Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1039: Wu Zu is dead and Qin Feng seizes treasure

Looking at the gap in the core of the world in front of him that was suppressed by the ancestor of the wizard, Qin Feng couldn't help but think of the big world of Biluo from his family.

Bi Luo suffered heavy losses when he was invaded by the sky demon and other big worlds.

Although there has been a rumor in the practice world over the years that the blue sky has been completely depleted, and the original source has suffered heavy losses, Qin Feng is not clear about the specific situation.

After all, it is impossible for the ancestors of good fortune to truly tell all the secrets that Bi Luo has not left. They really want to tell the ordinary monks. Apart from making countless monks of various factions add sorrow, it will not have any other effect.

So Qin Feng didn’t know whether the core origin of Biluo was destroyed like the heart of the world in the wizarding world, or whether the ancestors of the Spring and Autumn Period had to sacrifice himself in order to preserve the Biluo, be in harmony with the sky, and make up for the Biluo. incomplete!

It's even less clear that the ancestor Taixuan used the Dou Zhuan Xing Xing Wu Shang Dao method to move the Biluo Great World from the original star field to this star field.

Fortunately, Biluo's overall strength has continued to rise over the years, and the world's heritage has been continuously restored.

It can be seen from the vigorous development of the entire world of spiritual practice, not to mention the continuous emergence of spiritual geniuses and the power of preaching from various schools.

Obviously, the wizarding world has also experienced a tragic catastrophe.

In fact, any catastrophe can only be described as tragic, but the final result is that some worlds have the last laugh, and some are reduced to cannon fodder and become the fruit of victory that the other party can pick.

Qin Feng didn't know whether the wizarding world had lost or won in the last catastrophe. Judging from their current grand occasion, they should have won, otherwise they would not let the wizards of various schools bloom, and nine wizard kings appeared one after another.

But they must have paid a heavy price for this victory. This can be guessed from the damage to the core of the world, not to mention that the most powerful wizard ancestor of the year was forced to suppress the core of the world in the depths of the earth. The wound has been countless years!

Moreover, the energy of the core of the world obviously exceeded the expectations of the ancestor of Wu, or the injury was severe after the war of ancestor Wu, and the strength was too severe, so in the end, although the wounds of the core of the world were barely suppressed, it also made him unable to leave. The ability to continuously extract power to suppress, eventually made him run out of oil, and died of it.

That's right, the ancestor of the wizard is dead!

Well, maybe it's really dead, right? !

This thought flashed through Qin Feng's mind, and he suddenly became a little uncertain deep in his heart.

Although there is no vitality in the ancestor of the wizard, there is no vitality inside and outside the body, the huge body is like a mountain that has withstood hundreds of thousands of years of changes, although it can stand tall, but Qin Feng is sure that the ancestor of the wizard is no longer at this time. Living again!

As an eternal realm powerhouse who cultivates the path of life and death and controls the law of yin and yang, he still has this vision.

Even if the ancestor of the wizard is much stronger than him, no matter how tyrannical the existence is, once there is no vitality in the body, there will be no soul flashing, if this is not completely dead, Qin Feng really has to doubt that his Dao law is It's not a problem.


Qin Feng always has troubles about gains and losses!

Because it is not that easy to die if you have cultivated to the point of being the strongest.

Some powerful existences, even if they are dead, even the original aura is dissipated and refined, and the great principles are interrupted and collapsed, but if the opponent has enough back hands, there is still the possibility of resurrection!

So Qin Feng hesitated now.

If the ancestor of this powerful wizard is not completely dead, wouldn't it be very dangerous to step forward by himself.

Even before, he almost didn't endure the temptation, and almost directly integrated himself into the heart of the world. If he really did it, it would be impossible to control one by his eternal realm of Taoism and practice like the ancestor of the Spring and Autumn Period. Jie Tian Dao.

From then on, not only could he not get rid of the shackles of the wizarding world, but even his own consciousness would disappear.

He even doubted that the reason why he could not resist the temptation to step forward before was probably the method left by this ancestor Wu!

Otherwise, with his strong Taoism, how could he fall so easily?

But if he were to give up and turn around and leave here, it would be impossible!

