Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1069: The overall situation is set, Satan is defeated

"The Mother Earth God?"

Suddenly seeing the appearance of this mother god, Satan's face suddenly changed: "Why do you... why are you here? Are you going to intervene in the war between my dark camp and Biluo!"

He took a deep breath, and the various thoughts in his heart turned thousands of times in an instant, his eyes became more and more evil: "You have to think about it. Once you participate, it means that your natural gods are going to declare war with my dark camp. !

This time, a war broke out between Bi Luo, the Bright God Realm and the Great Wizarding World, causing heavy losses to those two great worlds.

We see that for the sake of everyone in the same star field, it is not that they did not take action against your lawful camp, but to help the Bright God Realm deal with Bi Luo and relieve their pressure. Are you actually trying to prevent us from dealing with Bi Luo?

Mother Earth, what is your intention? "

I have to say that Satan's words are clearly organized, completely occupying morality, and people can't jump out of the least.

It's just that, who said it also scored.

If it came from the mouth of the great demon king Satan, it would be a little different.

Therefore, Mother Earth was obviously a little sneer at his words: "Okay, Satan, you really think that if I have a gentle temperament, you can use words to deceive me. I don't need to say anything to help the bright **** realm!

None of the three major worlds of your dark camp has ever waged a war against my natural gods. For so long, I have not known you less, so you should no longer try to use words to make me retreat. Since I have chosen the present Body, naturally have my plan! "

"Huh, what can you do if you have one more!"

Satan was violent and devilish: "It's a big deal this time we admit it, and we just leave, but this time we took note of the matter.

Mother Earth, your natural gods dare to intervene in the affairs of the three major worlds of our dark camp. This matter is endless, and you will wait for our revenge in the future. "

"Since this star field determined the lawful camp and the dark camp, how have we been friendly since these endless years?

Nine out of the ten times in the previous wars were all things that you provoked, but this time, I want to take the initiative. "

Mother Earth said in a light tone: "Since I'm here, of course I won't be afraid of your threat, not to mention whether you still have to say anything in the future!"

When the words fell, she waved her hand seemingly at random, but there was a khaki divine light spreading out, directly connected to the end of the void, and then she saw several natural gods of creation masters stepping on the divine light, instantly Pulled closer by the Mother Earth!

After seeing this scene in the distance, Qin Feng couldn't help but feel shocked.

He is proficient in the Earth Element's magical power to the end of the world, which is his ability to cultivate step by step from the early days of cultivation.

From the initial shrinking of the ground into a small supernatural power, to the great supernatural power of thousands of miles of households, and then to the supreme supernatural power of the world, and even now that the Dao Fa has been completed on this basis, it has been further cultivated into the supreme method of the world, so he is concerned about this One type of Taoism is exceptionally proficient.

However, when he saw the Mother Earth use similar means to directly connect the endless void, and to directly attract several Lords of Creation, he suddenly realized that the method he was proud of was not even worse in front of the Mother Earth God. Far!

But it's normal to think about it. After all, the Mother Earth God is the strongest in the natural **** world, and the mother of the gods that came into being in a big world. It's normal to have this kind of strength.

So he just admired the methods of the Mother Earth God in his heart, and at the same time it gave him another direction for his future practice.

At the very least, there is still a way to go to the end of this supreme magical power, which is close to the end of the world. If you continue to practice in the future, you may be able to achieve this kind of power one day.

It's just that compared to Qin Feng's admiration, the strong men of the dark camp truly raised a stormy sea.

The Mother Earth God didn't know when he reached an agreement with Bi Luo, and he led the natural gods to participate in this war, and attacked them together with Bi Luo!

If this were the past, it would be fine. Each of the three major worlds of the dark camp had had more than one or two wars with the natural **** realm. Both sides knew the basics, but they would not be afraid of the natural **** system.

But now it's different.

Now they are fighting with Biluo, the most important thing is that the strength of Biluo's side is simply beyond their expectations, these monks don't know how to practice, some guys are simply terrifying.

Not to mention that the ghost ancestors and the masters of good fortune can be one enemy two, even if the big demon kings who are fighting against two or three dark camps at the same time have not fallen in a short period of time, even if the various factions are immortal and eternal, there are also many surprisingly strong ones. The guy is in it.

The most eye-catching performance is the guy from the Royal Beast Sect. Not only does he have nine powerful spirit beasts that are comparable to eternal power, but his own combat power is surprisingly strong. Killing immortality is like cutting melons and vegetables, killing. Eternity will not take long, and the actions are even more like ghosts, and they can get close to them in the blink of an eye, making many strong demon gods fear him.

There is also the guy who practiced killing the way, his murderous aura was almost turned into substance, even many powerful demon gods who are known for their cruel killings couldn't help being frightened when faced with the evil spirits. He was taken by his murderous aura, God knows How many powerful creatures did this guy slaughter in order to accumulate such a huge murderous aura.

Only the slaughter of natural and powerful creatures can make him so murderous, otherwise ordinary beings would really not be able to cultivate such murderous freaks!

Other eternal powerhouses, such as Li Miaozhen of Imperial Beast Sect, the observance of Tianji City, and Meng Haoran of the Central Territory Haoran Academy, are all powerful generations. Coupled with their endless variety of methods, the demon powers who fought with the monks for the first time suffered a lot.

