Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1085: Savior of the Devil

Standing behind the Vermillion Bird, Qin Feng looked at the great demon in front of him who was full of endless laziness. He couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

This demon god, to be honest, shouldn't stay in the demon world.

If he was born in Biluo or another world of practice, he would definitely become a sleeping **** with a far-reaching reputation.

According to reports, there are many powerful people in the ancestral realm of the great and desolate world who have dreamed of entering the Tao, and they have slept for tens of thousands of years.

Putting this kind of carefree and lazy posture on certain immortals not only does not provoke others to gossip, but also makes people feel a little unique.

But in the Demon Realm, that would be too different.

Even if the Lord of Glutton makes other great demon kings feel that the existence of resources is too wasteful, there will never be any discomfort in the Demon Realm, because the Lord of Glutton is very greedy and very greedy, but it fits the characteristics of the Demon Realm.

However, like the lazy lord, he clearly possesses incomparable strength, but he is too lazy to compete with other great demon kings for anything. Instead, he is lazy in his own demon palace all day long. This attitude of not fighting or grabbing is too unique in the devil world. , And other demons are a little bit at odds with each other!

Even because the lazy lord is too lazy to compete with others for fame and fortune, so that he ranks very low among the great demon kings!

However, the low ranking does not mean that his strength is not good!

In fact, the strength of the lazy lord is not only not weak, but also powerful!

Under his lazy appearance, he actually possesses a powerful strength far beyond the ordinary Great Demon King, and possesses the cultivation base of the late good fortune. If it were not for the oppression of Lucifer and Suzaku at this moment, if he did not explode in strength to contend, ordinary people would really not. Know that his strength is so powerful!

If he re-ranks other big demon kings with his current strength, the rank of the lazy lord will definitely be improved much better than now, and he will become the most powerful demon king in the forefront!

Although he hasn't really taken a fight with Suzaku and Lucifer, his understatement can affect so many powerful players on the scene, and you can see how tyrannical his strength is.

If it hadn't been for Qin Feng that he had already cultivated the Innate Dao Body, and his own cultivation was also tyrannical, he might not be able to get rid of the influence of the lazy Lord.

But at this moment, it was precisely to resist the temptation of laziness and to counter the lazy thinking. Instead, his heart was soaring. Like Li Miaozhen, he was as vigorous as Li Miaozhen, staring at the demon world master in front of him. , They are afraid that they will be dragged by the air machine to explode the strongest blow!

Of course, if the battle really broke out, it would not be their turn to take action.

With the Vermillion Bird, and Lucifer in front of him, where will it be their turn to fight against the strong like the Lord of Laziness!

The Biluo camp entered the demon world this time, except for Suzaku, there are only the two great abilities of the ghost ancestor Cangshang and the Zhantian ancestor. The rest of the ancestors and the natural gods of creation are all chasing or intercepting the dark world. The masters of good fortune, especially the great demon kings of the Demon Race, absolutely not allow them to approach the Demon Realm at this time.

"Where is this!"

The Lazy Lord sighed softly with his characteristic lazy voice, and looked at Lucifer and said, "Although Satan used some methods to instigate you, but after you entered the Demon Realm, you have not treated you harshly all these years. Your family of fallen angels has divided a huge territory, so why do you collude with foreign enemies to invade the demon world!

Previously, the will of the world disturbed my sleep, and the **** Satan threatened me even more, forcing me to fight!

Alas, you know me. Wouldn't it be okay for me to go back and lie down at this time? Why must I be forced out? "

"Then you'd better go back and lie down!"

Suzaku sneered: "Otherwise, I'm afraid you will lie down forever!"


The Lazy Lord heard the words of Suzaku's killing intent Ling Ran, and couldn't help sighing again.

If it is possible, he can't be too lazy to fight these two powerhouses.

Both Lucifer and Suzaku are extremely tyrannical, and he may not be able to win a single fight alone, let alone one-to-two, and the other party has a lot of eternal and immortal following.

As for him, he was not only too lazy to recruit his subordinates because he was too lazy.

Even if there are some strong men who desperately rushed to him to seek refuge, they were still under the influence of his power invisibly. All of them became lazy and ferocious if they did not recover. Like him, they were too lazy to continue to develop their forces and made him the devil. There are only three or two big cats and kittens in the palace.

