Refining Taoism and ascending to immortality

Chapter 331: Amazing harvest, the dust has settled

On the high platform in the center, Vice-President Su waved the dust in his hand. Above the dust, the green air, like smoke and water, slowly fell, hanging to the bottom, turning the surroundings into a piece of mutton-fat jade, reflecting the color of the hall. sand table.

The sand table is placed on jade bricks, and the candlelight on the jade table in the palace falls on it. You can see the mountains and rivers inside, deep valleys and caves, birds flying in front of the forest, and wild boars running through the bushes. Clusters of darkness cover it, making it blurry and unclear, and there is an indescribable danger.

Seeing Zhou Qing looking up and down, Deputy Headmaster Su said: "This treasure is called Qianjiang Pan. It was refined by a real person in the sect. It used supreme magical power to condense a dangerous place full of demons in it. With your divine will... …”

Zhou Qing stood there and listened carefully. He looked at the sand table in front of him. The light in his eyes spread out like a fan, smooth as a mirror, and vividly visible.

A person who can be called a real person by a great monk at the third level of Nascent Soul like Vice Master Su is at least in the realm of cave heaven. What's more, the magical power of Najie Kong Zaizizi, who can unite mountains and rivers in one hand, is beyond imagination.

Such a small sand table looks like a complete world. It is so mysterious that it is really jaw-dropping.

"Zhou Qing." After Deputy Chief Su finished his introduction, the Jurchen on the high platform had a faint clear light, intersecting with the moon, cold and clear, and said: "Get ready, you can use your spiritual consciousness to enter the treasure plate."


Zhou Qing agreed, secretly running the Xuan Gong, and just for a moment, a ray of spiritual consciousness flew out. When he got closer, an amber orb on the top of the Yifa Qianjiang Plate suddenly lit up at this moment, and circle after circle. The halo expanded, with a pulling force, pulling this ray of consciousness into the orb.

The next moment, there was only a buzzing sound, and the corner of the Yifa Qianjiang Plate lit up, and a figure as small as an ant appeared, with smoke coming out of his body, curling continuously, and a kind of clear green was dense.


Gong Zhenren, the first person in the palace to ask a question, sneered. The sunlight reflected on his body, but even so, there was still a coldness that was hard to describe in words. When the bright colors touched his body, it seemed as if they were wiped away all of a sudden. Go away, leaving only a piece of white forest, which is heart-stopping.

Although the monks entered the game of Qi Dharma with their spiritual consciousness, when they entered the sand table, they seemed to experience everything with their true bodies, which was very mysterious.

It's just that what Qifa Qianjiang Pan has evolved into is a dangerous place. Not only is the terrain complex, but it's also full of demons. If a monk who transforms alchemy goes in, he can easily fall into a big fall or even be seriously injured if he's not careful.

Even if Zhou Qing is a peerless genius with a first-class elixir, it will definitely not be easy for him to get out of the game for the first time!

"Wang Huai is different."

Gong Zhenren's eyes were surging, and the air-conditioning in front of his eyes had not faded away, leaving a patch of silvery white, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Qifa Qianjiangpan is originally a rare treasure used to help young people practice and increase their experience. Wang Huai, as a disciple of the Doulei Courtyard, also secretly participated and took advantage of this kind of benefit. Others didn't know about this, but he knew it.

The Jurchen on the high platform did not speak. Above the door above her, a green air rose up, like floating indigo leaves. Frost surrounded it, and there was a chill of early spring. She stared at the sand table with her beautiful eyes, her thoughts spinning around.

Killing in the main gate of Doulei Academy inevitably involves going through turbulent waves. The flag bearer is an important position in the academy and cannot be handed over to someone who is gentle and elegant and only knows how to "embroider".

The Qianjiangpan of Yifa is full of dangerous mountains and dangerous waters, and there are many demons, including mules and horses. If you take a walk inside, you can see everything.


The Jurchen holds her chin in one hand, her eyes bright and clear. The last Wang Huai performed extremely well in the Qi Fa Qianjiang game. Let's see if Zhou Qing can perform better.

According to common sense, Zhou Qing's performance in Yifa Qianjiang is definitely not as good as Wang Huai's, but when thinking about the peerless talent of the opponent's first-class elixir, people can't help but have a little expectation.

There is no other reason. Even in a high-level Xuanmen like Zhenyi Sect, Zhou Qing is dazzling enough, and when people think about it, they think of all kinds of incredible miracles.

As for Vice President Su, he was sitting steadily on the high platform in the center. The sparse raindrops hanging down from all sides rubbed against the color of the mutton-fat jade, creating large and small ripples, silently.

