Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1101: Human*Monster Controversy

Although there are countless races within the Monster Race, in the Primitive Star Territory, apart from the Sky Monster World, there are also Monster Races in many other worlds. There are countless descendants from all walks of life. Among them, some strong people will inevitably conquer a few spirit beasts to guard the gate!

   For these, the monster clan powerhouse does not care, because this kind of thing is very common in the spiritual world.

   If the strong monster of the monster race finds trouble with the monks because of this, it will break the path of many monsters' cultivation!

   After all, the vast majority of monster beasts do not have a good background, nor do they have a good cultivation environment, let alone a cultivation method that suits them.

   On the contrary, he was taken into the seat by those with advanced Taoism, or as a mount or guarding the cave. Although the status was lower, it was still a way out, and there was a possibility of becoming a demon in the future.

   Therefore, many monsters will take the initiative to take refuge in certain monks, just to be able to go further on the road of longevity.

It’s just that the number of spirit beasts that the monks conquered is limited. Even some large sects only raise a part of spirit beasts in the door. They will never be raised on a large scale, let alone use these spirit beasts as the main battle. Power drove them to fight in all directions!

   For many experts, it is nothing to raise a few spirit beasts with a small amount of resources, but if it is a large-scale training, it would be too wasteful. With these resources, it is better to train a few more disciples!

   Normal sects would not do this, and the strong monsters would also not allow this to happen, otherwise, what would be the face of the monsters?

   What's more, it is still planted in the spirit beast's body to prohibit and force the drive!

And sects like Royal Beast Sect are not only as simple as forcibly conquering monsters to drive conquests, they even raise the conquered monsters for generations, instilling the idea of ​​loyalty to the sect and reversing them. The wild nature, dominated by the sect, in the future, when facing the powerful enemy of the monster clan, he will still obey the orders and rush up desperately!

   This is the philosophy of the ancestor of the Imperial Beast Sect to rule the demon with the demon!

And this concept has been completely inherited by the Royal Beast Sect monks, and they are indeed cultivating a large number of spirit beasts. When Biluo returns to the original star field in the future, it will use these billions of spirit beasts to fight against the invasion of the monster race. .

   Or, when counterattacking the big world of the sky demon, use these spirit beast legions as the vanguard, and take the lead in attacking the hinterland of the demon race!

   From a hostile standpoint, it is understandable that they did this, but absolutely no demon clan powerhouse can accept this kind of thing!

  Don't talk about other worlds, there is no such sect in the realm of the ancestors!

   It’s not that there was no similar inheritance of exercises in the past, but it was just that the monster clan powerhouses used various means to destroy those sects and destroy all the inherited beasts, leaving nothing.

   Although the monster race has left the prehistoric ancestral realm, they have chosen another habitat in the primitive star field.

But the original ancestral realm is the place where they were born after all. It is impossible for them to stay without branches. Even the dragon and phoenix and other divine beast races still have branches in the ancestral realm. I look forward to the day when they will return to the ancestral realm and compete for the protagonist of the world, not to mention. The monster race that once dominated the prehistoric!

Although the demon clan of the prehistoric ancestral world has plummeted after the demon emperor and other strong men moved away, it is far from before, but after countless years of reproduction, it still possesses quite powerful power. It is not difficult for a sect that has not grown up!

The reason why the ancestors of the Royal Beast Sect’s founding faction ended in death during the Great Tribulation Period, and the reason why the Royal Beast Sect was almost destroyed several times, is also because the Monster Race did not allow such force to force the Monster Beast to deal with them in turn. Things appeared.

If it weren’t for the last battle, the Spring and Autumn ancestors and Tianhe Dao to block all access to the boundary wall, the Taixuan ancestors used the Dou Zhuan Xing Xing Sushang Dao method to move the Biluo Great World to this star field. Was completely annihilated by the monster clan.

Even though the ancestors of Jue Tian led the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect to survive several times of encirclement and suppression, the strength of the door has already dropped to the lowest point. Fortunately, the war is over, otherwise no one knows whether they can survive the next demon. The offense of the clan!

