Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 982: The 6 big powers loyal to conquer the entire gathering place

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Boom boom boom...

A burst of violent air waves rolled, a violent sound spread all over the place, and all the creatures in the entire gathering place were shocked by the huge power shock.

Even the ordinary transcendent demigods living in the outer area did not dare to continue hiding in the bone building, but as far away from the combat area as possible.

Otherwise, the pond fish might be hit and killed by a strong figure, or be bombarded by a powerful attack suddenly!

In fact, after continuous battles, even in the area surrounding the gathering area, except for the six core formations that were deliberately avoided, there were few intact buildings left in the rest.

After all, the two parties are either golden immortals or immortal super-powerfuls. They are both powerful, and six pairs of twelve strong fights at the same time. Sometimes a few golden immortals will be in a scuffle when they are in such a situation. Even those strong mansions with strong defensive bans can't hold it.

What's more, the Abandoned Land has no aura, and the ordinary strong are not willing to spend too much resources to maintain the defense of the mansion. Those prohibitions are basically just a warning role, how can they withstand the aftermath of the battle of such strong.

Qin Feng stood beside Gongsun, while telling this Confucian good fortune ancestor about the gathering places in the deserted land, while watching the battle ahead.

He was very satisfied with the scene in front of him, especially the chaotic storm that was blowing outside. No matter how fierce the battle fluctuations were, it would not be transmitted, and would not let the powerhouses in other gathering places find any clues.

These super powers are all qualified sparring targets. They are powerful and powerful, and they all possess secret methods powerful enough to threaten immortality!

But now these secret methods are all used under the pressure of Qin Feng, so that the golden immortals of various factions can see the real combat power of the strong in the Abandoned Land, so as to avoid encountering other super strong in the future, and there is no defense against the opponent's hole cards to attack. hurt!

At the end of the battle, not only did the super powers have all their cards and used their whole body to solve the numbers, each faction of the golden fairy also showed their abilities, and the means were endless!

It’s just that there are only a few super powers in total, while Jinxian has about thirty. Therefore, when a few gold celestials are fighting against the superpowers, the rest can spend their time studying the methods of these superpowers. .

In this way, over time, from the beginning, when the golden immortals were fighting against the super strong due to the ban on the road, they would suffer a little loss because they were not used to it, but when they adapted to this way of fighting, the various factions Even if Jinxian does not suppress the opponent with the great avenue, he can still have the upper hand in the battle!

After all, super powers can only be comparable in strength to immortality, but apart from Liu Xuanling, none of the golden immortals of the various factions who have been selected to come to Abandoned Land is in the early and middle stage of the golden immortal, even the elder Kongkong has a golden immortal. The later stage of cultivation.

Although elder Kongkong has rarely participated in various battles for so many years, his abilities are too special. The price paid by various factions to invite him to take action is not small, otherwise it is impossible to let a golden immortal give up the war of his own sect. Go outside the territory to help other sects break through!

Therefore, Elder Kong Kong is definitely the richest monk in the entire Royal Beast Sect except Qin Feng!

Even when it comes to the number of top treasure resources, Elder Kong Kong is stronger than Qin Feng!

It is precisely because of the accumulation of so many resources that Elder Kong Kong’s cultivation progress is not much slower than that of the previous Li Miaozhen. It’s just that in recent years Li Miaozhen has Qin Feng's help to refine the immortal origins, and this has made rapid progress. In the back.

The various factions of Jinxian Taoism are profound. As a strong person in the late Jinxian stage or even at the peak, the accumulation of strength in the body is much more vigorous than the super strong who can only contend with the immortality at the beginning and middle stages, so after they have adapted to it, they soon Find the rhythm that each is good at, so as to be able to win.

In order to experiment with their new research methods, even a very few Jinxian repeatedly sought out those super-powerfuls to fight. After repeated attempts, these guys were really exhausted. In the end, they were all panting, but Gongsun was wrong. When he went down, he waved his hand dumbfoundingly to stop the immortals.

Otherwise, if the battle continues, although the immortals will not kill them if they remain, they may also be exhausted to death!

"Huh, are you convinced now?"

Qin Feng took two steps forward, staring at the six super powers with cold eyes.

