Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1084: No escape

After all, Satan is the strongest among the masters of good fortune, even if facing the joint pursuit of Taixuan ancestor and the mother god, he will not fall!

The reason why he didn't enter the unknown time and space recklessly was because he wanted to return to the demon world.

Otherwise, if you really want to break into the unknown time and space, even if you can get rid of Taixuan ancestors and their pursuit, you don’t know how long it has passed until you return from the unknown time and space. Thousands of years have passed since the outside world.

Now that the three dark worlds are fighting Biluo at a critical stage, he dare not disappear for so long without showing up, otherwise, maybe the Devil World will become like it!

So even though Satan has circumvented most of the star field this way, his ultimate goal is still his lair!

When he got here, his heart couldn't help but relax.

Because as long as he entered the Demon Realm, he would no longer fear any opponents!

I believe that the ancestor Taixuan and the mother **** of the earth must not dare to enter the devil world easily and continue to fight with him!

This is not only because he is able to use that huge world will to strengthen his combat power against his opponents in the world, but also because there are three great demon kings left behind in the world. If the ancestor Taixuan and the mother **** dare to chase into the demon world, they will definitely be there. Wounded under the siege!

After all, if foreign enemies invade, even the strongest will lose their strength under the suppression of the will of the world. At that time, there will be three great demon kings helping each other. Satan really can't think of the reason why he can't win.

So he roared in his mouth, but his figure flew across the void towards the demon world like lightning.

It is true that the ancestor Taixuan and the Mother Earth have dealt with him too cruelly. If only the injuries on his body are cultivated in a conventional way, he will not be able to completely recover from the beginning in hundreds of thousands of years. After all, the Dao Zhizhi Injuries are not easy to heal, and it takes a long time to slowly make up!

Moreover, these two great rivals pressed him too tightly. Perhaps they saw the Demon Realm close in front of them. Even if they knew that he could not be left behind, he still had to make his injuries a little bit more serious, so that the Demon Realm could stop for a few more years in the future. !

Under the full attack of the two strongest men, Satan's speed was so fast that he didn't have the energy to pay attention to the others, and naturally he would not notice that there had been signs of battles on the other side of the demon world.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Satan's body is like a swimming fish submerged in the water, passing through the solid barriers of the world, but the words are restored to the previous arrogance: "Now I have returned to the demon world, and if you have the ability, you continue to chase in!"

"as you wish!"

Outside, the ancestor Taixuan and Mother Earth looked at each other, then shot at the same time, and bombarded somewhere in the barrier of the world.


With a loud noise, the solid barrier of the world under the attack of the inside and outside was suddenly broken into a big hole.

In an instant, the blood-colored thunder fell out of thin air, and the endless mighty sky, the huge power and energy of the law gathered here, and quickly made up the gap in the barrier.

However, before the thunderbolt fell down, the physiques of the ancestor Taixuan and the mother goddess of the earth had already passed through the barriers and entered the demon world at an incredible speed!

After that, the ancestor Taixuan waved the yin and yang picture in his hand, the void flashed in black and white, and directly wiped out the lightning that followed them above his head, and then looked at Satan faintly.


Satan's face changed drastically, and his deep and evil eyes were filled with incredible disbelief. He looked at the two ancestors in astonishment, as well as the ancestor Zhan Tian and the ghost ancestor Cangshan on the other side.

It was these two who bombarded the barrier from within the world, and this allowed the Taixuan ancestor and the Mother Earth God to enter.

The Satan Demon King never expected that he would see such a sight after returning to the Demon Realm!

Is this the Demon Realm or Biluo? Why does Biluo's great fortune appear here, and also introduce them from the inside for the ancestor Taixuan and the others?

Satan is not going to admit that he is in the wrong world, but the scene before him is really unacceptable, so Wei Wei is a little startled, which is completely different from the result he had previously imagined!

Where are the few great demon kings left behind in the demon world?

There is such a big movement here, even if the fellow of the lazy lord is too lazy to move and is still lying in his demon palace, but Lucifer, the lord of the glutton and the fallen angel clan, should also show up!

The most important thing is, why did these strongmen of the blue sky appear here, and how did they enter the demon world?

Could it be that during the time he was hunted down, the Demon Realm had fallen into it?

How can this be!

The Demon Realm is a big world, but it is not so easy to fall into.

Although he had sensed the turbulence in the demon world when he first returned to the demon world, this is normal. After all, there must be a big demon king outside the big world of Biluo who failed to escape and was suppressed or refined by the ancestors of the good fortune of Biluo. Transformation, the fall of every great demon king will cause turmoil in the demon world, but this will not cause the demon world to be damaged too severely, and the current world will still be tyrannical!

This can be seen from the fact that he is still able to manipulate the enormous power of heaven to bless himself.

Furthermore, although the three major worlds of their dark camp are in intrigue with each other on weekdays, they are on the same front after all. If there is a major turmoil in the Demon Realm and the danger of being captured, no matter the abyss or **** will be ignored. , Will definitely send the strong to come to support!

