Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 983: Conquer the deserted land and harvest countless army

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Under Qin Feng's arrangement, and with the flattery of several super powers, the various factions temporarily settled in the most luxurious mansion in this gathering place, which is also the core area of ​​the formation.

Among them, several Jinxians who had studied the formation method could not help being curious, and went to watch the formation method of the gathering place.

The rest of the golden immortals were under the auspices of Gongsun Cuo, the ancestor of good fortune. After some discussions, they quickly decided on the six superpowers and the half-step immortal distribution issues in the gathering place.

Especially those Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, all smiled even more!

Although Buddhism’s practice method is so unique, they did not find a strong person similar to their Buddhism in this gathering place, but the Daoist side will not take advantage of them in the distribution of the strong. Regardless of the Confucian Buddhism, the Some places and benefits will not be less.

Of course, if the great powers of the Confucianism and Buddhism families feel that these guys are a little inappropriate, they can also remember the number of places first, and then choose from them when more powerful ones are conquered in the future.

Different from the Confucian powers of picking and choosing, these Bodhisattvas directly assigned all the super powers and half-step immortality to the Buddhist side.

They never refused to come, they didn't care about the origins of these guys, and they didn't care about their appearance and the direction of their cultivation.

At the same time, they also handed down a Buddhist practice method specially prepared for these foreign guardians. Although these super powers and half-step immortal powers have reached the present point, it is impossible to transfer to other laws, but they can also practice Buddhism. The exercises even moved closer to the Buddhist exercises.

In this way, after returning to Biluo, even if you can't completely fit the Buddhism practice perfectly, you can still put on a coat of Buddhism, and after these strong people prove the way, they will increase the Buddhism heritage!

How come they don’t like having such a powerful protector when they first come here?

As for the many gods and supernatural beings further down, although they are huge in number, they are relatively far inferior to these super powers and half-step immortality, which are valued by the golden immortals.

Therefore, except for a few high-level peak gods who seem to be extraordinary and possess special talents and supernatural powers, which were admired by the golden immortals of several sects, the rest of the gods and extraordinary creatures were not allocated, but a few super powers took all of them. The creatures are all organized and temporarily organized into an army to facilitate future administration.

Otherwise, there will be more and more living creatures in the abandoned land that is conquered by them in the future.

So they temporarily recognized the six super powers as the six masters, commanding all the creatures in the Jiyuan gathering place, and completely dispersing the original large and small forces, rearranging them according to their respective strength attributes, and immediately letting the entire Jiyuan gathering place. All of the creatures in the world have been renewed, which seems to be pleasing to the eye a lot.

However, there were also some serious problems that followed, that is, there were too many creatures.

Although the weakest creatures are also extraordinary creatures, they can’t die without eating for hundreds of years, but the abandoned land is a land of no spirits, and they cannot be supplemented with aura for many years. They are not allowed to kill each other after being subdued by Biluo. Many The strength of creatures will gradually weaken.

Even many creatures who have not been able to receive energy for many years are weak and weak, and look like they are about to die. It looks a bit pitiful.

Fortunately, before the great powers came in, Qin Feng had already explained the Abandoned Land to everyone clearly, so Jinxian not only carried the magic weapon of the cave, but also had a lot of extra resources, even if they were relatively ordinary resources. , But it can also make the creatures of these abandoned places eat their stomachs.

However, considering that we still don’t know how many years we need to stay in the deserted land in the future, and in the future, if all the powerful gathering places in the deserted land are conquered, the number will be extremely large, so even if the resources of each of them are accumulated in the magic treasure of the cave. Rushan, but there is no way these guys can use them to their fullest.

Otherwise, these guys who don't know how many years are hungry and haven't eaten a full meal, even if there is a 10,000-mile mountain-sized material, it won't take much time to be swallowed up by them.

After all, if the strong really let go of their stomachs and eat, with their powerful digestive abilities, those materials that do not contain much energy can be swallowed as much!

After distributing all the creatures in the Jiyuan gathering place, and each faction of golden immortals planted various restrictions in the bodies of all the upper gods in the gathering place, to ensure that they could not rebel and escape, immediately relieved.