What is this place?

This is the place where the world core of the wizarding world is located, or the place where the ancestor of the wizard has fallen, where can we leave so easily?

Qin Feng squinted his eyes and stared at the huge figure of the ancestor of the wizard, his face changed, and he kept thinking about various things in his heart.

If he could take away the heart of this world and bring it back to Biluo, then what a blessing he would get!

This is the original core of a great world, a complete heart of the world.

Once brought to Biluo, don't talk about the ghost ancestors at that time, even if all the seniors who received the blessings of the ancient catastrophe added a piece of power, they may not have his strong luck.

At that time, the so-called force of luck will come to him overwhelmingly, what will his achievement be?

There is also the ancestor of the wizard. If this tyrannical existence is truly dead, then the physical body and preciousness of this tyrannical strongest person?

There is also that huge staff, which in all likelihood is the first magic weapon of faith in the wizarding world: the staff of truth!

Wizards are different from other creatures from all walks of life. They don't believe in gods, and even gods are just things they put on the test bench to them.

But they believe in the truth and will pursue the truth as their lifelong belief, so this first magic weapon named after the truth holds extremely special importance for the wizarding world.

If the rod of truth that carries the luck and faith of the wizard family can be robbed, even if he cannot use it, bring it back and ask the ancestors of good fortune to suppress it. It will be an extremely heavy blow for the wizard, and it will also weaken the wizard from the root. The fate of a clan allows one to gain a lot of advantage on the battlefield invisibly.

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if he didn't seek benefits for himself, but only for Bi Luo's consideration, he couldn't just leave.

This is not just a matter of chance, it also involves certain mysterious auras and other issues in the game between the two worlds. If he really wants to leave here, he will never come in again.

Because the core of the world is hidden, you can't find it by simply walking deep underground. In fact, even if the wizard king of this world is not guided by the will of the world, he can't easily find it here.

The reason why Qin Feng was able to find this place was mainly due to a problem with the original core of the Wizarding World.

After being wounded, the World Heart has been suppressed for so long by the ancestor of the wizard, but it has never been able to recover. Therefore, every tens of thousands of years, there will be some small problems in the operation of the World Heart. It happens to catch up with Biluo and Hell. The powerhouses of the two worlds invaded at the same time, so that the will of the world paid too much attention to foreign enemies, and some mistakes occurred in the core source. Coupled with the guidance of the power of destiny, Qin Fan came here by coincidence.

Otherwise, who can find the heart of the world under the cover of heaven on weekdays?


Qin Feng sighed in his heart.

It is a pity that his entry must have attracted the attention of Heavenly Dao in this world. Once he leaves, this place will be immediately covered by the will of the world, and he will definitely not be able to return the same way.

Otherwise, he can go out and invite the ghost ancestors.

With the monstrous mana and supreme power of the ghost ancestor, as long as you come here, you can definitely obtain unparalleled benefits for Bi Luo, not to mention taking the entire heart of the world away, at least it can take a lot of advantage.

Moreover, whether it is the body of the ancestor of the wizard or the scepter of truth, I am afraid that it will not be able to escape the suppression of the ancestor of the ghost!

If there is a ghost ancestor, even if the wizard ancestor is really resurrected, Qin Feng will not be afraid. After all, the strongest who has just awakened will definitely not be able to exert peak combat power, and the ghost ancestor will be able to deal with all these emergencies.

But now, Qin Feng was greedy, but he gave birth to a feeling of having more than enough heart but not enough energy!

Because his cultivation base is still a bit low after all.

Although the eternal realm is tyrannical, he is sure that he will never shake the heart of the wizarding world!

After all, this is the original core of a big world, not to mention the amount of energy in it, not to mention the connection with the laws of the whole world, and he can't take it away just by being involved in the world!

After weighing the left and right, Qin Feng finally became cruel and stepped forward.

boom! boom! boom!

His footsteps were heavy, and with every step he walked out, his figure soared tenfold. After just a few steps, his figure was already as large as the ancestor of the wizard.

In the end, Qin Feng wanted to take a fight, so he used the supreme magical powers of the heavens and the earth, trying to move the corpse of the ancestor Wu, and whether he could collect the rod of truth.

