Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1070: Plotting the devil

Satan was defeated, it was very complete!

Although his strength is tyrannical, both Taixuan ancestors and Earth Mother Gods are three points stronger than him when it comes to the perception of Dao. In addition, the demons are accustomed to the violent fighting method, especially he still uses the law of destruction. , The battle is open and close.

This violent fighting style makes him look mighty and boundless, but if he fails to directly break through the opponent's defense, then although he will not be weak in the later stage, it is difficult to have a stronger offensive to destroy the opponent, just like the evil waves rushing through the dam. As long as it fails to break down, the dam will become an insurmountable existence.

It would be difficult for him to win the Taixuan ancestor alone. What's more, at this moment, he also added the oldest strongest earth mother in this star field, so his defeat was so natural!

What's more, Satan had already decided to leave the moment the Mother Earth God appeared. He had no confidence to win. At this moment, his defeat was just taking advantage of the situation. The only thing he did not expect was Tai Xuan ancestor and The Mother Earth God will be able to use full combat power, intending to leave him here completely.

The strongest is not easy to kill. If he wants to leave, these two people should know that it is absolutely impossible to keep him, and even Satan has already done the dark camp's defeat in this defeat.

He felt that as long as he led away the ancestor Taixuan and Mother Earth, the remaining masters of creation, immortal, and eternal powers would still not be inferior in number, and would be able to evacuate calmly even if they were lost.

Although losses are inevitable, these are not unacceptable. For the dark camp, fighting and killing life and death is the norm. Don't you just die some strong ones? When there is no big battle, there are strong ones fighting with each other. The thing that fell was just a little bit more this time, and the big deal was that after the incident, the three big worlds of their dark camp gathered stronger power to retaliate.

It's just that Satan just thought about the possibility of the dark army being able to escape, but didn't expect Taixuan Old Ancestor and Mother Earth God to pose a lore on him.

The grand ancestor Taixuan hovered the Kowloon Bell of the Avenue above his head, holding a picture of the yin and yang of the innate treasure, dividing the yin and yang, with endless changes.

The Mother Earth God is even more powerful. She has fought against Satan before, but at that time it was impossible for them to tell the victory or defeat. They could only entangle each other to let the other masters of nature and the army fight. Today, she is fighting against Tai Xuan. Together, the ancestors immediately let her see the possibility of severe damage to Satan, so her combat power was fully deployed, and her strength was used to the extreme.

Although she knew that it would be impossible for the Xeon to survive the opponent if he flees with all his heart, but even if it can be severely injured, not to mention that she has other arrangements with Taixuan ancestor.

Therefore, the two supreme masters bite Satan to death, and various tyrannical methods were constantly used, and the great demon king was seriously injured. In the end, they really couldn’t hold on. Where else can they look after the army, they can only do their best. get away.

With Satan's escape, the entire dark camp was in chaos, especially the Great Demon King who was fought by the ghost ancestors and Amitabha Buddha.

Bi Luo's ancestors of good fortune are too powerful. They are not opponents at all. Now even the Great Demon King Satan has escaped. They will take care of what kind of face they are, and they are scattered and fled around.

Of course, not all creations can escape, such as the **** lord who was suppressed by Amitabha Buddha's innate treasures, and the **** lord who was trapped by ghost ancestors under the heaven of six reincarnations.

However, once the Great Demon King and the Great Sovereign fled, the rest of good fortune and eternity would no longer have the intent to fight, and they all looked for opportunities to escape.

Suddenly the entire battlefield was truly in chaos.

You can never expect what kind of formation the dark camp will maintain. These guys are cool and selfish in nature. When encountering crises, they will use this nature to the fullest. I can’t wait for all of them to help them attract firepower. Go away safely by yourself.

At this moment, it was all means used, and the entire battlefield was suddenly messed up. Biluo's powerful opponents also took advantage of the chaos to flee. In such a chaotic battlefield, they couldn't pursue it at all, and they could only casually attack other demon gods.

You have to be cautious even when you shoot, because these demon gods are swarming around, messing up the fairy road camp, and maybe a magical power will hurt your own colleagues.

Even the billions of elite demon army groups that were in formation have become a mess.

This billions of elite demon army can maintain an orderly evacuation at the early stage of receiving the retreat order from Satan, but the remaining monks of various factions in the blue world have already been killed under the auspices of several powerful ones, especially the number of immortals of each faction. They came together early, and this moment is even more of a lead.

Originally, the cultivators of the various factions of Biluo could only chase and kill them at the end, but as the demon gods became chaotic, there were even many demon gods who broke into the army camp and wanted to manipulate the legion to block their powerful enemies, and they were inevitably disrupted. Formation.

What's more, they don't belong to the same world. Even if they are in the same world, they are divided into different races. Under different demon gods, it is naturally impossible to have one heart. They really mess up together, and they all only care about their own escape, and how can they care for others.

If you are anxious, you will directly kill the comrades who are blocking the way. Although one of the cruel people escapes, it also makes more guys lose the possibility of fleeing because of the chaos. In the end, these three big dark worlds Nearly half of the elite coalition forces were beheaded by monks of various factions who were chased out.

The reason why the remaining ones could not be killed was because they fled in panic and fled to the depths of the void in order to survive, completely ignoring whether they could find a way back to the world in the future.

The powerful demon gods who lived freely in the chaotic environment were more adaptable to the current chaotic battlefield. Although they were killed by Biluo a lot, they were mostly escaped.