As for the middle and lower gods, as well as ordinary demigods and extraordinary creatures, there is no such treatment.

For one thing, if it is not easy to place restrictions in the body of the strong, if all the restrictions are planted in the body of all the gods, the consumption is huge, not to mention, basically the golden immortals of each faction will not be able to do much.

Moreover, the only chance for the gods with average strength to leave the deserted land is with these immortals, even if they are driven away, they may not leave!

What's more, even if you really escape some, it won't hurt the overall situation!

In this way, the Golden Immortal ancestors of the various factions of Biluo handed over the management of the many creatures in the gathering area to the super powers, and they themselves were waiting for the chaotic storm to calm down while discussing how to do it. Occupy the nearby gathering place!

In the end, under Qin Feng's suggestion, the ancestors of the various factions did not choose to divide the troops, but chose to act prudently.

Although they are familiar with the conditions of the Abandoned Land and adapted to the power of the super strong with their strength of these golden immortals, even if they are dispersed into several teams, it is enough to defeat the super strong in other gathering places and occupy it strongly. Come down.

But this will add a lot of risks virtually.

In case the super power in a certain gathering place is extraordinarily tyrannical, you can count these golden immortals like the one-eyed man at the beginning, and introduce them into the Jedi, or confuse all the strong in the gathering place to besiege, maybe they will be damaged. .

And after a long time, news about their immortal arrival from the outside world will definitely be passed on.

If it is too scattered, there will inevitably be a few strong people in the gathering place to unite and siege them. Even if there is no damage at that time, these golden immortals will be forced to break their own blocked road laws, and then cause the entire abandonment. The attention of the land undermines their overall plan!

Of course, the most important reason why Qin Feng proposed not to separate is that the time passing in the Abandoned Land is completely different from the outside world!

Here, what they have is time slowly sweeping across the deserted land. There is no need to rush for time like the outside world, and naturally there is no need to take risks!

After hearing Qin Feng's opinion by mistake, Gongsun nodded in agreement!

After all, Qin Feng is the person who knows the Abandoned Land best, and his opinions are relatively reliable!

Perhaps it was because Taixuan ancestors' actions to intercept the tributaries of time angered the long river of time, so the chaotic storm lasted for a long time. After more than a year, the storm gradually stopped!

When the deserted land was calm again, the golden immortals of the various factions stopped staying and set off directly to the next gathering place.

Of course, before leaving, Elder Kongkong left a unique small teleportation formation here.

This teleportation array cannot transmit creatures, but can only transmit messages.

This is to prevent the blue sky from coming down and not being able to find them and staying behind.

They have instructed six super powers to send their subordinates to wait at the entrance of the abyss of mist. If there is a power in the abyss, come in and subdue.

If it is the monk's power of Biluo, then arrange a hospitality in the gathering place, and at the same time pass the message to the elder Kongkong through the teleportation array.

As long as he receives the news, the elder Kongkong can use the teleportation array in the gathering place as the coordinates to extend the Rainbow Bridge and connect the two places to transmit the golden immortal.

This is the uniqueness of the elder Kongkong, and the main reason why he is so popular among all the sects.

The reason why the gods can be arranged to be in charge of reception around the mist of the abyss is mainly because they have already made an agreement with the ancestor Taixuan before they come in!

After the ancestor Taixuan practiced the law of time in the tributary of time into the magic treasure of the cave, he would send someone to Qin Feng to send it to Qin Feng, and at the same time communicate the news of the internal and external worlds to determine the speed of time.

After this matter passed, Gongsun would leave the deserted land with Ao Bing, the lord of the East Sea Dragon Palace, to the Primitive Star Territory when he mistakenly felt that there was no problem!

It's just this waiting, and it's been a hundred years!

This completely exceeded the expectations of the various factions of Jinxian.

If it hadn't been for them to be able to obviously but suffer the rapid loss of the power of time, I am afraid they would have long been unable to wait to return to Biluo.

After all, if the outside world had passed so many years, it would have been a long time since the fight with the Bright God Realm Alliance would look like!

