Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1040: Nuclear World

However, no matter how much the World Will blessed by the Guardian Witch King, it is impossible to win or lose with the Ghost Ancestor in a short time, let alone defeat the Ghost Ancestor.

But now that time is running out and there is a problem with the Heart of the World, where is there any time delay?

So the Guardian Witch King anxiously immediately shouted: "Guardian Legion, help me out!"

With an order, all the guardian wizards obeyed, and immediately got rid of their opponents, and all rushed to this side.

Even other powerful eternal sorcerers and truth sorcerers, except for those who left behind to entangle the blue celestial beings and the **** demon strong, whoever can get out also flies towards the guardian witch king.

As they understand the law of truth, they can clearly feel the wrath of the will of the world. Among them, some of the extremely ancient truth wizards and eternal wizards are even more reminded of the catastrophe in the ancient times and the earthquake in the first place!

It is also because of this that they have such a great reaction to the will of the world that they panic. After hearing the order of the guardian witch king, they desperately rushed towards the ghost ancestors, trying to block the ghost ancestors with their bodies, so that the guardian witches The king was able to get away and do more important things to the wizarding world.

Even if these wizards knew the huge gap between them and the ghost ancestors, they didn't hesitate at this time.

"Haha, great!"

As one of the most powerful ancestors in the spiritual world, Guizu has been in the Northern Territory for tens of thousands of years. How can he be afraid of the siege of these wizards if he wants to build a ten-party ghost city to contend with the tyrannical existence of the entire ghost world?

In the face of a large number of powerful wizards, he was not afraid, but laughed loudly: "It seems that he is really stuck in a painful spot, but it can also be seen from this that there are still some problems in your wizarding world after all!

Otherwise, I won't be able to make such a big reaction by a few eternal or even immortal! "

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves, and behind him rose a hundred thousand-foot ten thousand ghost banner!


The endless black energy on the ten thousand ghost banners rose to the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the sky and the earth suddenly became pitch black, as if they were in a dark purgatory!

Ghosts tweeted in the gloomy fog, ghosts were heavy, endless fierce souls flared their teeth and claws, led by an eternal ghost king.

The ancestor of the ghosts impressively made an eternal ghost king in the ghost world directly into the ten thousand ghost flags and became the main soul.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers are lined up under the command of the Eternal Ghost King, and they have deployed ten directions of desperate lifeless refining formations, but all the formations are covered by the dead zone!

Boom boom boom...

A series of powerful witchcraft blasted into the ten-sided desperate formation. Even if the hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers under the command of the ghost ancestors are all elite, they will become a ghost territory after they are deployed, but the number of powerful and powerful wizards is too much. Many, just relying on a formation is not enough, just a moment there are signs of not supporting.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the ghost gave a cold snort, waved his big sleeves, and a rush of water sounded, a yellow spring winding like a dragon, traversing the void.

The violent waves of the Yellow Spring River not only engulfed the army of millions of guardian wizards that came first into the Yellow Spring, but also a few truth wizards were swept into the Yellow Spring.

The few truth wizards still wanted to break free from the shackles of Huangquan, but they immediately found that they were entangled by endless ghosts and souls, and it was difficult to break away.

The water of the Yellow Spring is the most vicious and evil thing in the world. After being contaminated on the body, not only will there be a Taoist Yin and evil aura flowing all over the body, it will continue to corrode the power of flesh, spirit, spirit and soul, even with their so-called immortal wizard body. , But it is also difficult to contend with the evil water of the yellow spring under the control of the ghost ancestors.

Once they fail to break free in time and are suppressed by the ghost ancestors at the bottom of the Huangquan River, sooner or later they will corrode the power in their immortal witches, and even the immortal souls will become powerful wraiths in the waters of the Huangquan River!


The closer wizards exclaimed, and they retreated one after another.

They dare to make a breakthrough in the face of the Shifang Desperate Lifeless Refining Array laid down by hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers, but the Yellow Spring River is too weird, it is not a place for normal creatures to set foot in, even eternal wizards are unwilling Falling into it, they evaded one after another.

However, after all, they are powerful and powerful, and any truth wizard controls a great law, understands the truth in it, and can use it to perform powerful witchcraft.

Even if the ghost ancestors are powerful, they can't ignore the attacks of these powerful wizards who control the power of the Great Dao.

Therefore, when the strong men of the wizard clan gather more and more, and the powerful witchcraft displayed becomes stronger and stronger, even if it can't hurt the ghost ancestor, it makes him feel tired.

So the ghost ancestor thought, and the good fortune zombies who were entangled with several eternal wizards in the distance instantly turned around and rushed here.

Originally, the ghost ancestor did not push the Guardian Witch King too much. It was because he knew that it would be difficult for him to kill each other in the wizarding world, so he did not manipulate the two natural zombies to besiege together, but let the natural zombies drag a few eternal realm strong. , So that the wizards will not run all the way to hunt down the immortals.

