Red Moscow

Chapter 2162

When the Jemons heard this, they hadn't seen their daughter for a long time, and they didn't know how she was doing well. If they could really follow their son to the German side, they would be able to reunite with their daughter. Thinking of this, both of them shut their mouths obediently. After all, compared with their daughter's reunion, other things are nothing.

"Is the defense area of ​​the Russians very heavily guarded?" After seeing that his parents no longer raised any objections, Henrik remembered that he would go to the defense area of ​​the 334th Regiment tomorrow to verify information. go in.

Unexpectedly, when Jamon heard this, he shook his head and said: "Some time ago, the Russians came to our village to recruit people to repair the fortifications. Although the conditions are good, not many people go."


"Why else?" Jemon said angrily, "Don't you know that the people here basically hate the Russians? If we have weapons in our hands and wish to kill them all, how can we assist them in their work?" What? Those who went to help basically escaped from the Warren area, and they used this method to curry favor with the Russians, hoping to have the opportunity to return to the Warren area in the future.”

After hearing this, Henrik sneered and said, "It's only been more than a year since the last massacre. These people really healed their scars and forgot their pain. They dreamed of returning to that unstable land."

"That's where they grew up after all." Jamon disagreed with his son's statement: "If we also lived in the Warren area, even if we suffered the tragic massacre, if there is a chance, I would still Will find a way to get back to that land."

Besides, after Daniel returned to the headquarters, he immediately reported to Sokov about the meeting tonight.

Sokov looked at the U.S. dollars on the table and couldn't help laughing: "It's really unexpected that the U.S. dollar and British pound have also become hard currencies in the German-occupied area."

Ponegerin picked up the US dollar and looked at it, then frowned and asked Sokov: "Comrade Commander, is this a fake?" Without waiting for Sokov to ask, he took the initiative to say, "I heard In the past two years, the Germans, in order to disrupt the London economy, have flooded Britain with fake pounds. These pounds are so beautifully printed that they are even better than real money, so that when they are deposited in the bank, the banking profession does not even notice."

"Comrade Deputy Commander, you are right." After Pornejelin reminded him, Sokov remembered something about the history of the Germans throwing hundreds of millions of fake pounds into the UK during World War II: "Germany made counterfeit banknotes. It is intended to interfere with and destroy the British economy; at the same time, another function of counterfeit banknotes is to use them for foreign intelligence work or the daily expenses of espionage organizations, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone, which is beneficial and harmless."

Sokov's words reminded Sidolin of a rumor he had heard, and he asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, I heard that you have also participated in the operation of making fake marks, but for some reason, this operation took You are excluded."

If Ponegerin hadn't mentioned the fake US dollar, Sokov would have almost forgotten that he had proposed to his superiors to organize the production of fake marks to disrupt the German economy. And this suggestion was taken seriously, and relevant personnel were arranged to start the production of counterfeit banknotes. Later, due to some considerations, Sokov was excluded from this operation.

After Daniel waited for everyone to finish speaking, he asked cautiously, "Has the counterfeit banknotes dropped by the Germans been spotted?"

"Comrade Lieutenant, the Germans have placed a large number of fake pounds in the UK, accounting for one-third of the circulation." Sokov explained to Daniel: "Although the British discovered the German conspiracy, they did not Dare to speak up, so as not to cause unnecessary panic. The pound sterling in circulation today, let alone those of us who have never seen the pound, even bank staff who deal with banknotes every day, may not be able to recognize it.”

"Ah, the number of fake pounds accounted for one-third of the circulation?!" Daniel said with a look of shock: "Then what are the British going to do? Do they just let the fake money continue to circulate in their country?"

"These fake pounds are printed so well that even senior bank staff can't tell them apart, let alone ordinary people. In this case, the British government can only smash the front teeth and swallow blood, and let the fake notes circulate within their own country.”

"Is there really nothing the British can do?" Sidolin asked curiously.

"The only way is to wait until this damn war is over, and then in the name of issuing new banknotes, take back the counterfeit banknotes and destroy them."

