Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1106: 9 mad lions

Qin Feng was promoted to good fortune, and after absorbing his insights, he immediately shot and killed the Great Sage Lion and Camel.

This shot immediately showed tyrannical combat power. Thunder roared in the sky, suffocating into the wind, and the innate divine wind roared past, blowing the void to shattered space, breaking the space, and blasting out the great lion camel great sage's pair of hammers. The fire and rain blown everywhere!

As the top power of the monster race, the lion camel great sage has achieved good fortune for tens of thousands of years, and his strength is naturally extremely tyrannical.

This can be seen from the bursting flames he wielded two hammers.

The flame was like an exploded scorching sun, heading towards Qin Feng with fire and meteors covering the sky.

However, such a tyrannical flame was deflated in front of Qin Feng. First, it was broken into pieces by the thunderbolt summoned by his wave of hands, and then blown away by his innate wishful spirit and golden wind!

Fortunately, this is a void battlefield. Otherwise, if it is still in the realm, I am afraid that Qin Feng's innate divine wind will disperse the flames and ignite a small part of the continent, causing countless deaths and injuries.

This is not over yet, after the innate divine wind has blown away the fire and rain, it still blows towards the lion camel with great power with incomparable power.

Ruyi Ling Jinfeng is the first magical power Qin Feng cultivated, and it is also his most powerful natal magic power. Although he is different from other monks, the number of natal magic powers far exceeds others, but Ruyi Ling Jinfeng is the most fundamental. one of.

While he cultivated the innate Taoist body, he was constantly nurturing wishfulness and transforming the golden wind with the temperature of the innate origin, and he also first tempered the warm golden wind in the abdomen into the innate divine wind. After blowing away the flame that had been blasted by thunder, it dissipated.

Facing the innate wind blowing, the lion camel great saint also changed his expression.

In the world of spiritual practice, everything that is in contact with the innate will be far more powerful than the ordinary. Whether it is innate spirit treasure or innate magical powers, whether it is innate gods or innate spiritual roots, they have powers that ordinary methods can't match.

After Qin Feng achieved the Innate Dao Body, he was already quite tyrannical, and his power and means far surpassed his peers, and he was able to contend against the dominance of the Good Fortune Realm to a certain extent even before he was promoted.

And at this moment, he himself is promoted to good fortune, whether it is the comprehension of the great road or the use of magical powers, he is far better than before. At this moment, he is blowing out the innate divine wind that has been in his belly for many years. Some headaches!

But after all, he is the great sage of the demon race, and he would not be so easily defeated by Qin Feng. With a throw of the hammer in his hand, he turned into two meteors and rapidly rotated around him, instantly setting off a flame whirlwind-like defense outside his body. The innate wishful spirit and golden wind blows, but it can't be completely blown away!

It’s just that the innate wishful transformation of the spirit golden wind is after all the fundamental supernatural powers Qin Feng has cultivated for many years. It is powerful and ever-changing. As the golden wind blows, the speed of the two sacred hammers gradually slows down, and the result is a strand of kamikaze. All holes permeated slowly in the direction of the rotation of the hammer, and blown on the lion camel's body.

Feeling the ecstasy and bone-corrupting power of the innate golden wind, the lion camel's heart jumped, and he quickly urged the golden wind to refine the energy along the pores into the body, and then violent power fluctuations erupted from his body, abruptly. The kamikaze is still blowing outside.

After Qin Feng blew out this innate sacred wind, he immediately summoned the demon refining pot and collected all the army of billions of spirit beasts under his command.

After all, the vast majority of the spirit beast army are of shallow cultivation level. Even if he has been scraping twice in the abandoned land, in recent years, he has continuously filled the refining pot with treasure resources, even based on his innate origin. Qi comes to elevate the nine-layer cave sky, turning the cave sky into the world.

While the world is upgraded, it also gives the subordinates of spirit beasts a huge opportunity, allowing many of them in the Primordial God Realm or Semi-God Realm to break through the realm one after another, and become the Monster Fairy and Monster God!

However, after all, those in the realm above the demon fairy still accounted for a minority, and after forming a battle formation, they mainly rely on a large number of spirit beast legions.

The real body of the demon **** condensed from the ten thousand beast battle formation can only barely contend with good fortune. For so long in the previous battle, most of the spirit beast power in the spirit beast army has been exhausted, and even the demon immortals and demon gods have also consumed most. The power of the demon god's true body condensed at this moment is far less than before. If he continues to stay on the void battlefield, he will definitely suffer heavy losses if he is affected by the battle between the great powers of good fortune.

Qin Feng didn't want to lose a lot of the spirit beast army that he had accumulated so hard, so he could use the fundamental magical powers to transform the spirit and the golden wind with just one shot. The purpose was not to use this trick to hurt the lion and camel. He hasn't been strong enough to hurt a great fortune with a single shot, but just wants to use the power of the innate divine wind to delay time and let him return the spirit beast under his command to the demon refining pot.

If the number is small, he does not need to summon the demon refining pot and he can directly take it back, but the number of hundreds of millions of spirit beast army is too much. If you want to take it away in a short time, you can only take the demon refining pot. Only when you come out can you collect them on a large scale.