But after all, Brother Biluo has a lot of methods, especially some of the powerful generations, who don’t care about the chaos of the battlefield. For them, killing anyone is killing. As long as the strong demon **** who rushes to them, they will withstand their tyrannical attacks. .

Besides, if they were really looking at it, it would be really hard to escape.

Just like Li Miaozhen, although the half-step fortune of **** who was stopped by her slipped away in the chaos, her fighting will is so keen, she just relied on the trace of sword intent left on the opponent to find the **** devil. , The sorrow of the sword intent is lingering, and the cloud of sorrow is bleak, turning into countless blades and threads, it is difficult to get out of the entangled opponent.

As for Qin Feng, he didn't give the innate demon **** a chance to escape at all. Instead, taking advantage of the chaos, he attracted the nine spirit beasts fighting in other places and launched a siege on the innate demon god.

He was originally stronger than the opponent, and the Innate Demon God was already disturbed by his curse, and his condition was not good. With nine more powerful spirit beasts with different abilities, he was suddenly even more of an opponent, and was eventually cut off by Qin Feng. After removing the devil body, slashing the head, and imprisoning its devil soul into the Four Elephant Pagoda.

Today’s Four Elephant Pagoda has also been sacrificed and refined into innate spiritual treasures. The four original powers of the acquired, water, fire, and wind in it have all become the innate gens. Under refining, even if the soul of this innate demon **** is powerful and powerful, it can only be supported hard, and sooner or later it will be impossible to escape the possibility of being completely refined.

As for the body of the Demon God that was cut into several pieces by him, he put it away first, planning to find another time to slowly refine it after the war.

"Kill, kill me!"

The ancestor Zhantian carried a giant axe and led many powerful forces towards a group of powerful demons.

Along the way, there are constant visions of the fall of powerful demon gods, and there are constant failures of immortal and eternal strong men.

In such battles and hunts, even the immortal life and eternal lifespan will not play a big role. In the middle world, the immortal powerhouse can become the lord of the world, and in the higher world, it can dominate the eternity known as the king of gods. The strong, at this moment, can only choose the way to escape under the pursuit of Bi Luo.

Anyone who fails to escape in time will either die or die, and the casualties will be so heavy that the inspiration for all lives is shocking.

Especially those strong in the middle and high worlds who are attached to Biluo. This time, some of them also followed Taixuan ancestors to come to support. Now seeing so many demon gods of the same level die in battle, the shock in my heart is no longer possible. describe.

However, if you are interested, you will find that although the Bi Luo side pursues and fights all the way under the leadership of Zhan Tian ancestors, but often releases water slightly at critical moments, so as not to completely defeat the team they are chasing and killing, and at the same time drive from other directions. The strong demon god, so that the other party can always maintain a relatively complete group, and will not be scattered and separated.

More importantly, although there are many strong people on the region and the abyss, there are not as many as the other two sides.

The Biluo side consciously pursued and killed the demon realm powerhouse, even on the previous battlefield, with the demon interface against each faction of the immortal being the strongest, so this battle is the demon realm powerhouse who has fallen the most.

This chase has continued for many days. The ordinary monks of various Biluo factions have already returned to the realm. The ones who really follow the chase are at least the powers of the immortal realm and above.

Only the powerhouses of this realm can rush for a long distance, chasing and killing all the way from Biluo to the vicinity of the devil world!

That's right, with the connivance intentionally or unintentionally, the strong Biluo chased and killed the demon gods who fleeed all the way across half of the star field to the vicinity of the demon world!

Originally, it would take a long time to cross the star field if it relied on immortality and eternity. However, under the leadership of the great power of the good fortune, whether the Demon God’s side or the Biluo camp, all came here in a few days across nearly half of the star field. nearby.

The reason for indulging these demon gods all the way back here is not that they really can’t catch up, but intentionally. It makes people think that they are chasing and killing their opponents and following them to the devil world, so that the other two dark worlds will not think that they are deliberate. Against the devil!

However, after arriving near the Demon Realm, the strong Biluo suddenly changed his previous method of leaving room and chased him directly, trying to besieged the hundreds of demon gods who had been chased by them and fled back.

Although the demon gods who survived were far more than these, there were only so many that were followed and killed by them.

The ancestor Zhan Tian slammed forward and directly smashed through the void, and with an axe, he smashed towards the great demon king in the demon **** team.

The rest of the Biluo Great Energy instantly crossed the space of both sides under the transmission of a three-color rainbow, and directly teleported to the front of a group of demon gods, blocking the way for the demon gods to return to the demon world.

"Quickly, send the letter back and let the strongest in the world send out the rescue!"

Many demon gods used all kinds of magic to transmit news, UU Reading www.uukā asked for help in the world.

Otherwise, they will only have hundreds of strong men, and the immortality and eternity that Bi Luo has chased are two to three thousand. How can they fight?

Brother Biluo's own methods are even more subtle than them. They have learned many times along the way, and now they are even more frightened to be hunted down, but they dare not rely on such a small amount to resist the Biluo side!



In the luxurious palace of the demon gods, the strong men of the fallen angel clan are having a feast with the demon **** strong men of various races, and they talk very happily with each other, without knowing that there is a demon **** outside the world who is being besieged by the blue sky.

Above, Lucifer, the leader of the Fallen Angels family, had a faint smile on his face. His incomparable arrogance and arrogance was concealed on his extremely handsome face. Instead, he talked quietly with a great demon king, with a few quiet voices from time to time. laugh.

At this moment, Lucifer and the Great Demon King looked up at the same time, and they saw colorful lights flying out of the sky, and many of them were flying towards this hall.

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