If Satan hadn't summoned a few eternal strong men from the dark camp from behind to help, I'm afraid that if their morale is low, there will be demon gods who can't stand the pressure and turn to flee.

But now, the demons have managed to equalize the situation. Before they can play their quantitative advantages, they have attracted the intervention of the Lords of Nature and Gods, and these Lords of the Nature Gods have also made clear the chariots. Standing on the side of Biluo, how can this not surprise them!

The only thing that is better is that the Mother Earth God obviously also has scruples, so instead of summoning all the masters of the natural gods, several people are left to sit in the natural gods to prevent accidents!

Otherwise, it really takes more than a dozen for the Lord of Creation to come, this battle will not need to be fought at all, and the strong of the dark camp will directly flee in all directions.

Not only did the Mother Earth not summon all the Lords of Creation, none of the Lord Gods of Immortality and Eternity came.

Obviously, although the Mother Earth God showed his attitude to deal with the dark camp with Bi Luo, he was only willing to support the highest combat power. As for the powerhouses or legions of the following realms, let them fight, even if Bi Luo died in battle. What is the relationship between the strong and the natural world?

What Bi Luo did after he came to this star field is not a good thing for many worlds in the entire star field. On the contrary, there are still a large number of worlds destroyed by the attack of Bi Luo, even the two lawful camps. The world is not lightly destroyed!

Even the Natural God Realm broke out a civil war under the instigation of Biluo, and a group of gods fell!

Therefore, the gods of the natural gods, including the Mother Earth God, obviously don’t care about who wins the battle between the powerful factions of Biluo and the demon gods of the dark camp. Even in their plan, if Biluo is with the dark camp If the war broke out and suffered heavy losses, it would be the thing that suits them best.

Of course, there is no need to say more about these thoughts. What's more, the ancestors of the good fortune on the side of Biluo also know these, and they themselves did not expect the natural gods to treat Biluo like the dragon and the phoenix.

It is precisely because the expectations of the natural gods are not too high, so Taixuan ancestors don't care about it. On the contrary, if they become dirty in the future, or use the other party to block the gun when necessary, there is no psychological burden!

In any case, at this moment, the natural gods can come to so many masters of nature, which is equivalent to directly establishing Bi Luo's victory.

As long as victory is achieved on the battlefield of the good fortune realm, then no matter how many and strong the dark camp is immortal and eternal, can it still dare to stay and continue to fight?


The Great Demon King Satan originally wanted to fool the Mother Earth God, and led the dark camp army to evacuate before she could react.

It’s just that, although the Mother Earth God has a gentle temperament, he has had too many dealings with the great demon kings of the dark camp for countless years. The Lord of Good Fortune took over.

Satan knew that if this went on, he would definitely lose, so he decisively issued the order to evacuate.

It's a pity, it's too late!

After the masters of the natural gods appeared, they immediately searched for their respective targets and began the fight against each other.

They have played against the strong in the dark camp many times and are relatively familiar, so when they come up, they either directly choose their old opponents, or they choose the relatively weaker big devil and king of the three dark worlds!

No matter how they choose, they have helped Biluo take down several masters of the dark camp, and immediately let the ancestors of the Biluo camp feel relieved!

Although the overall number of Biluo plus the natural gods of good fortune realm is equal to the dark camp, with the strong combat power of the several ancestors of Biluo, equal in number, it is equivalent to crushing!

Especially the ghost ancestor, looking at the two great demon kings who were left in front of him at the beginning, he suddenly sneered, and once again urged the six reincarnation sky discs, and the powerful suppression force was once again displayed.

At the same time, with a wave of the big sleeve, the water of the Yellow Spring turned into a ferocious dragon and roared towards the other side, trying to submerge these two evil demon kings into the billowing yellow spring water and perish forever!

The Buddha Amitabha threw it away, turning it into a towering tower that was as large as the sky and the earth, emitting endless Buddha light, suppressing a **** lord underneath, allowing the opponent to rush from left to right, with devilish energy. Time can't actually break the confinement of this innate treasure that suppresses the luck of Buddhism, and there are endless Sanskrit sounds in the ears, and it seems that hundreds of millions of Buddhas are chanting Buddhist scriptures to save demons!

But the fiercest thing is the battle between the strongest men!

The Great Demon King Satan deserves to be the No. 1 Demon King in the Devil Realm, and his strength is unspeakable.

However, no matter whether Taixuan ancestor or Mother Earth God, the strength of any one can not be weaker than even if the understanding of Dao Dao is very likely to be stronger than him.

So even if this great devil struggles and roars, even if he collapses the surrounding void and shatters the surrounding stars, he still cannot turn the tide of the battle!

So, he lost!

The defeat was very complete!

Even though the Great Demon King Satan is proficient in the laws of destruction, and has destroyed countless worlds, countless worlds have been destroyed, but this kind of destruction power is used in the battle between the Taixuan ancestor and the earth mother god, but it can't exert its due power at all.

Taixuan Patriarch’s Dao Jiulong Zhong is innate, with strong defensive power, and the earthy yellow divine light outside the body of the earth mother is also unparalleled in defense!

And their attack methods are even more tyrannical. Under the joint siege of the two supreme powers, it is normal for Satan to lose the battle.

He wants to go, wants to escape back to the devil world.

As long as you return to the Demon Realm, you can rely on the Demon Realm's huge world will blessing to counter your opponents!

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