The six guys looked at each other, and finally dropped their heads weakly.

One of them was a super strong man with a slender body and a pointed head like a shuttle, said helplessly: "I'm waiting to admit defeat, I don't know how your Excellency is going to send us?"

Now they have determined that these human races in front of them are all immortal powers, otherwise they are all super powers, how can they be so easy to beat them without temper!

The most important thing is that after repeated battles, they are now not only depleted of their strength and limbs, but they have also completely lost the possibility of escape!

Now they are the lambs to be slaughtered in front of Qin Feng. They have lost the ability to fight back, and they don't even have the strength to escape.

"And you?"

Qin Feng looked at the hapless guy who first jumped out to find the fault, that is, he and Liu Xuanling teamed up to fight back from the fog of the abyss back to the abandoned land, and asked: "Can you still find me revenge?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

The guy also knew the truth about knowing the times as a handsome man, and quickly shook his head to admit his mistakes: "I was the one who was wrong in the first place. I wanted to grab the immortality of the two and be knocked down back to the abandoned land. It's my responsibility. How can I blame it? Two!"


Qin Feng snorted softly, and said noncommittal: "Originally, we are here this time to give you a chance to leave the deserted land!

After all, Sister Liu and I had spent more than a hundred thousand years in the deserted land. They knew the cruelty here, and knew everyone's desire for the outside world.

Therefore, I told the ancestors with Senior Sister Liu, please show kindness to the ancestors to save the creatures in the deserted land.

After our repeated persuasion, the ancestors were also compassionate and couldn't bear to see so many beings suffer. This was the only way to be kind, nodded in agreement, ready to use the Supreme Way, and consume the great mana to save you and so on.

Even the senior grandson of Chunqiu Academy personally came to the abandoned land for this reason, the purpose is to help you get rid of the abandoned land and return to Daqian!

As a result, you really are fighting, we have just come here, you are going to shout and scream! "

With a look of hatred for iron and steel, Qin Feng pointed to the super strong in front of him and said: "Especially you, you were not my opponent back then. Knowing that I have been promoted to immortality after returning to the outside world, I dare to blatantly attack us. What a courage!

I originally thought that after saving you, I would have served Bi Luo for eight thousand years, even if I had repaid this kindness, I would naturally let you go when the time comes, but you have to make trouble without your brain!

If this is the case, then you will be imprisoned and be my guardian of the blue sky from now on! "

As soon as he said this, not only the faces of the super powers changed drastically, but the eyes of the surrounding gods became red, and their breathing became short.

Did they hear me right?

What did this strong human race say just now?

He actually said that he would rescue the creatures in the deserted land?


No matter whether it is true or not, Qin Feng's words have undoubtedly set off stormy seas in their hearts!

After all, this is what every creature in the Abandoned Land desires most!

Moreover, none of the creatures who know the existence of the creation realm will doubt that the great power of the creation realm has the strength to take them out!

Even those who didn't know before, after the rest of the gods told them, they all knew how tyrannical the creation realm is.

Now, these guys in the gathering place have begun to believe that the elegant middle-aged man may really be the ancestor of good fortune.

After all, these immortal realm powerhouses alone are enough to easily crush the entire gathering place, there is no need to deceive them at all!

They were so excited when they thought of this!

Could it be that they really have the opportunity to return to the universe?

Even if you can't return to your original world, at least it's good to leave this desperately abandoned place!

At this moment, not only the gods around, but even the six super powers are all heartbroken.

After all, after their super powers occupy the core areas of the gathering places, they only have the opportunity to leave the abandoned places in theory. Whether they can be specific or not, let's say two things.

Just like the hapless guy who was beaten back from the fog of the abyss by Qin Feng Liu Xuan Ling, and the guy whose immortality wasn't enough midway, maybe he would encounter various crises and die.

And if you are personally sheltered by an ancestor of good fortune, you can definitely leave the abandoned land safely!

However, the faces of the six extraordinary creatures soon became ugly.

They know their own affairs. They have survived for countless years in the deserted land. They have survived to this day and have become super powers. Each of them is a cruel person. When they started with Qin Feng and the others, they were absolutely malicious in their hearts. I believe that the other party can also Feel it.