After chatting about the counterfeit banknotes dropped by the Germans, Sokov told Sidolin: "Comrade Chief of Staff, that Henrik will definitely go to the 334th Regiment's defense area tomorrow to reconnaissance and verify whether the defense map obtained is true or false. You remind The head of the regiment should deliberately relax his vigilance, so that the other party can have the opportunity to scout the deployment of our army."

Everyone felt that Sokov's arrangement was very suitable. Now that Henrik has eaten the bait thrown at him, as long as he confirms that the deployment map matches the actual deployment situation, he will relax his vigilance, and then he will continue to send all kinds of false information to the Germans through him , which caused the German commander to make a wrong judgment. This is very helpful for the next stage of offense.

After letting Daniel leave, Sidolin said with some concern: "Comrade commander, there are only a few days before we launch the offensive. Can we complete the deception of the German army before the offensive begins?"

"I think it should be possible." Sokov said: "After Henrik completes the reconnaissance tomorrow and sends the information to the Germans, we can give him two more false reports, saying that our army has strengthened its forces on the right wing, Prepare to break through the German defenses from here at the right time. This will force the Germans to draw troops from other areas and deploy to the fake attack location provided by our army to ambush."

"Comrade Commander, this matter is of great importance. Do you think it is necessary to report to Comrade Marshal?" Sidolin asked.

Sokov thought about it, and felt that the strategy he used had a good intention, but if he didn't report it, once someone caught him making a fuss, he might be overwhelmed and walk away. Thinking of this, he asked the director of the communications corps to help him get through the phone of the front army headquarters, intending to report the matter to Rokossovsky himself.

Rokossovsky received a call from Sokov and learned that he was laying out plans to deceive the German army, so he nodded his head and said approvingly: "Misha, you did a good job. I was just talking to Bogo Lyubov discussed what method should be used to let the enemy transfer our offensive troops away. Now it seems that your method is the most effective, but I just don’t know if there is enough time?”

"Comrade Marshal," although the time was tight this time, Sokov was still quite confident. He tentatively asked Rokossovsky, "I wonder how the Allied forces are doing?"

"It's much better than the previous two days." Rokossovsky has his own special intelligence channel, and he still knows something about the fighting situation in the Ardennes area. Hearing Sokov's question at this moment, he said to him: "As the weather improves, Allied planes can take to the air again. In this way, the German troops lacking air support can only be passively beaten."

"Since the situation has improved, does that mean that our attack time can be postponed again?"

Sokov's question was a bit of a joke, but Rokossovsky didn't hear the meaning behind his words, but said seriously: "Misha, the time for our army's attack has been set, no matter what happens In any case, there will be no further delay. You know, although the Allied Air Forces can rise into the air to provide some necessary air support to the ground forces, if we do not attack in time, the Germans may take the Eastern Front. If more troops are transferred to the Ardennes, the situation for the Allies will become more dangerous."

"So, no matter what happens, the attack time set two days ago will not change again?"

"Yes, that's how it is." Rokossovsky reminded Sokov on the phone: "If your strategy can succeed, it is naturally a good thing, which can reduce the losses suffered by the troops during the offensive. But At the same time, I remind you that you have to prepare for the worst. Once your strategy is seen through by the Germans, they not only did not transfer troops from our offensive area, but even strengthened the defense there. You have the confidence to break through the Germans. Defense?"

"Please rest assured, Comrade Marshal." Seeing that Rokossovsky was worried about his next attack, he took the initiative to say: "No matter how strong the enemy's defense is, as long as he encounters our army, the defense line will be breached sooner or later. "

Early the next morning, Henrik called Dobzharski and went to the 334th Regiment's defense zone together.

And Dobzhanski is a suspicious guy. He heard that Henrik spent money to buy a defense map from the Soviet commander, and he couldn't help but sneered and said: "I said Henrik, your head was blocked." Are you stupid? Think you can get a real defense map from the Russians with just two hundred dollars?"

