Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 330: The sharp edge of the needle, the real person's Dharma body

This day, Qingyun Terrace.

The floating aerial roots of the big tree hung in front of the window, washed by the misty water, and became brighter and greener. In a trance, it seemed like the rising blue clouds, spreading a layer of green all around.

Zhou Qing closed his eyes in the wooden house, and the whole person was in a kind of emerald halo. Faintly, he seemed to hear the sound of branches and leaves growing, which was an unstoppable vitality.

Joyful, lively, and natural.

At this moment, he seemed to have noticed something, raised his head, and saw a string of sparks coming from far away, getting faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, it had reached the sky above Qingyun Terrace, and then suddenly fell down and landed on the windowsill of the open window.

The sparks hit the wooden windowsill, constantly bouncing up, falling, bouncing up again, and falling again. Countless arcs collided, making a crisp sound of ding-dong, each of which was very clear.

In the end, all the sparks gathered together and turned into a flying book, which was suspended in the air. Just one look at it gave off a strong aura, containing killing and toughness, which made people's eyebrows fall.

"The handwriting of a real person?" Zhou Qing looked at the flying book suspended in the air, and felt that his eyes were full of sparks and thunder. He took a breath and made a more accurate judgment, saying: "It should be the handwriting of a cultivator of the third level of the Nascent Soul."

As expected, when Zhou Qing stood up and took off the flying book, he immediately found that it was written by Su, the deputy dean of Dou Lei Academy.

"Let's start."

Zhou Qing put away the flying book, and with the power of Dansha, it turned into a stream of smoke and went up to the sky, and then followed the Qi in the flying book to the depths of Dou Lei Academy.

After walking for an unknown period of time, he stopped and slowly fell down.

A magnificent palace appeared in front of him, towering into the clouds, with stars rising around it, circling in the air. Wherever it went, the star halo condensed into a brilliant white color, shining inside and outside, dyeing all the Qi with a layer of clarity, not stained by the mundane world.

At the top of the Heavenly Palace, there is a precious bead hanging, its surface presents an indescribable deep blue color, with a hollow in the middle, and wisps of thunder light extend from the unknown, through the bead hollow, and turn into a variety of patterns, each of which has a great killing and great majesty.

Standing in the square in front, it seems that you can hear the sound of swords and knives, and the killing aura surrounds the body, condensing without dispersing, gathering more and more.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing raised his eyebrows. The architecture of Dou Leiyuan does have its own characteristics, which is completely different from the Taihe Island where he lives and the architecture on Danyangzhou, the home of the Zhou clan in Luochuan.


At this moment, Zhou Qing's eyes flashed, and he found that there was a person standing not far away. The other party was wearing a robe with thunder patterns and starlight embroidered on it. His eyes were like the wind passing through the river clouds. After the hazy, there was a vast and sharp feeling.

When the two met their eyes, the sharp aura was swayed, and the remaining color was like the moon and jade, going in all directions. After reaching the ground, it disappeared silently.

In just a moment, the two of them felt depressed, knowing that the other party was not a good person.

"Wang Huai."

Zhou Qing lowered his eyelids to block the strange color in his eyes. Although they met for the first time, he had seen each other's photos before coming to Dou Lei Yuan.

This Wang Huai was the younger generation of the Dou Lei Yuan boss. He was originally the internally appointed Dou Lei Yuan Flag Bearer, and he would take the position as long as the time was right. Unexpectedly, the situation in the sect changed, and the Flag Bearer was no longer allowed to "take over", and must be put out for the sect disciples to compete fairly, impartially and openly.

However, although the other party's cooked duck flew away, there is no doubt that he is still one of the strongest competitors for the Dou Lei Yuan Flag Bearer.

"Let's see."

Zhou Qing was calm. The more he understood, the more he found that the position of Dou Lei Yuan Flag Bearer was indeed suitable for him. If he wanted to accumulate "merit" in the sect as quickly as possible and compete for the position of the top ten disciples, he must get this important position.

After a while, there was a slight sound, and a rainbow bridge flew from a distance. It looked more than ten feet long, with five holes below, of different sizes. In each of them, there was a bright light shooting up and down, making the bridge surface covered with fine and fragmented frost.

The next moment, a crisp bell sounded, and a young woman came in gracefully. She was very tall, with no smile on her jade face. She walked down step by step, and each step was the same length as if measured with a ruler.

The woman came to the square, glanced at Zhou Qing, and Wang Huai who was farther away, her eyes flashed, and she didn't say anything, just stood quietly.

Zhou Qing glanced at him with his eyes, and had no impression, but he knew that the other party should also be someone who had registered for the flag bearer of Dou Leiyuan and passed the preliminary review.