   And now, Qin Feng actually drives the army of billions of spirit beasts against the Nightmare Witch King in front of the two demon saints, how can this not let the two demon saints be furious!

In the past, the monks of the sect who drove the monsters to fight were destroyed by the monsters, and each of them manipulated a few hundred monsters at most. Qin Feng unexpectedly created an army of no less than hundreds of millions of monsters, and among them There are even nine powerful spirit beasts in the eternal realm, which is simply challenging the bottom line of the monster race!

   Except for the top monsters of the monster clan, when have you ever seen a foreign clan capable of driving so many monsters?

   Not to mention that there are powerful people like Sky Swallowing Toad and Tree of Life among them.

   So while the two demon clan great sages were angry, they were also a little puzzled.

   I don’t understand why Qin Feng can control so many spirit beasts!

   Could it be...

   These two demon saints are very knowledgeable after all, and soon thought of a possibility!

   Except for the fake refining pot made by the prince of the demon king, there seems to be no other possibility!

  Only the Demon Refining Pot can raise so many spirit beasts!

However, even during the Great Tribulation Period, the Golden Crow Prince had not cultivated the main spirit beast of the Nine-head Certificate Immortal Dao, not to mention that the nine main spirit beasts under Qin Feng's command had achieved eternal realm. They look incredible!

   Could it be said that the demon refining pot in Qin Feng's hands is even stronger than the master of the refining demon pot in the hands of Prince Jinwu?

  Although he was a little bit confused, he also strengthened the determination of the two demon clan great sages to kill Qin Feng!

   These human monks must be killed!

   Otherwise, if you really want to let this human race junior continue to grow up, it will definitely become a big problem for the monster race!

Just seeing how powerful this kid is, he is able to contend with the Nightmare Witch King, and he is only half a step away from good fortune. Once good fortune is achieved, and he is still a good fortune, it is enough to make them feel a headache. !

   It happened that this guy still holds the Golden Crow Prince's Demon Refining Pot. If he is allowed to grow up, it will definitely be a disaster for the Demon Race!

   Therefore, Great Sage Lion and Camel and Great Sage Feiyan all turned around, preparing to kill Qin Feng!

   It's just that the ancestors of Zhantian and Qingluan are not vegetarians, so how can they be allowed to leave.

Without the entanglement of the Nightmare Witch King, the battle power of the ancestors of the war days is fully deployed, and the great lion camel entangled with all kinds of tyrannical martial arts and supernatural powers will no longer dare to give birth to any underestimation. Late and somewhat contemptuous, gave up the idea of ​​killing Qin Feng, and turned to concentrate on dealing with the ancestor Zhan Tian.

   Otherwise, you have to be distracted, I'm afraid you will suffer a big loss here!

   The Great Sage Feiyan on the other side was also entangled by the ancestor Qingluan, and it was difficult to get out.

   So he shouted at the Nightmare Witch King: "You come to deal with Qingluan, I will kill that junior!"

   The Nightmare Witch King heard that, although he felt a little dissatisfied, he wanted to personally kill Qin Feng, the culprit who once killed the wizarding world, and by the way search for Qin Feng's body if there are any original fragments of the wizarding world!

   Although she also knew that the possibility of Qin Feng's original fragments was very small, it was not without it.

   But after hesitating again and again, he decided to follow the instructions of the Great Sage Feixian, cast the supreme witchcraft to hold Qin Feng, turned around and flew towards the battlefield of Feixian and Qingluan.

   It's not that she didn't want to kill Qin Feng with her own hands, she couldn't do it!

Qin Feng's own combat power is already extremely tyrannical, and her innate Taoism is infinitely powerful. Although her nightmare laws are extremely weird, Qin Feng does not entangle her in nightmare witchcraft, but always uses other means to force the nightmare witch king to follow. He fights and consumes his strength.

  Although Qin Feng has not yet advanced to good fortune at this time, in terms of strength alone, he is not much weaker than the Nightmare Witch King. What's more, Qin Feng also has the ancient demon saint Jiuying formed by hundreds of millions of spirit beasts to help.