Otherwise, there will be a big world missing, and the originally evenly matched dark camp and the lawful camp will be out of balance, and the lawful camp that has the upper hand will definitely find ways to deal with the remaining two worlds. This is not the **** and the abyss that the strong will want saw.

So for a while, Satan was also a little dazed, wondering what happened to the Demon Realm.

However, the few powerhouses on the opposite side did not give him time to learn the specific details!

Taixuan ancestor's sleeves flicked, and the yin and yang picture was unfolded, turning into an endless yin and yang force and covered it with Satan!

"Now that I have entered the realm, Satan Devil, if you have no other means, you should die!"

While speaking, the other powerful ancestors also all shot, Dao Dao's powerful Dao Fa supernatural powers tilted towards Satan, and instantly drowned him.


Satan roared, the demon body skyrocketed, taking the will of the endless world into the body, using the power of heaven and earth to counter the attacks of these opponents, while repeatedly shouting: "Lord of gluttony, lord of arrogance, where are you?

Lord of laziness, you slacker, quickly get up for me, foreign enemies have invaded the demon world, and you dare to avoid being lazy, I will tear down your demon palace, seal your power, and imprison you in the Demon Wind Valley to suffer! "

However, instead of getting any response, he provoked an even more violent attack from his opponent, making him no longer dared to be distracted, so he had to fight with all his strength.

Although he has received the blessing of the will of the world, his combat power has soared, but he was severely injured before. Although he is stronger than he was in his heyday at this moment, he is not unmatched.

Only Old Ancestor Taixuan and Mother Earth God were enough to deal with him, not to mention that there were two powerful masters of good fortune realm, Cangshan Ghost Ancestor and Old Ancestor Zhantian, who participated in the battle to siege him.

So not only did the Demon King Satan still fall under the wind, but he was also in the Demon Realm and surrounded by several powerful ancestors. It was impossible to escape like in the void.

Otherwise, his combat power will drop a lot after leaving the Demon Realm, and it will be easier to be dealt with by the Taixuan ancestors. The most important thing is that if you abandon the Demon Realm at this juncture, you will definitely be backlashed by the Demon's luck!

After all, the will of the world will never allow the strong to escape from the devil when foreign enemies invade!

Once such a thing happens, how much he is now held by the will of the world, and how strong the backlash will be at that time!

Although it can make his combat power soar in the demon world, it has also become his prison, losing the possibility of escaping into endless time and space!

So Satan can only bite his head and resist, but his heart is full of ups and downs. I don’t know what happened to the Demon Realm before. Even under the strong siege of Taixuan Patriarch and others, he didn’t dare to be distracted and let his mind sweep the world. The status quo of the devil.

Now he can only pin his hopes on the demon creation masters who are fighting outside, hoping that they will return as soon as possible, otherwise he will still lose sooner or later if this continues.

It's just that he didn't know that, except for the demon kings who were fighting abroad in the demon world, except for being suppressed and refined by Amitabha Buddha and ghost ancestor Cangshang at the beginning, the other great demon kings are being chased by strong men on the side of Biluo.

Moreover, they were all chased far away, extremely far away from the Demon Realm, and it was impossible to return in a short time under the obstruction of the strong Biluo!

The Lord of Gluttony, whom he was thinking of, has been blasted by Lucifer, and the most original stomach and devil soul have been banned!

As for the other lazy master who had been threatened by him to assist him in the fight, he had indeed gotten up at this moment.

It's just that this guy finally got up from the bed and saw the leader of the fallen angel family standing in front of the door, the seventh largest demon king of the Devil, Lucifer, the lord of arrogance!

And standing beside Lucifer, the beautiful Suzaku wearing a red palace costume, and the huge number of immortal and eternal powers behind them!

"Why do you... why do you do this?"

While lazily interrogating Lucifer, the lazy lord stretched his waist and yawned at the same time.

Suddenly, tears filled his eyes, as if he hadn't slept well for many years, and he was too sleepy to open his eyes, and his body exuded a lazy breath.

This breath radiated out, and all the powers in front of the palace suddenly felt a sense of laziness, and invisibly dissipated a lot of warfare. I just wanted to find a place to sit down and have a so Cooking a pot of tea and talking gossip for a while, it seems that after the years of war, it can be regarded as a very good enjoyment!


Suddenly, a sharp and unparalleled sword intent rose to the sky!

Li Miaozhen condensed his eyes and glared at the lazy master: "You dare to do secretly against us!"


Zhu Que glanced back at Li Miaozhen in surprise, then looked at the spill of innate energy next to her, behind which appeared a silent roar of the Nine Dragon Shadow, but dissipated most of the lazy waves in the field and awakened the gods and gods of Qin Feng.

This made her couldn't help but secretly praised that these two monks of the human race really had unlimited potential. They had already possessed such strength before achieving good luck. If they could gain the Tao in the future, I am afraid they will be even stronger.

However, he just looked back, and then turned his head back, two flaming rays appeared in his eyes, and his body soared, revealing the noble Phoenix blood. The powerful actually not only completely dispelled the turmoil. The meaning of laziness is moving toward the suppression of the lazy master!

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