Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1102: Qin Feng Borrowed

Under the anger of Feiyan Demon Saint, he immediately displayed all his poisonous Taoist cultivation skills, intending to frustrate the human monk who challenged the bottom line of the Demon Race in front of him, so as to relieve his anger.

   Once this demon clan great sage really shows off his power, his combat power is far better than when he was fighting against the ancestor Qingluan.

Earlier, he was worried that the Phoenix family did not kill the ancestor Qingluan, but at this moment, facing the human race of Qin Feng, and still touched the most forbidden taboo of the Yao family, naturally there was no scruples, and the cultivation of a poisonous way was simply a good one. It can poison all things and turn the world into death!

   Facing such a powerful enemy, Qin Feng didn't dare to be careless!

   Don't see him laughing and teasing just now, but he is very cautious.

   After all, he is not good fortune. How can he not feel nervous in the face of this monster race great sage, but use words to relieve the pressure in his heart.

   Anyway, the hatred between Biluo and the Sky Demon Realm is irreconcilable, and between the Royal Beast Sect and the Demon Race, they are natural rivals!

   Therefore, the Great Sage Feiyan could not let him go anyway. In that case, Qin Feng certainly didn't care to offend this monster clan powerhouse to his death, not to mention just a few simple jokes!

At this moment, in the face of the powerful and extremely poisonous magical powers that the Great Sage Feiyan swayed with his gestures, Qin Feng also used all his best to exert his own combat power to the extreme. In addition to the endless Taoist magical powers, the innate Taoism derives from it. All the supreme supernatural powers that have been released are also used one by one, trying to find a means to restrain the flying salivation demon saint!

   It is a pity that although he is proficient in countless Taoist magical powers, he does have the means to deal with the Flying Sage, and even has dabbled in part of the Poison Taoist laws, but his own lack of Taoism has become his biggest weakness.

  Although his cultivation base is invincible in the same realm, even if he leapfrogs, he will be able to sustain him for a period of time if he encounters those natural masters with average combat power.

   But the Great Sage Feiyan is not a strong good fortune in the ordinary sense, but the existence of cultivating poison!

This kind of Poison Dao power is very powerful in Taoism, and all his Dao magical powers, in addition to the original powerful power, also carry the poison of melting soul and bones. Ordinary immortals are afraid of death when they are touched. If you touch it, you will die, even if the Immortal Golden Fairy is contaminated with some, you will feel uncomfortable in your body.

Therefore, any strong person who fights with the Great Sage Feiqiang will protect himself strictly and dare not be easily attacked by the Daoism of the Great Sage Feiqiong, otherwise the poison alone will make them uncomfortable, let alone Said to be in the body by his laws!

   If Qin Feng hadn't had thousands of beasts to help him out, he would definitely not last long in front of Great Sage Feiyan, and would be defeated and flee.

   But even with the help of an army of billions of spirit beasts under his command, the commander of the eternal demon, who is proficient in battle formations and good at deduction, still has some difficulties in supporting it.

  If it hadn't been for the old turtles at the critical moment, they had resisted several attacks against the danger of being broken by the Great Sage Feiyan, Qin Feng might have already suffered some losses.

Although it can still support it now, all around itself, or on the defensive barriers of the beast battle formation, are all corroded by the horrible blue poisonous water, corroded by the dense poisonous mist, and they have to consume a lot of power at all times. Maintain the defense.

   This caused Qin Feng's heart to express a strong jealousy towards the poisonous Dao of Great Sage Feiyan, and at the same time he frowned secretly!

   If this continues, he is no opponent!

Especially the Ten Thousand Beast Battle Formation, I helped myself resist a few attacks before, and there has been a little chaos in the local battle formation, and a group of spirit beasts could not support such a consumption for a long time, waiting for those low-level spirit beasts to exhaust their power , The power of the battle formation will plummet, and when the time comes to lose the greatest boost, he is definitely not a coveted opponent.

Not to mention that if he died in battle, Feixian would definitely turn his head and deal with the ancestor Zhantian. When the time comes, the powers of the three powerful creatures of Feixian, Lion Camel and Uachim, even the ancestor Zhantian Not an opponent, I'm afraid I must consider escaping from this world.

   Once Zhantian ancestor fled, how should the army that entered the realm by Biluo deal with it?