Jiuying does not have an independent soul soul, and is quite a means of restraining the nightmare witch king, not to mention the nine eternal monsters led by hundreds of millions of spirit beasts gathered together with infinite power. The power is infinite, and under the control of the old tortoise, it will really exert itself. With the power of Jiuying's true body, it can resist destiny in a short period of time without losing the wind.

   Under such circumstances, the Nightmare Witch King had no chance of winning, so naturally he didn't want to continue fighting with Qin Feng.

   So she made a decisive decision and stepped back to replace the Great Sage Feiyan who was fighting against the ancestor Qingluan, intending to let this demon sage kill Qin Feng.

   As the monster race, the opponent is also more familiar with the methods of the monk. Maybe he can kill Qin Feng. Although it was not killed by himself, it is better than letting the human monk leave alive in the end.

   Moreover, the Great Sage Feiyan did not use his full strength in the fight with the ancestor Qingluan, but if he was to deal with this human monk, he would definitely not leave a single hand.

  The nightmare witch king's figure resembles a scene in a nightmare. It appears very strangely in front of the ancestor Qingluan, and kills the ancestor Qingluan when he casts witchcraft.

   Qingluan ancestor frowned slightly, but he chose to let the Great Sage Feiyan leave.

   One is that she is not as strong as the ancestor Zhantian, unable to entangle two great fortune powers at the same time.

   Even after she fought with the Great Sage Feiyan, she was a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

   Great Sage Feiyan is unwilling to fight her to death, and she is also unwilling to force each other to kill her, so they are not so much fighting, as they are holding each other's opponents and preventing each other from getting out to help their companions.

   At this moment, the Nightmare Witch King has been changed to come, but it can make her no longer have any scruples, and she can use her strongest strength to fight. Maybe there is a chance to severely damage the Nightmare Witch King!

After all, when the ghost ancestors and the others returned from the wizarding world, they once said that the nightmare witch king was not lightly wounded. At this moment, the wounded wizard king took the initiative to send it to the door. Add a feat of beheading the master of alien creation to his record!

   On the other side, Great Sage Feixian came to Qin Feng with full of anger, and opened his mouth to sprinkle endless poisonous water into the void, trying to disperse Qin Feng's spirit beast battle array!

   As long as he breaks this battle formation, Qin Feng will lose his greatest assistance. With his own power of good fortune, it is not easy to kill a half-step good fortune!

   It's a pity that his wishful thinking fell in the empty space. Under the command of the old turtle, the ten thousand beast battle formations were running flexibly and powerfully. How could it be so simple to disrupt the formation!

What's more, now Qin Feng's nine main spirit beasts each occupy a head of Jiuying, UU reading is in charge of some of these powers, and facing good fortune with their eternal realm of cultivation, they would not have the power to fight back. , Coupled with the blessing of the army of billions of spirit beasts, it is not impossible to fight against the master of good luck!

At this moment, Jiuying's body is full of nine mouths, spewing out poisonous flames and turbid currents, intertwined into a dangerous net of water and fire, dispelling the poisonous water in the sky, and even exerting an extremely powerful force to fly forward. Great Sage Yan counterattacked in the past.

   "Junior, you actually blasphemed the ancient demon saint of our race, you are looking for death!"

   Jiuying is not only the ancient demon saint, but also one of the ten great monsters in the ancient heavenly court of the demon clan. At this moment, Qin Feng used it to deal with himself. How can Feiyan Dasheng not be angry!

   "Hehe, blaspheme the ancient demon saint?"

   Qin Feng chuckled: "If the Great Sage Feiyan doesn't dislike it, I can change the real body of the Great Sage Jiuying to your real body, but you still need to cooperate with you!"

   As soon as these words came out, the heart of Feiyan Dasheng became even more angry!

  Because only after the body is dead, can the battle formation with many spirit beasts be used to summon the true spirits of the monsters and gods to form the true body!

   This kid, dare to tease himself?

   "Junior, die!"

   Great Sage Feiyan shakes his wings behind his back, and poisonous mist fills the sky and the earth, completely like this.

   At this moment, his combat power is fully deployed, and he no longer wants to kill this human monk with the most powerful means as he did with Qingluan, and wipe out the hidden dangers for the demon race in the future!

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