"Three people."

Zhou Qing changed his mind. According to the rules and regulations of Dou Leiyuan's competition for the flag bearer, after registration, screening and review will be carried out. No matter how many people register, only three people can enter the next round of interviews.

The three people have arrived, and the interview is probably about to begin.

As expected, a Taoist boy came out of the hall soon. He checked his name with Zhou Qing and the other three people, then looked at Wang Huai and said, "Brother Wang, follow me."

Wang Huai didn't say anything, just nodded. The young man held the crown and followed the Taoist boy into the hall.

"Wang Huai."

Zhou Qing's eyes were dark, like the color of a jade tripod, and the bottom was invisible. According to the rules, the first-ranked person will be interviewed first. It seems that Wang Huai's ranking was higher than his own in the preliminary review.

But he didn't care much, but stared at the hall, wondering about the interview that was being prepared in the hall.

Half an hour later, the Taoist boy came out again. He glanced at Zhou Qing and said loudly, "Brother Wang, please follow me."


Zhou Qing was not in a hurry. He walked through the square, went up the jade steps, followed the Taoist boy, and walked in along the wide-open hall door.

There were wisps of cold light slanting down from inside. It was just sparse at first. The further inside, the cold light became denser. In the end, it was like an embroidery needle, hitting the body in a steady stream, but passing through the body. .

When it falls to the ground, ripples appear, half thunder pattern and half star pattern. It looks like suet-fat jade, very clear, but if you look closely, there is a kind of indifference and aloofness, aloof and indifferent.

There is an inexplicable reality to this feeling. Even though it is only a short distance away, but walking over with the cold light in the sky, even with Zhou Qing's ability, he can't help but turn his eyes secretly, making the coldness inside become three points thicker. .

On the high platform on one side of the hall, there is a female fairy sitting upright. She wears a Taoist crown on her head and a horizontal striped cassock. Whether it is her skin or her accessories, they are all silver-white, giving people a cold look.

She looked at Zhou Qing and sensed the stability of his body and the calmness on his face. After being slightly surprised, she picked up a pen and wrote a few words on the booklet.

After finishing writing, the fairy put down the pen again, and then looked up and down at Zhou Qing with very interested eyes.

Not just her, whether it was Vice President Su on the high platform in the center of the hall, or the other real people on the left and right high platforms, they all looked at Zhou Qing at this time, their eyes scanning back and forth as if they were real.

"Five real people."

At the same time, Zhou Qing also saw clearly the layout of the hall. On the high platform in the center, a brilliant aura was held high, clear and clear, surrounded by fine and broken colors. A star hexagram appeared in each one, surrounded by a person. The middle-aged man with a resolute face is holding a fly whisk and leaning on a jade table, sitting still. He does not look like his real body, but a dharma body that draws extraordinary power from the void.

Sitting on the high platform in the center is the third major monk of Nascent Soul. In addition, there are two high platforms on the left and right, and there are two real people sitting on each high platform. Their auras are also extraordinary, and they are not ordinary Yuanying real people.

However, among the tortoises, incense tripods, cranes and auspicious animals in the hall, there is a refreshing fragrance of elixir, and the smoke is lingering. The real people are hidden among them and cannot get a full view.

There are five real people in one hall, and among them there is a great monk who has practiced Dharmakaya. It has to be said that Doulei Academy is worthy of being a first-class powerful institution in Xuanmen like Zhenyi Sect, and there are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers inside.

At the same time, it also shows that Doulei Academy attaches great importance to the selection of the flag bearer and does not allow mistakes.

While Zhou Qing was thinking secretly, the real man sitting on the high platform in the center waved his fly whisk, and immediately a Taoist boy came out, holding a jade book in his hand, and began to read aloud, introducing the identities of the five so-called interviewers in the hall, and announcing the round. The rules of interviews in the palace, and others.

"It turns out that this person is Deputy Chief Su."

Zhou Qing looked at the Dharmakaya on the high platform in the center. There were sparse lights falling on it, like clear snow, making the atmosphere of this great monk even more unpredictable.

Being able to cultivate to the third level of Nascent Soul and possessing the Dharma Body is already very impressive. Coupled with the fact that he is the deputy head of the Dou Lei Academy, he really has great power.

"Then start."

Vice President Su glanced at Zhou Qing, then at the four colleagues on his left and right.

"Zhou Qing."