In this way, the demon refining pot was exposed to several masters of good fortune!

Seeing that there is such a treasure in Qin Feng that can support countless enchanting soldiers, the eyes of the Nightmare Witch King and Uachim were immediately brightened. They had never seen such a treasure before.

They all saw the performance of the Spirit Beast Legion under Qin Feng, but this was the Spirit Beast Legion that was able to compete with the Lord of Good Fortune before Qin Feng had achieved good fortune, and he was carried with him like this!

With such a treasure, their hearts were suddenly moved.

If it can be snatched over...

"Sure enough, as expected by this king, the demon refining pot really fell into your hand!"

After seeing the demon refining pot, Great Sage Feiyan could not help but sneered: "This is the treasure that the third demon emperor prince used to punish the demon clan who made mistakes. It is not simply a magic weapon for collecting demon soldiers to assist in the battle.

The third prince fell on you, Biluo, and now even the Lingbao has been used by you to raise the demon soldiers. What a guts!

Even if I can't wait to kill you today, you will be the thorn in the eyes of my demon clan in the future, and will be regarded by the demon emperor's line as the one who must kill! "

He was about to continue speaking, threatening Qin Feng by the way, but when he really saw the aura emanating from the demon refining pot, he was suddenly taken aback: "Xiantian Lingbao? You... actually refined the demon refining pot into the innate. Lingbao?"

Great Sage Feiyan's face was full of incredible color: "Are you not afraid of being slapped to death by that empress?"

Congenital Lingbao is not uncommon, at least as far as the Great Sage of the Demon Race in the Good Fortune Realm is concerned, even if he does not have one, he has seen a few of them.

In addition to the innate spirit treasures cultivated by the internal laws of the world, there are also many innate spirit treasures that were made by the acquired sacrifices by chance, and even the poisonous banners of the Great Sage Feiyan came from this way.

But the demon refining pot is different from other treasures. This is modeled after the demon refining pot in the hands of the innate great **** of the ancestral world. Although the third prince of Jinwu has a noble status, he only dared to refine the refining pot into the Houtian Lingbao. Level, I dare not refine it into the innate treasure, lest I offend that empress!

Qin Feng is good, he even dared to refine the demon refining pot into an innate spiritual treasure. Does he want to compete with the demon refining pot in the Nuwa Empress's hand for luck, or to compete with the real demon refining pot for the law of the Great Way?

Don't say Qin Feng, a newcomer who has just been promoted to achieve good luck, even if he is the ancestor Taixuan with the highest cultivation level of Bi Luo, he still dare not be the slightest offense in front of that empress!

And he hadn't achieved good fortune before. He was just an immortal in the eternal realm. He was so reckless and reckless to refine the demon pot offerings into innate spiritual treasures, and he was not afraid of forging cause and effect with the Nuwa Empress. How to repay?

Qin Feng's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at Great Sage Feiyan lightly: "If your Excellency is worried about my safety, it is better to stay in this demon refining pot for a while, and then you can see my fate!"


This bastard, thinking so beautiful, even wants to put himself into the demon pot!

The corner of Feiyan Dasheng’s mouth moved, but in the end he did not swear, but said coldly: “Unless you don’t want to return to the original star field, you will not be able to escape this sooner or, Don't worry about it, your Excellency!"

Taking advantage of the time to speak, Qin Feng had already put away all the spirit beasts under his command, waved the demon refining pot into his sleeves, and disappeared.

On the other side, the Great Sage Lion and Camel had completely defeated the innate wishful spirit and Jinfeng, and then looked at Qin Feng with a sneer: "Junior still has some skills, but these are not enough to deal with this king!"

Although this moment of fighting against Qin Fenggao has looked at Qin Feng Gao, he no longer regards him as a newly promoted creature. With such a powerful existence, it is definitely not weaker than the powerhouse in the middle of the ordinary creation. This shows that How tyrannical was the accumulation of this human monk in the eternal realm!

However, the Great Sage Lion Camel wouldn’t see how tall Qin Feng was. If Qin Feng’s skills stop here, the Great Sage Lion Camel really has the confidence to defeat him!


Qin Feng replied indisputably, "Then how about you try this again?"

While speaking, nine wildfire flame dragons leaned out at the same time, and the great lion and camel spouted nine different magical powers towards the lion and camel with its teeth and claws.

But Qin Feng raised his hand and pointed, and a white light descended from the void, turning into a pure world holy flame and enveloping the lion camel great sage, and wanted to purify this demon-like great sage of the demon race!

This was not over yet, Qin Feng stomped his feet, and an endless demon fire rose below him, with the power of burning the soul to flick it up and down with the Jingshi Shengyan.

Coupled with the different magical powers displayed by the nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon, this series of tyrannical methods immediately turned the place where the Lion Camel Great Sanctuary was located into purgatory.


Seeing Qin Feng's method, the lion camel was also surprised.

However, he was not afraid, and suddenly opened his mouth and roared, and then his figure shook, and the whole person changed in an instant, turning into a lion shape, and at the same time, nine lion heads grew on his neck!

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