But at this moment, unlike before, what he needs to support is no longer the eternal wizards, but the guardian witch king.

Although Guizu is not sure what happened to cause the entire wizarding world to change, he is sure that it is not a trivial matter that can cause such a big disturbance. In any case, he cannot let the Guardian Witch King leave, otherwise he will come with him. Of the various factions of the immortal powers, absolutely no one is the opponent of this guardian witch king.

Especially the strong man who caused the change of heaven and earth, if found by the Guardian Witch King, he would definitely die forever.

Therefore, the ancestor Gui summoned two zombies of good fortune, separated left and right, and helped him resist most of the powerful wizards.

Even if the wizards went crazy and ignored the consumption of crazy attacks, they even broke the defense of two good fortune zombies at one time, leaving them with numerous wounds all over their bodies.

But these so-called injuries don't care about the two painless and tireless zombies of good fortune at all, they are attacking on their own as they go their own way.

However, as long as the powerful wizards caught by the zombies of good fortune will never fail, they will directly absorb all the energy, blood, spirit, and witch power in the body. Even the soul of eternity and immortality will be sucked out by them. This will make up for its own consumption.

As the zombies of the good fortune realm, their ability to **** blood is extremely powerful. As long as they bite in the body, no matter how powerful these wizards contend, they can't resist the continuous outflow of energy.

After they finally sucked up several powerful wizards, the rest of the powerful learned that these two corpses that once belonged to the Dark Witch King, fell into the hands of the ghost ancestors and not only possessed far more defenses than before. Such a weird ability to **** blood and devour spirits!

The Guardian Witch King saw that those powerful wizards not only failed to help him stop the ghost ancestors, but also lost eight or nine powerful ones one after another, and he was immediately anxious.

It’s nothing more than the death of a few truth wizards and eternal wizards. If in the past he would still feel heartache for this, but now he is thinking about the heart of the world. Compared with the heart of the world, even more truth wizards will die. He didn't care, but the point was that the wizards did not play their due role, and the ghost ancestor still entangled him tightly here, and couldn't leave here to explore the depths of the earth.

Intentionally summoning more powerful wizards to come, and as a result, those wizard powers are either battling with various fairies of Biluo, or are fighting with the demon gods of Hell, even if they reluctantly come here, there are also Biluo and Hell with them. The strong.

The Guardian Witch King looked desperately into the distance.

Over there, the Nightmare Witch King was also full of anxiety.

It's just that this old witch was also dragged by the Seventh Sovereign of Hell, and couldn't get away at all.

Although the Seventh Sovereign of Hell didn’t figure out why such a change happened in the wizarding world at the beginning, he has survived too long after all, and he has experienced more things than ghost ancestors, and he quickly guessed the general idea. The reason is nothing more than that an outside powerhouse has touched the fundamental interests of the wizarding world.

Although I don’t know exactly why, but he led his subordinates to attack the wizarding world with a destructive mind, so he doesn't care about what happened in the wizarding world. He only needs to know to hold the nightmare witch king from letting this. The old witch just leaves.

As for whether this movement was caused by the cultivators of Bi Luo, or the demon **** under his command, he didn't care at all.

Even if the Nightmare Witch King is weird and the Nightmare Law has all sorts of incredible attack methods, the Seventh Sovereign of Hell, as a strong man who is good at manipulating souls, is really not afraid of each other, so let this nightmare that fears countless creatures in the world. The Witch King did not take advantage of him either.

The two wizard kings were trapped on the battlefield and couldn't get out. In the end, the guardian king was really helpless, so he had to order the guardian wizard under his command to go underground to explore the heart of the world on his behalf!

Of course, there are great difficulties in this, after all, the entire wizarding world is just such a king who guards the wizards. If he goes by himself, he will soon reach the unique space in the core area of ​​the world.

Although the strength of these eternal wizards under his command can be considered tyrannical, no matter the will of the wizard's world will be concerned, or the degree of their own connection with the law of heaven, they can't be compared with him.

Therefore, the Guardian Witch King is very worried about whether they can find the independent space where the Heart of the World is located, so they can only give a rough range through special witchcraft, so that there are several eternal guardian wizards and 20 or 30 under his command. The guardian wizards of the true spirit realm all sneaked past, searching for it like a cast net.


Qin Feng grasped the Truth Staff with both hands, and suddenly pulled it up, trying to remove the Truth Staff.

Then I found out embarrassingly that I hadn't even moved the Truth Staff.

The power of the rod of truth surpassed his imagination. Not only was it extremely heavy under the circulation of the law of truth, but also suppressed by the power of the ancestor of the wizard, it was not so easy to move.

Even if the ancestor of the wizard has no sound, even if the former strongest is dead, his body is still suppressed in the broken heart of the world.

