ago, and he had not received the money offered by the other party at all. How could he pay the money and deliver the goods in a short time. His eyes were fixed on the squarely folded defense map on the table, and a bold idea came to his mind: as long as he killed the Russians on the opposite side, this information would be his own, and the remaining Next big bucks.

But his little trick was seen through by Daniel. Daniel put the defense map back into his pocket, and said coldly: "Henrik, let me remind you, don't have any wrong thoughts. I came here, and two subordinates know. If I didn't stipulate If I go out within the specified time, they will bring people in to rescue me. When that time really comes, I’m afraid I won’t be the one who suffers.”

Needless to say, Daniel's threatening words really played a certain role, at least the idea of ​​killing people to silence him was gone in Henrik's mind. He smiled and said to Daniel: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, I just talked to my superior not long ago and settled the issue of your remuneration. But the money has not been sent yet, and I can't pay the money and deliver the goods." . Otherwise, I still have some US dollars at home. The amount is not much, only two or three hundred, so it should be regarded as an advance payment. I will replenish the rest of the money to you as soon as the boss sends someone over."

Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Daniel took out the defense map again and put it on the table, but his hand was pressed on the map without moving away. He looked at Henrik and said, "Where's the money?"

Although Henrik had no money, he knew that his father still had some foreign currency, so he turned to Germon and said, "Do you still have dollars or pounds at home?"


"Take it out quickly!"

To be honest, Jamon is not willing to give away his family's money casually, but he is worried that if Daniel is angered, his family will have no good fruit to eat. In desperation, he could only get up and go to the back room, took out a box from under the bed, opened it, took out all the dollars inside, and walked out with it.

Henryk took the banknote from Germon's hand, counted it, put it in front of Daniel, and said, "Mr. Second Lieutenant, here is two hundred dollars, which should be regarded as a deposit. The rest of the money will be paid together in two days." you."

Daniel grabbed the banknotes, and then pushed the deployment map in front of Henrik: "This deployment map is yours, but don't forget, give me the rest of the money as soon as possible."

After speaking, he began to count the banknotes. After counting, he nodded and said, "That's right, it's indeed two hundred dollars." After finishing speaking, he stood up and walked outside.

Seeing Daniel leave, Jamon said with some heartache: "Son, this is the money I have saved for several years, so I gave it to him for nothing?"

"We'll talk about it later," said Henrik to Jamon. "I'll do something in the attic first."

Henrik climbed into the attic, picked up a binoculars, and stared at Daniel who was leaving, trying to figure out if it was one person or several people.

Daniel was indeed alone in the village. But as soon as he left the village, two people emerged from the nearby snowdrifts. They were soldiers arranged by Sokov to protect him. But how did Henrik in the attic know that these two people were really Daniel's subordinates, and he believed what Daniel just said.

Jemon, who was waiting downstairs, saw his son coming down from the attic, and hurried over to him and said, "If the information he provided is false, wouldn't our money be wasted?"

"I just saw it in the attic." Henrik ignored his father, but said to himself: "Second Lieutenant Daniel just walked out of the village, and someone came to pick him up. That is to say, even if we just started, If you silence him, I am afraid that this information will not be delivered to the Germans, and his subordinates will rush in to avenge him. At that time, no one in our family will survive."

Henrik's words startled Jamon. He thought Daniel was trying to scare people by saying that he kept back, but he didn't expect it to be true. Thinking that if he really did something to Daniel just now, no matter whether he succeeds or not, the other party's subordinates should have rushed into the house at this moment, killing his family first.

However, when he thought of the money he had accumulated for several years and gave it to others for nothing, Jemon still felt a burst of heartache. He began to regret that he had nothing to do with intelligence for the Germans, but he didn't get any benefits, and he even put a lot of money into it.

Fortunately, Henryk saw what Gemon was thinking, and quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, as long as I confirm the authenticity of this information and send it to the Germans, the Germans will send someone to send me the money." .At that time, not only can you get back the two hundred dollars you took out, but you can even get more money.”

While he was happy, Jamon was worried about another thing. He looked at his son and said, "The information that Second Lieutenant Daniel gave you is not false, right?"

Henrik unfolded the defense map and looked at it, then said: "From the defense map, it is not far from our village. I will go there tomorrow to see if this information is true or false."

Although Henrik had already said this, Jemon was still full of apprehension: "If this information is false, we won't be able to get our money back."

"Don't worry." A fierce light flashed in Henrik's eyes, "It doesn't matter if this defense map is real, if it is fake, I will never spare that Second Lieutenant Daniel, let him know, my Money is not so easy to get.”

"He has a gun in his hand." Jamon said, "If we make him angry, I'm afraid life will be difficult in the future."

"You don't have to worry about this." Henrik said carelessly: "If it really doesn't work, our whole family will move to the Germans. You and your sister have not seen each other for so long, you must miss her very much."

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