Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 995: Kill the eternal **** king and seize the innate thunder

The latest website: "Bold monk, how dare to slaughter the main **** of our alliance again and again, really can't you wait without a god?"

That eternal realm powerhouse was as powerful as a mountain, waving the divine weapon halberd in his hand, and suddenly thousands of thunderbolts fell out of thin air, wanting to blast them on the spot!

He is the eternal **** king of a higher world, innately controlling the power of thunder, and after achieving eternity, with the lethality of the law of thunder, he is also a very powerful existence among the powers of the eternal realm.

Even before, he always had the upper hand when he was fighting the old man of Shenmu of the Biluo Shenmu Sect, and he was a little embarrassed to suppress the old man of Shenmu. The thunder he released did not know how many branches and leaves were interrupted!

Therefore, this Thunder God King has absolute confidence in his own strength!

Since even the immortals of the eternal realm are not his opponents, a few immortal golden immortals, have they not caught them?

So he was confident enough to get rid of the old man Shenmu, and kill Qin Feng and the others!


Thick thunders have turned thousands of miles into a sea of ​​thunder, and everything you see is dazzling thunder and lightning!

It has to be said that in terms of attack power alone, this Thunder God King is indeed extremely powerful.

However, if you want to defeat or even kill Qin Feng and others with this, it is far from enough!

Even the great abilities of the Eternal Realm of the Biluo factions on the void battlefield did not come to intercept this eternal **** king, nor did they help them defeat the Thunder spell.

It's not that Bi Luo Da Neng doesn't care about the life and death of these Royal Beast Sects, but has absolute confidence in them!

These golden immortals of the Royal Beast Sect are powerful and each have their own unique methods, especially Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen, who have accumulated a lot of vigor, and have super strong combat power, which is enough to contend with the Thunder God King.

Even if it weren't for them, just come to a few biluo golden immortals, as long as they work together tacitly, they can still contend with an eternal god, even if they lose in the end, they won't lose easily!

This is the understanding of Brother Biluo's own strength, and it is also the reason why they dare to confront the Bright God Realm Alliance head-on when they know their disadvantages!

Immortal Dao cultivation, the strength of the same level is indeed a bit stronger than the gods of this star field!

What's more, even if they are really in danger, only relying on the knowledge of the elders on the space avenue can take them to escape. If they lose, naturally there will be eternal immortals to help!

However, it seems that it is no longer needed!

Because of Qin Feng, they shouted together, each displaying their magical powers, either offensive or defensive. Not only did they take the offensive of the Thunder King, but they also attacked and counterattacked the eternal.

Qin Feng covered the sky with his big hands, blocking all the thunder that bombarded him!

Li Miaozhen slashed the thunder and lightning with a single blade of light.

Liu Xuanling's Moon Gold Wheel is flexible and changeable, making it difficult to predict its attack route. Elder Kong Kong put his hands together, and the space around the Thunder God King's body immediately solidified, like two big mountains squeezing into the middle!

Bang bang bang...

A series of violent fluctuations resounded through the void.

This Thunder God King is really strong. Even though Li Miaozhen and others have a sharp offensive, he did not hurt him at all. I saw endless lightning burst out of him, directly smashing Li Miaozhen's sword energy, and blasting Liu Xuanling’s moon gold wheel. It exploded the invisible mountain controlled by the elder Kongkong, violently messed up!

Then he laughed wildly, and against the backdrop of the endless thunder outside, he suddenly flew up and rushed towards several people.

He wanted to put a few people in his thunder field, and blast these golden immortals on the spot with a violent thunder, so as to frighten the immortals!

It's just that when he just approached, he didn't even wait for the thunder to be blasted out, and suddenly he saw a great sky giant rising up in front of him!

This huge figure that appeared suddenly seems to be taller than those mountain giants. Not only is it covered with dark gold scales, it looks defensive and tyrannical, but its eyes are like the wheel of the sun and the moon, seeing through the vain, behind him There are also nine ferocious dragons protruding half of their stature, flaring their teeth and claws, fierce and fierce!

The Thunder Giant didn't expect this change in Qin Feng. He rushed to the front abruptly, raised his head and realized that he was flying on the opponent's knee. If he kept getting down, he would hit the opponent's huge pillar like the sky. Big thick legs!


Although he stopped his figure, the Thunder Realm had spread to Qin Feng.