As for robbing the heart of the world, he has put out this mind.

The heart of a big world cannot be taken away by him now.

However, if it is feasible, he doesn't mind getting some bargains!

Qin Feng came to the other side of the heart of the world in a few steps, stood opposite the corpse of the ancestor of the wizard, slowly stretched out his palm, and grabbed the truth staff!

With his movements, the oppressive and repulsive force of this space on him became heavier, but this could no longer stop him.

Only relying on momentum to suppress, even a big world cannot make a strong eternal realm regress, otherwise, what are the strong ones fighting for?


The moment his palm touched the Truth Staff, the entire staff trembling suddenly, and the immense and unparalleled power instantly transmitted to Qin Feng, causing him to tremble, and he was almost directly shaken out.


Qin Feng groaned in his mouth, grasped hard with both hands, and his body shape went down. The whole person seemed to grow on the ground. Instead of backing up, he lifted his boundless force and suddenly grabbed the Truth Staff and lifted it up!

The rod of truth is nothing else. It is the treasure of truth that hundreds of millions of wizards in the entire wizarding world believe. A magic weapon does not give birth to a spirit, but it is a treasure entrusted by all wizards, and it naturally possesses endless power.

Now this rod of truth is regarded by the ancestor Wu as a treasure that suppresses the heart of the world. It has already formed a balance with the heart of the world for countless years. Where can it be moved lightly?

Now being touched by Qin Feng, a powerful enemy from the outside world, and still wanting to take it away when the heart of the world needs the rod of truth to suppress, both the rod of truth itself and the will of the world are all trembling crazily at this moment.

Outside, the world changed drastically, dark clouds covered the sky, thunder was everywhere, and the rumbling of thunder blasted into everyone's ears.

Especially those powerful wizards, their own law of truth is connected with the world law of wizards, so they can more clearly sense the anger and roar of the world will, and feel more of the world will.

"not good!"

The face of the guardian wizard king who was fighting against the ghost ancestor changed drastically.

As the strongest guardian of the wizarding world, the wizard king who has the deepest connection with the will of the world, he can receive more.

"This is... someone sneaked into the core of the world and moved the scepter of truth!"

The guardian wizard king's complexion changed wildly. When he retreated, he was about to pull away, go to the core of the earth to explore, and slay the invading foreign enemies.

Although he doesn't know why there is a strong enemy who can lock the position of the core of the world, but it is not the time to consider these, he should hurry to block the opponent, otherwise, if the opponent succeeds, the consequences will be disastrous!

It's just that it's not so easy for him to leave.

Although Guizu didn’t know what had happened, he, as a great power of good fortune, suddenly saw such a huge change in the world. Coupled with the look of the guardian witch king and other powerful wizards, he didn’t know what happened in the wizarding world. .

You don't even have to guess, it must be related to the devil's aggressive attack led by the Seventh Sovereign of Hell!

That being the case, where will the other party leave.

I don’t need if the time is right now, should we give the other party time to calm down the interior and then reorganize the army to fight with ourselves?

Moreover, Guizu estimates that seven or eight of the great powers on the Biluo side have done something that made the Wizarding World anger and resentment by chance. At this time, letting the Guardian Witch King leave, wouldn’t it be that he’s angering this? The power of Jie Tiandao's will?

So Guizu laughed wildly: "Want to leave? It's not that easy. It's really not a decoration. Since it's here, then stay and fight with it.

I won, everything is easy to say.

If you can't win, you guard the throne of the Witch King, don't worry! "

When he spoke, he opened his arms, his sleeves swayed, and he exuded endless black energy, covering the sky and the sun. He was extremely powerful, breaking the void with his hands, suppressing the netherworld, and the vast and majestic aura made the Guardian Witch King fearful!

However, this guardian witch king is ultimately the guardian of the wizarding world. Even though his true cultivation is much worse than that of the ghost ancestor, he is after all the witch king who is favored by the will of the wizard world, especially at this moment in the world will When he felt a crisis, he desperately blessed the will of Heaven on his body, so that the guardian witch king's combat power soared, but he was not weaker than the ghost ancestor.

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