   Of course, this is not what Qin Feng wants to see, but he is even more unwilling to see his defeat and death!

   So he hesitated a little in his heart.

   hesitate to persevere, waiting for the ancestors of good fortune who stayed behind in the blue world to come to rescue after receiving the news, or take a risk and take the last step to fight with Feixian!

   Just when Qin Feng was hesitating in his heart, Great Sage Feiqiang couldn't help but sneered: "Junior, don't you still want to summon this king's true body?

   If you only have this little means, you can't do that, on the contrary, you will be swallowed by this king!

   Hey, Innate Dao Body, but I haven't met a monk who has cultivated Innate Dao Body for many years. I didn't expect you as a junior to have such a chance!

  唔, it's no wonder that the Nightmare Witch King will resent you so much. If you want to take advantage of the world's heart of the wizarding world, just like when the ancient catastrophe my sky monster world took the origin from your blue sky.

   I also participated in that competition at the time, if it weren't for the great ancestors of Taixuan and others desperately, maybe the entire source of Biluo would have fallen into our hands!

   Even so, the harvest from that time also benefited the king a lot. If we hadn't used most of the blue sky source we captured to make up for the background of the sky demon world, maybe this king might also try to rebel against the innate. "

   Great Sage Fei salivated with a weird smile: "But it doesn't matter, since you as a junior can cultivate into the innate Dao body, you think you've refined a lot of innate origin energy.

   When this king defeats you, you have to be careful not to corrode your body. Of course, such a body full of innate aura must be swallowed in the abdomen and slowly refined!

   Innate aura is also a great tonic for the demon saints of good fortune realm like this king. It seems that coming to this star field this time to explore this time is really a beauty! "


   The corner of Qin Feng's eyes twitched, and an extreme anger suddenly rose in his heart.

   It was not that he was angry that the other party wanted to swallow and refine himself, but that he heard the Great Sage Feiyan talk about the incident of attacking the blue sky and seizing the origin.

Since the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, under the guidance of several ancestors, the younger monks of the entire practice world have been instilled with all the tragedies of the Great Tribulation period since they embarked on the path of spiritual practice, and a revenge is buried in the heart of every monk. Seed.

  Qin Feng, nature is no exception!

   So when I heard the other party's words to invade Biluo and seize the source, endless anger suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart.

   Although he was not going to be dazzled by this anger, it also strengthened his determination.

   So Qin Feng fought and retreated, and gradually flew towards the sky.

   However, his figure is always near Jiuying's true body, not only for the convenience of fighting against Feiyan Great Sage with the help of the battle formation, but also for manipulating the battle formation to escape together.

Otherwise, if he leaves the Ten Thousand Beasts battle formation too far, and Jiuying’s real body cannot help, I’m afraid he may not be able to support too long under the poisonous law of the Flying Sage, so he must bring the Ten Thousand Beasts together in the battle formation. .

   "At this time, still want to run? It's just a dream!"

   Great Sage Feiyan saw his behavior and couldn't help but sneered again and again: "Junior, don't want to leave in front of this king alive!

   If you have practiced other methods, it’s fine. You just touched the taboo of my monster race, and if I guessed it right, then the third prince of the Golden Crow’s refining pot should be on your body!

   From the time you choose to embark on this spiritual path, you should know that you will face the lore of my monster race in the future.

   If it hadn’t been for the nightmare witch king of the Wizarding World to travel to the original star field to invite us, you may still have a chance to advance to good fortune, but now that we have encountered it, you should die! "

As he spoke, his Taoism became stronger and stronger. The poisonous water in the sky eroded the void, and the corroded space appeared to be rotten and dilapidated. Even the upper barrier of the world was corrupted by these poisonous waters. hole!

   Seeing this, Qin Feng was not surprised but rejoiced. He was worried about how to break a large enough gap in the barrier of the world to take the ten thousand beast battle formation out of the boundary.

   His face remained silent, pretending to inadvertently display powerful Taoism, but intentionally or unintentionally, he completely penetrated the upper boundary wall.

And the nine infant demon gods condensed by the ten thousand beasts battle array, with nine heads swaying from side to side, or ejecting powerful water, fire, wind and thunder, or ramming, and the shaking will also hit the very weak boundary wall that has been corroded by the law of poison. Broken, most of his body has already protruded from the boundary wall.