It's just that the power of the original violent thunder fell on Qin Feng, and it only stirred up countless lightning sparks on the dark gold scales outside him.

Without waiting for the Thunder God King to cast his powerful lightning spells, Qin Feng grabbed his hands with a stab and tore through the void in front of him with the thunder in the sky. Then he slammed forward to force the Thunder God King. Flew out.

After flying upside down for thousands of miles, the Thunder God King controlled his retreating figure and looked at Qin Feng angrily.

Unexpectedly, his grand eternal **** king, the strong man who controls the law of thunder, would be knocked off by the monks of the immortal realm. How could this be acceptable to him, who is arrogant and arrogant!

It's just that before he could turn his anger into a thunderous bombardment, Qin Feng had already rushed in first.

The power of thunder was also permeating outside him, and the streaks of electric light kept crackling.

Although the Law of Thunder is not one of the nine avenues he majored in, it is also quite extraordinary as a minor.

It was precisely because of his manipulation of the Lightning Law that this offset the opponent's attack to a certain extent, and thus was not broken by this eternal body's dark golden scale armor's defense.

At this moment, his hands were joined together, and the power of water and fire turned into a strange shock wave, and quickly rushed towards the opponent, and then shouted in his mouth, showing the soul-shocking roar containing endless power and mental shock, and there were nine ghost dragon heads behind him. At the same time, all kinds of supernatural powers were sprayed, and the offensive was fierce.

This series of attacks were fierce and fierce, and extremely swift, and immediately caused this Thunder God King to be a little confused.

Especially after really fighting Qin Feng, I discovered that although his opponent was still in the realm of the Golden Fairy, his combat power was far more powerful than an ordinary Golden Fairy.

However, after all, he is a powerful and powerful eternal **** king, so he quickly returned to his senses. With a wave of the thunder halberd, thousands of thunders instantly turned into layers of thunder nets, blocking them in front of him, trying to defend Qin Feng. All offenses.

Only soon, this **** king found it difficult to resist Qin Feng's many attacks.

It is true that Qin Feng poured out too many magical powers in an instant, not only the attributes are different, the Taoism is changeable, but each one is also powerful.

This changed the face of the Thunder God King!

Because, although his law of thunder is amazing enough, he is not good at defense. Qin Feng’s offensive is like a tide. The nine hideous ghost dragons behind him are in harmony under the command of Qin Feng, and all kinds of magical powers complement each other. Under this attack, he just broke the defense of the Thunder God King, shattered the armor on his body, and retreated in embarrassment.

The Thunder God King's figure turned into an electric light, and instantly retreated 30,000 miles.

He was shocked and angry in his heart!

As an eternal powerhouse, the King of Thunder, who is in charge of the Law of Thunder, was beaten so embarrassed by a guy who was one level lower than himself. How could the King of Thunder, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, not angry?

He roared violently, and a more violent thunder suddenly burst out of his body, turning tens of thousands of miles into a violent thundercloud vortex, and thick thunder and lightning turned into layers of power grids, shrouded in Qin Feng.

At the same time, he raised the thunder halberd in his hand, pointed at Qin Feng's body, and suddenly the endless thunder fell towards Qin Feng!


Qin Feng snorted coldly, "I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

As he spoke, a pagoda rose behind him. The pagoda with a strong immortal aura turned into a great height, suspended above his head, releasing the power of the earth, water, fire and wind, and turning it into four layers of solid defenses, blocking all the thunder. Out.

No matter how violent the thunder is, it will at most flash the light of the four layers of defenses against the earth, water, fire and wind, but the four elephant pagoda is still as motionless as a mountain!

A red and enchanting lotus platform rose under Qin Feng's feet. The three hundred and sixty petals clank on the lotus platform, exuding a sharp aura!

While contending with the opponent's thunder, he pinched the sword tactics, reached out his hand and pointed at the Thunder God King, and suddenly the petals turned into flying swords, passing through the thundercloud vortex with infinite sword energy, and stabbed at the opponent!

After so many years of sacrifice and refining, these two treasures have long condensed the complete laws of the Great Dao, and they have been promoted to become immortal artifacts.

Any immortal artifact has infinite power at this level. Although it is not as good as the eternal **** alone, immortal artifacts have their own unique effects and cannot be judged by level alone. As long as the operation is done properly, even a rusty kitchen knife Can kill people, not to mention such powerful immortal artifacts!