As soon as he finished speaking, a real person on the left spoke. Behind this real person was like a mirror hanging, and it was dark and deep. As soon as he opened his mouth, the air around him seemed to be stained by the mirror, and another kind of coldness soaked into the human bones. With a chill, he said: "The tasks of the flag bearer of Dou Lei Yuan are extremely difficult sometimes. Even if you risk your life, there are definitely great risks. As a direct descendant of the Zhou family in Luochuan, you are still the youngest person in your clan. A leader of a generation, I have doubts about your ability to perform your duties!"

This question was loud and contained the edge of a sword, exploding like thunder in the hall.

The other three real people listened thoughtfully. Although this colleague came up with a challenge and seemed to be unkind and aggressive, his questioning was not unreasonable.

In the Zhenyi Sect, compared with ordinary disciples, the direct descendants of top aristocratic families such as the Luochuan Zhou family are indeed more stable, more cautious, and unwilling to take risks. They seek a long-term accumulation and success, and they do not compete for the first moment, but talk endlessly. After all, they have the resources of their family to support them, which gives them the confidence to do so.

Not only is this approach not a bad thing, but it is also envied by many people, but it is a little out of place in a killing-focused atmosphere like Dou Lei Yuan.

Facing the scrutinizing gazes of everyone, Zhou Qing met the cold gaze of the real person who asked the question. He pondered for a moment, organized his words, and said: "Master Gong, this guy is worrying too much."

"I am indeed a direct descendant of the Luochuan Zhou family, but for some reasons, I grew up outside. Later, through the Jingchen Dharma Assembly, I obtained the True Order and entered the mountain gate."

"After I joined the sect, I didn't spend much time in Shanmen and Danyang Continent. Most of the time I went out and walked outside. Before I joined the true inheritance, I made great achievements for the sect and was recognized as a high merit by the Gongde Academy."

"Have you ever practiced gong since you were an inner disciple?"

Some of the real people in the hall knew and nodded secretly, while others didn't. After listening, a strange light shone in their eyes.

Generally speaking, it is extremely difficult to achieve superior merit. Zhou Qing was able to establish superior merit when he was an inner sect disciple. It seems that he is indeed different from ordinary disciples of aristocratic families. After all, being successful in the sect is not something that can be achieved steadily. It requires not only amazing luck, but also efforts to break the rules.

What's more, listening to Zhou Qing's story, he made great achievements because he did a big thing outside the mountain gate, which is even more rare.

Zhou Qing not only looked at Master Gong who asked the question, but also summed up to all the masters who listened attentively in the hall: "My style of doing things is not exactly the same as that of ordinary direct descendants of noble families."

Seeing that some masters in the hall nodded in approval, Zhou Qing thought for a while and continued: "Besides, as a direct descendant of a noble family, once I take the position of flag bearer, I will have advantages that others cannot match."

"If something really happens, I can mobilize the power of the Zhou family behind me to work together. There is strength in numbers, so in this way, the mission that should have been dangerous may become less dangerous."

Hearing what Zhou Qing said, even Deputy Dean Su couldn't help but have a thoughtful look on his face.

It's not that there are no children of noble families in Dou Leiyuan. In fact, there are quite a few children of noble families serving in Dou Leiyuan, but there are very few with such a prominent status as Zhou Qing.

Those children of noble families contribute to the clan silently through their service in Dou Leiyuan. Due to their ordinary status in their respective families, they cannot mobilize the forces behind them to do dangerous tasks in Dou Lei Yuan.

But Zhou Qing is different.

Zhou Qing's status in Luochuan Zhou's family is now extraordinary, and in the foreseeable future, Zhou Qing's status in Luochuan Zhou's family will only get higher and higher. Such Zhou Qing can indeed mobilize the power of Luochuan Zhou's family to escort him in Dou Lei Yuan.

"It sounds better than singing!"

Master Gong snorted coldly, and seemed to be unconvinced that Zhou Qing could do this, but he didn't say anything else. According to the rules of this interview, he just asked questions and it was time to take a break.

"Zhou Qing."

On the high platform, a female fairy pushed away the clouds, and her eyes were as clear as the autumn colors. She said, "As the flag bearer of Dou Lei Yuan, you sometimes have to deal with many complicated situations."

"You are a first-class genius in the sect. Not only has your elixir reached the first level, but your cultivation speed is amazing. But in this case, you have practiced for too short a time and have not gained enough experience."

"It is not easy for you to deal with difficult situations."

This statement also has doubts, but the tone is calm, and it does not sound as cold as before, waiting for Zhou Qing's answer.

Zhou Qing listened and said calmly, "Some people are born with knowledge, and some people are mature at a young age. It does not mean that you can handle complex situations if you practice for a long time."

"That's right." The female immortal nodded, pointed with her slender jade hand, and a sand table appeared, saying, "This magic weapon can be simulated. Zhou Qing, try it."

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