In Game of Thrones, Zhou Qing appeared on a cliff out of thin air. He looked at a lonely black stone pillar in the distance.

The stone pillar was made of unknown materials. It was more than ten feet tall and had smooth edges. Even though it was densely covered with exquisite demonic patterns, it still looked like a fierce and rough stone pillar.

Three or five powerful demonic auras rose from around the stone pillar. They seemed to be comprehending the demonic patterns on the stone pillar, and they seemed to be going crazy.

As soon as Zhou Qing appeared, the big monsters surrounding the black stone pillar suddenly became aware of it, and their eyes turned towards him at the same time, containing murderous intent.


Amidst the frightening black energy of struggle, a demon appeared. He had the body of a cow and the head of a bull, with blood-red eyes. Behind him was a bronze battle axe, which was extremely exaggerated.


After the demon was confirmed, his face was ferocious. He let out a loud roar, took off his bronze battle ax, and rushed towards Zhou Qing.

Slightly slower than him, two more demons comparable to the realm of alchemy followed closely behind and soared into the air.

The three great demons, one in front and two behind, were as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, they had already rushed to the cliff, and the demonic energy was overwhelming like a strong wind and rain.

Zhou Qing saw this in his eyes and stood motionless, but the power of Dansha in his body had naturally started to circulate. In just a moment, an astonishing mana shot out from above the door, like a startling rainbow, coming first and later. , arrived in the sky above the three big demons.

Then, the rainbow folded and turned into a pure white flawless frost wheel, with six exquisite small wheels under it. With just a slight turn, a series of brilliant white sword qi slashed down, intertwined with each other, and turned into an airtight sword net.

The three big monsters were like big fish that had actively crashed into the fishing net. At this moment, they were slashed by the sword qi and their blood flew all over the place, screaming continuously.

Zhou Qing looked expressionlessly at the three big monsters who were comparable to the Danhua realm being slashed by the sword qi, and he had no power to fight back at all.

Feijin Emperor Bailun was originally a first-class killing magic power. He had made a first-grade pill, and the power of Dansha was so strong that it was unprecedented in history, and it raised the killing power of the magical power Feijin Emperor Bailun to a higher level.

What's more, he had cultivated this magical power to a certain level, which was definitely not comparable to the newly promoted Danhua cultivator.

At this moment, the three big monsters looked murderous, but under the killing of the magical power Feijin Emperor Bailun, they had no power to stop it at all.

Zhou Qing was not surprised at all. He was particularly surprised by the mystery in the sand table.

Because no matter whether it was the three great monsters comparable to the Danhua cultivators flying in front of him, or the Dansha power in his body, the Flying Golden Emperor White Wheel he used, etc., they all looked real.

This feeling seemed to be not that the consciousness entered the sand table, but that the real body entered a strange land.

"Such a supreme magical power is wonderful."

Zhou Qing looked into the distance, his thoughts kept turning. This time he entered the Yifa Qianjiang Plate, it was a rare opportunity. Not only would he have a trial, but he could also see the mystery of the sand table.


After an unknown period of time, the gem on the Yifa Qianjiang Plate in the hall lit up again, and Zhou Qing's divine will overflowed and returned to his Taoist body.

He pressed his hand on the center of his eyebrows, and the cold light was like autumn colors, reflecting a clearness in his eyes. Inside, in the deep background, the murderous intent slowly dissipated.

Although he was in the Thousand Borders of Chess, this time, it seemed like he had entered a dangerous place. If he hadn't had real skills, he would have been in a very bad situation.

At the same time, this time, he also gained a lot.

"Magic power and magical powers."

Zhou Qing's eyes became brighter and brighter. After his promotion, he had been staying in the sect, and he had never used his magic power and magical powers.

This time in the Thousand Borders of Chess, there were monsters everywhere and dangers were everywhere. He fought with them and used all his means.

In the hearty and refreshing, he had a clearer understanding of his own magic power and magical powers.

"Thousand Borders of Chess."

Zhou Qing looked at the sand table in the hall again, recalling his process in it. He sensed that there was no rain in the Green Pool of Creation in his sea of ​​consciousness, which meant that the monsters he killed were indeed illusory and without any essence, but when he was in it, he really couldn't tell the difference, and only felt that it was real.

This kind of illusion and reality also touched him.

When Zhou Qing stood in the hall, digesting what he had gained from the sand table, the five real people in the hall almost simultaneously cast spells, and then from the orb of the Yifa Qianjiang Plate, circles of light were turned out, and then intertwined together to form a report with words on it, neat and tidy.