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Swords rang through the void, and under the control of Qin Feng, the petals revolved and flew differently, either curved or straight, or drawn a beautiful arc, piercing from all directions towards the Thunder God King.

Bang bang bang...

The Thunder God King shook his hand with the artifact, unleashing countless thunder powers, trying to completely destroy these flying swords!

It's just that these petal-like flying swords are extremely flexible under Qin Feng's control, and they can often evade the thunder and attack lightly. Even if they are hit occasionally, they cannot be easily destroyed!

How could it be an immortal artifact, how could it be damaged so easily?

Even if it is broken, it can be repaired for the magic weapon of the immortal fairy level!

Of course, the premise is that the laws of the great road are not damaged, and there is enough immortality!

Just as the Thunder God King was contending with Dao Feijian, he suddenly felt the top of his head dark, and when he looked up, he discovered that Qin Feng didn't know when he had sacrificed the Four Elephant Pagoda and suppressed him immediately!


The majestic force of the four elephants crushed the thundercloud vortex to burst, and countless lightning bombarded the tower of the four elephant pagoda, but it could not damage the pagoda itself!

The Thunder God King roared and suddenly turned into a huge thunder giant. His body was full of boundless thunder and lightning. He raised his hand with the halberd to greet him, forcibly blocking the suppression of the pagoda, but his figure was abruptly. Shen, was directly pressed so that he fell thousands of miles into the void below!

He suddenly lifted his hands and lifted the Four Elephant Pagoda. He was about to swing the artifact in his hand and explode the pagoda fiercely. Suddenly he felt a sharp knife attack behind him!

The Thunder God King was shocked, and then he remembered that he was not only facing Qin Feng, who was incarnate as a giant, but also a number of golden immortals behind him!

Others are fine, but the woman's sword aura is extremely sharp, he dare not be cut easily by it, lest he hurt the foundation!

It's just that he just blocked Li Miaozhen's white tiger knife, and Liu Xuanling's moon gold wheel attacked, and at the same time, there was the icy divine light of all frozen things, shooting at him with an incomparably cold aura!

Just piercing Liu Xuanling's ice spirit divine light, without waiting for him to shake off the frost, the elder Kongkong had already manipulated the laws of space to solidify the space around him.

For a while, I only feel that the surrounding space is as steel and iron, and every move requires a huge amount of power. The pieces have to contend with Li Miaozhen's white tiger sword spirit and Liu Xuanling's supernatural methods at the same time, which makes him feel a little strenuous!

The thunder and thunder continued, and he blasted through the space confinement of the elder Kongkong with the power of violent thunder. Old man!

Elder Kongkong smiled, stretched his hand in front of him, and layers of space barriers appeared.

Although these alone cannot stop an eternal **** king, the elder Kongkong only delays a little time. With the buffer of this moment, his figure has long disappeared in the depths of the void, and the Thunder King wants to hurt him. , It's even harder!

What's more, Qin Feng, Li Miaozhen and Liu Xuanling each took one side and launched a siege on him.

With Qin Feng as the main force, with his tyrannical combat power, this eternal powerhouse can only face him head-on, while the other two women are constantly attacking with tricky angles, and the elder Kongkong will control the laws of space from time to time. This kind of restraint made the Thunder God King unable to concentrate on fighting!

Although Qin Feng's combat power is tyrannical, when it comes to offensive power, it is actually between him. If the two of them fight alone, it is not yet known who wins and who loses!

If there were only Li Miaozhen, Liu Xuanling, and Elder Kongkong, even if the battle was deadlocked and he could not win in a short time, he would still be able to guarantee his own safety and not get hurt!

But these few combined together to launch a siege on him, that would be different!

With Qin Feng’s tyrannical combat power exceeding the limit of the Golden Immortal, with Li Miaozhen’s sharp white tiger sword aura, Liu Xuanling’s somber and cold Taihu method, and the spatial law of Kongkong elders, so many abilities can cooperate with each other and can play. The combat power out is far beyond imagination.

And these few are all in the same field, and they cooperate with each other tacitly, so this Thunder God King becomes more and more aggrieved as he fights!

Only at this moment, even if he wants to retreat, it is not easy!

Can't let go of face and let alone, since Qin Feng and others have already gained the upper hand, they are unwilling to let him go!

If you can kill an eternal powerhouse, it will not only boost their morale, get more benefits, and have a great impact on the entire battle!