If Qin Feng wanted to twitch the rod of truth, in addition to facing the power of the rod of truth itself, he had to break the repressive power of the ancestor of the wizard.

But after all, he has a lot of methods, can it still make this corpse that has lost its vitality be embarrassed?

Qin Feng's thoughts turned slightly, and he summoned the nine main spirit beasts under his command. After thinking about it, he also summoned all the spirit beasts of the immortal **** realm.

As for the spirit beast army at a lower level, he didn't use it.

Although the number of spirit beasts that have not yet become immortal gods is huge, they have no effect at all in this space. Even if they are not directly killed by the law of heaven in this space, they will be suppressed and unable to move!

Only monsters that have achieved the realm of immortal gods can have the ability to act here.

When he and Liu Xuanling went to Biluo to participate in the expedition, there were 30,000 demon, immortals, and gods under their command. Later, they went to the deserted land and collected all kinds of powerhouses. The number directly increased more than ten times. Half a million powerful monsters, monsters and gods can already form an army of their own, shocking all parties.

Following Qin Feng’s order, the nine main spirit beasts stepped forward, operating their own laws and supernatural powers, or helping Qin Feng to pull the truth rod together, or trying to push the ancestor Wu, the other spirit beasts and gods formed a battle. Array, condensed a huge ghost shadow, carried the mountain-moving power, trying to remove the corpse of the ancestor Wu!


After all, Wuzu is the strongest. Even if he is now dead, his tyrannical body is still tyrannical. In addition to his terrifying aura and evil spirit, he also has surging power that makes it difficult for ordinary strong to touch.

However, the nine great spirit beasts have achieved the existence of the immortal road no matter what, facing a dead strongest person in the good fortune realm, they will not be helpless.

The old turtle raised his head and roared, his huge body like a mountain suddenly accelerated. With a bang, he slammed into Wu Zu's body, smashing Wu Zu's huge body into a tremor.

Hundreds of spider silks were entwined on the Truth Staff between the ghost face spider waved, and a huge ghost spider appeared behind him, pulling it vigorously.

The Hellhound opened three big mouths with interlaced teeth, bitten Wuzu's leg with a whimper, and ripped it frantically.

Not only wanted to tear the opponent's figure down, but also wanted to take the opportunity to tear a few pieces of flesh and blood from Wu Zu's body.

This is because the body refining witchcraft has achieved the existence of the strongest person in the good fortune realm. The power of blood and its strength, if it is swallowed by a few mouthfuls of flesh and blood, it will definitely greatly enhance its strength.

Even if he can swallow the opponent directly, hellhound is sure that he will definitely achieve eternity in the shortest time!

So with excitement, it bite Wuzu fiercely.


A ray of light flashed on Wu Zu's body, and the Hellhound's eyes suddenly widened.

Because, not only failed to bite Wu Ancestor's body with this bite, it broke a few fangs in his mouth.

But after all, this guy has a fierce temperament. He has been eating carrion bones and devouring his soul since his childhood. The most indispensable thing is the method of eating the dead. At this time, the method of the Tengu clan is in operation, and it is also With the help of the law of swallowing, not only did the broken fangs grow out quickly, but the bite force was ten times stronger than before. After a weird sound, it actually tore the flesh of Wuzu’s leg, fiercely. Bit on it!


A drop of blood fell, and there was a loud noise.

Just a drop of blood, it was as heavy as the water of the same lake, and the power of qi and blood contained in it was even more majestic, and the many spirit beasts I saw were shocked.

It is a pity that these forces are full of silence and lack of vitality!

But the Hellhound didn't care about this, it opened its mouth in excitement and bitten it crazily.

The other spirit beasts also use their own methods, but to say that they have the greatest effect, they also belong to the old tortoise and the tree of life.

The old tortoise is infinitely powerful and the tree of life is huge. Although he rarely confronts the enemy with strength, how can such a huge body strength be too small.

At this time, the tree of life has grown to the extreme, and branches stretched to help Qin Feng pull the rod of truth together.


Suddenly, a small sound came out.

Although the Staff of Truth is tyrannical, it has no other power to resist besides shaking its own laws to contend. Where is Qin Feng and the opponents of many spirit beasts under his command.

Among other things, just the vast divine power condensed by the ten thousand beast battle formations composed of hundreds of thousands of immortal gods realm spirit beasts, even a high-level world can be moved by them.

Therefore, when the Truth Staff couldn't resist, they were finally pulled a bit by them.

Even if there is only a slight movement, it also means that Wu Zu used this supreme magic weapon to suppress the scars of the heart of the world.

In the gap where the Staff of Truth and the Heart of the World came into contact, a magical energy containing endless good fortune, eternity, immortality, and other powers that could describe various powers was revealed.

"This is... the core power of the world!"

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up!

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