Although they knew that Qin Feng and the ancestor of good fortune behind him would definitely not rescue them without any cost, it was undoubtedly because of their previous actions that these powerhouses' hatred of them was deepened!

"My ancestors, Biluo, have a benevolent heart, and can't bear to live in the deserted land where you can't see any hope of fighting and surviving. I am willing to give you a chance to leave, just because you leaders are ignorant and dare to move and kill us. Heart!"

Qin Feng glanced at the emotionally powerful gods around him, and said, "Although Senior Gongsun doesn't remember the villain, he is still willing to give you a chance to atone for your sins, but he needs to sacrifice his life for me, Biluo!

Especially some of them, I saw clearly before, many of them are eager to try, ready to follow the six super powers to join the siege.

In order to set the rules, there must be punishment, so let's punish you for serving me for tens of thousands of years! "

With that said, he turned his head to look at the six super powers, and asked: "Are you willing to accept punishment?

If you are willing, let us be happy and let us plant restrictions in our bodies, and then Senior Gongsun will take you away! "


Six super powers hesitate in their hearts!

If it is at the cost of losing their freedom and becoming the first-rate servants of Biluo from now on, they are naturally unwilling.

After all, it is not easy for every super-powerful person to cultivate to the present level, and to be able to cultivate to this level, not only has his own talents and aptitudes excellent, and his xinxing is strong enough, but he is also an existence who has been in power for many years. Where is he willing to be controlled by others? No freedom!

What's more, even if there is no fault for Gongsun, they are not without the possibility of fleeing in the future.

So these guys hesitated.

But soon, they stopped thinking too much, instead nodding their heads in a hurry to agree.

Because Qin Feng directly transmitted to them: "Accept right away and set an example for the other gods. In this way, you are the first group of strong men to take refuge in, and you will have some preferential treatment in the future!

If not, I will cramp your skin and refine the soul sacrifice into a magic weapon!

Don't think about running away, in front of the ancestors of good fortune, with your abilities, there is no possibility of escape at all!

Now I give you two choices, either immediately show your loyalty and offer your loyalty, and after returning to the outside world, I will arrange for you to break through the realm and advance to immortality.

If you dare to hesitate, then kill the chicken and show the other strong that the lives of the super strong are not worth the money!

Which of you wants to die, you don’t need to stand up and say, just keep silent! "

Such a blatant threat immediately made these super-powerfuls feel terrified, no matter how much face and freedom they can care about, in order to survive, they rushed to speak one by one, lest they be caught by Qin Feng and die!

"Isn't it over so consciously?"

Qin Feng coldly snorted in his heart, but a gentle smile appeared on his face: "A few of you are too polite, what, you want to repay my ancestor Biluo's Are you willing to be a pawn?

This...I have already felt the heart of everybody, but there is actually no need to be so polite...

Since everyone has to do this, I have to reluctantly agree to it, hahaha... Don't worry, after joining my Biluo, Qin guarantees that you can succeed in proving the Dao and become the power of the immortal realm! "

After a ‘friendly’ negotiation between the two parties, Qin Feng reluctantly agreed to these super powers’ request for allegiance to Biluo.

However, he did not choose to plant any restrictions in their bodies immediately. Instead, he planned to discuss one or two with the rest of the factions to see if they were assigned to the names of those sect forces, and then to ask if anyone in the spiritual world had anything to do with them. The Golden Immortal Power, who built similar roads, waited for the strong from other gathering places to watch, secretly planted a ban on the six super strong.

I have to say that this friendly exchange immediately blinded countless onlookers.

These powerful gods of different races and different forms, looking at the super powers they used to be invincible, they chose allegiance so casually?

However, after the shock, they quickly recovered and realized that for them, this was probably the only chance to escape from the deserted place!

After all, among the countless powerhouses in the entire Abandoned Land, very few have a real chance to become a super powerhouse.

And absolutely not half of the super powers can escape the deserted land alive!

So they quickly became excited, vying to express their willingness to be loyal and willing to be like the super powers, and become the pawns of Bi Luo!

Obviously they also know that Biluo's power cannot rescue them for no reason, so it is reasonable to work for others. Just like in a gathering place, don't they still need to rely on the strong to survive?

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