In this case, Qin Feng seemed to be able to exert his combat power for the ten thousand beast battle formation, and also seemed to want to escape from this realm and escape into the starry sky to escape his life, so he directly made a bigger gap in the world barrier, making his subordinates hundreds of millions. The spirit beast army evacuated out of bounds in an orderly manner.

   The ancestors of Zhantian and Qingluan in the distance frowned upon seeing this!

   They don't want to see Qin Feng being killed.

If they are fighting in the realm, they will still be able to rescue Qin Feng when Qin Feng is truly in distress, but once Qin Feng leaves the world and goes to the stars, if Qin Feng is killed, it will be difficult for them to intervene across the barrier of the world. , There is no way to rescue in time!

   But the two ancestors also knew a little about Qin Feng, knowing that he was not a brave person, since he chose to break away from the boundary, he naturally had his plan.

   So the two ancestors thought for a while, and both dashed upwards, and also broke through the boundary wall, and came to the starry sky of the universe.

   Great Sage Lion and Camel saw this, but they dare not come.

   Otherwise, once the ancestors of Zhantian and Qingluan get a chance, they might go to siege Feixian!

   As for the world lord of this world, the Great Lord Juachim wanted to stay, ready to deal with the invading army and strong men of Biluo, but after hesitating again and again, he still did not choose to do so!

After all, the Great Sage Lion and Camel and the others just happened to help this time. It is impossible to expect the other party to stay forever to guard the world with him. He really wants to dare to slaughter the blue army. In the future, the strong blue sky will come again, and he will not be able to resist it. Not to mention the extent to which the creatures in the world will be slaughtered by Biluo, maybe even the entire world will be completely destroyed!

Anyway, it’s the good fortune realm that decides the victory or defeat of the war between the two sides, and the demon gods in the realm can support it, so let them fight slowly. After defeating or even beheading the Zhantian ancestor, the Biluo army will inevitably be defeated. Situation.

After this battle, he still went to **** to ask for help. At the very least, he had to make sure that the great monarchs of the **** could hold the strong Biluo, so that the great fortune ancestors of Biluo would have no time to attack his own world, even if It is better to pay more for this than to get revenge from the blue hysterical!

   Several strong fortunes have all gone to the outer starry sky to fight. Although the enemy and us in the realm are a bit at a loss and feel that they can’t see the situation clearly, the fighting battle cannot be easily stopped.

   The powerful demon **** of this higher world felt that he had a few good fortune masters to help him, and he would surely be able to win, so his morale skyrocketed and he tried to fight back.

And the great powers of Biluo are suffocating in their to defeat the demon gods of this world as soon as possible, and then go to the starry sky to join the battle, once the number of immortality and eternity is large, even the masters of nature cannot ignore them. The presence!

  Outside the realm, Qin Feng seemed to let go of all his burdens, cast the supernatural powers of the heavens and the earth to turn his body into a tall mountain, with endless powers in every gesture, followed by wind, fire and thunder in the sky, and his strength was boundless.

  At this moment, he actually chose to head-to-head with the Great Sage Feixiong, fighting with each other at all costs. Even if the Great Sage Feixiong occasionally broke the defense and was attacked by the poisonous Taoist method, he could not make him back down.

Moreover, the Innate Dao Body is the Inborn Dao Body after all, which is beyond the comparison of ordinary human wombs. Even if the poisonous magical power of Feiyan Dasheng bombarded Qin Feng, it only made him feel uncomfortable, and it was far from hurting his life. Very much.

Of course, the main reason for this is that Qin Feng had already weakened most of his power by various means before Feiyan Great Sage’s poisonous magical powers came over. Otherwise, even if he had cultivated an Innate Dao Body, he would not be so. easy!

   Although Qin Feng was clearly suppressed by the Great Sage Feiyan at this time, he became more and more courageous as he fought, and his aura became stronger and stronger, and gradually he appeared a little strange aura!


   Suddenly, the face of Great Sage Feiyan changed: "You are so bold, you dare to use the pressure I bring you, and want to break through the border and achieve good luck!"

   This demon clan great saint was angry and shocked in his heart, shocked at Qin Feng's courage, but also angry at the opponent's use of himself as a grindstone, intending to use himself to forcibly advance!

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