After all, there are only so many powerhouses in the eternal realm. For every one missing from the opponent's camp, the Biluo party may have an extra chance of winning!

The most important thing is that if they can work together to kill an eternal, it will be very encouraging to them, which means that they not only have the strength to contend with this realm, but they can continue to kill.

At the same time, it can also let the cultivating world know that although their Royal Beast Sect only has an eternal ancestor, they are not weaker than other eternal ancestors together!

However, eternity is eternity after all. Even though the defensive power of this Thunder God King is slightly weak, his tyrannical attack power can make up for all these shortcomings.

"You guys are looking for death!"

When Qin Feng ejected a golden wind of wishful spirit transformation, which blew away the thunder light from his outer protective body, he was slashed by Li Miaozhen, and at the same time he suffered a heavy blow from Qin Feng’s four-xiang pagoda, directly smashing his armor. Crack, spurting blood!

The fiercely angry Thunder God King didn't know what forbidden spell he had cast, his aura soared, and in an instant he displayed a power that was several times higher than the previous one.

The endless **** thunder blasted towards Qin Feng. With such a mighty power, even the power of the same eternal power may not dare to resist. Qin Feng is considered a super power in the golden fairy realm, but he finally failed to advance to the eternal, facing this When he waited for the power, his complexion changed drastically, and his heart was shocked!


The violent divine thunder shattered Qin Feng's body, and the huge body that stood at a height of one hundred thousand feet was instantly beaten into fly ash!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Thunder God King showed ecstasy on his face and couldn't help laughing.

Killed the strongest Qin Feng in one fell swoop, and the remaining Li Miaozhen and Kongkong, although they all had their own means, were far worse for him, the eternal **** king!

Without Qin Feng, even if he just forcibly stimulated his potential and consumed a lot of the original power of Thunder, he could still deal with these golden immortals!

However, just when he was so arrogant and ready to continue to kill the three of Li Miaozhen, he suddenly heard a cold snort.

Before he looked back, he heard the roar of roars that shook the soul, and then hundreds of millions of wisps of golden wind rushed into his body along the pores of his body. He ran across his limbs and a hundred skeletons, and the pain made him crazy!

This was not over yet, and then I saw that Qin Feng did not know when he had come to him, turning his hands up and down, and the endless power of life and death turned into a wheel of life and death and enveloped him.

"Impossible, aren't you dead?"

The Thunder God King was shocked. He never expected that he had consumed so much of the Thunder’s original power. Qin Feng, who should have been killed by him, appeared in front of him alive again, and he was taking advantage of his carelessness. Sneak attack on him!

"Hmph, how can I be killed by you so easily after practicing many secret methods?"

Qin Feng sneered, but he felt a little lingering when he remembered the majestic power of the eternal **** king just now.

If he hadn't used Jin Chan's magical power to escape the shell in time, leaving a shell, the body shrank and retreated in time, I'm afraid that he might be severely damaged by the infinite divine thunder of the opponent!

But now, since he's okay, then it's the turn of the **** king to try his own methods too!


The Thunder God King stood in a black and white space, feeling the strong force of life and death grinding each other, the bones all over his body were crushed and creaked, and his heart was immediately shocked.

With both hands on his hands, he tried to overturn the wheel of life and death to escape.

With all his strength, Qin Feng was really unable to completely suppress it.

But he is not alone, there are several helpers beside him!

Flicking empty The power of the strands of space is bound to the immovable Thunder God King. Liu Xuanling sacrificed the Ice Soul Orb and directly blasted the opponent's chest, breaking the Thunder God King's body. The lightning of the body guard formed a thick frost on his body.


Li Miaozhen used a knife of anger, and the white tiger knife instantly traversed thousands of miles in the void and circled the Thunder God King's neck. The sharp knife light cut off his head abruptly!

Even so, he didn't die, only endless thunder bursts out of his neck, and his head was volleyed and he was about to fly back.

Qin Feng smiled, at this moment, he still wanted to live and dream!

With his two hands together, the endless power of life and death turned into Tai Chi, dividing the head and body of the Thunder God King into Yin and Yang, placing them on the points of two Yin and Yang fish, and then a frantic crush, no matter how the Thunder God King was furious, Roaring and struggling, even if he pierced his palm through the wheel of life and death, he didn't even have the idea of ​​letting him escape.

In the end, after he expended countless strengths, he just crushed the body of this eternal **** king into powder!

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