Although both eternity and immortality are far behind the masters of good fortune, they are ultimately the powerhouses who understand the great way. Once the number is large, even the masters of good fortune can only retreat, otherwise they will definitely be attacked by the group, even if they can. Killing many people, I am afraid that they will die in the end!

What's more, there are several powerful peaks of eternity, and even the existence of half-step creation realm.

Especially the human monk whose Nine Dragons phantom faintly appeared behind him, his breath and strength had surpassed the limit of eternity.

Compared with the realm of good fortune, this kind of existence is only inferior to the perception of the great way. In terms of strength alone, it may not be weaker than the strong one who has just entered the good fortune!

The Lord of Laziness slowly retracted his gaze from the many powers in the back, and fell on Lucifer again: "You are determined to rebel against the demon world? Even if you take advantage of this time, you can get rid of the Lord of Destruction. How, have you thought about where the Fallen Angels will go in the future?

But don't tell me to go to the big world of Biluo to join the human race, let alone go to the natural gods.

You betrayed the Guangming God Realm first, and this time you betrayed the Demon Realm. Even if the races of Biluo and the Natural God Realm do not repel you, will their strong men trust you?

Do you think they will not worry about you betraying them again next time?

What if they are just using you, and after this battle they take the benefits and destroy your Fallen Angel family, what should you do?

Even if you don't even deal with you, just simply offer you unacceptable conditions, and then give up support and promises to you, then what should the fallen angel family do?

Without the protection of other big worlds, even if the demons do not deal with you, and even the Light God Realm will not pursue you, the powerhouses of the abyss and **** will not let you continue to survive! "


When Lucifer heard the words, a chuckle appeared on his handsome face like a jade carving: "Lord of the laziness, these words don't need to say much to me. Lucifer has fought in the world for countless years, and I think I'm still thoughtful. , It is not so simple to be calculated by others!

It's you, it's better not to act rashly now. To be honest, I don't want to kill you, so don't force me to kill you either!

Although I have joined forces with Bi Luo and formed an alliance with the natural gods, does this mean that I have betrayed the devil world?

As long as you don't force me to act with you now, and don't let me violate the will of the world at this critical moment, I won't be betraying the devildom! "


When the lazy Lord heard the words, he could not help but open his sleepy eyes, and looked at Lucifer with doubts: "You have killed the Lord of Glutton, slaughtered several demons, and colluded with Biluo and the gods of nature. The strong of the realm entered the realm, and now I have been forced to wait in front of the palace, saying that I have not betrayed the realm?"

"of course not!"

Lucifer said indifferently: "I have a conflict of interests with the owner of the gluttony.

I don’t think the gluttons are worthy of oppressing me. I also feel that the existence of the gluttons is a waste of resources to the Devildom, so I suppressed the gluttons and eliminated countless gluttons and several other pairs that waste resources. The demons are devastating races.

This didn't do much harm to the demon world. On the contrary, after I defeated the Lord of Glutton according to the rules, I replaced him as the new sixth demon king.

As for the blue powerhouse to enter the demon world, it is not me, but the eternity who escaped.

They fled too hurriedly, and they opened the boundary wall without seeing the movement outside clearly. This ‘coincidentally’ opened the way for the strong man in Biluo, allowing the enemy to enter the demon world!

At present, the opponents of the Satan Great Demon are also strong on the side of Biluo and the Natural God Realm. UU Reading I am at most slacking off the war, and failing to act in time to provoke dissatisfaction with the will of the world, these are not bad. No betrayal!

Therefore, the lazy lord, you must not force me to take action. The fallen angels have become accustomed to the life of the devil in these years, and I don't want to take them to find another place in the world! "


The lazy lord was stunned by Lucifer’s words, and couldn’t help shaking his head, as if he had just woke up and his head was dizzy and not sober: "You brought someone to the Devil’s Palace, just to follow me. Said that your fallen angels did not betray the Demon Realm?

Well, I still want to continue to survive in the demon world in the future, do you mean that this time will not completely destroy the demon world?

Who are the Lords of Creation of Mother Earth and Biluo who can listen to you? Are they not tempted by the origin of the demon world? "

"You will definitely be tempted, but you will never destroy the Demon Realm!"

Lucifer said: "After this battle, Satan is defeated. I will help the Demon World to survive this calamity at a critical moment and become the savior of the Demon World!"

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