Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 994: Join forces to kill the first

Latest website: Li Miaozhen's eyes lit up after hearing Qin Feng's words!

She has tasted the sweetness from Qin Feng.

Thinking of the benefits she had gained with Qin Feng in the past, she felt a little moved.

So he suppressed his restless fighting spirit, squinted those big bright eyes and looked towards the battlefield, looking for a powerful person who met the refining standards!

When Liu Xuanling heard this, he was also looking forward to it!

She spent the longest time with Qin Feng, and of course she knew the length of her junior brother.

I saw Li Miaozhen and Qin Feng get infinite benefits before, which made her quite tempted, and wanted to fight with Qin Feng, and tasted some sweetness from her junior junior!

"What? Use my Rainbow Bridge?"

On the other hand, the elder Kongkong next to him almost jumped up after hearing Qin Feng's words.

His small eyes were wide, and he waved his hands again and again and said, "No, no, the Rainbow Bridge of Uncle Master is seriously damaged. How can I put it out for use when it needs good health and warmth?

In the unlikely event of an accident and being attacked by other strong men, the Rainbow Bridge may be damaged even more severely in its current state. "

"Uncle Shi, rest assured!"

Qin Feng smiled and said: "It's just chasing and killing a few guys who may escape, and Uncle Shi doesn't have to be sent to them as before. Moreover, we are not vegetarians. How can we let them destroy Uncle Shi's. Enlightenment treasure?"

Seeing Kongkong Zhang still shook his head, so he offered the temptation Dafa: "Uncle Master's Rainbow Bridge is damaged, don't you want to make it back as soon as possible?"

"How to make up?"

Hearing the words empty, his small eyes lit up.

"Hey, look over there!"

Qin Feng stretched his hand to a battlefield: "There is an immortal lord **** of the space system. If we go to kill the lord first, I will extract the immortal origin power from the body with the yin and yang millstone and give it to the master's uncle for nourishment. !

I believe that with these resources, Uncle Shi can not only recover the damage to the Rainbow Bridge, but also improve the cultivation base. What do you think? "


Elder Kongkong swallowed his saliva, his eyes flickered, staring at the immortal master **** of the space system in the distance, and then whispered: "How sure are you?

The power of the space system is not easy to kill, and he will slip away if you don't pay attention.

And what is the purity of the immortal essence extracted by the Taoist method of your yin and yang millstone? If it contains too much spiritual imprint of the other party, it is not good to directly use it for cultivation! "

"Haha, don't worry, Uncle Master!"

Seeing his heartbeat, Qin Feng quickly gave him a reassurance pill, patted his chest and said: "What is the effect? ​​Do you know my current cultivation base?

There is also Miaozhen. The two of us can cultivate to this level so quickly, but both are related to the refining and refining of the corresponding immortal main **** and obtaining a large amount of immortal origin!

Otherwise, when you reach the realm of Golden Immortal, it is different from before you become immortal. Where can you cultivate so fast? "


Elder Kongkong nodded thoughtfully, and then cruelly said: "Okay, then do it!"

After all, he is an immortal who has survived from the Great Tribulation of the Ancients. Although his temperament is a little bit detached on weekdays, he still won't hesitate when it comes to making a decision.

And as Qin Feng said, after reaching the Golden Immortal realm, every further step would be difficult.

Staying at the mountain gate on weekdays, tens of thousands of years of retreat, may not make much progress.

The reason why he was able to cultivate to the late Golden Immortal stage within a few thousand years is not because the various factions invited him to make enough precious resources!

But no matter how precious resources can be more precious than the immortal origin extracted from the Lord God's body?

What's more, it is the original power extracted from the immortal main **** of the space system?

This is too tempting for him!

So without saying anything, he took a pause and reached out with a finger. The Rainbow Bridge directly turned into a long rainbow and flew in the direction Qin Feng pointed out!

Here, the battle is raging!

More than a dozen of the main gods of the middle world are fighting fiercely with the golden ancestors of several large sects, and there are also seven or eight super powers assigned here to help!

Originally, Biluo had suffered a lot in terms of the number of strong players!

Although the strong legion of the Abandoned Land later assisted in the battle, the dragon and phoenix clans led the crowd to come.

However, the dragon and phoenix tribes had a clear goal. After they came out, apart from scoring a common ground from the coalition forces of all walks of life, which relieved some pressure on the Biluo side, they went straight to the two big groups of dragons and phoenixes.

As for the super powers of the Abandoned Lands, after all, they have not yet been promoted to immortality.

The so-called contending power is just contending, and it often takes several super powers to have the possibility of defeating the opponent.

Especially now that they have left the deserted land and come to the great universe outside, they no longer need immortal energy to continue their lives as they did in the past, nor do they need immortal energy to protect themselves from layers of time and space!

Therefore, although these super powers are still fighting frantically, there is a clear gap from the past. Many guys have learned to protect themselves, and will not easily ignore their lives in order to kill the mighty Lord God!

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of these super powers is obviously weaker than when they were in the Abandoned Land!

However, even so, it can hold the several main gods and reduce the pressure on the immortals.

But to win, there are still some difficulties!

At this moment, a long rainbow ran across the void and spread to the front!


Before the person fell, there was a violent sword energy slashing across the air!

The sword is sharp, and it slashes directly at the most difficult space master **** on this battlefield!

I don’t know which world power this one is. It relies on the law of space to come and go. It is elusive. It is unpredictable when he makes a shot. If he is careless, he will suffer a big loss. This is a headache.

As a result, now, this guy who is good at sneak attacking others has been sneak attacked by this sudden knife!

Although he noticed the sword qi, he immediately mobilized the law of space to spread the lower layer of space outside his body, and at the same time he quickly fleeed into the depths of the void.