During this hundred years, the various factions of Jinxian occupied one gathering place, and during this period, they responded to joint attacks on various gathering places many times.

However, the various factions of Jinxian are not only powerful and profound, but also Gongsun's fault, the ancestor of good fortune.

Although Gongsun did not take action in order to avoid the induction of the deserted land, the golden immortals of the various factions were not easy generations, and later, they directly selected the super-powerful and elite legions from the conquered gathering places. Directly launched a strong attack on other gathering places.

When Biluo gathered together dozens of strong forces from the gathering places, the forces were extremely powerful, and the overwhelming army marched out in mighty force. It was immediately scared that several gathering places did not dare to fight, fled directly, and joined other gathering places. Only then did he dare to fight Biluo's side.

It's a pity that Gongsun Cuo of this period has already left the deserted land, and directly used his powerful mana to break Henghou's original gathering place to connect with the outside world, and has taken Ao Bing to the original star field.

Otherwise, if the ancestor of the good fortune realm is there, the war will definitely end soon!

But it doesn’t matter if it’s slower. Anyway, the time lapse in the Abandoned Land is different from the outside world. These Golden Immortal ancestors don’t care about the consumption of this little time. Anyway, their longevity is endless, how can they care about the passage of time!

And Qin Feng also chose to practice in retreat after receiving the time sent by the ancestor Taixuan to complete the ninth-layer Dongtian!

He is ready to use the Demon Refining Pot to hit the limit of his realm when he reaches Consummation, and strive to make his cultivation base become more vigorous!

As for the battle, there are dozens of Jinxian ancestors in the practice world, so there is no need for him to worry about it!

Many of these golden immortals are also the sect masters of the major sects, and the rest are the supreme elders in charge of various factions, and besides these few of the Royal Beast Sect, most of them are still elders. A generation of monks has not only experienced many wars in the ancient times, they have fought all walks of life for thousands of years and commanded battles even more handily.

What's more, they are dealing with the creatures of these abandoned places. They have no logistics, no resources, and their forces are chaotic. They only fight with passion and madness. How can they be the opponents of these powerful ancestors!

So even if the superpowers in the gathering place gathered together a huge army, it was only a stalemate for a period of time, and they were defeated in succession. Finally, due to internal chaos, they finally broke up!

In this way, the guys in the deserted land became a mess of sand.

Dealing with the strong people who gather everywhere like a disc of sand is naturally more of a problem.

In fact, the reason for their internal disputes was mainly because the many gods attracted by the winds released by Brother Biluo were moved ~ especially the various golden immortals directly sent many gods into the enemy's interior, arrogantly The news that the ancestors of good fortune will take them out of the deserted land has attracted countless ordinary powerful gods.

After all, ordinary gods do not have the strength of super powers, and if they continue to stay in the abandoned land, they can only slowly watch their lifespan deplete!

Later, there were only those super-powerfuls who were rebellious and self-possessed to escape from the deserted land, still rejecting Biluo's so-called goodwill, and wanting to fight for their own freedom!

And if they still want to leave the deserted land in the future, they have to continue fighting with Brother Biluo.

Otherwise, all the ordinary gods and extraordinary creatures have been taken away, how can they escape with the help of gathering energy in various gathering places?

It's a pity that their subordinates are fighting less and less!

On the other hand, Biluo can accept many ordinary powerhouses who come to take refuge every day.

Just a message that might take them away directly shakes the foundation of all superpowers' forces!

Under this circumstance, in the end, the super-powerfuls who had separated from each other had to gather again to discuss countermeasures!

In fact, it's not that they don't want to leave the deserted land on the blue downwind boat like ordinary strong men, this can avoid them from great danger.

But as the superpower who dominates and controls the power of life and death, it is difficult for them to accept that Biluo can put restrictions in their bodies and control their actions!

This is the reason why they have repeatedly opposed the Bi Luo camp.

But now, they have been driven to a dead end!

If you surrender, you will lose your freedom!

If you don't surrender, I'm afraid that their subordinates will escape sooner or later. How can they contend with those golden celestial powers?

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