This is not something else, but a report issued by the Yifa Qianjiang Plate on Zhou Qing's experience, without talking about the process, only the final judgment.

When Gong Zhenren on the high platform saw it, his expression changed, and there was a look of disbelief on his face. He squeezed hard, and the golden Ruyi in his hand broke up and down, muttering to himself, "How can it perform so well?"

The female real person in the hall also finished reading the report, and her eyes were full of surprise.

In fact, Wang Huai's performance in the Yifa Qianjiang Plate was already very good, absolutely outstanding, but Zhou Qing, a new Danhua cultivator, who had just entered the Yifa Qianjiang Plate, performed better than Wang Huai.

The peerless genius who has achieved the first-class Dancheng seems to be not only jaw-dropping in cultivation, but also has incomparable abilities in other aspects.

Deputy Dean Su read the report quietly, then looked at Zhou Qing and asked: "Zhou Qing, if you can become the flag bearer of the academy, how will you start the three major tasks?"

Hearing the question from the great monk in the hall, Zhou Qing perked up, thought for a while, and replied: "I will follow the arrangements of the academy and the sect."


Deputy Dean Su did not comment, and did not ask any more questions, but the clear air around him rose, and another sense of tranquility slowly spread.

After answering a few questions from other real people, Zhou Qing went to the back hall under the guidance of a Taoist boy.

The hall at the back is not as grand and spacious as the front hall, but it is more exquisitely decorated. A large pool is carved in the center of the hall, and a bluestone two or three feet high is placed inside. A stream of water is drawn from above, passing through the large and small holes on the bluestone, and then splashing on the round lotus leaves in the pool, with blue and white colors rubbing against each other.

Listening to the tinkling sound of water hitting the stone and smelling the faint refreshing color, people feel refreshed when they are in it.

Zhou Qing only glanced at the pool in the hall, and then looked at the young man who had been there for a long time. This time he smiled and greeted him, saying, "Senior Brother Wang."

Wang Huai was standing in front of the pool, looking at the stone color in the pool, in a daze. He heard Zhou Qing's greeting and replied, "Junior Brother Zhou."

After that, he continued to be in a daze, and seemed to have no interest in speaking.

Because after this round of interviews, the flag bearer of Dou Leiyuan should have an outline. When he thought of this, even though he was not an ordinary Danhua cultivator, he felt worried and anxious.

Once something unexpected happened, the flag bearer would be transferred to another family, and the path of advancement originally arranged for him in the sect would be interrupted directly. If he adjusted the path of advancement again, it would be too difficult.

With such a delay, I don’t know how many opportunities he would miss.

From the beginning of understanding to now, Wang Huai has truly faced the cruelty of cultivation for the first time. That kind of sudden and irresistible change makes people too powerless at this moment.

Zhou Qing sat down on a cloud couch in the hall, and recalled the experience of entering the Thousand Borders of Yifa again, trying to figure out the use of his magic power and magical powers during the battle.

Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, this time he fully demonstrated the three magical powers of Feijin Emperor Bailun, Yin Xie Hanshui and Huanjin Feiying Dunfa in the battle. The harvest was so great that it could not be understood in a short time.

Fortunately, there is no need to rush, just do it bit by bit. Anyway, if you understand it a little bit, you can improve a little bit.

In such a comprehension, Zhou Qing almost forgot that he was in the back hall until the footsteps sounded again, waking him up.

He frowned and looked over to see the Taoist boy leading a young lady in. She was the last flag bearer's contender.

After the Taoist boy sent the lady to the back hall, he did not leave for the time being. Instead, he looked at the three people and said in a crisp tone: "Three senior brothers and sisters, please stay in the back hall for a while and don't go anywhere else."

Zhou Qing and the other three nodded. They knew that such words were definitely not the intention of the little Taoist boy, but the intention of Deputy Dean Su behind the little Taoist boy.

They stayed in the back hall and waited for the dust to settle!

In the front hall, Deputy Dean Su sat on the high platform. On the jade table in front of him, there were three jade books. On the cover, there were names. When opened, there were numbers inside, and the scores were very clear.

After the summary, even a great monk like Deputy Dean Su checked it once, and then showed the final result to the other four masters in the hall, saying: "Since no one has any objection, I will report the result to the master later and let him decide."

Master Gong's eyes were cold, he moved, wanting to speak, but finally swallowed it, lowered his eyelids, and did not move.

Speaking at this time would only be regarded as unreasonable and lose face.

Although Wang Huai is good, there are people who are more powerful.

Seeing that even Master Gong was silent, Deputy Dean Su took the flying book, wrote the result, and sent it out.

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