Like his father, Henryk hated this brother-in-law very much, but because of his sister, he had to say perfunctorily: "Dobzhansky, don't jump to conclusions too soon, when we get to the Russians After walking around the ground, let’s talk about whether this defense map is true or not.”

Hearing what Henrik said, no matter how dissatisfied Dobzhanski was, he couldn't say anything. After all, when I sneaked back to the village this time, I stayed at my parents' house and didn't go anywhere. Henrik ran before and after everything. If this information is true, it means that I have made great contributions.

After figuring this out, Dobzharski followed Henrik obediently towards the 334 regiment's defense zone. According to his thinking, the defense zone of the Soviet Army must be very heavily guarded, but when he got there, he found that he was thinking too much.

At the entrance of the defense area, there were a few Soviet soldiers standing guard. They did not interrogate Henrik and Dobzhaski, but only asked if they were here to build the fortifications. Henrik quickly replied: "That's right, that's right, the two of us are here to participate in the construction."

A soldier pointed them to the area where migrant workers gathered, and politely said to them: "This is an important military area. Except for the area where you can operate, don't go to other places, otherwise they will be discovered by the sentry, and they can go without warning." , just shoot directly. Do you understand?"

"Understood, I understand." Henrik nodded and said to the soldier, "Don't worry, we will never run around."

The two looked for the place guided by the soldiers, and they saw a group of migrant workers repairing the fortifications. Seeing this, Dobzhanski asked Henrik in a low voice: "What's going on, why are there so many people helping the Russians to repair the fortification?"

Henrik explained to him in a low voice: "It is said that many of these fortification repairers have fled from the Warren area. They hope to please the Russians by building fortifications, so that they will have the opportunity to return to Warren again in the future. area."

"The brains of these people are broken." Dobzhansky cursed in a low voice: "Is life not good in the areas occupied by the Germans? If they have to return to the Warren area ruled by the Russians, don't they worry about it?" To be massacred again?"

Henrik saw that Dobzhaski was talking endlessly, so he reminded him: "We are here to verify the terrain, don't keep talking about it, and quickly check the nearby defenses, whether they are the same as those blueprints."

In this way, while digging the earthwork, the two of them rolled their eyes around to check the nearby terrain. They never dreamed that their every move would be monitored by people hundreds of meters away.

When the two entered the defense zone, they were discovered by Second Lieutenant Daniel standing in the observation post, and he reported the situation to the head of the 334 regiment. The head of the regiment, who had been notified a long time ago, immediately ordered the observation post to closely monitor the two of Henrik to find out their every move.

After the observation post reported what he saw to the head of the regiment, the head smiled and said to Daniel: "Comrade Second Lieutenant, I really didn't expect that the enemy would be so stupid and so easy to hit our target." trap."

"Comrade commander, the commander is thoughtful." Daniel admired Sokov at this moment, and he explained to the commander: "At first we planned to give the enemy a fake defense map, but the commander said that it would not work. , When dealing with the enemy for the first time, they will be very vigilant. They will definitely verify the information we give them, and if it is found to be false, the trap we set for them will not be effective."

Daniel said with emotion: "Later, the commander resisted all opinions and asked me to hand over a real defense map to the other party, so that even if the other party came here to check in person, they would not be able to find the problem. Look, the enemy is not really hooked. what?"

"Yes, yes, Comrade Commander is really amazing." The head of the regiment was also amazed at Sokov's layout: "After these two people walk around our defense zone, they will find out the actual deployment situation, and The defense regiment you provided to them is exactly the same. In this way, they will have no doubts about the information you provide in the future."

"I hope so." Daniel said, "I think I may have to make another trip tonight to find out if they have fallen into the commander's trap."

"By the way, Comrade Second Lieutenant." Seeing Daniel getting up and about to leave, the regiment leader stopped him again, and asked with some embarrassment: "Our regiment's defense plan has fallen into the hands of the Germans. After they verify it, what do we need to do?" Readjust the deployment?"

"I'm not sure about this." Daniel shook his head and said, "I came here today to find out whether the other party will take the bait. But I will truthfully convey what you said to the commander and see if he will take the bait." what kind of decision to make."

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