But the blade was so sharp that it was like a hot knife slicing on butter, easily slicing through layers of space and slashing at him, finally forcing the master **** of the space to fight with him. !

It's just that Li Miaozhen's rage is so tyrannical, how can he resist the Lord God who is not good at confronting people, and he was cut out of the space where he was hiding in an instant. He only felt a huge shock all over his body and his arms numb.

He was horrified in his heart. He looked up at the heroic Li Miaozhen. It was unbelievable that this beautiful woman had such a tyrannical strength. Although there was a sneak attack, he did not use all his strength in a hurry, but he was also shocked!

Before he settled down, he saw another man and a woman attacking him.

One of them raised his hand and punched, and his fist shook the sky!

Another beautiful woman raised her hand to offer a crescent moon, the moonlight was like water, but it was extremely sharp!

This lord **** was shocked, but soon calmed down.

As a master **** who is good at the laws of space, he has experienced countless battles in his life and fought with many strong men, but even if he encounters a strong man who is difficult to deal with, he is confident enough to escape.

This is the confidence of the master of the space system!

As long as there is no strong person who has the same mastery of the space avenue, without the strength of cultivation that far surpasses him, he will definitely not be able to keep him!

Moreover, he treacherously avoided Bi Luo's ability to be good at space. As for the eternal realm powerhouse whose strength far surpassed him, he has also been restrained by the alliance eternal gods.

Therefore, he does not feel that he will suffer on the battlefield!

So he raised his hand to involve the law of space, and once again placed a layer of space defense in front of him, trying to block the attack of the two men.

At the same time, he shattered the space around Qin Feng and others, forming countless spatial chaotic blades. He wanted to plunge them into the spatial turbulence. Even if they could finally escape, they would be embarrassed by the spatial turbulence.

It turned out to be unbelievable that after putting away the Rainbow Bridge, the short, small, and not surprising little old man wiped out all the cracks in the surrounding space with just one stroke, and then stretched his hands forward, leaning into the depths of the void and pulling on both sides. , Shengsheng opened the layers of space in front of him like a curtain, so that he could only face the attack of the man and the woman.

In an instant, Qin Feng's Heaven-shaking God Fist carried the power to shake the world like a mountain, and slammed it at him.

The Moon Golden Wheel that Liu Xuanling sacrificed was even more flexible, spinning around him and cutting his defenses continuously.

This lord **** didn't expect that the opponent also had the power to manipulate the laws of space, so he could only take the two offenses when he was caught off guard.

The result is conceivable. With Qin Feng’s current strength, the Shaking God Fist threw him thousands of miles away. At the same time, Liu Xuanling’s Moon Gold Wheel was directly slashed hundreds of times on his body. The phantom-like moon-gold wheel was cut into two pieces!

Before he could get over, Li Miaozhen's white tiger knife was already entangled with traces of sadness.

The Space Element Master was horrified, knowing that these golden immortals were powerful and daring to fight with them, he was about to flee into the depths of the void in a flash.

In the end, I heard the elder Kongkong shout, stepped out, the palm fell down, the void trembled, and the surrounding void became like a copper wall and iron wall, it was difficult to escape!

Although with the strength of the master **** of space, just give him a little time to dissolve the elder Kongkong's enclosing and imprisoning the world, but at this moment not only Li Miaozhen's white tiger sword strikes again, but also Qin Feng and Liu Xuanling. People have also cast spells to attack and kill, where is there a chance for him to escape?

However, within a quarter of an hour, this space master could no longer sustain it. The powerful golden immortals of the Royal Beast Sect teamed up to explode his flesh. After that, before he reunited his flesh, Qin Feng gave him a big yin and yang. Grinding becomes the source of energy, making him unable to restore his body and condense his soul to escape!


Elder Kong Kong saw the success of the first battle. Although Qin Feng could not perfectly extract the origin of his body in such a short time because of the short time, he had to wait until after the war to obtain the spoils, but he was overjoyed in his heart. Looking forward to the war!


Several people once again joined forces, following the same procedure, and after beheading another water system main god, they stopped staying, and flee to other battlefields!

Otherwise, if they kill again, the remaining dozens of main gods will definitely flee, which will be detrimental to the next action. Anyway, without these two main gods, the golden immortals of those sects are enough to deal with, then let them slow down. Slowly fight and fight.

I saw Elder Kongkong’s Rainbow Bridge from time to time, flashing across the void, appearing in battlefields everywhere.

Wherever they appear, they are basically places where the strength of the immortals of various factions is not dominant. With their appearance, they will often kill three or two immortal main gods with extremely fast means, helping one local battlefield. Turn the tide of the battle and let the various factions of Biluo get better.

Under such circumstances, they not only gained a lot, but also made the various factions of Jinxian to thank them again and However, the strong side of the bright camp could not stand it.

It was a good fight, but suddenly a group of powerful army and dragon and phoenix races appeared in the deserted land. What happened to these golden immortals on the battlefield?

However, under the influence of the long rainbow bridge, these guys can instantly walk across the battlefields in the void, causing damage to the main gods of all realms, and at the same time, letting the alliances of all realms that had a slight advantage on the immortal level. In an hour's time, he gradually became a little weak, and was overwhelmed by the blue sky.

Seeing this scene, many eternal gods suddenly couldn't stand it.

Seeing that the Rainbow Bridge traversed the void again, those golden immortals once again descended on the battlefield, an eternal **** yelled from the mouth, got rid of the opponent, and killed them!

He wants to crush these immortal golden immortals with the absolute strength of his eternal realm!

Use their lives to lay down their supreme achievements!

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